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Will Biden preemptively pardon the entire Washington establishment?

Will Biden preemptively pardon the entire Washington establishment?

There is a lot of speculation that President Biden might issue BROAD preemptive pardons to cover any and everyone who have expressed opposition to President Trump.  The idea is based on an insane and paranoid idea that the future Department of Justice will be arresting, indicting and jailing half of Washington. Put that one in the file with the Bogus Russian conspiracy theory and the absurd end of the American Republic if Trump wins the narrative.

According to the perma-pissed anti-Trumps, the pardons would include Democrat office holders, such as Senator-elect Adam Schiff, California Governor Newsom — and anyone who served on the January 6th Committee. It would include Republican apostates, such as former Wyoming Congresswoman Liz Cheney.   Pardons would be issued for writers for the Washington Post, the New York Times, The Atlantic, MSNBC, CNN, etc.  It would include bureaucrats from the FBI, the Intelligence agencies and guys like Dr. Anthony Fauci.  It would most certainly include members of the Biden family — and perhaps even a self-pardon for Lunch Bucket Joe.

We do not know if Biden is planning such as massive pardon, but those on the left are suggesting he do it – and the folks and institutions named above have all been mentioned as possible recipients.  Biden has not publicly – or even privately – rejected issuing such pardons, so it is reasonable to believe that such a plan is at least on the table. 

Most of the folks likely to receive pardons are not known to be guilty of any federal crimes – or even suspected or under investigation.  Some, however, are.

 But what about all the unnecessary pardons in terms of the recipients?  They will all appear to have something to hide.  Biden will besmirch their reputations for his own political benefit.  But they do have the right to reject pardons.  I know I would.  And that would make Biden look craftier and more corrupt than ever.

And then there is the issue of the pardoning process itself.  Yes, it has been used by past presidents as favors to family members, friends and donors.  Such political pardons, however, have been fewer than the more deserving pardons based on the goodness or rehabilitation of the individual.  And as far as I can tell, no pardons have ever been issued to people without indictments, convictions, jail sentences, under investigation – or with the real potential of being charged. 

Since the pardons would be predicated on what Trump’s Justice Department MIGHT do, they would become the most partisan political acts of clemency in American history.  Pardoning a family member or political ally is bad enough, but to use the pardoning power based on partisan policies is a much different deal.

Pardoning masses of people would be a gross interference of justice.  There may very well be individuals among the class of the pardoned who have committed yet undiscovered federal crimes—and who deserve to be brought to justice.   

If Biden goes ahead with this cynical, flagrant and partisan plan, he will commit an abuse of the system on a grand scale – on steroids.  It would threaten the pardon process itself.  There are already those who would like to see the practice abolished for presidents and governors.  Massive political pardons would give credence to their cause.

I have rated Biden as relatively inconsequential in terms of presidential legacies – another James Buchanan or Calvin Coolidge.  His pardon of his son Hunter further damages his legacy.  But he obviously had to do it – not only to rescue Hunter from sentencing and a criminal record (possible jail time), but to attempt to cut off the ongoing congressional and Department of Justice investigations into all that Ukraine and Russian money that enriched the Biden family during Joe’s tenure as Vice President and President.

If Biden were to issue pardons to people not remotely under criminal investigation – but merely out of a fear that they could be some day – would give Biden an uptick in historic notoriety.  He would be not only judged as a mediocre President but a corrupt one as well.  He may find his lame duck status being relabeled as a “daffy duck” President.

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. rametindallas

    If Biden can preemptively pardon people, Trump can preemptively pardon every one of his operatives and they can act with impunity. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

  2. reward

    If Biden were to issue mass quantities of blanket pardons, he would be exposing himself to unlimited investigations, under which no one would be able to claim the fifth amendment. They would be forced to truthfully answer all of the questions asked. Surely he does not want that preying on his legacy.


    There would be no investigation, there may be lawsuits, and it may reach the Scotus, but the law and precedent are pretty clear: describe the crime and voila, you are free, free, free at last with only the presumption of guilt as a downside. Not much of a downside considering Trump is giving his pardoned-felon-son-in-law’s father, family, a great job in government. And we do have a Felon Rapist King sitting on the throne shortly,.

    This is being discussed at staff levels for possible recommendation to Joe. I would say doubtful he pulls the trigger, but then again, that dog may not Hunter.

