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Report: Political Bias At the Highest Levels of DOJ in Russia Collusion Investigation

Report: Political Bias At the Highest Levels of DOJ in Russia Collusion Investigation

Republican lawmakers are demanding the release of a Top Secret report they say reveals political bias at the highest levels of the FBI and DOJ.

“I’m here to tell all of America tonight that I’m shocked to read exactly what has taken place,” said North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows (R). “I thought it could never happen in a country that loves freedom and democracy like this country. It is time that we become transparent with all of this, and I’m calling on our leadership to make this available so all Americans can judge for themselves.”

The report was compiled by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA), who stepped away from the committee’s investigation last year after allegations of coordination with the White House. The 4-page report contains evidence of FISA abuse and “raises serious questions about the upper echelon of the Obama DOJ and Comey FBI as it relates to the so-called collusion investigation,” said Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY).

Edward Snowden said the report, had it been released just one day earlier, would have altered the results of Thursday night’s vote to reauthorize a FISA provision that allows US intel to spy on foreign targets. “If this memo had been known prior to the vote, FISA reauth would have failed. These abuses must be made public, and @realDonaldTrump should send the bill back with a veto,” tweeted Snowden on Friday. 

All members of the House were allowed to view the report after the House Intelligence Committee voted along party lines to approve a motion by Rep. Pete King (R-NY) on Thursday. “The sickening reality has set in,” said King. “I no longer hold out hope there is an innocent explanation…it is worse than Watergate.” 

The report could be made public with a majority vote from the Intelligence Committee, as long as the White House voices no objections within five days of the vote. 

Republicans say the report contains evidence that the FBI and DOJ have conspired to undermine Trump’s presidency, but they are barred from discussing the details.   

“The revelations contained in the memo…have a compelling public interest and must be declassified and released as soon as possible,” said the Republican Steering Committee. 

“You think about, ‘is this happening in America or is this the KGB?’ That’s how alarming this is,” said Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA).

If released, the report could shed light on questions related to:

• The unmasking controversy 

• Roles of DOJ official Bruce Ohr and FBI agents Lisa Page and Peter Strzok

• Whether the FBI used the Steele dossier to gain a politically motivated FISA warrant to spy on Trump

“Some of the very people we have been talking about will be exposed is the key reason that all Americans need to see this memo,” said Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), adding that people could lose their jobs if the memo goes public. “It names names. It says who was involved with who, how different actors and characters we heard about interacted with one another, and that is a type of information that we need all Americans to see immediately.” 

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  1. Horist seems to be reaching into The Dumpster on this one; it’s not that he’s wrong, he just has not…