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Smear Campaign against Trump over Arlington Cemetery Visit Crumbles

Smear Campaign against Trump over Arlington Cemetery Visit Crumbles

The Democrats tried to scandalize President Trump’s visit to the Arlington Cemetery on August 26, where he joined the bereaved families of the soldiers that were killed by suicide bombing in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 2021, during the botched withdrawal under the Biden-Harris administration’s watch. However, the smear effort failed and has backfired as the Gold Star families spoke up in President Trump’s defense.

The anti-Trump media ran a coordinated smear campaign against President Trump by trying to scandalize the pictures and video of Trump paying his respects and commemorating the fallen soldiers at the military cemetery on the third anniversary of the disastrous exit from Afghanistan under the Biden-Harris administration. The smear campaign also included a statement from the military, much of whose top leadership has been liberalized under the Biden presidency and turned against President Trump. The media and the army’s statement claimed that President Trump tried to turn his visit into a political campaign stunt by taking photos and filming a video.

The anti-Trump media stories provided Kamala Harris with the opportunity to take a jab at his political opponent as she stated:

“Let me be clear: the former president disrespected sacred ground, all for the sake of a political stunt.”

But before long, the Democrats and their media partners received an embarrassing setback when the Gold Star families, who had invited Trump to the commemoration event, stepped forward and defended the 45th President while reproving Kamala Harris. On Real America’s Voice, members of the Gold Star families ripped Harris for lack of character and told that she never called them in the wake of their traumatic loss in August 2021.

Following the statements of the Gold Star families, Rita Panahi of Sky News opined that Kamala Harris tried to damage the Trump campaign by labeling his Arlington Cemetery visit a political stunt but failed. She said:

“This denouncement has spectacularly backfired on her and her campaign. Just look at how many Gold Star Family members reached out to Trump’s campaign team to defend him?”

Fox News talk show The Five featured the comments of the Gold Star families and talked about Kamala Harris campaign likely behind all the drama that, as Jesse Watters put it, blew up in their faces.

Conservatives on social media didn’t hold back from reminding Democrats of their hypocrisy over taking pictures at the military cemetery. A video clip of Megyn Kelly’s commentary was shared on X (Twitter) showing Biden’s photo op at the Arlington Cemetery when he was the VP that was used by the Biden campaign during his 2020 presidential run with Kamala Harris as his running mate. In fact, he did so more than once at various sections of the cemetery.

Veteran journalist Mark Jacob posted a screenshot of a Washington Post story that tried to blame Trump for snapping back at Kamala Harris after the Gold Star families. Jacob commented: “American journalism is failing American democracy.”

Despite the attempted scandal effectively dismantled by the Gold Star families’ statements, leftist media has turned a deaf ear to them and instead has continued to try slamming Trump in opinion pieces that sound like directly optioned by the Harris campaign. Leftist website Yahoo News featured a letter from an anti-Trumper, Danyell Lanier, who is credited as a Navy veteran, repeat the lie that Trump disrespected the military with his Arlington visit.

The first presidential debate between Trump and Harris is scheduled for Tuesday, September 10, at 9 p.m. (Eastern). Trump already dismantled Joe Biden in the first presidential debate back in June after which the Democrats forced Biden out of the race and replaced him with Harris. Since then Harris has avoided interviews with any media except a recent CNN appearance along with her running mate Tim Walz, Governor of Minnesota. Liberal media praised her interview performance while conservatives ruled it a disaster. It was learnt that CNN edited out most of the footage of the interview and conservatives demanded the full video footage to be released to see how Harris and Walz really did in the studio.

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  1. Frank stetson

    Another fake story with silly inconsequential sources from our fake journalist, fake American, the un-American Pakistani Kamil, code-named Dempsey

    Amazingly, his one substantiated fact supporting his entire story is that the 13 families that invited Trump agreed with Trump. Go figure.

    How about the six families that did not invite Trump?

    Bottom line: there is a rule, Trump knew the rule, Trump broke the rule, team. Trump got physical with a park employee, and the rest is downstream hashing that Trump wants, so we can stay in the news, block the son of reality, and turn us against each other.

    Dempsey took the bait

    • Americafirst

      Stetson, you are one sick idiot. You have no compassion at all. You are incredibly hateful. Just look at your words above. How can any real human being say such rot? What happened to you in your life to make you so damned hateful? Did someone hurt your feelings in the past? The things you say definitely show you are very, very disturbed. You also go others on here to go along with your sickness. My God, I don’t even understand why the editors on PBP even allow you to get away with your idiocy especially when it does hurt other real people. Maybe they are also guilty.

