Planned Parenthood Protesters Throw Condoms at Carly Fiorina
Yesterday at a Hawkeyes tailgate party in Iowa, a group of women in pink t-shirts, affiliated with Planned Parenthood threw condoms at Presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina. About 15 women were in the group, one dressed as a package of birth control pills.
An older man was caught on video shoving a woman with a sign supporting Ms. Fiorina. The protesters shouted “Carly Fiorina, offsides for telling lies” while hurling condoms.
Ms. Fiorina spoke with one of the protesters. According to Fiorina “She came on and said she was concerned about women’s health, and as a cancer survivor I said, I was, too. And she said she was concerned about women’s rights, and I said I was too.”
“I said, ‘You ought to do a little fact-checking before you come out here and shout propaganda.’ One of the facts I asked her to examine is how many millions of dollars Planned Parenthood gives to Democrat candidates, and only Democrat candidates.”
“It’s a big political shell game. Taxpayers fund Planned Parenthood, and Planned Parenthood funds pro-abortion Democrat candidates”
Early reports claim the protesters were paid by Planned Parenthood, however this was unconfirmed. Affiliation was confirmed.
Author’s note – Ms. Fiorina held her ground, but this was a bold move designed to rally Planned Parenthood supporters. Look for more such protests with other candidates. This will be much more of a battle now that the videos have basically caught Planned Parenthood in despicable and inhuman activities. Planned Parenthood has always used “women’s health” as their argument, and many women no longer associate the group with abortion. While this has inertia, the videos have substantially derailed it. There are many ways to achieve women’s health without Planned Parenthood.
ROFL. That ass-think DANG-er is still sore - he shows it here today.
Oh you used Wiki as a source, haha. A source that anybody can log in and edit. But the claim…
What 500 dead babies? Your numbers lack evidence. Present some. Putin has done zero damage to the country. Demmies have…
Well if it was stupid to respond to, congratulations you have passed the stupidity test – since you responded. :)…
And you’re still here?