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PA Election Fraud – So Far Everyone Has Missed the Point

PA Election Fraud – So Far Everyone Has Missed the Point

Democrat Bob Casey is formally challenging Republican Dave McCormack in a contentious recount battle, with just 24,000 votes separating the two—well below the threshold where an automatic recount is triggered under state law. The razor-thin difference has sparked intense scrutiny, not only of the recount process but also of the validity of the ballots themselves.

In a sinister twist, some Democratic officials have openly admitted to counting ballots deemed invalid by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. These ballots had been explicitly ordered to be excluded from the count by the court, citing violations of Pennsylvania election law. Despite this, Bucks County Commissioner Diane Ellis-Marseglia defended her crime in defying the ruling, stating bluntly, “People violate laws anytime they want.”

In this case, the controversy surrounding the invalid ballots may not significantly alter the outcome, as the regions where these ballots were counted are predominantly Democratic strongholds. A recount that excludes these contested ballots is expected to favor Republican candidate McCormack, who stands to gain an advantage if the Supreme Court’s order is enforced.

But let’s put this in perspective.

The point isn’t that this is a minor nuisance to Senator McCormack. In Biden’s immortal words, this is a big f$#%ing deal!

Trump just won Pennsylvania by about 150,000 votes. In 2020, he lost the election by 80,000 votes. Swings of 75,000 and 40,000 votes respectively would have changed these elections.

The ballots in question are also votes for the President, and given the Democrat dominance in those areas, it is likely that a great majority of the ballots would favor Kamala Harris.

The bottom line is that this was an attempt not only to throw the election to Democrat Casey, but also to throw Pennsylvania to Harris. And if elections had been closer, it might have worked – and do you think the Democrat establishment would not have allowed any of Buck County’s or other county’s fraud to come to light?

Make no mistake, this matters. The magnitude of this cheating, with Buck County and others, is not known, but in a state with almost 7 million voters, tiny swings would have changed the Pennsylvania results. In 2020, it would have changed the Presidency. Given the magnitude and collaboration of these Democrat cheaters, can you absolutely, positively say that it DID NOT happen in 2020?

Officials like Ellis-Marseglia do not know the futility ahead of time. Their earnest and blatant efforts to cheat to change the election results must be punished, they must be made an example of. This was an intentional, notorious violation of a well-defined law, made clear and announced publicly by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. It was a conspiracy among a number of Democrat leaning election officials to illegally influence the election.

The federal penalty for voter fraud seems to be five years in prison and a fine. This should apply to all of them. According to Dante “The greater the power, the greater the responsibility—and the greater the guilt when that responsibility is abused.”

John Gotti got life in prison. CIA traitor Aldrich Ames got life in prison. But neither of these guys did anything that threatened democracy in America, a crime of the greatest possible magnitude, an existential threat to our nation.

Five years is not enough.

PostScript – Yes, I realize that mainstream has turned this into an object of ridicule. In 2020, I could only suspect, and watch as the other side won battle after batter (which they had months to prepare for, so I wasn’t that surprised..). But this really happened, the culprits are known, and I have little doubt that these people, admitted cheaters, were around in 2020 (Florida busted a ballot harvesting scheme that had been in operations for 20 years). If I were Trump I would throw them under the jail.

About The Author



    I think the point is I now know why Gilbertson hired the Pakistani journalist Dempsey — birds of a feather, journalistically speaking.

    This article is laced with faulty logic, weird connections, and strange conclusions.

    First, this is a simple recount, legal in every sense of the word, probably — based on historical PA recounts, will not change the outcome, but Joe’s 24,000 became 17,000 on Monday, so every reason to recount.

    His most egregious piece of logic is somehow conflating a recount into cheating, and then cheating in 2024 as proof of cheating in 2020. Talk about a logic house of cards. He calls out “Buck County,” which is Bucks County for the hotseat of Democratic cheating. Bucks is half blue, half red, and the reds may have it now. How do the blues pull the wool over in a county they do not own? Weird.

