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Trump Agenda on Track Despite Claims by Liberal Media

Trump Agenda on Track Despite Claims by Liberal Media

The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, and others have been quick to claim that the Trump Administration is in turmoil as it attempts to establish itself amidst infighting, connections with Russia, and the “battle” with the intelligence community. 

On the contrary, House Speaker Paul Ryan says that the new administration is “exactly on track” to accomplish President Trump’s agenda for his first 200 days in office.  

Ryan’s comments came shortly after an extended White House press conference in which President Trump slammed the “out of control” media’s insistence that his administration was struggling. CNN blasted the press conference as an attempt to “regain control of his nascent administration by putting himself back in the spotlight.” 

The new administration is “running like a fine-tuned machine,” said Trump on Thursday as he answered questions from nearly 17 reporters. He defended his decision to replace former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and criticized a “bad court” for blocking his travel ban.

He also denied accusations of infighting within his cabinet of advisers. There has never been a president “who in this short period of time has done what we’ve done,” he added.

Trump took one more swipe at the media Friday morning on Twitter:

“Thank you for all the nice statements on the Press Conference yesterday. Rush Limbaugh said one of the greatest ever. Fake media not happy!”  

Ryan says that Trump is a refreshing change for conservatives who could get nothing accomplished during Obama’s presidency. “He likes getting stuff done, and I love that about him,” said Ryan.

“We’ve been waiting for this for a long time. Those of who have been conservatives pent up here fighting the Obama administration, the progressive left, he is a conservative and he is ready to take on these challenges, so that is what I’m excited about. He moves so fast that people are scrambling to catch up.”

CIA Director Mike Pompeo chimed in on Thursday to support the president’s words. Pompeo criticized media reports insisting that the agency was withholding information from the president, and added that such claims damage the “integrity of thousands of professional intelligence officers.” 

“The CIA does not, has not, and will never hide intelligence from the president, period. We are not aware of any instance when that has occurred,” said Pompeo.

Editor’s note: In my opinion, the mainstream media has turned into a bunch of gossiping old shrews. They publish unfounded and unprovable allegatons of “turmoil” and “chaos” designed to undermine faith in the President. Even if it were true, it is not news.

About The Author

  1. Frank Danger .... Lots of opinion and not a scintilla of evidence. Where is your proof, old man? Funny how…