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UFC’s Colby Covington calls LeBron James ‘Spineless’

UFC’s Colby Covington calls LeBron James ‘Spineless’

Celebrating his victory over Tyron Woodley on Saturday, UFC fighter Colby Covington took an unexpected jab at LA Lakers player LeBron James:

“I want to dedicate this fight to all the first responders, all the military out there. You keep us safe. Not these ‘woke athletes.’ Not these spineless cowards like LeBron James.”

When a handful of NBA players confronted Covington over his criticism of LeBron, he responded with another insult on Twitter:

“LOL at the snowflakes that believe @KingJames could even last 10 seconds with me! If that coward had the balls or the ability to kick anyone’s ass, Delonte West would’ve lost his teeth long before his meth habit!”

(The insult refers to a rumor that West had an affair with LeBron’s mother.)

Unfazed by the attacks, LeBron made the following comment during an interview following the Lakers’ last-minute victory over the Denver Nuggets on Sunday night:

“Anybody can talk from outside, but if they got into the ring or got into the arena, probably 10 times out of 10, they’d shit their pants.”

The Backstory 

Colby Covington is a white Trump supporter. LeBron James is a black Trump critic who frequently speaks out about police brutality. This summer, he described Black Lives Matter as a lifestyle:

“A lot of people kind of use this analogy, talking about Black Lives Matter as a movement. It’s not a movement,” said LeBron after the Lakers defeated the Dallas Mavericks in July. “When you’re black, it’s not a movement. It’s a lifestyle… When you wake up and you’re black, that is what it is. It shouldn’t be a movement. It should be a lifestyle. This is who we are.”

Last month, LeBron said the NBA wouldn’t miss Trump after the president complained about players kneeling during the national anthem to protest systemic racism:

“You trying to make me laugh right now? I appreciate that,” said LeBron after the Lakers lost to the Oklahoma City Thunder in August. “I really don’t think the basketball community are sad about losing his viewership, him viewing the game. And that’s all I got to say.”

Conversely, President Trump is a big fan of Covington and actually phoned the fighter after his recent victory over Woodley. “I’m a big fan and I’m proud of you,” said Trump. “You’re tough; you have the right spirit.”


Colby Covington says LeBron James couldn’t ‘last 10 seconds with me’ after NBA players jump to star’s defense

LeBron James takes subtle jab on ‘outsiders’ amid Colby Covington’s UFC post-match tirade 

Kevin Durant and Austin Rivers Respond to UFC’s Colby Covington Calling Out LeBron James

LeBron James sends message to UFC Trump supporter Colby Covington: ‘Anybody can talk outside the ring…’

About The Author


  1. Snake

    I’d like to see Covington and James in the Octagon!

  2. Tom

    Lebron would get beat bad
    He could outrun Covington due to basketball
    Lebron is a hypocrite

    • teresa

      lebron james is brainless, spineless and useless off the court

    • Melvin Harris

      Lebron is not an Octagon fighter but Colby are whatever is name is he nothing to be cherished.

  3. No nba

    Then get your dark colored ass in ring Colby and feel real pain. You didn’t have the balls and go to college and get a real education, it was all about the money. Your all about the airtime you get. Your the reason my family and friends don’t watch or buy nba products.

    • teresa

      whoa a big talker!!

    • Melvin Harris

      Why dont you get in a ring w iui th being that your all over his d…

    • Rich

      That’s it NBA boycott all NBA products and let these useless a- holes have to go out and earn a real living instead of just playing a game and thinking they are something special.

  4. 1PatriotForever

    Lebron James’s spine is made from $100.00 bills. He has no conscience and is motivated by Control, power and Big Bucks

  5. dan

    Who cares what stupid braindead NBA players say anyway. They are cowards and have to have there posse behind them. Gangster mentality.

    • Mike Shields II

      I’m reminded of the time I was working The Ram game, and the Lakers visited the sideline. Their faces up on the diamond vision scoreboards, and when LeBron’s face was full on, boos erupted everywhere.