    Folks says it’s never been done. Well, there’s never been an prospective FBI director whose main qualification is sucking Trump off, and who has a long list of political enemies for investigation without one shred of evidence to launch said investigations as recrimination for Russiagate, a valid and substantiated investigation. And then Bondi as DOJ lead already has her list, spoke of it often in both press and political settings. Both of these players, and Trump, play by the adage: guilty before proven innocent, or at least we just gotta look.

    I hope he does not pull the trigger since I think they will do just fine in court showing the bully for what it is. McCarthyism, bully pulpit, whatever. The terrible news in all this is it has given Trump a new option for his nefarious actions by him or his team. After all, he has been pardoning felon friends, associates, and assholes for years. Matter of fact, Team Trump has a saying: if you do the crime, he erases all time. Not sure what it means, but that’s what they say, heh, heh.

    • Seth

      We really want Biden to be prosecuted and sentenced to what would amount to a lifetime sentence. The guy colluded with Ukraine and China and was much to blame for Covid. Just another example of election interference

      • Frank danger

        Seth, four plus years investigating by Coker and Jordan. Keep the faith man. Keep wasting our tax dollars fulfilling your fake fantasies.

  4. Ray Doyle LFP WA

    If biden were to preemptively pardon all of his staff ans administration it would clearly show just how premeditated their criminal activity has been.

    I wonder just how desperately the left would work to try and spin it into something positive and not the admission of corruption it is

  5. WillyB46

    Anyone who has not been charged, but accepts a pardon, has de facto confessed to unnamed crimes. Should that happen then the public can only assume the worst (think of the deaths that have occurred around the Clinton Crime Family.) I would hope that should such illegal blanket pardons be announced, that someone–maybe Judicial Watch–would file suit to have all Biden pardons reversed. Alternatively, if clearly letting evil go free is the result, who knows? We might see (or not see, if secret) vigilante legal groups formed a la the 1983 movie “The Star Chamber.”

  6. Frank danger

    What a terrible movie…..but I did see it all.

    While I don’t favor preemptive pardons, I can see their place if a candidate says he’s gonna lock them up, calls others traitors, is a felon. is a sex abuser, is a digital rapist according to the judge, becomes President, the most powerful man in the world. perhaps the Universe, and this man hires an FBI Director who has a hit list, with an DOJ head that’s been mouthing off about their guilt; yeah. I could understand preemptive pardons. Not my first choice, but I can understand.

    Some assholes are even accusing them of murder.

    And yet these brownshirts voted for a felon rapist to be king. Their felon rapist king already pardoned felon family member and then gave this felon a sweet high paying government job. And they didn’t even squeak.

    Can you say hypocrite?

    And by the by: both preemptive pardons and felon rapist kings who pardon family felons, friends with felonies. and then give them great jobs—— it’s all wrong IMO. I just don’t draw the line at party. Brownshirts do.

  7. Darren

    Trump was never found guilty of Rape you Ass Hole!
    If you want to throw Bull Shit around, there are at least 50 ways the Biden’s and Clintons
    should be behind bars!

  8. Frank danger


    When Trump countersued Caroll for her using the word rape in a defamation countersuit, the judge, on the court record, said Trump was guilty of rape, specifically, digital rape, according to the trial. The only fact in evidence that could not be proven to the jury’s satisfaction was penis penetration, which is a requirement for the rape charge in New York State. However, the judge said, again on the record, in the common sense of the word, Trump was a rapist. It’s all on the record Darren, and links have been provided here many times.

    The fact of the matter is, you voted for a man, who got this woman alone, slammed her against the wall, pulled up her skirt, pulled down her pantyhose, crammed his fingers inside her panties, and then up inside her vagina. That is on the court record, the jury did believe that, and it appears to be the truth.

    It is also a description of the guy you voted for.

    I don’t see why this nuance is actually important to you, you would’ve voted for him anyway.

  9. Somebody

    Wow! Just look at all the Prosecutors, Judges and Juries here! Why don’t all of you pool your money together, get a prosecutor and just arrest Trump for good? Show your back bones. Show your worth! Fight for your word. Get Trump the Hell out of your way so you can do whatever it is you want to do.