    Weirder yet is his math, really strange given he is an engineer. “Trump just won Pennsylvania by about 150,000 votes. In 2020, he lost the election by 80,000 votes. Swings of 75,000 and 40,000 votes respectively would have changed these elections.” Basically he concludes that every fraudulent vote is actually a vote for the other guy, not just a mistake. So, each vote subtracts one from the offending side, and magically adds one to the whining, and winning side. Weird science. Then he uses the current PA Supremes’ decision to cancel the votes, mostly Dem I guess, I don’t know though, that did not include dates. That’s a cancel, not an add. Duh.

    What we don’t know is can this case appeal.

    And yes, the Democrat official who counted these votes was wrong, stupid, and her comments were dumber yet. Joe edited them out of context, she was trying to say votes OK and letting them go will get the court’s to decide, but she said it very, very, badly. But that does not change the facts that these votes, perhaps valid as the day is long, were missing a date and that’s the law. I had my second mail in cancelled because I dropped my middle initial in the signature. Like this one, they could have called, cleared it up, but that’s the law, that’s the rules. And when I contacted my representatives, basically told to forget it. I didn’t and now I know the elections people quite well and how to verify all is said and done.

    But none of this cancels the reason to have a recount, just takes votes away from Casey, probably.

    And none of this can be conflated into proof there was or was not cheating in 2020. That’s just crazy logic. Joe might as well says it proves PA cheating all the way back to the founders.

    Recount is over in six days, the 26th. Chances are no change to outcome. It will not “buck” that trend.

    This story conflates a nothing burger into a happy meal for Joe.

    • Seth

      It’s true that democrats think that they are above the law and entitled to steal elections and prosecute people who object. It’s scary to realize how close we were to losing our country

      • Frank danger

        Seth; you want to deport half your neighbor citizens.

        You feel half the country feels it’s above the law so you vote for the Felin King.

        You feel we just escaped losing our country.

        You seem so fucking miserable totally surrounded by such a great evil you wish half the country deported along with 11m undocumented. That’s like 150m people, most of whom are inn the cities that you must avoid.. You must be really frustrated with your life, your neighbors, and your country. If you feel that bad, that tormented, well —— happy thanksgiving!

      • WillyB46

        What’s more, Seth, it seems that in Bucks and a few other PA counties, breaking the law is considered just another kind of activity, as the County Commissioner states, “People break the law anytime they want.” So, in Bucks County for sure, and maybe others, you may feel free to ignore speed limits, stop signs, and other traffic laws. Also, you may paint graffiti on public buildings, knock off parking meters for the money inside, and if a police officer steps out of his car to write a ticket, you may jump in his cruiser, turn on the siren, and take off.
        And finally, if you’re so inclined, you can attend a County Commissioners meeting, and if you don’t like what you hear, turn on your boombox to full volume. If confronted in any of these situations, just quote Commissioner Diane Ellis-Marseglia’s new rule about breaking the law. (You can tell she’s a liberal Democrat. Dems are the usually the only ones with hyphenated last names!)

        • Frank danger

          Parking meters in bucks county? Yeah, you know Bucks all right. Probably a New Hope denizen.

          Again, Bucks is more red than blue, they lady is stupid but you pulled quote out of context, that is not what she was trying to say. although the in context meaning is not a lot better but like Trump, you can get what she is TRYING to say if you read the entire passage versus your cherry-pick from nypiost.

          The boots and question that were originally counted and now are being denied, we’re missing dates. Maybe we should go and find these people and put them in jail for not filling out the form correctly. Or, using your new mantra, let’s just import them. Maybe to Canada where they value their citizens. Of all parties. .

