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The Battle for Truth: Bill to Educate the Next Generation on the Dangers of Communism

The Battle for Truth: Bill to Educate the Next Generation on the Dangers of Communism

In a move that underscores the enduring importance of safeguarding liberty and justice, Senators John Kennedy (R-La.) and Rick Scott (R-Fla.) have introduced a groundbreaking bill known as the Crucial Communism Teaching Act. With the goal of enlightening the younger generation about the perils of communism, this act seeks to equip students with a profound understanding of its historical context and the inherent dangers it poses to society.

At the heart of this initiative lies a conviction that communism, far from a benign ideology, has proven to be a destructive force leading to oppression, suffering, and the loss of countless innocent lives. Senator Kennedy unequivocally states, “Communism is a cancer, and it always produces the same results: oppression, suffering, and death. We must teach the next generation of Americans the threat communism poses to liberty and justice for innocent people around the world.”

But our children must be taught theory as well as results.

At the heart of our existence, human beings are guided by instinctual impulses that have shaped our survival since the earliest days of our ancestors emerging from the primordial ooze. These instincts, studied in the field of evolutionary psychology, encompass a wide range of behaviors, from the simple act of scratching an itch to the profound fear and avoidance of death. Our instincts, such as the compelling urge to scratch an itch to find relief, serve as essential mechanisms that ensure our well-being.

In modern America, most of our instinctual needs are readily met. Food and shelter are easily obtainable, and the daily confrontation with mortality, which characterized earlier eras of human history, has diminished. However, two instincts related to reproduction hold significant sway over our lives in contemporary society.

The first instinct revolves around parenting and the profound love we have for our children. The deep-seated drive to protect and provide advantages for our offspring is a force that profoundly shapes our actions. The second instinct, which pervades society, can be described as the “competition for mates and resources.” This instinct drives the process of seeking and attracting a suitable partner with whom we can bear children. Competition, in various forms, is an instinct that has propelled the human race forward, ensuring its success, reproduction, and continuous improvement across countless generations.

In America, these two instincts likely occupy the lion’s share—approximately 80-90%—of our daily activities, depending on our stage in life. If one does not yet have children, the competition for mates and resources may consume a significant portion of their focus. However, once an individual has a mate and children, the competition for resources readily transforms into a competition for the success and well-being of their offspring. The parental instinct takes hold, compelling parents to ensure their children’s survival, thriving, and happiness. Evolutionarily speaking, the care and nurturing of children have been vital for the continuity of family lines. Parents often put aside their personal aspirations, living vicariously through their children, thus passing down the instinct to compete.

And herein lies the quandary: socialism disrupts the natural course of competition on behalf of those we love. Instincts that have been ingrained in our behavior since before we were human.

The suppression of such basic instincts, the inability to care for our loves ones, or search for an appropriate mate, are the ultimate in oppression by a communist state.

Socialism aims to eliminate individual competition, a fundamental aspect of our humanity that propels us forward. Throughout the twentieth century, the Soviet Union, the most prominent socialist experiment, faltered despite the persistent efforts of its leaders to mold humanity to fit the socialist framework. Lenin and Stalin resorted to eliminating those who resisted the socialist construct, resulting in the deaths of millions of individuals labeled as “misfits.” These atrocities, in essence, were misguided attempts at eugenics, an endeavor to breed a new kind of human being. However, even such extreme measures failed to realize the intended socialist utopia.

When the Soviet Union eventually collapsed in 1991, the black market, a realm of highly competitive free enterprise that manifests in its best and worst forms, emerged as the backbone of the new Russian economy and the breakaway territories. This exemplifies the indomitable force of competition ingrained within human nature. Even under the looming threat of death, free enterprise prevailed, establishing a thriving black market that defied attempts to suppress it.

The United States, with its foundational principles of freedom and democracy, has long served as a beacon of hope for people worldwide. However, as Senator Scott observes, the rise of socialist and communist policies among certain factions threatens to undermine these cherished values.