  6. Tilt Blake

    Deplorable trump supporter, verifiably immoral human beings..acting like animals. Facts

    • teresa

      typical liberal airhead remark!! fight any elderly women lately???

    • Don Dayton

      I am Proud to be one of the Millions of Deplorable Trump supporters and all of us think you and the Candy Ass NBA Cry babys should get the Hell out of this Great County if you don’t like it!

  7. Dan Tyree

    I’m damned proud to be a deplorable Trump supporter. Anyone who don’t like it can kiss my white ass.

  8. Joseph Kinge

    Martin Luther King marched, protested, and was successful in bringing his message to the minds of the public. Black Lives Matter will never be successful by throwing bricks and bottles and by starting fires and stealing from stores, including black-owned stores. Black Lives Matter is a phenomenal failure to include thugs, thieves and firebugs!

    • Melvin Harris

      I can tell you this the people that are throwing bricks and destroying property are as white as they can be

  9. Josh

    NBA Players,
    You get paid Millions by White People
    to Play Basketball, but then you support a movement that wants to destroy the Country that was also founded by White People….. Let me ask you this; Who’s going to pay you if you don’t have enough fans to keep the NBA going? Your Sponsors will start sponsoring College athletes instead, and your Jobs will be gone.

    • Melvin Harris

      Its obvious that you don’t read he told you that it’s not a movement is a lifestyle, the next question is how dumb are you?

  10. Mike Mac

    If LeBron James had an ounce of class he would denounce what’s happening in China with the concentration camps and senseless killings, How much is enough LeBron, Do you have any class at all, after all the Chinese unleashed a virus on this country, and they didn’t care who perished as long as they got back at President Trump, what does it take millions of deaths, your a classless greedy basketball player that’s it, you never served your country, heroes wear dog tags not jerseys.

  11. Kabotchnik

    THIIIT!! Ah fo-gots my burfday cuz I be aksin to be a FOOL like be Lebron who has a big deks to sat behind….

  12. Martin

    I have been a life long Laker fan until King James became a Laker. As long as he plays for the Lakers I don’t care if they ever win another game. As long as King James and the NBA support BLM and the NBA has BLM painted on the sidelines and they kneel when the Anthem is played I will never watch another game.
    i am sure that there are many of other players that don’t agree the few so called superstars that are speaking out against America. It is sad that played that disagree withKing James and the others like him are afraid to speak out. By their silents they agree with the disrespecting of our flag and our Veterans.

  13. phxgeo

    LeBron James is the most deadly cancer there is in the world or professional sports. For someone who supports COMMUNIST CHINA’S IN HUMANE treatment of those who disagree, or want to practice a religion or want to retain their non Chinese ethic traditions/language or want to hold China to a treaty they voluntarily signed in 1997 for 50 years (Hong Kong) and brutally treating their people and discriminates against blacks has demonstrated that he ia a COMMUNIST. He is an OUTSTANDING example of a person whose mouth is 1000 times bigger than their brain. The waterfall of viewers on the No Balls League tells my there are more with my evaluation of him than those that praise him.

  14. Dorothy

    LeBron James didn’t start this hateful rant, probably doesn’t even know who this guy Colby is (I never heard of him)!

    Colby should stick to what he does best. Bashing BLM and defending the President is not it!!

  15. Ann W Depiore

    LeBron James behavior has sickened me. He was born close to my area in Ohio. He was coached by a white man in a Catholic school. He previously admired this coach and valued his influence in his own life. Nothing has changed in this past history of his life, but LeBron has changed. He will be accountable to God just as all of us will be. His money and power, which was given to him by many white people and black as well should be used to help blacks, who need help.
    There is so much good that he could do. For those of us who are white and the many black people who support our country, we are saddened and ashamed that he flaunts the very people who gave him his wealth. His fans!

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