    • Larry Horist

      Frank Danger … Not so fast with your haughty criticism and sarcasm. You are not aware of the attempt to count illegal ballots in four PA counties. One of the election officials said she was wrong and a apologized for trying to count illegal ballots — hoping that will get her off the hook from an arrest for vote fraud. It was not just a matter of a difference of opinion. And yes, I do read other commentaries occasionally.


        Larry says: “Frank Danger … Not so fast with your haughty criticism and sarcasm.” Cool, Larry thinks I am haughty and many other last names….. Sarcasm, I have heard that one often. Once again, I suggest that name calling has little value in proper discourse and debate and is the tool of the weak debater.

        Larry has time to TRY to correct me on Joe’s article commentary, looks for credit for reading outside his corral, however, I harken back to Larry’s article: “The BIG LIE trumped by the HUGE LIE,” where he said: “Frank Danger …. And another thing. You write “State Capitols were overrun and taken over by the exact same groups that took the Capitol.” Are you that big of a liar or that stupid?”

        After I handed his hat to him citing, with sources, quotes et al, State Capitol buildings in Idaho, Michigan and Oregon being overrun by Republican protestors seen as practice for the big event on 1/6/2021, Horist had time to kvetch about Joe’s article, but could not muster up the time to be a gentleman and admit his error in understanding the facts of Republican insurgence beginning during the Summer to Fall of 2020. I would have said “oops” at least, but Larry —- crickets. And I bet he either ignores or snarks his way out of this one too. No, Mr. Horist, I am that big of a liar or that stupid: the mistake is YOURS. Tom pointed it out too, crickets there for Tom as well.

        Larry, yes, the PA issue is multiple counties, three, not four that you mention, but Joe, and others, have focused on Buck, or Bucks as we call it. He says: “The magnitude of this cheating, with Buck County and others, is not known….” Actually, it is known, it’s in the thousands and the PA Supreme decision covers all 67 counties, red, blue and purple.

        I did call out Joe’s faulty logic to say this proves there is cheating in 2020 because it’s three counties, he knows not the magnitude, but since his guy won, couldn’t not have been affecting, and there is no way that the 2024 issue points to a 2020 issue, statistically, scientifically, or realistically. It’s bad logic.

        And then he talks about the officer who made the decision, turns out a legal one, the same one you are mentioning, from…. BUCKS COUNTY. And she is relevant ONLY in BUCKS county. And yes, it took the PA Supreme Court to clarify the law, rules, whatever. IOW, in her county, and at least two others, the officials choose to count ballots with missing dates and signatures on the ENVELOPE, in other counties, they excluded them — the law is unclear and now the PA Supremes have clarified.

        I noted how stupid, even in context, her statements were, and as you have noted, the lady from BUCKS COUNTY has apologized, perhaps to avoid arrest YOU say, certainly to try to fix the stupid. Too late probably, especially how she did it. Personally, I think she should have explained what she meant versus the full mea culpa submission. She did nothing wrong, nothing illegal, the PA Supreme Court just did not agree with her interpretation in their reinterpretation and clarification of the law.

        Not sure what you mean about difference of opinion.

        And remember, the CHEAT here was counting votes, probably legitimate, that were missing dates. On the fucking envelope. Not the ballot itself, but the envelope. In a perfect world, they would call every date-missing ballot owner and truly correct the issue. After all, what we all want is for all legitimate votes to be counted, and if you make a typo, so to speak, shouldn’t the typo be corrected and the vote counted? HOWEVER, laws and rules being what they are, the PA Supremes have spoken and the votes are cancelled.

        Now, let’s get down to brass tacks. The counties affected are Philadelphia, Bucks, and Montgomery. My family is from Montgomery and in the 40’s, there were three of me walking the streets, all with the same name…. Neato for me, super scary for you… :>) Phili is 7:1 dem, the other two are red. In toto, it’s about 5:3 dems, phili being so large. The votes affected are mail in. While dems mail, repubs walk, traditionally, however, as you know, that is changing, many Republicans support main in now. Even Trump has mailed in votes and voice support for it. So, the repubs only raised this issue because of the count and the history; they don’t know the number and neither does Joe.