Communism’s global toll is staggering, with more than 100 million victims and over 1.5 billion people currently living under its rule. Despite this sobering reality, a 2020 poll by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation revealed that a concerning percentage of Millennials and Generation Z view communism favorably. These findings highlight the urgent need for comprehensive education on the subject.

The Crucial Communism Teaching Act proposes the distribution of educational materials through the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, enabling high schools to incorporate vital lessons about the history and detrimental impact of communism into their curricula. By doing so, the bill aims to foster a deep understanding of how this ideology fundamentally undermines America’s founding principles of freedom and democracy.

As the public grapples with the ramifications of ideological speech codes and the suppression of dissent, commentator and radio host Dennis Prager offers a poignant perspective. Drawing on his firsthand experiences studying communism and witnessing the Soviet oppression of Jews, Prager warns that the modern Left’s inclination to enforce ideological speech codes bears a striking resemblance to totalitarian regimes. He describes this phenomenon as “nightmarish” and emphasizes the critical need for courageous individuals to defend truth and free speech.

About The Author


  1. frank stetson

    This really sounds like it’s AI generated.

    • Tom

      IT might be! Very perceptive of you! I was wondering myself! If it is AI generated then this goes to my comment about having some sort of marker or banner that indicates the writer is “AI” and the editor is the “poster”.

    • Joe Gilbertson

      yes, I understand, the big words might be too much for you…

      • Tom

        Such simpleton thoughts and insults are not worthy of a person who claims to have a masters in engineering. Raise your bar!

        • frank stetson

          [ sim-puhl-tuhn ]

          High School Level noun
          Sometimes Offensive.
          an ignorant, foolish, or silly person.

          Synonym for simpleton from Joe :>)

          • Tom

            Good one Frank! He’s probably still trying to figure it out.

        • Joe Gilbertson

          heat – kitchen

  2. Tom

    I have not talked to many younger generation people lately. Most of those I talked to seemed to want a more balanced mix of socialist and capitalist systems. Our system is currently a mix of socialist and capitalist that is tied together by a Federal government that ensures both. If you do not think you are a socialist, then let me ask you: Have you ever: been to a state college? A national park? A community library? Driven on a state or federal highway? Graduated from a public school? Paid Medicare and Social Security taxes and hope to use the system one day when you are of full maturity age? Treated in a community hospital? These are all social endeavors paid for by taxes from people like me who may not use some of them.

    Communist and Democratic models in their purity both have deep flaws. Just as in dogs, it seems like a mix is better. But what is the best mix? Communism (often called socialism) destroys the drive to compete and tries to use competition in a form of governance called “Meritocracy”. Meritocracies are full of corruption to get to the top because it is all about my merit, not yours. Democracies (capitalism) leaves many people behind who do not have the capital to complete, or do not have the skills required by the competition. Capitalism breeds many working poor, big wealth gaps between poor and rich which only drives inflation in the end, and has its own forms of corruption usually tied to money where the rich become societal influencers because they have the money to buy the platform.

    The younger generations that I have talked to seem to want a better mix than what we have today where the poor get poorer and the rich get tax breaks and richer while we add it to national debt that the poor will pay off. They do not want such a disparate wealth gap. They want all people to be able to live quality lives and have decent income such as in what is being called a “livable wage”. They want to be able to own a house or afford a decent apartment if they do not wish to be a home owner. They want jobs and competition but with stability – no layoffs. They want pleasure time instead of overtime. They want a richness of public services such as libraries, parks, etc.

    Instead of teaching one system as evil and the other as good, since both have up and down sides, why not teach how to blend both the social model and the capitalist model to create a better “social democracy” than we have today? Why not teach duty and honor and citizenship? Why not teach them economic theory that covers how to diminish the wealth gap some in favor of a great and better society? Why not teach them how giving is much more honorable than receiving? Why not teach the theory of Dr. Ivan Misner of the Seven Principles of Givers Gain? And mix in a healthy dose of how to identify a societal need and form a niche business around it? And mix in the principals of capitalism and how it works.

