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Woke Judge in D.C. Releases Dangerous Shooter, Raising Concerns

Woke Judge in D.C. Releases Dangerous Shooter, Raising Concerns

Putting aside people’s safety, a liberal judge in Washington D.C. released a suspect arrested for spraying bullets in a neighborhood with an assault rifle, earning a backlash on social media. Unsurprisingly, it turns out the judge is a self-confessed woke activist.

Fox News reported on Sunday (May 12) that Lloyd U. Nolan, Jr., a magistrate judge on the D.C. Superior Court, is facing heat for releasing 18-year-old Amonte Moody who was arrested for shooting many rounds from an AR-15 at a car on a busy street in a D.C. neighborhood. The story cites case prosecutors summarizing the suspect’s actions as:

“The government presented evidence establishing probable cause that the defendant fired an AR-15 weapon approximately 26 times at a car driving away on a public street in the 1700 block of Independence Ave SE then dissembled the firearm and hid it away in a ceiling.”

The story points out that Judge Nolan’s social media posts are full of “progressive activism” as well as a financial link to liberal billionaire George Soros, who is considered one of the main antagonists against conservatives around the world. Explaining the financial link to Soros, the story cited a Facebook post showing that he donated to Gideon’s Promise, a liberal group arising out of a fellowship by the George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.

The shooting incident was captured on video and shared on social media. On Rumble, a news video of the incident also included comments from a neighbor – an attorney Denise Krepp – who said the neighborhood is outraged at the judge’s decision to release Moody.

Popular conservative Twitter/X account End Wokeness posted the video clip of Moody’s shooting along with a screenshot of Judge Nolan’s donation to Gideon’s Promise, which was made in November of 2020, noting that the judge has now set his Facebook profile to private.

A conservative from Rhode Island who goes by Nick “Big Dog” posted that Judge Lloyd Nolan needs to be suspended and investigated immediately

Yet another conservative account – “Joe Has Dementia” – posted pictures of Judge Nolan and Moody and literally calling them the same except for some minor difference in what they are wearing.

The backlash against Judge Nolan continues on social media and his release of the accused shooter ahead of trial adds to the common knowledge about liberals – campaigning against guns but friendly to criminals who use them to bring harm to communities.

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  1. Archie

    It’s all about using the criminals to promote commie gun laws.

  2. frank stetson

    Dempsey lies; this kid was not released but put into home incarceration with a gps anklet. He has no priors, no juvi records, and this is his first incident where, yes it was a barrage of bullets, but no one injured. He is also stayed from seeing anyone in the car. Can we release Dempsey with gps-ankle bracelet ?

    In associated trial-by-party antics, right-wing unwoke extremist Republican governor Hey-Aboooottttt pardoned ex-Army sergeant Daniel Perry and reinstated all his gun rights after his 2020 murder of a BLM protestor after he demanded that the Board of Pardons let him go saying in advance that he would sign the pardon if so recommended, wink-wink, nudge-nudge. The dead man was not even black but, as Texas law allows, was carrying his trusty AK-47 sport rifle, and Perry promised he raised his gun and aimed. Other witnesses said different and Perry was sentenced to 25 years in prison after prosecutors used his social media history and text messages to portray him as a racist hate monger SOB, based on his own screed, who may commit violence again. An uber driver who was blaring his horn at protestors denying him his minimum wage, his online screed rails against protesters making his state of mind and self-defense claim dubious. Tucker Carlson liked him though and lobbied successfully for him to serve less than a year. How do you stand your ground in a car, on a public street? Fuhgit about Jake, it’s Texass. The guy ran a red, drove his ubermobile into the crowd and when this guy approached, to say stop driving into the crowd, he shot him dead.

    In the DC case, the defense made these claims and the judge ruled house arrest. Prosecutors immediately appealed and, as of a day ago, the new judge is taking some time to make a determination. So, you may still get your pound of kid flesh. The defense noted the kid’s been a model home prisoner for twe weeks and has enrolled in a number of programs to rehabilitate himself after this terrible error in judgement. In Texasss, he probably wouldn’t have even been charged.