        Most counties, including HUGE Democratic strongholds, did not count these votes. The total number of ones counted is in the thousands, not tens of thousands. And while expected to lean Republican post correction, frankly, both candidates will lose votes. The current margin is 17,000 with 24,000 to be counted still as of Monday.

        And FYI: according to PA law and the PA Constitution, she did nothing wrong and she was right that what she did got the PA Supreme Court to clarify the law with it’s ruling. She has little to fear about a voter fraud indictment. Or show us where she broke the law or went against the PA Constitution.

        Hope that clarifies your misconceptions and good luck with you haughtyosis, that is, fear of people being haughty. You do realize that’s a pot-kettle thing you are doing again, right? That happens when you keep branding people though name calling. And yes, the RNC case for this that the Supremes rule on was for BUCKS COUNTY, not multiple counties, and the Supreme’s decision affected three or four counties doing this. I too, Larry, read. Like I read this from NPR: “Two years ago, during a Republican primary recount, McCormick took the opposite position on Pennsylvania’s date requirement, arguing in court that undated and misdated ballots should be counted.” Fucking hypocrites. That’s right, the very guy who your party is in the courts for previously had the position that these votes should be counted. Or maybe just take the bullshit off the envelope and put in on the ballot where it belongs.

    • Joe Gilbertson

      Frank, your math skills are crap, your reading comprehension is crap. You and your kind have been yapping and flapping about how Trump would be the “end of demcracy” but you don’t seem to see the threat that exists and is proven right this moment.


        Yeah, but what do you like about me Joe? You say nothing here that’s relevant to your article, and WTF does yapping/flapping and the end of democracy “me and my kind” have been spreading have to do with your article and my comments? NOTHING. It’s a Joe red herring. Smells fishy to me.

        MATH: Joe says: “Trump just won Pennsylvania by about 150,000 votes. In 2020, he lost the election by 80,000 votes. Swings of 75,000 and 40,000 votes respectively would have changed these elections.” Again, it’ has been reported we are talking thousands, not tens of thousands, so another red herring Joe.

        But on the MATH: — a “swing” would be a vote for one guy that is really a vote for the other guy as in one Harris vote is cancelled and one Trump vote is added. You are correct in that math, but that math does not apply to the case you are actually talking about.
        Wrong church, right pew. The math here is a ballot that is missing a date that was counted, and now is not. That’s one vote for Harris (or Trump) counted, and then one voted for Harris (or Trump) deleted. That’s one less vote for Harris and no additional votes for Trump. Or vice versa since they counted all mail in ballots, not just Harris ballots.

        So, I misstated. Your math is correct, it just is totally irrelevant to your actual story. It’s a red herring.

        And then the fact you conflate this episode into: “Given the magnitude and collaboration of these Democrat cheaters, can you absolutely, positively say that it DID NOT happen in 2020” s faulty logic especially without knowing the magnitude. Hopefully you can see your bad math which does not match with the case you are describing in Pennsylvania and then the bad logic to infer if it happened here, in three counties in PA, then it happened 4 years earlier across the entire nation.

        Further, looking deeper, this did not violate PA law or the PA Constitution. You cannot find that it did. The PA Supreme court to clarify the law as they did when brought into question by Republicans. The lady was actually right in doing what she did, perfectly legal, and she was correct in saying the action did get the Supremes to make a decision that clarified the law, rule, whatever. Good luck getting her for voter fraud, pretty sure they are not stupid enough to try.

        And no, Joe, I do not see this case as a threat to our voting system. First, each State has different rules in this regard. Do you know these rules for all 50 states? Second, can’t see the PA Supreme’s decision going beyond PA unless someone pushes it in another state, one state at a time. Ain’t State’s Rights grand? Third, you are probably going to win this PA race so quit whing. (kidding, this is a good case to clarify how to handle mail in’s.).