      • Tom

        You are the idiot AF! Frank is right. And as a veteran, I agree with him. The rules were explained to him and his group. He did as he usually does, ignore protocol. Ignore rules. He is a draft dodger!!! Four deferments!!! He does not have our soldiers in mind. He has his photo op. Sorry, you are the sick little guy in this one!!!

  2. Darren

    Thank you for your comments as usual Frank.
    Words and Plants do not grow without Fertilizer!
    And why would you care if Dempsey is Pakistani?
    I thought the Dems loved extorting Pakistani people!

    • Americafirst

      Yeah, Darren, Frank is racist.

    • Tom

      I care along with Frank because I am a veteran as well. You do not understand the hallowed ground Trump defiled!!! You obviously are another free loader that did not do time in the military to earn your right to speak. You are just like AmericaFirst, a blood sucking pussy that does not understand the sacrifices some of us make but are all to willing to take advantage of our sacrifices and mouth off.

      • Americafirst

        Oh, really, Tom. Biden did the same thing before this invite to Trump. Not one single person said anything about that. It’s okay for Biden, your lover to do it, but not Trump who didn’t even snap one photo? I am from a family of veterans, so don’t hand me that stupid line, you self-centered traitor! And YES, you ARE a traitor. Don’t like that? Sue me. I will be so glad to see YOU in court! Iam not taking any BS from anybody anymore and that means YOU!

      • Americafirst

        NOPE! You are the sickest of them all. You are a bastard, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Permissions were given and Trump was invited. He didn’t just walk in unwanted. You are the one who wants Trump unwanted along with your lover, Frank! You two make a wonderful pair because there is no difference between either of you sicko’s!!!!! You are not going to stop me, either. You are also so damned ignorant, and you DO hate all of us on here except for your lovers! I am starting to believe you have a criminal background yourself. Maybe I should do some digging and find out. Traitor! SO – Hello freeloader! I also lost a beloved brother to agent orange from the Vietnam War. I still cry about that. But YOU, you will have a party to celebrate my painful loss because you are an inconsiderate SOB!

  3. frank stetson

    AF/Darren did have a response, but my free speech blocked once again here. unless the moderators have it, it is lost.

  4. frank stetson

    Found it: so here it is in parts with the part banned by Joe for unfree speech, left out:

    Darren, AF: you are welcome re: my comments. I only care about Dempsey because he’s is a failure of a journalist to the point of printing disinformation on a regular basis with the intent to make a buck by turning Americans against each other. I wonder how long this border crosser from a terrorist-harboring nation unfriendly to the US has been here and what his other motives are. He still travels between the US and Pakistan. The rest of us follow the travel advisory that just says NO. He has no pbp bio, his picture may be whitewashed, he changed his name to be Irish sounding, Pakistan harbors many terrorists, including Bin Laden, and the Afghan Taliban who murdered our brave folks at Abby Gate were probably trained there. Certainly, he has attempted to hide who he is from pbp readers. His writing is not just conservative, it’s often anti-American. He is the worst at PBP at operating beneath the line of professional journalism and commentary.

    I struggle in understanding AF’s concept of hateful and who have I hurt? Be specific please as your generalities seem to fail to make the point. Got an example of my hate-speak above that has hurt someone beyond the “fake journalist, fake American, the un-American Pakistani Kamil, code-named Dempsey” where I can factually support every accusation.

    • Americafirst

      Fake Frank, you are a FAILURE AS A HUMAN. You are the Devil in disguise! So go back to Hell and stay there!

  5. frank stetson

    Part 2:

    MISSING BANNED PARAGRAPH (I may go word for word later, but for now, here’s the rest)