    Remember the words of JFK: “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”

    • Joe Gilbertson

      They want more socialism because they don’t know the dangers and what they would have to give up, they don’t appreciate the freedoms that they have. And people like you are saying the poor are getting poorer. No they are not. And people like you are trying to count other people’s money. Why do you care if someone else is rich?

      “Blending” is not an option, economies do not work that way.

      That said, we should definitely teach honor and citizenship, in addition to ambition, hard work and how our country works.

      • Tom

        Joe, you do not understand the depth of my comment.

        1) Many young people feel the game is rigged and they do not see a future in this game. Stock market is rigged. Economy is skewed towards big business and tax breaks for wealthy. Educations to expensive to afford. Housing is out of their reach. Apartments are as expensive as houses but do not offer any equity. Cannot afford health care but we can afford endless wars. Gee, what a lovely world we are giving them. I can think of many reasons why they feel the way they do!!!

        You do not understand wealth gap. Let me try to explain it to you. For a fixed amount of money in any economy, there is a distribution of that money. If everyone has the same amount of money, then the gap is zero. As one group starts to acquire more of that money into its pot (lets call them the rich) the other group (lets call them average middle class and young people) sees less money coming into its pot because some of it went to the rich people. This creates a disparity or gap because no longer does everyone have the same amount. So now the gap is a 1. So now the middle class has less money to but stuff, and we start to see a group we can call (the poor) arise. As the rich get richer the gap becomes bigger, say 2, then 3. And the reason the gap gets bigger is because more is going to the rich and it is coming from the middle class pot, and the poor people pot have less chance to put money into their pot. Thus the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The wealth gap has been commonly acknowledged by the US Congress.

        A September 2017 study by the Federal Reserve reported that the top 1% owned 38.5% of the country’s wealth in 2016. According to a June 2017 report by the Boston Consulting Group, around 70% of the nation’s wealth will be in the hands of millionaires and billionaires by 2021. Young people see this as very unfair!!!

        The US Congress committee on the budget which has an equal number of Dem and GOP on its committee had this to say about the subject of wealth: “Today we are going to be discussing an issue that, in my view, is of enormous consequence, both morally and
        economically. But it is an issue that gets far too little discussion, and that is, the crisis of income and wealth inequality in our country.
        The simple truth is that today in America the very, very rich are getting much richer, while tens of millions of working-class Americans are struggling to put food on the table and take care of their basic needs. So you see Joe, what I say is true!!!

        Again Joe, you amaze me that for a person that supposedly has a masters degree in some kind of engineering (maybe its baiting fish hooks) you have so little grasp on the basics that matter!!! What must happen is that we must get money back into the system so working class families have more income to buy more. The best way is by taxes, which is why I am in favor of raising taxes on the rich so that the wealth gap does not keep increasing.

        • Tom

          And by the way Joe, the more money we get into the hands of middle class and poor to purchase good and services, the more sales tax states collect and the more revenues the federal government collects which translates to states and federal government not needing to borrow as much from the Chinese!!!

        • Joe Gilbertson

          Why do you assume that I don’t know this? I don’t agree with your assessment. Younger people think it is not fair because liberal bullshitters are telling them it is not fair. And since they have not been educated to the point where they understand and can take advantage of their freedoms, the only choice that makes them feel good is to believe the bullshitters.

          I was taught that the harder you work and the more you think, the better off you are. And I have found that to be true.

          And again, you are counting other people’s money. Mind your own business.

      • frank stetson

        Joe, our economy has been “blended” since FDR or earlier.

        EU socialist states have mostly gone the other way, blending capitalism on top of socialism.

