Trump Officially Cleared by GOP House Intel Panel, No Evidence Found of Collusion With Russia
The Republican-led House intelligence committee has officially ended its investigation into the claims that the Trump campaign allegedly colluded with Russia in the 2016 presidential election.
The committee announced the investigation was closed after its lack of findings last month.
“We found no evidence of collusion, and so we found perhaps some bad judgment, inappropriate meetings,” said Rep. Mike Conaway, who led the investigation. “We found no evidence of any collusion of anything people were actually doing, other than taking a meeting they shouldn’t have taken or just inadvertently being in the same building.”
Then on Friday, a final report was released clearing the Trump camp of involvement in Russia’s meddling in the recent presidential campaign.
“Just Out: House Intelligence Committee Report released. “No evidence” that the Trump Campaign “colluded, coordinated or conspired with Russia.” Clinton Campaign paid for Opposition Research obtained from Russia- Wow! A total Witch Hunt! MUST END NOW! tweeted Trump on Friday morning.
The House panel did determine that Russia did use cyberattacks and social media to try to sway the presidential election.
Although over 73 interviews were conducted, 3,000 documents were reviewed, and nine hearings and briefings were held, Democrats argue that the 14-month investigation wasn’t thorough enough. Some lawmakers have gone as far to accuse the committee of merely protecting the president by closing the probe.
“There is no denying the abundant evidence that the Trump campaign sought, and was eager to accept, the assistance of a hostile foreign power bent on interfering in our election,” said Rep Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) “It is also uncontroverted that the Russians assisted the Trump campaign through a surreptitious social media campaign, an overt paid media effort, an elaborate hacking and dumping operation targeting the DNC and Clinton Campaign Chair John Podesta, and potentially through additional means still under investigation.”
Conaway also said he is “extremely disappointed with the overzealous redactions.”
“I don’t believe the information we’re releasing today meets that standard, which is why my team and I will continue to challenge the IC’s many unnecessary redactions with the hopes of releasing more of the report in the coming months,”said Conaway.
There are still two other investigations looking into the Russian collusion allegations being held by the Senate Intelligence and Senate Judiciary Committees, including Robert Mueller’s investigation.
Last week, Trump hired attorney and former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani to join the president’s legal team and he has vowed to wrap up Mueller’s Russia investigation.
“I’m doing it because I hope we can negotiate an end to this for the good of the country and because I have high regard for the president and for Bob Mueller,” said Giuliani. “Hopefully we can speed it up.”
Author’s note: Hopefully, the other agencies will soon stop this witch hunt and Giuliani will be able to shut down the Mueller probe. The problem is that Democrats love harping on this issue and they still have control in the Senate Judiciary Committees. Ultimately, this has been a waste of lawmakers’ valuable time.
Editor’s note: We have known this issue was fake since the Clinton campaign first raised it. If it weren’t for a disingenuous liberal media, it would never have been a topic of investigation.
And you’re still here?
Does your daughter call you “danger “ when you and her are playing secret games?
Pretty funny Bill. Trump is playing the optics games so make-shift jails, people doubled-over in chains, military transport. Remember that…
Again, you have no evidence shown to support your claims. Covid outbreaks were not harmless, we lost a million people,…
WTP: if you call the numbers presented rare, OK, fair enough. 500 dead babies is rare enough to be OK…