    Dempsey says it’s a coordinated attack by Democrats but cannot prove it and offers no evidence to his conclusion making this fake news and disinformation. To make his rumor work, Dempsey sources the families who invited Trump as supporting Trump. Some of these videos have folks not attending too, that’s better. Dempsey does not do the basic journalism 101 work of seeing what the other families thought. The families at Arlington were also on out once again to support Trump on stage at his convention. They are on the campaign, but not campaigning?
    Trump and these family members are shown joyfully a thumbs up and smiling in front of the tombstone for Staff Sgt. Darin Taylor Hoover with his family there. The lead lady is dressed in a splashy red dress for the solemn day. Trump is dead center because it’s not a campaign photo shoot, it’s not all about him first, parents and the fallen second, if that. There are two other gravestones that are visible for two brave fallen Green Berets. One of those is a Special Forces master sergeant with many combat tours, and he died by suicide. His family did not give permission for that grave to be used in a political ad or anything like that and that should have been enough to squash the whole thing. Another parent was floored when her fallen son’s name was surprisingly flashed across the blogosphere so Trump could make a point. It brought back many feelings she just didn’t need Trump to bring back for her. She did not agree, Trump did not ask. Master Sgt. Andrew Marckesano’s sister accused Trump of failing to adhere to the photography rules during their visit. There are rules, Trump knowingly broke them and here are the parents of the fallen that did not approve. I would think it would only take one for Trump to stand up and do the right thing.
    I understand some families favor Trump being there. Some did not, the rules are on their side, and Dempsey only reports on one side, the Trump side, and that’s not journalism. The rules exist, there are most certainly parent’s kid’s gravestones shown by Trump but not authorized by the parents, and frankly, the parents against the rules should trump Trump’s desire for publicity. Who is he to do this to them? Against the rules he knew in advance, he was told at the site, and he just pushed the lady aside and did what he wanted to profit himself via his campaign. PERIOD.

    Given they said the poor employee suffered a mental breakdown as they pushed and shoved her around, no wonder more parents and spouses and kids against this have not spoken out. Who would want to get into that zoo of a fight. Of course, the employee was a woman, so the men had an easy time having their way with her. Dempsey misses that part too.

    But Dempsey concludes that Trump breaking the rules, getting caught, and blaming others is a Democratic conspiracy. That’s the important thing. Poor Trump once again the victim of his own narcissism. A real patriot would have been there like Trump, taken pictures like Trump, given them to the parents with the gratitude of our nation, and walked softly home.
    To make his rumor true news, Dempsey sources, a known source of misinformation, disinformation, lies, fake news, and fake conspiracy theory. They are on the mandatory second source for validity list. A professional journalist would second source bitchute to validate it’s not AI again as they are apt to use. On this one he actually uses fox and sky news too, much better sources, but the mainstay of his article, and his forte source is X where we all go to get a better handle on reality and the news. X marks the spot where truth happens.

    From X, Dempsey posts FAKE NEWS and he swallows it hook, line and sinker. This is too weird to be true but shows you how bad it is out there, how susceptible they think you are, and how AF and Darren take the bait once again. I have to thank him for directing me to Jacob’s sweet spot: Stop the Presses. A great new newsletter for me to gather the information you just love to hear, heh, heh. I guess I got my first clue as to the ruse that professional journalist Dempsey fell for faster than a 5-dollar whore spanks Trump for a sawbuck when I saw Jacob’s “about.” You will love who Dempsey sources:

    “Stop the Presses is a weekly newsletter by veteran journalist Mark Jacob about how right-wing extremism has exploited the weaknesses in American journalism and what we can do about it.” True professional that Dempsey is, he picked the X piece attributed to Jacobs that read: “It’s unconscionable for the Washington Post to spin the Arlington cemetery story this way. American journalism is failing American democracy.”

    What Jacob really said on his website was: “Trump tramples on soldiers’ graves – and the truth
    Journalists must resist MAGA spin on the Arlington cemetery story.

    A Washington Post headline – “With boost from grieving families, Trump sharpens attacks on Harris” – was a bad sign that the media was willing to let Donald Trump cover up for his illegal photo op at Arlington National Cemetery. The media need to keep investigating what happened there.

    OMG —- Dempsey done in for accepting fake news on X and is too stupid, unprofessional, lazy or all three to check. Got beat bad by the likes of Stetson, being Frank, which is how he rolls. And how the unprofessional, unpatriotic, unAmerican, unDempsey, Kamil rolls. It’s not worth the money Joe pays this patsy. Do I need to show you more about how terrible this writer is? This one is legendary for incompetence though. Will make my “why the right does not do the news…..”

    On Pakistan: check with your boss. You no likey Pakistan either. Or maybe you need some Rhino Rehabilitation Training at Camp Magarat? We have stopped most aid, military aid, and have a tenuous relationship with Pakistan. FYI: remember, Bin Laden, safe house, Pakistan….. But I take people as I find them on their words and deeds. Dempsey fails on all counts. He is here to tear down America by having us tear at each other over his lies, misinformation, disinformation and worse. AF: Pakistani is not a race, it’s a country. But I get what you mean, and yes, Pakistan is not our friend. Look it up. Even Trump says so. And I am not even sure that Dempsey is a citizen, may still be on a green card.

    I have provided specific examples here. I have provided many more in the past.

    • Americafirst

      Frank, are you part of the KM? You don’t sound American in any sense of the Constitution.

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