    As to the judge’s political ideology and charity efforts, blow it out your ass until you have something illegal as happening. Quit the rumor mongering based on X, social media, Rumble, and a neighbor. Mr. End Wokeness, Mr. Big Dog, and Mr. Joe Has Dementia.

    I pray for the day that Dempsey can get the facts right. He was not released, he was place under house arrest. However, I will remember that IF Trump gets the same “release program.”

    • Jim wampler

      Praise God for great governors like Abbott. And great patriots like Kyle Rittenhouse. And a huuuuuuge shout out for the 2nd Amendment. Of course the other “protestors “ are going to say that the shooting was unjustified. Bullshit!!!! Those people are great liars. How else do they cover their NLM bullshit and nobody calls them on it. I’m talking about the violence. Why shouldn’t the punk be shot seeing that he pointed his weapon at the Uber driver. I am sorry for the family of the guy who was shot but he broke a known law. Don’t mess with Texas.

  3. frank stetson

    Kyle is broke and about to get broker. He’s making the college rounds now, trying to get people to buy his crap and sign autographs; have you gone? It’s fun to watch him get booed off the stage, stomp off in anger, priceless. Have you shown your fantastic support with money? He needs it since he’s about to be broker for the rest of his life. The two civil suits, conjoined for discovery, look damning. Remember, it’s not “without a shadow of a doubt” in civil, just preponderance of the evidence. His best friend just posted:

    “For obvious reasons, I won’t speak to the particulars beyond what I have already said, but I will say that Kyle is in extremely dangerous territory when the full extent of his pre-incident activities and communications are exposed on the public record. I urge everyone to remain calm and let justice run its course. And to be clear, I did not know about the worst of it while I was helping him. The truth about Wendy Rittenhouse is that she did not arm Kyle Rittenhouse nor did she drive him. When she discovered that Kyle had purchased a gun, she firmly instructed him to leave it in Dominick’s safe and not bring it home. Additionally, she refused to obtain a Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) card so Kyle could keep the firearm in her house, despite Kyle applying for one in her name. On the night of the incident, Wendy explicitly told Kyle to come home immediately and not go to Kenosha. However, Kyle ignored her pleas, turned off his location, and proceeded to Kenosha. Throughout the evening, her attempts to reach Kyle via text messages went unanswered, leaving her unaware of his whereabouts and actions. Wendy Rittenhouse did not support or condone the decisions Kyle made that night. She did everything in her power to prevent him from going to Kenosha and getting involved in the situation that unfolded. I say this because Kyle has thrown her and his sisters into the garbage because they simply tried to talk some sense into him. He won’t use his massive million follower X account to defend his own mother, so I will try and correct the record with my small one. There is a reason you don’t see Wendy, McKenzie, or Faith on social media trying to capitalize on Kyle’s infamy. They just want to live their lives far removed from Kyle’s drama. They’ve already paid a heavy enough price.” If he can prove this, that’s some bad ju ju.

    The case is in discovery, Kyle has raised hundreds of thousands, is broke, and his college tour went badly.

    This is the fate of Mr. Perry no doubt too when the relatives of the murdered protestor launch a wrongful death against him. The difference is, based on the evidence, he has been deemed guilty criminally already. Even if the judgement is ruled inadmissible, the evidence is not. And if the jurisdiction is Austin, the protestors may be on the jury…….

    Praise God indeed. And the founders for the rule of law. Gag on it gunnies. Both of these guys were in the wrong place doing the wrong thing at the wrong time. This fuck was driving his car into a sea of protestors —- in gun ridden Texas —- what could go wrong with that? Kyle travelling miles to hunt down his prey. The fact that a jury nullified the facts and that Abbot tossed them altogether says something about America, stand your ground, and just way too many guns. Without the guns, it would have been some black eyes, maybe a broken bone. Now there are some dead victims and two living, about to be financially ruined for the rest of their lives, so-called patriots. Congratulations on making your point.