        The poor getting poorer is flawed logic or a bad rendition of Billy Preston who summed up the issue that “Nothing from nothing is nothing” so pretty hard to get more poorer…. What you wanted to say, I bet, is more poor, which is not true under Biden. Maybe Trump.

        Communism is not exactly socialism.

        I do agree that there are dangers in socialism, just as there are dangers in not having socialism. Think we proved some pitfalls in LBJ’s welfare state that conservatives railed against using the same myths that you dredge out again here, but they were right and when Clinton stole their ideas, but applied them fairly, the sky did not fail and the system seemed better with time limits and work requirements.

        So I do agree that the far left wants to much, college tuition reimbursement or whatever being a good example of too much IMO — I don’t mind helping, lending a hand, but making it a hand out is just not fair. Likewise the debt-ceiling-agreement work requirements don’t bother me too much.

        But the fact we are blended, the fact that blending works, is obvious on a global scale.

        • Joe Gilbertson

          True communism has never existed (and can’t), it is the “ideal” that people strive for while destroying the capitalist society that gave them the leisure time to pursue it.

          Someone once told me that the order of Catholic Nuns was the sole exception – maybe that is what made them so mean…

          • Frank stetson

            You didn’t add anything here. As in: so what?

  3. Mike f

    Perhaps I could suggest that this education not just be for current students, but also some older folks who need to learn about the dangers of communism and authoritarianism (it’s the authoritarianism that really gets you). We have a former president who badly needs to be educated on this subject (I understand, he wasn’t a good student back in the day-too stupid-but perhaps trump could benefit from the education you suggest?). His worship of the strong men leading communist (or almost communist) countries makes it obvious he needs remedial education of the type you are recommending for current students…

    • Joe Gilbertson

      Good sentiment but you are wrong about Trump. Trump is a capitalist top to bottom. But capitalists at his level don’t get to deal with boy scouts all of the time, they develop relationships with other powerful or otherwise interesting people despite their flaws. Again I will make the point that if Trump had taken the second term, there would be no Russia-Ukraine war and North Korea would be much less a threat.

      • frank stetson

        You don’t know that Trump would have made the Ukraine war an impossibility. I didn’t notice him getting Crimea back. I didn’t notice him stopping any NK missile development, tests, and launches, and there is no proof that NK stopped their nuclear programs, and every indication that they did not. Point is you are pulling that swag out of your butt.

        Trump is not a capitalist — he’s a flim-flam huckster that went busted, like six times, and had to have either Daddy or The State save his sorry ass. He would have been worth more if he had just banked his stolen inheritance from Daddy.

      • Mike f

        Joe, Trump is an “authoritarian” which is what is the true danger of communism. He wants to control the economy and have no one question his actions. He was not a president for a democracy..

        • Joe Gilbertson

          What the heck are you talking about? Trump showed no particular sign of that, and especially no sign of being a communist. And BTW, Authoritarians are on both extremes of the political fence. In fact, an unfortunately society can be both fascist and socialist.

          • Mike f

            Joe-I realize that you are pretty dense when it comes to politics, but we have never had a president who identified with authoritarian policies like trump. He felt that as President he could do whatever he wanted and not be held liable for it. He wanted to silence the media in its criticism of him. The only leaders he respected were those in authoritarian regimes. Of course, republicans are the party of authoritarianism at this time. They do not believe that individuals can make the right decisions regarding health, education or entertainment, so they want big government to make those decisions for them…

          • Joe Gilbertson

            You are expressing opinions, that I do not agree with. I thought Obama was more the authoritarian assholle.

  4. frank stetson

    AI check: the main issue I have with AI is stealth, not labelling the info as AI generated. I can’t prove Daniel is AI; I applaud him whether man or machine. I can say he is EXTREMELY prolific, well read has the best use of the English language and grammar, bar none, on PBP. Almost machine-like in his seemingly factory line process.

    Like a commercial artist who speed produces actual paintings, or close replicas, at the speed of light. Frankly, sort of my style, but much, much, better.

