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Shooting of Bill and Hillary Airport Exec by Feds Sparks Suspicion of Foul Play

Shooting of Bill and Hillary Airport Exec by Feds Sparks Suspicion of Foul Play

The executive director of Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport in Arkansas was shot in the head by federal agents and is now comatose between life and death in a hospital. The lack of important details in the story has stirred suspicion among those who don’t trust the government.

Early on Tuesday morning (March 19), agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) were reportedly serving a federal search warrant at the house of 53-year-old Bryan Malinowski in Little Rock, Arkansas. The ATF agents told media that somebody started shooting and they returned fire, hitting Malinowski in the head. One of the agents was also injured but is expected to make a full recovery.

Daily Mail reported on Wednesday (March 20) that Malinowski was treated at the scene of the shooting incident before being taken to a local hospital, where his condition remained unknown at the time of their story’s publication. Reporting on the story on Thursday (March 21), Fox News cited Malinowski’s brother, Matthew, saying that Bryan Malinowski remains unconscious and the doctors treating him are not confident that he will survive.

But what the federal agents were looking for at Malinowski’s house at 6 am in the morning remains unknown as ATF has declined to share any information about the nature of the search warrant that led to Malinowski’s shooting. Matthew Malinowski told media that his brother was an avid collector of arms and that probably had something to do with the shooting. He was cited saying:

“It’s all speculation at this point. I got a feeling that he bought something he shouldn’t have. That’s the only thing I can think of.”

The story added that a few days ago, Bryan Malinowski was in D.C. to meet Arkansas senators.

While the Arkansas State Police are investigating the case, the lack of key details has sparked speculation of foul play by the federal government and the name of Clintons is making rounds on social media in connection with the death, though no actual reason has been provided thus far by those suggesting a connection. Matthew Malinowski reportedly told NBC News that he sees things not adding up and commented:

“Something stinks to high hell.” The Twitter/X account MJTruthUltra of a social media influencer with over 200 thousand following on the platform hinted at Clinton connection in the incident: “The Body Count Surrounding Hillary Clinton Keeps going up.”

Another conservative voice on Twitter/X accused the government of literally executing an innocent American to silence him

A military veteran from Texas asked what Malinowski knew about the Clintons.

On Gettr, a conservative man expressed suspicion of foul play in the shooting and said the story the ATF is giving to media “stinks to high heaven.”

Update: Shortly after this article was written, Bryan Malinowski reportedly died at the hospital leaving behind important unanswered questions.

About The Author



    Just when think think the Dumpster can’t do a poorer job at journalism, he excels at proving you wrong and moving the bar ever lower into the gutter, and beyond.

    This fabrication has barely a fact of evidence and a plethora of fabrications.

    Might as well have said, Professor Plum in the Library with a Kitchen Knife. Sorry, I forget it’s in the Dumpster, let me rephrase: Hillary Clinton in the Library with a Kitchen Knife.

    At this point, with no signs of improvement or even a hint of professionalism, I would say Ernest Dempsey is a moron as proven in his own consistently failing attempts at journalism.

  2. Good Luck

    The Clintons can do what they want . It just goes on and on, the Clinton,s are corrupt. And its not the first time they got rid of somebody.


    How low can you go? Ernest Dempsey, nicknamed The Dumpster, once again proves he can go ever lower.

    “Daily Mail reported on Wednesday (March 20) that Malinowski was treated at the scene of the shooting incident before being taken to a local hospital, where his condition remained unknown at the time of their story’s publication.” Actually, he’s fucking dead you twit. You posted on 3/26, he died on 3/21/24.

    “Update: Shortly after this article was written, Bryan Malinowski reportedly died at the hospital leaving behind important unanswered questions.” Questions? What stinking questions, like did you etch this story in stone? You had five days to just electronically edit the original story.

    You say “somebody started shooting…” he’s the only one there and the ATF guy took a bullet. He has purchased hundreds of guns, do you really need a buck to buy a clue? Or are you saying ATF opened fire on this turd.

    “But what the federal agents were looking for at Malinowski’s house at 6 am in the morning remains unknown as ATF has declined to share any information” except as of 3/20/24 with the full backgrounder.

    “The story added that a few days ago, Bryan Malinowski was in D.C. to meet Arkansas senators.” Except there’s no proof of this that I can find.

    “the lack of key details has sparked speculation of foul play by the federal government and the name of Clintons is making rounds on social media in connection with the death, though no actual reason has been provided thus far by those suggesting a connection.” Yeah, a lack of details always leads The Dumpster to Hillary. She’s what he dreams of when he whacks off.

    “The Twitter/X account MJTruthUltra of a social media influencer with over 200 thousand following on the platform hinted at Clinton connection in the incident: “The Body Count Surrounding Hillary Clinton Keeps going up.” And my account has 500K followers and I posted that you are full of shit. And I ain’t hinting.

    “Another conservative voice on Twitter/X accused the government of literally executing an innocent American to silence him.” v“ A military veteran from Texas asked what Malinowski knew about the Clintons” Fake news posted Q, a veteriarian from Oklahoma.

    With my 500K followers, I am writing on X that Dempsey is an ex-pat Pakistani snowflake with a pedophile uncle in England who writes spiritual books to be gay. He was a lefty but turned right for the money when snowflakes wouldn’t buy his shit. Should be sued by Clinton for being so stupid. The schmuck was selling guns, lots of them, in shady transactions. When called on it, he opened fire and is dead. End of story. Clintons have nothing to do with this guy, Arkansas, or any airport there. Clinton starts running against Obama in 2007 —- do you really think she’s got time for a gun runner from Arkansas, the state of Arkansas, OR the entire Airport? Where’s evidence of them ever meeting, talking, or having any fucking reason to be associated? Are you really this brain dead? Do you really believe your readers are this stupid? What the fuck are you even squwking about in your stupid rant.

    = 30=
    for those of us who have actually set hot lead. Dumpster be fired, he’s the worst journalist I have ever seen. He is the most contrived conniver here. The NYPost would fire him. Alex Jones would fire him. The man is worthless, as a journalist.

    • Jim wampler

      Killery strikes again

  1. How can you blame Biden for keeping Ukraine a free democracy and Trump, we will see, but looks like Trump…

  2. Larry, So glad that you are recovering from your medical issues-I would hate to go through the next 4 years…