  4. Archie

    They can file bankruptcy and tell the plaintiffs to shove their lawsuit. Thank God they are free. And there’s ways to get out of paying. And the idiots who boo Kyle are low life liberal bastards just like the make up of the democrat party. And yes,I will help Kyle and the Texas hero any way I can. In the Texas case I don’t think that a lawsuit would fly. States will stand your ground laws don’t hold shootings accountable if no convictions or pardons are issued. So suck it up buttercup. And let that be a lesson to the assholes wanting to attack people. While thanks are made to God , let’s be thankful that people have the right to protect themselves. So don’t start any shit and there won’t be any.

    • frank stetson

      They can file bankruptcy but the trial will continue and if found liable, all future earnings will be attached. At that point, they will need to vanish if they want to make a buck, and keep it. You better help Kyle soon, he’s already begging.

      There’s nothing in Texas law to preclude anyone from suing anyone for almost anything. Since the Texas Jury convicted him, I am pretty sure some lawyer will pick this up. Time will tell but your emotional response means little except your blood pressure.

      Will it fly? If it’s Austin, there’s a pretty good chance. And it probably will be Austin.

      Kyle is already going down, he’s already broke, booed off the stage, and broke again. I am guessing this guy will go to trial, depends on what’s admissible as to the outcome, so suck on it, buttercup. Apparently he needs your support NOW.

  5. Archie

    The lawsuits will never be paid. And both gentlemen are heroes And I wouldn’t pay anything

  6. Archie

    There’s already plans to support these wonderful American heroes. You liberal idiots love to spout nonsense and you wasn’t even there. My blood pressure is fine. We have a good plan in place. They will even have health insurance. Work will be provided and all taxes will be paid on the income. But they will not have to worry about paying blood money to leeches. So suck it up,off or whatever buttercup. And also we as an organization are here to help our brothers and sisters patriots

  7. Frank stetson

    You lie Archie. There is no plan and you have done nothing except post about it.

    • Archie

      No you lie asshole. You hope I’m lying. People like me don’t go around spilling our guts. But now it’s us against you people. It’s all about freedom. No, we don’t have plans to commit crimes or any violence. That’s what the left would want. But we would damn sure take you people on if need be. Hell yes I’m glad those guys are free. I don’t apologize for that just like I don’t apologize for being white.

  8. Frank stetson

    You said “we have a plan?”

    No you don’t, you lie. He’s broke. He’s going to court. And you spew lies about a plan. What guts do you need to divulge your great plan for Kyle? You say it’s something about you vs. us, no plans for violence, ready to take us on, but dear sir; this was about your great plan to support kyle. Either you lie or you’re just too much a pussy that’s afraid to divulge. I think it’s more likely the former: you lie.

    • Archie

      I’m sorry that you’re stupid Frank. We will not allow Kyle to be in need. Several of us are making an organized effort to help him and others like him. Taking you people on? That’s up to you. Don’t fuck with a truck or you might get ran over. We know that you lefties are prone to violence. It’s already happening.

  9. Frank stetson

    Archie, what organized effort?

    The Pelosi attacker just got 30 years and it won’t be club Fed. And a State case to go. These deplorables get just rewards.

    Is your invisible unorganized effort helping him too? Cuz the brothers will be hunting this guy, he’s gonna need protection.

    • Archie

      Who’s brothers? Oh. You mean the hood rats. Yes. They probably will. By the way, I wasn’t saying that we are an organized militia or anything like that. We are various gun rights organizations and gun clubs across America. We are sticking together to protect our rights. We ain’t the bad guys here. The bastard who attacked Paul Pelosi should have been shot. We don’t offer support to those who commit violence crimes. As far as we are concerned the bastard should hang. And the peloci’s should loose their anti gun bullshit and be trained and armed. Their armed guards let them down. I don’t like Nancy Pelosi but I wish her and her family well. You posted earlier about “gunnies”. What is a gunny? Is it people who believe in the entire constitution including the 2nd amendment? Just wondering.

