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Real political violence versus theoretical political violence

Real political violence versus theoretical political violence

One of the major political propaganda strategies employed by Democrats and their media cronies is constant allegations of right-wing violence – which they broadbrush onto the Republican Party.  I if you analyze the issue outside of the left’s narratives, it proves to be more of a theory than a reality. 

None of the violence the left predicted on the anniversary of the January 6, 2021, Capitol Hill riot occurred.  None of the violent mobs appeared as they predicted when Trump was indicted. None of the daily fearmongers claims that Trump’s language incites violence has resulted in any violence attributable to his statements.

Conversely, we have witnessed REAL – and deadly — left-wing violence repeatedly during the same period.  Remember the occupation of a portion of downtown Portland in which a police headquarters was taken over for weeks?  People were murdered and died of overdoses in that so-called “autonomous zone.”

More recently, we have seen highly-funded professional left-wing riot inciters join with students and faculty on college campuses across the nation to riot and violently attack police and Jewish students – and vandalize and destroy property. 

While ignoring the fact of left-wing violence – and inventing false examples of right-wing violence — those on the radical left seem to be hyper-sensitive to common criticism.  They elevate simple criticism to an attack.  The left does not tolerate criticism.  When they cannot censor or cancel it, they complain about it.

Case in point.  California Congresswoman Maxine Waters recently complained that she is subjected to assaults from people who disagree with her positions or policies.

In a podcast interview, Waters said (highlight added):

“As a member of Congress with people … you know … who evidently had a racist attitude … uh … and recently one even confronted me in a restaurant, and they don’t say racist things, but what they say is … uh … they don’t like something I said.  They don’t like the position I took.  But you know that … you know if you were not Black … right? … uh …  you would not be approached that way.  (Podcast host:  Right?  They would probably not.)  Right?  They would think twice about doing it.  They think they can get away …”

Now let us underscore that.  Folks come up to her in public and DO NOT say anything racist but express disagreement with her political positions or something she said. There are no threats … no violence.  But Waters alleges she is the victim of racism.

So, it is wrong and racist to tell Waters that you disagree with her statements and political positions.  But is that not what politicians are expected to hear from the public they represent?  Do they not talk about “hearing from the people” as an integral part of their job?  Waters, like so many on the radical left — wants those with other opinions to keep them to themselves.  They want their opponents silenced. 

Of course, Waters is a hypocrite of the first magnitude. If you think not, consider what she said not long ago.

In a recorded public rally, Waters called on her supporters to harass, assault and attack Republicans in public at every opportunity.  She wants them driven from the public commons.

Here is what she told her mob.

“Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up and if you see anybody from that (Trump) Cabinet in a restaurant … in a department store … at a gasoline station … you get out and you create a crowd … and you push back on them … and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore …anywhere.”

Waters repeated it in later television interviews.

“These members of his (Trump’s) Cabinet who remain and try to defend him …they’re not going to be able to go to a restaurant.  They’re not going to be able to stop at a gas station. They’re not going to be able to shop at a department store.  The people are going to turn on them.  They’re going to protest.  They’re going to … uh … absolutely harass them until they are going to tell the President … no, I can’t hang with you.”

What Waters is proposing is essentially an assault – engendering fear.  It is a violent crime … a felony.   Typical of the liberal mind, dissent is to be censored and canceled through potentially violent confrontation … and she is not alone.

America’s senior race baiter, Al Sharpton – speaking from his perch on MSNBC – said that Democrats have to bring the “fight” to the streets – and he was not suggesting peaceful protests.  He said protestors should bring weapons, including “broken bottles.”

For the left, violence is acceptable as long as the professed purpose supports the radical left agenda.  In that case, they promote it … tolerate it … mischaracterize it … and refuse to enforce it.

You may recall that violent protestors of the radical left took over a portion of downtown Seattle – including a police station — and declared it to be the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ).  It led to an outbreak of crimes in and around the Zone – including robbery, assaults, rape and murder.  And yet, the left-wing mayor described it as something akin to a summer festival.

Progressive prosecutors routinely refuse to enforce the law against violent protestors on the left.  Vice President Harris even donated money for the bail of rioters.

While the example of right-wing political violence is rare and mostly speculative or theoretical – and limited to fringe groups — the real organized and frequent violence is coming from the left – whether it is the institutional racist violence against Blacks in Democrat-controlled cities or the well-organized and well-financed violence iconic in left-wing protests and rioting.  That is the predominant political violence Americans see on the television screen in real-time with great regularity.

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. Frank stetson

    Point of oder, mr. Half o century experiencer; Portland was 2020 on Trump’s watch making Amerika Grate Agin. Good job!

    Matter of fact, the entire summer of Floyd, mostly peaceful as were the college protests today, was on Trump’s great America watch.