    I scanned in his article on NC Charter Schools that I found, without much effort, a couple a close call sentences, no big deal in my book. I can not find entire sentences, but many a phrase or part of a sentence. A good number.

    A quick scan of this NC one versus the AP and this one is similar — you be the judge. I have only skimmed the articles; I did not go word by word. I just used things that might stick out, like numbers or unusual wording. One other thing I note: Daniel’s pieces are always better, always more expansive than searched articles on the subject, almost as if the topic was RE-searched garnering more surround than the one or two articles on the specific news. Just saying.

    Here’s what I found:
    AP: The cyber gulag: How Russia tracks, censors and controls its citizens (FS-not a biggee, everyone uses cyber gulag)

    Daniel: over 610,000 web pages were blocked or removed by authorities in 2022, and 779 people faced criminal charges over online comments and posts.
    AP: more than 610,000 web pages were blocked or removed by authorities in 2022 -– the highest annual total in 15 years — and 779 people faced criminal charges over online comments and posts, also a record.

    Daniel: In response to the coordinated online protests of 2011-12, authorities implemented stricter internet controls. Websites have been blocked, and telecommunication and internet service providers are required to store call records and messages, sharing the information
    AP: The Kremlin’s seeming indifference about digital monitoring appeared to change after 2011-12 mass protests were coordinated online, prompting authorities to tighten internet controls.

    Close but no cigar just like the Mona Lisa painting in your Sofitel Hotel room…….

    Again, my only issue is that if AI is used, it must be labelled as such; otherwise it’s not kosher. What do we know about Daniel? Joe says he has advanced degrees. So does AI in a manner of speaking. No picture, no resume, not easily tracked on the internet. Does not seem to be a track record.

    And now he is the most prolific writer on PBP, starting his career around the time Joe produced his AI-generated piece. Sure would cut back on Joe’s cost profile……. Larry is not cheap and although a fine writer, IMO, no where need as well-edited as Daniel. Matter of fact Daniel is almost as good as my wife who is a flawless proofer and was paid well for it for a few decades before her advanced degree.

    UPDATE: Suddenly, out of nowhere, Denial goes off the reservation and lashes out, quite emotionally, at Eric Swalwell, just like a jilted lover in High School. That one reads like AI with a personal touch by another editor at the end.

    UPDATE UPDATE: This one on communism reads like a college thesis. “Basic instinctive needs,” aka Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which he does not credit although has to know, reads like a term paper; it’s smooth but it’s a brick shy of a wall — obvious stuff is missing. Daniel says: “In modern America, most of our instinctual needs are readily met. Food and shelter are easily obtainable, and the daily confrontation with mortality, which characterized earlier eras of human history, has diminished.” This is the set up to his entire premise, it’s the foundation. It reads well, looks slick, and is fatally flawed. Like a cog in the machine, somehow it misses the fact that in 2021, about 12% of American lived in poverty. About 39,000,000 of us DID NOT have basic needs “readily met.” Another 16% live at less than twice the poverty level and you can bet there basic needs are unmet OR 100% of their focus as they live paycheck to paycheck with ZERO buffer for contingencies. Get sick, can’t eat, you get it.

    Now we are getting close to a 1/3rd of America’s sole focus in life is survival and the most basic of needs.

    How could Daniel miss that? But that’s a common AI problem and typical AI miss. A clever, convenient treatise with obvious fatal flaws hard to detect because it’s all just so slick. A term paper that supports the subject with a wide array of concepts, ideas, and facts. A great search engine result, prolific parroting of known phrases but no plagiarism. It’s almost too much, too good to be true.

    Again, I don’t know anything about Daniel vs. AI, but what I do know is he comes from nowhere, has no pic, no bio, and overnight is PBP’s most prolific writer of very comprehensive, well written, expansive pieces. Long ones too. Joe uses AI, why not for his PBP. Just if he is, in the role as free speech extremist, he should not hide it, if that’s the case.