  10. Frank stetson

    Gunny = person who lives and loves guns: you. I mean the fun is just a tool. Like a hammer. How’s your hammer rights club? Don’t go off, I do own a couple of shotguns and soon, a Glock. I too support gunnies having made a good pile of cash off their fears. As in buying and selling gun equities. And I thank you for your support. I am watching now, need a bit of dip and Biden rising in the polls —- that always spurs sales. Obama’s two elections were priceless.

    But while I understand you’re a joiner, you still haven’t disclosed the plan to support Kyle as you continue to distract from your apparent lie by talking about your hobbies, clubs, and sticking together which won’t pay Kyle’s legal bills or your kindred thoughts keep him from bankruptcy.

  11. Archie

    No fear. Why should I fear? If attacked, I would be afraid. A so would you. I know that john Wayne was a Hollywood actor but some things that he said in movies made sense. Like real courage was being afraid and saddening up anyway. But don’t be confused. Pay attention to Hollywood and Dirty Harry ect will get you killed. I have two Glock pistols. Love them. Us sticking together? Not a bad idea for anyone. You leftists have your cliches

    • Dan tyree

      Frank if people who have guns are gunnies, what about book collectors? Bookies? Antique cars? Caries? As for hammers, if our hammer ownership were attacked like our gun ownership we probably would form hammer clubs. Don’t say it. I realize that more people have been killed by guns than hammers. As a gun owner and a concealed carry guy I don’t see why I have to be held accountable for the actions of others. I don’t go around shooting people and I am well read in the rules of deadly force. As for Archie posting about being organized I suppose some of it might be true. I don’t know. But there are a lot of gun rights organizations throughout America. And yes, I am a member of two groups. And several of those members are democrats. They are smarter than most.

  12. frank stetson

    Archie: I have found a large uptick in gun sales in election years; Obama’s were incredible. I started buying this stock when during Obama’s first election, I noticed huge lines at Cabela’s. They seemed to be stocking up for a reason. Second election was similar. So yeah, I chalked it up to a national concern, ie fear, of a black man in office. Did it again for Hillary, not as good, but still worked. So, not you specifically, and not even gunnies, but America seemed to have concerns, and nothing is more profitable, legally, than fear.

    You still: “haven’t disclosed the plan to support Kyle as you continue to distract from your apparent lie by talking about your hobbies, clubs, and sticking together which won’t pay Kyle’s legal bills or your kindred thoughts keep him from bankruptcy.”

    Dan: many a gunnery sergeant goes by the nickname “gunny.” See Clint in Heartbreak Ridge for example. Not a demeaning nickname.

    There’s the Hammer Wresting Club in Latham NY, be the hammer, not the nail. Or the European Silversmith Hammer Club….. They didn’t even need to be attacked as you claim you have. Poor baby, you should join a club for protection of. Of course, you have your gun, no law is looking to remove all your guns, so if you have your gun, why do you need a group. Let me understand; you seem to need a group to protect you from gun control, but you are not responsible when people from your group use guns to murder, maim, and use the tool badly? Then you are an individual? Then, as you say, you “don’t see why I have to be held accountable for the actions of others.” Nice work, if you can get it.

    And yes, there are hammer clubs, book clubs, car clubs, and soon —– some book clubs will look like your gun clubs with the desire to stop your illegal book controls attacking our first amendment. Florida will be their first front line of this war.

    Seriously, I am not talking about gun control. I am not even talking about the nature of some of these gun clubs. I am talking about Archie saying he belongs to groups that have plans to provide support, which I imagine must be financial since Kyle’s main problem is MONEY, and looking to have him disclose the “PLANS” he promises are in place and working. Cuz Kyle’s last comment was he’s broke.

  1. How can you blame Biden for keeping Ukraine a free democracy and Trump, we will see, but looks like Trump…

  2. Larry, So glad that you are recovering from your medical issues-I would hate to go through the next 4 years…