U.S. Navy Settles with SEALs Who Refused to Take COVID-19 Shots

In 2021, many brave Navy SEALs refused to comply with the tyrannical COVID-19 vaccine mandates imposed by the Biden administration. Three years later, they have scored a major legal victory as the U.S. Navy has settled for expunging their records.
On Friday (July 26), The Epoch Times reported that the Navy and the non-complying SEALs, who had refused the mandatory COVID-19 shots and were subject to disciplinary or punitive action by their employer, agreed to the settlement in federal court on July 24. Under the settlement, the Navy agreed to review and expunge records of all the SEALS who had refused the vaccine citing their religious beliefs. This includes those SEALS who were fired for non-compliance and would now be eligible for enlistment.
The story reported that the review process is required to be completed within a year. The paper cited Danielle Runyan of the First Liberty Institute, which had filed the lawsuit on behalf of the SEALs, hailing the settlement as a victory for the service members who refused to comply with the tyrannical vaccine mandate. Runyan said:
“We are thrilled that those members of the Navy who were guided by their conscience and steadfast in their faith will not be penalized in their Navy careers.”
The Navy chose not to comment on the settlement.
The COVID-19 vaccines were aggressively forced on the people, particularly healthcare workers and members of the U.S. military, by the Biden administration despite lack of solid scientific evidence showing that the shots were effective in helping with the infection. On the other hand, the shots were linked to serious health problems and injuries in numerous studies. The federal government and mainstream media colluded to suppress the evidence of the inefficacy and health risks of the COVID-19 shots while federal government also earned revenue from the shots they purchased with taxpayer money.
One of the most alarming adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccines, particularly the mRNA-based vaccines like Pfizer and Moderna – is myocarditis, i.e. inflammation of the heart. Sources from within the NAVY reported a shocking increase in cases of myocarditis leading to heart failure among Navy pilots after the imposition of the vaccine mandates.
To maximize their profits from the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, the US government and media also engaged in attempts to discredit competing brands of COVID-19 vaccines developed elsewhere. The Pentagon was also part of this disinformation campaign against the vaccines developed abroad. Last week, Reuters reported that in a letter addressed to their Filipino counterparts in June, Pentagon officials admitted to running a secret campaign to discredit China’s Sinovac vaccine against COVID-19.
Reuters discovered that the Pentagon created at least 300 fake social media accounts, operated via its psychological operations center in Florida, to berate the Chinese shot as fake and useless. The letter assured the Filipino military that Pentagon stopped this disinformation campaign later in 2021.
Joe the CIA cum engineer seems to toss critical analysis out with the bathwater on this one. BUSTED on his vaccine opinion as shown, factually, below.
He states: “In 2021, many brave Navy SEALs refused to comply with the tyrannical COVID-19 vaccine mandates imposed by the Biden administration.” The case was brought by 26 seals. In total, the Navy has over 400,000 if you include the “ready team.” Around 4,000 total sailors apply to the case IF you expand it to total Navy or about .1% of the population. Not sure either 26 or 4,000 applies as“many.”
I also argue the “tyrannical” nature of a vaccine mandate although both are opinions. Mine is we should have mandated that, masks, and distancing.
“The COVID-19 vaccines were aggressively forced on the people, particularly healthcare workers and members of the U.S. military, by the Biden administration despite lack of solid scientific evidence showing that the shots were effective in helping with the infection.” And does Joe still feel that way? Sure, looks like it which goes against any factual evidence out there as to vaccine safety and effectiveness. The only reason we enjoy the immunity we do today, vaccinated or not, IS the vaccines. And we “suffered” less death to do so solely because of the vaccines.
“On the other hand, the shots were linked to serious health problems and injuries in numerous studies. The federal government and mainstream media colluded to suppress the evidence of the inefficacy and health risks of the COVID-19 shots while federal government also earned revenue from the shots they purchased with taxpayer money.” Ditto on the does Joe still feel that way. Sure looks like it which goes against any factual evidence out there.
And to make his point, he’s willing to shame the US over fucking with China over their vaccine as they are prone to fuck with us all the time, the same way, over the most trivial of things out to the most crucial parts of our culture. Boo hoo, Joe — take China’s side. Guess the Chinese Epoch Times has scored with you.
I think of engineers as always diagraming stuff out to figure out exactly what’s going on. I will try that for Joe next.
First, this case is NOT about the covid vaccine as much as it is against all vaccines versus religious affiliation. That’s the precedent for avoiding vaccines on religious grounds. You still cannot avoid vaccines without religious support.
Second: vaccines are good, vaccines are safe. The safety record is unmatched compared to other products in life. There is no doubt vaccines have helped many to the point of wiping out certain diseases.
Third, and it’s the tough one Joe. The risks with the vaccine are far lower than the risks with covid, especially before we had so much immunity. Matter of fact, the vaccine risks are replicated by covid and the risk is far worse IF you catch covid. Tis a scientific fact. “A new study on COVID-19 vaccines that looked at nearly 100 million vaccinated individuals affirmed the vaccines’ previously observed links to increased risks for certain adverse effects including myocarditis and Guillain-Barré syndrome. The researchers noted in their analysis that COVID-19 infections have consistently been found to be more likely to cause the conditions observed in this study than vaccinations, adding that factor should be considered when weight the risk-to-benefit ratio of immunization.” As reported from The Hill: *https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/4477406-largest-multi-country-covid-study-links-vaccines-to-potential-adverse-effects/amp/* OR the cdc version: *https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/73/wr/mm7314a5.htm*
Fourth — sniff test: over a billion vaccinated, most with multiple jabs and how many issues? Handfuls?
It’s estimated that over 154 million lives saved by vaccines over past 50 years by The Lancet’s study. All vaccines.
NIH estimates 14.4M lives saved world-wide by the covid vaccine during it’s first full year only.
U of M concluded 3M saved in the US.
Conversely, NIH concludes 232,000 died during the first 15 months of covid vaccine availability due to vaccine avoidance. This disproportionally affected Republicans, according to statistics.
You can choose not to believe these facts. You can choose to call them all liars, it’s a coverup, it’s government at its worst, the deep state. But the fact remains that, in general, vaccines are very good and very safe. For these guys to push a bad vaccine is tantamount to ending the industry for all time; ie. A huge risk. Not to mention being locked up forever.
But the facts show the vaccines are very safe, the rewards far outweigh any risks, and avoiding them results in a far worse outcome, not only for the stupid, but for anyone around the stupid. This is a new vaccine, featuring a new, but decades tested technology, and it was the fastest development and testing ever ——- so certainly pause to consider potential risks. But after more than 14,600,000,000 jabs word-wide, I think the product beta test is successful and the product is safe and sound. And 26 seals opting out for religious reasons does not change the facts..
Joe the engineer becomes Earnest the dumpster… ain’t free speech grand. apparently fungible round here too.
JOE _____ the ten word sentence that blocked my post that you said couldn’t be done —— just blocked this post too. Since you don’t give a shit, I will play tester next and see if I can determine the word, or words, that do it.