    It will take a lot of vacant strip mall burnings to catch up to the violent attack on the Capitol with a full Congress in session running for their lives. Although no one as fast as Hawley. Insurrection trumps property damage.

    And Republican lone wolf actions continue to indiscriminately kill liberals across the land. MSM just does not put them together as part of a bigger narrative. I do.

    • Harry

      All performed by radical leftist!! You dumb fk!

      • frank stetson

        Harry, really? 1.6.2021 was all performed by radical leftists? Wonder who’s in jail and how many of these deplorables now blame Trump?

        Plus, here’s Congress talking bout all the right-wing extremist’s infiltrating summer of Floyd protests to wreak havoc with violent acts. Want more proof? Court cases? There’s a lot out there IF you just look.

        • frank stetson

          sorry, here’s congress **

      • frank stetson

        Harry, on trump’s watch, you dumber fuck. And not all leftists either you stupid slut puppy. Look, pygmy prick, here’s the link:

        You can find listings of right wing extremism during BLM protests that list all the arrests and charges.

        • larry Horist

          Frank Stetson …LOL And YOU sanctimoniously talk against uncivil language when you are the number one user of childish street thug language. I think your name is in the dictionary as the third definition of “hypocrisy.” Your latest tirade sounds like Tourette’s Syndrome. LOL And your one-sided research does not prove your points or refute anyone else’s. You use selected information and then claim it is the only truth .. the whole story. You have the approach of a propagandist — because you are sucked in by … propagandists. That is why I do not waste time responding to your overwhelming bs in those long long responses. But at least you have Tom as your supplicant acolyte. Two grumpy old geezers in their private balcony grumbling about the world . LMAO

          • frank stetson

            Horist obsessively generalizes about my personality, perhaps someday he might lodge a complaint with some actual specifics.

            “Frank Stetson” “sanctimoniously” #childish street thug language.” “hypocrisy.” “Tourette’s Syndrome.” “propagandist” “grumpy old geezers.”

            Great discussion on the issues and facts of the day once again Mr. Horist.

            Are these names the best you got? Like I keep saying, get specific, back it up with examples, or STFU.

  2. frank stetson

    Still don’t understand why Horist sees Republican violence as non-existent when it seems to exist everywhere. Not to mention that it seems to me that it takes a lot of strip mall burnings to equal one violent Republican insurrection at the nation’s Capital when a full Congress was in session and in imminent danger. They violently stopped Congress from working, forced them into shelters, stopped the Presidential vote process for hours, and looked to overturn the vote in response to The Big Lie. Who knows what would have happened if they had found Pelosi or Pence. Proof of the terror can be seen in Josh Hawley’s eyes as he ran away like a frightened school girl. Thousands have been arrested; hundreds are in jail. Trump watched on TV, munching burgers, for over three hours until someone called in the troops. Trump, who se primary job is defending the Constitution, defending the nation, NEVER made the call for more troops.

    And one more time, let me just say: arrest any lawbreaker and give them the punishment they deserve. Any political party. Don’t matter to me. Seems to matter to Horist though.

    Doing a crime, claiming patriotism, and asking for a pardon is just lame, just not as lame as giving pardons for these crimes. Stone, Manafort, Flynn, Bannon, the Blackwater Three, Trump’s relatives — shameless. All Republicans. Sending the message that Trump will free you if you work in his interests. Republican interests. We are not a nation of laws when the King lets his people go by rejecting the rule of law.

    The thing is, violence is in America’s DNA. We were created in a crucible of violence. We violently took our land, coast to coast. And like other living organisms, it evolves. Republican violence this time around, the Trump era of violence, begins in August of 2020 in Idaho. The capitol gallery was restricted, masks mandatory, when maskless armed protesters slammed past state police and security guards, broke a glass door and demanded entry. House Speaker Scott Bedke, a Republican let them in, maskless, to overfill the gallery. He begged on YouTube no less: “You guys are going to police yourselves up there, and you’re going to act like good citizens,” he told the invading criminal Republicans, according to a YouTube. He thought backing down was safer and then skulked out the back door avoiding the press. No one was ever charged and the insurrectionists learned much about penetration of a Capitol on that day. You can do this shit and nothing bad happens. These fine fellows were in DC too using their experience to support the violence there.

    Earlier, in April, Republicans in an “American Patriot Rally” at the Michigan Capitol swarmed the building demanding an end to the stay-at-home order put in place by Gov. Whitmer to combat COVID-19. Hundreds, many heavily armed, no masks, no social distancing, only the thin blue line of state police troopers and other Capitol employees held the mob back from the House floor. Rep. Anthony said: “We had hundreds of individuals storm our Capitol building. No, lives were not lost, blood was not shed, property was not damaged, but I think they saw how easy it was to get into our building and they could get away with that type of behavior and there would be little to no consequences.” No one was charged but two of them were later arrested for the Republican plan to kidnap the Democrat Governor. Others turned up in DC on 1/6. Many state officials soon came down with covid.