    Otherwise, great job, fatal flaw notwithstanding, and keep up the great work. By far, PBP has a new number one. IMO

    • Joe Gilbertson

      Actually, he was prolific last week because our editor who edits and uploads Larry’s and Bill’s stuff was moving and was not available (and I can’t edit worth a damn…)

      As for “needs readily met”, you apparently rarely leave the comfort of your basement, much less have traveled to countries where needs are not being met. Not having the latest cell phone is not a crisis under the Maslow heirarchy. BTW evolutionary psychology explains Maslow and is a more advanced model.

      I will convey to Daniel your praise, concerns and, of course, your substance abuse problem… Maybe eventually I’ll be able to get him to argue with you like Larry does. You can hold your breath on that one.

      And just so you know, everyone except Larry writes under a pseudonym here. And that’s because of “fans” like you…

  5. frank stetson

    I feel the same way about being a pseudonym here. But I have no issue with a bio. I could post a pic, but come on, you know it would be AI and a younger Robert Redford look……

    And Daniel writing more because others didn’t seems illogical, but OK, sure, fine, if that’s what you say. Now that they are back, is he taking a vacation? Building inventory?

    If he was AI, I am sure you would fess up by now. It’s not like having a machine write your stories is less than the humans in veracity. Maybe more so. But if Daniel is a real boy ——> he’s a keeper and the best you got, bar none. I like Larry’s opinions and chutzpah more, but on the writing, on the facts—- D be PBP #1.

    For US poverty I used US poverty stats. They are as correct as anything you know but fail to post. As to other countries, gee, I thought this story was about the US. Those are the US numbers and what’s happening outside the US or on Mars for that matter, really does not seem to be germane to the issue and yet another red herring which you seem prone to toss out on a regular basis as is your way. Daniel would have never made that mistake.

    As far as substance abuse, drinking, whatever ——-> I will put money down that you out consume me by whatever amount you choose to imbibe, ingest, or inject. Unless you are a teetotaler, you are far more likely to have the same issues on this you fabricate for me because for some, really strange and almost perverted reason, it gets your rocks off to continually say it. What’s the bet?

    • Joe Gilbertson

      That’s the difference, I truly look better than Robert Redford…

      US poverty stats are bullshit, they are for political consumption, nothing more. Today’s lower classes are living as well as upper middle classes in the U.S. in the 1950’s and upper middle classes in 3/4 of the world today. None of what you said affects the arguments in the article.

      I admit, I consume more than my share of Dr. Pepper.

      • Frank stetson

        It was the gay ads, right?

        I have some barnwood that looks like Redford. Weathered leather…

        Joe, can you prove the government can’t actually accurately track poverty AND that you are better source to tell the poor they ain’t poor, they’re just living like Ozzie and Harriet or the Beaver. You are very full of it you know…. The emperor has no clothes.

        • Frank stetson

          Always know when Joe has completely lost the argument when his response is, “your sources are wrong, they don’t know what they’re doing, and I don’t like them. I the what the truth is I just made it up. Believe me, forget the experts, i know, they don’t.”


        • Joe Gilbertson

          I’m more like oak than barnwood.

          The governments idea of “poverty” has been skewed by the left. You should leave your basement, and actually travel to the third world, you might find actual poverty there. And you will also find people who don’t have a lot who will tell you they are not poor. People in the U.S. who claim to be “poor” are usually not.

  6. Feank stetson

    Barn wood is often oak, mine was until I t111’d it. Rough oak at that. Weren’t you raised on a farm?

    Funny story, pulled some barn wood, the wind had eaten like 1/16th in on the soft grain, twas really beautiful. City folks would pay a lot for it. Put it up in my bil’s eaten area only to look at it from the side to realize we put hammer mark in the raised grain. Took it down, put undamaged up right. It was incredible

    Two months later I swung by and it was gone. My bil said: “i wake up and see barn wood. I drive around, all I see is barn wood. Hell with it; I want to see dry wall..

