Jim Jordan says 14 FBI whistleblowers have come forward

Jim agrees with PBP that the FBI has good people and that is it the people at the top, the political layer that is biased and is destroying our justice system.
Listen to Jim in these two videos, it shoudl scare the crap out of you.
So use the process Jim. Amazingly it’s called the whistleblower process.
Or keep airing it out in the blogosphere. Better for the election cycle.
My goodness how I do not like how Jim Jordan gets things done. He’s clearly taking advantage of the media for political profit during the election year for the midterms.
He probably does have some whistleblowers. According to Jordan’soffice, they are not necessarily all FBI, they are not all necessarily whistle blowing on the FBI, I am not sure any of them are whistleblowing on the DOJ. None of them are whistleblowing how about the raid Mar-a-Lago. At least so far.
But the point is he is trying the case on the public airways based on secondhand information and not testimony in a court of law under the threat of perjury.
I can understand whistleblowers being afraid and therefore coming to Jordan instead of using the process. But now that they have the protection of Jordan, it’s time do use the process, make this formal, and get the real facts on the table instead of conjecture in the media and the blogosphere where there is no penalty for lying.
It’s been about a month since the story has broken, it’s time to get on with it, unless it’s being done for pure politics. In which case Jordan is a shameful political whore.
Just like the scum in your commie party
Well, it’s been over a month and we’re still waiting for these whistleblowers to come forward especially to use the process and formally become a whistleblower instead of just someone who gives Jim Jordan 15 minutes on Fox.