  10. AC

    Larry, if you are looking for a preemptive pardon of a full pardon from POTUS you’ll have to wait until Trump reinstalls himself with his full service pardon agency getting back in business. His retail pricing per pardon will match or exceed the rate of inflation.
    Buyers are predicted to be jumping on this limited time opportunity early and often.
    Demand is high in the tainted Republican market.
    There are so many on the right who want their record cleaned up and so limited the time in Trump’s term for cleaning and polishing names and reputations.
    However, apparently Trump appointees with dirty laundry and dark spots in deportment marks on their record need not be concerned about missing Trump’s Ship of state boat. The more dirt they have accumulated the better the probability of an appointment to a job in Trump’s admin.
    Confirmation will be the test that will reveal how the Senate stacks up as a rational objective judge of each candidate’s capacity and fit for the position Trump has been nominating them to fill.
    I think a lot is riding on this and every Senator in the high chamber knows it. The senators who see their futures in politics is riding on pleasing Trump or doing the right and honest thing for their oath and their country is the question asked.
    Your list of nominees and your opinion’s vote direction with commentary is just that, one person opinion. I for one find that you in fact are not one of the 100 deciding who is confirmed is of great comfort for me and a big majority of thoughtful, informed, and conscientious Americans like me.
    As I read the pulse of people post-election 2024 the Republican silent majority is talking dissatisfaction with the turn of events since Trump has been filling the news with his picks and his i unorganized approach to deal with issues he promised planned fixes for.
    His dislike for final commitment regarding dismantling, cutting appropriation for, and jettisoning as a budget line item is scary to most American and fear producing,
    Again his tools for creating and engendering fear through misinformation based chaos and hood keeping the public stirred up in warring divisions are working to his perverse objectives’ advantage.
    Partisanship in its most angry state should be limited to just in the months ahead of a presidential election. Extending partisan hype and its assumed license for bad behavior produces unnecessary tension and ugly comments online emboldened by anonymity.
    Understood is that partisan competitiveness happens to be PBP’s stock and trade, business model, and its cash cow. Conservative ideology only gets the business of educating the public only so far and short of a decent return on investment. And sensationalist commentary that hopes demonizing the legitimate other Party has done nothing positive for this country’s self image and general wellbeing.

    The United States of America is a far cry from the unified sate of America and PBP has spread seeds of disunity which grow splits into splinter politics which leave our citizen weak and vulnerable to attacks from the outside and within our nation’s boarder.
    We should find common ground when we talk about securing our southern border. Peace along that boarder will not become reality unless common sense rules the process and a willingness to compromise some then make it work.
    Pardon is as pardon does and stubborn partisan thinking spells defeat and failure, more wasted resources people and land.
    Now that does it.

    • Frank danger

      Now that’s a 5 am screed!!

      We are all in favor of free speech.

      We on pbp seem to differ on the acceptance and even promotion of lies and misinformation.

      I am ok with disunity, it’s diversity in action.

      I can tolerate spin, good, fair spin; it’s part of the process.

      But misinformation and lies coming from a foreigner like Ernest Dempsey; that’s a bridge too far and should not be tolerated. I cannot see Joe’s profit in that and fear his purpose to use his platform, his reputation in that. Perhaps that’s his reason for the alias. Pretty silly really.

  11. AC

    Free speech is a wonderful freedom and right in this country. A person’s right to voice their opinion is fundamental for our democracy’s viability now and in the future.
    But, understandably not every thought folks have in their opinion needs airing on public spaces online. Where is the line drawn when free speech breaches a moral/ethical guardrail and meets criteria for libelous speech?
    Talk about social, cultural, political, and all other disciplines in life in which there are expected norms for conduct. Then, why do a few particular norms seem optional.
    Normal constraints that define acceptable behavior in a society that values what is known as law and order is met with resistance when people think that their personal freedoms are under attack after an objection or complaint forces the issuance of a warning or worse.
    BYW Whenever an image of a person with their
    head hair on fire. The quintessential model that comes to mind is Larry Horist. He appears to set his hair on fire at the slightest provocation when any left or Democrat issue grabs his attention and ends up on PBP. Possibly, this will occur less often after Trump takes office. Trump critiques show Larry’s leniency toward Trump’s many flaws, trips and falls that point to Trump’s inept actions and basic lack of understanding about governing in a liberal-democracy like we have. Politically charged reflexive knee jerk responses are his MO

    common perception

  12. Frank danger

    In thinking about it, I think Biden should pardon all 1/6 protestors without violent convictions. WTF, gonna happen so why not steal the headlines and leave the violent felonies to Trumpy.

    I like it.

    I spell my name: danger