    You saying it doesn’t prove it. I think it’s you that screwed up. Joe, you have not a clue where I come from or where I’ve been but I do understand the US poverty in not central Africa poverty. Not are the two cost-of-living similar either.

    I was born in hard-scrapple NJ, Joe, not the sissy white life you grew up in to join the ivy leagued besuited CIA. Newark and Camden looked diwn on us. Good thing we left when I was born 😁. But for bragging rights, trust me, you were born in silver spoon land compared to my start.

    But enough dick measuring on who’s got more street creds, you tell me how a US citizen below the US poverty level is not concerned primarily with meeting basic needs. Show us how they live the 1950’s middle class life you fantasize they do. Just saying it does not make it true.

    And that’s why the basic foundation of this AI generated story is bullshit.

    • Joe Gilbertson

      Oak? Barn wood is generally pine…and only decorators are impressed with the look of it – actual farmers usually paint it so it doesn’t rot so fast (and don’t consider rot to be beautiful).

      I’ve written plenty about myself, but apparently your memory isn’t what it used to be (yes, too much bourbon will do that…). Somehow I don’t picture you as having “street cred” of any kind.

      • Frank stetson

        Sorry, only thing I remember about your personal life beyond your degree was something about a hurricane and neighbors helping. Somehow I seem to think it was either Tennessee or Kentucky, but I could be imagining that.

        Obviously, you’re not much of a farmer, since most barns are made by whatever was available in the nearby wood lot. In the north, that would be a lot of hardwoods like oak, in the south, at least after the Civil War, I could see Pine since that was your predominant lumbering source. In my case, like I said, I use rough oak because that’s what was a fillable on the cheap at the local mill. in the case of my brother-in-law, that was an old barn, and I believe it was ash, again that’s what it was available high up in the appellations. Matter fact, we were basically on the eastern continental divide.

        Painting barns, it really depends. The wood is mostly upright and there, really isn’t that much rot in an upright. But it is certainly nicer to paint them. Never painted the oak one, why bother. Up here in New Jersey, we still have a goodly number of them from late 1700s to 1900. One of my favorites is pre-revolutionary war, it is indeed painted, but incredibly tight inside. Mine was 1864, but had to be pushed in, so I replaced it with a kit. Put in the loft myself and a walk-out too. Think it’s like 39×60 now. I used the old barn would to deck half, put in a couple of stalls for my thoroughbred rescues and a pad for the tractors. Sandyv took out a corner so replaced that myself too. No neighbors!

        No street creds? Why would you conclude that?

        You’re the one always talking about to much alcohol. Now it’s bourbon. I’m half Slovak and 1/4 Irish so Bourbon? I honestly don’t know much about hard liquor, that’s seems to be your crutch. You and Larry talk about it all the time.

        I’m just a NJ cowboy, the entire state gas street cred. You live in a state that resembles a limp dick, fits your street cred c

        • Joe Gilbertson

          “NJ cowboy”? Do you even listen to yourself? You admit to being a wannabe cowboy and are proud of it?

  7. Frank stetson

    Why? I live in the country, have horses, a six gun, it’s West Jersey, land of shotguns and pick me ups, We even have a County Fair with actual livestock, demolition derbies, and tractor pulls. There’s Brooklyn cowboys, lonesome LA cowboys, why not Jersey cowboys. There’s even cows just across the street.

    Whattya got in your limp dick state: Jimmy Buffet, gators, crocs, and most poisonous snakes in America? Batting octogenarians at Dennys all you can eat buffet? Gonna brag about being James Bond again? Desk analyst no doubt working out of the embassy, suites that is

  1. Joe Gilbertson: where are you going with these threats? My free speech is facing intimidation, sometimes physical threats. Is this…