    In December, in Portland, Republican state Rep. Mike Nearman opened a locked door to let violent, armed, protesters storm that building. The building had been closed since mid-March because of covid. Dozens of unmasked rioters streamed into the building and attacked police officers. One of the Patriot Prayer supporters carried an AR-15 rifle into the Statehouse and was charged with pepper-spraying six police officers. Five protesters were taken into custody. Nearman defended himself noting the state Constitution mandates open public legislative proceedings. Removed from legislative committees and billed for damages caused by the rioters, this guy shows the Republican support for violence. Remember the recon tours in DC led by Republicans days before 1/6. Three of these fine fellows from Portland were arrested in DC. One said: “The president asked people to come, and I felt it was my constitutional duty to go.”

    These three events provided valuable feedback for 1/6 insurrectionists and the info was disseminated wildly amongst the Republican extremists. Many of the same folks storming the state buildings turn up in DC. Many were armed. These were practice sessions for the main event where these same groups turned up for the Trump rally and then stormed the Capitol. But now their DNA for violence had evolved learning, like AI, from previous encounters.

    There is a direct line from the State Capitol breaches to the violent Republican insurrection at the National Capitol building. Same recons, same efforts to bust in, with the same expectations of freedom for their “patriotic” adventures in violence. The funny part is in their zealotry and hatred of all covid precautions and restraints, they skip the masks and up the on-line capture of their self-endorsing adventures. To their doom in court.

    And now it is expected that IF Trump gets into office, he will reward their violence, their criminal acts, and their treason to patriotism, with pardons for all. That’s your non-violent Republican party that Horist ignores in this story.

    Next I will look at the current Republican lone wolf violent operations meant to sow fear in groups unwanted by Republicans. Pro Choice, Jews, LGQBT, blacks, all targeted. Not covered often since just another shooting, and never linked together as a wider effort to intimidate their perceived enemies. Like mass murders, doesn’t happen often, but the effect goes far wider than the event itself. The national psyche is on edge, there is no dead line, they can strike anyone, anywhere, at any time. Every state, every community, they are there. Always.

    These events are “evolved” from 1/6 where Republicans learned from their failure of an organized breach hidden in a riot hidden in a protest hidden in a rally. Now they use a distributed network of lone wolf operatives who individually, or in pairs, attack their liberal targets. There is no group, no leader, just seemingly unorganized nuts running violently amuck. Or are these the seeds for the next evolution of the Republican way of violence that’s covering our land.

    Again, I don’t care the party. Arrest all who break the law, indict, convict, and punish accordingly. Trump, young Biden, Clinton, Ghouliani, I don’t care.

  3. frank stetson

    Looking the current Republican lone wolf violent operations; they are intended to sow fear in differing groups Republicans have deemed “unwashed.” Pro Choice, Jews, LGQBT, blacks, all targeted. The concept is simple, harass, intimidate, and sow fear in a liberal segment. The lone wolf operation is not covered often since never linked together as a wider effort to intimidate their perceived enemies. Like mass murders, doesn’t happen often, but the effect goes far wider than the event itself. Like the breaching at State capitols, it may just be the precursor to larger actions.

    These events are “evolved” from 1/6 where Republicans learned from their failure of an organized breach hidden in a riot hidden in a protest hidden in a rally. Now they use a distributed network of lone wolf operatives who individually, or in pairs, attack their liberal targets. There is no group, no leader, just seemingly unorganized nuts running violently amuck. Or are these the seeds for the next evolution of the Republican way of violence that’s covering our land.

    Again, I don’t care the party. Arrest all who break the law, indict, convict, and punish accordingly. Trump, young Biden, Clinton, Ghouliani, I don’t care.

    Here’s just a few from just one year, 2022. However, starting from 1.6.2021, they occurred in significant numbers across the entire nation. People being shot dead for being a Democrat. People violently attacked for being pro choice. You know the game. Here we go:

    2022, TN, Edward Kelley and Austin Carter were arrested on conspiracy charges for an alleged plot to kill 37 law enforcement officers, including FBI agents who were investigating Kelley for his role in the January 6, 2021, Capitol storming in Washington, D.C.
    2022 CO, Anderson Lee Aldrich was charged with 317 crimes, including five counts of first-degree murder, for a shooting spree against an LGBTQ+ nightclub. Aldrich appears to have tried but failed to livestream the deadly attack. Some months before the attack, Aldrich had created a small 4chan-like website in which he “showcased” an accelerationist white supremacist video called “Wrong Target,” the purpose of which was to convince people to launch violent attacks against Jews, racial minorities and other targets.
    2022 NY, Matthew Mahrer and Christopher Brown indicted on conspiracy, threat and weapons charges following their arrest on November 19 as they tried to enter Penn Station with firearms, bulletproof vests and masks. Police suspect the pair was plotting to conduct a shooting at a synagogue.
    2022 CA,. David DePape invaded the home of then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in a self-described “suicide mission” to kidnap her and “break her kneecaps” to serve as an object lesson for other Democrats.
    2022 MO, Bryan C. Perry of Tennessee and Jonathan S. O’Dell of Missouri allegedly plotted to travel to Texas to shoot migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. Perry also allegedly talked about going to war against the government and left a telephone message at the office of Texas Governor Greg Abbott saying he was “co-founder of a militia.”
    2022 MI, A masked man dressed in camouflage used a combustible log and fuel to set fire to a Planned Parenthood clinic in Kalamazoo. The criminal complaint stated that Brereton had posted a video to YouTube referring to abortion as “genocide” and encouraging others to “step out of your comfort zone” and join the fight. Brereton subsequently pleaded guilty to the arson attack and received a five-year sentence.
    2022 OH Police arrested a teenager livestreaming a video in which he allegedly announced he was going to kill his father and take his van, then shoot at Black people before conducting a mass shooting at a synagogue.
    2022 NY, Matthew Belanger was arrested on weapons charges, but prosecutors say he was a white supremacist who, while serving as a Marine, plotted to attack a synagogue in New York, as well as to engage in homicide and sexual assault. The latter was allegedly an attempt to rape white women to increase the number of white children. He was discharged from the USMC in May 2021.
    2022 WY Lorna Roxanne Green allegedly broke into a building housing a not-yet-opened women’s health clinic in Casper, Wyoming and set fire to it,
    2022 NY In an elaborately planned attack, white supremacist Payton Gendron opened fire at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York, deliberately targeting Black people. His attack killed 10 people and wounded three more. His attack was modeled after previous accelerationist white supremacist terrorist attacks.
    That’s just the first ten. For one year. According to ADL: “There were just seven right-wing terror incidents in the period 2005-2007, but by 2017-2019 there were 27, which increased to 40 in 2020-2022.” I can track even more.

    Think of it like mass shootings. Does not happen often. Really not that many killed, at least compared to “normal” US death by gun. But strikes a note of fear in the social segment being attacked.

    It’s happening and Horist ignores it in his zeal to get liberals any way he can. What we should be talking about is how to reduce violence, especially gun violence, in America for all parties and peoples. Both sides are offering too much violence. That’s the issue. And to say the right is better than the left is just not correct. Both sides suck on this issue.

    • Archie

      Frank you are a liar and cannot prove your own bullshit.

      • frank stetson

        Archie Bunker: no problem, here’s some proof:

        “2022 NY In an elaborately planned attack, white supremacist Payton Gendron opened fire at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York, deliberately targeting Black people. His attack killed 10 people and wounded three more. His attack was modeled after previous accelerationist white supremacist terrorist attacks.” **

        Proved that one. Want another?

        Or better yet, what bullshit might you be alluding too?

        Here’s some more proof: “2022 NY, Matthew Belanger was arrested on weapons charges, but prosecutors say he was a white supremacist who, while serving as a Marine, plotted to attack a synagogue in New York, as well as to engage in homicide and sexual assault. The latter was allegedly an attempt to rape white women to increase the number of white children. He was discharged from the USMC in May 2021.”

        Would you like links too or can you google it yourself?

        • Archie

          Those guys were not identified as members of the Republican Party you idiot. They could have been. But you communists dig up bullshit for the purpose of keeping the division in the country. Your black extremist has sure committed their share of violence. You have some real issues. I think you want a civil war to happen. Why can’t you just chill out and enjoy pride month. Who knows? You might find a nice guy.

          • Frank stetson

            Sure arch, they voted for biden.

  4. Archie

    That shows mental illness

  5. Frank stetson

    They are radical right extremists. Gendrons area was 60% Trump votes. He follows replacement theory, a main theory of Republicans including Tucker and numerous Congressional Republicans. No Democrats back that bullshit.

    Belanger is a conservative extremist as well and most likely a Republican in that he wanted to take advantage of Republican anti abortion laws to make rape babies to increase the white race. You knew they had to put that theory to work once the rape baby birthing mandates were in place. Good hob Republicans!

    If that isn’t an abortion of pro life laws, I don’t know what is.

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  1. I've yet to see any real evidence to prove the accusations against TikTok. I've seen conservatives telling the other side…