        Oh yeah Joe, here’s one you missed as published in NPR: “Two years ago, during a Republican primary recount, McCormick took the opposite position on Pennsylvania’s date requirement, arguing in court that undated and misdated ballots should be counted.” Fucking hypocrites all. That’s right buddy, your guy two years ago should against the Supreme Court decision and with the stupid statement lady from BUCKS.

        FYI: Bucks is home to many a rich guy who can work from home but wants to be within an hour of the city. Lots of rockers up there, some great jam sessions found on YouTube from Bucks estates. Not sure if Todd Rudgren is still there, but being a Phili boy, he turns up a lot. The river winds down the east side replete with mansion after estate. Nice boy scout camp on an island there, and some fine restaurant’s in New Hope, sort of a Georgetown like atmosphere. Montgomery is below it and an old factory area with Norristown and the like. A lot of big Pharma today. Very suburban, very old. My family’s homestead is in the area. I like to say we camped out, and then The Main Line came to us…. I never lived there, born but not bred in NJ.

        Hope that clarifies the math and why I thought your logic was off.

  2. Darren

    Maybe all this is true, but if the state was way more Blue than Red, this story
    may have not come to light.
    Even though Blue would have won in this case by a large margin, Cheating is still cheating.
    And yes, history has proven Cheating is definitely more of a Democrat thing than Republican.
    This goes back to at least the 60s.

  3. Frank danger

    Darren: dems cheat more than repubs? Got source?

    Trump found felony for trying in ny in 2016. Trump’s legal team pled guilty to 2020 attempt in GA. Four states have active cases underway for 2020 Republican fake elector scam. Could get to seven states. So far 1,400 republicans have been charged for attempts to stop the vote certification on 1.6.2021.

    These are arrests, cases, and convictions Darren; what have you got?

    • Joe Gilbertson

      do a search on vote fraud on PBP, you will see dozens of documented cases


        I did. Every case I have seen on PBP against democrats has been debunked. Show us any that are relevant as in court adjudicated.

        Here’s my sample of good ones I found on PBP.

        1. Trump found guilty in the hush-money plot to influence 2016 election. **
        2. Three top lawyers from the Trump legal team plead guilty in GA of attempting to rig the 2020 election and will testify against Trump. **
        3. Over 1,400 charged so far in the Republican riot at the Capital with 8 convicted for seditious conspiracy to stop the certification of the 2020 vote. Many of these blame TRUMP is responsible in court, on the record. He has not sued for defamation.
        4. Four states have ongoing cases for the Republican fake elector scam with a potential to go to seven states.

        So yes, I did find those instanced of court-adjudicated election fraud on PBP and they were all Republicans.

        I showed you mine…… start with the FL 20-year harvesting scheme. That’s always a funny one…..

    • Jim wampler

      And Trump won. And the felony charges will go away soon. So Mr. Danger be glad of Trump’s victory. This time it was too big to rig. But the PA election officials tried to take what they can give. And Seth was right. We damned sure could have lost our country


        Jim, you seem a bit confused and very, very angry. First, the felony charges will not go away because it’s a felony conviction. And I doubt that Donald Trump, even as President, has much sway over NY State laws. Yes, the penalty will probably be addressed in four years, but the Felony King will remain the Felony King, forever, at least the Felony part.

        It was one PA official, on record, with perhaps three making their TOTALLY LEGAL decision, got push back by Republicans, and the PA Supremes clarified the law. No harm, no foul, and …. in the scheme of things, the change was to not count perfectly legal ballots that were missing dates and, perhaps signatures, on THE ENVELOPE. Yeah, some scheme. Massive.

        Since each State has it’s own laws here, you don’t have a clue as to the nationwide issue and each State must address it as did Pennsylvania, if they have not already. But again, you have not a clue as to the extent or the effect, if any.

        Explain how we could have lost our country? You seem lost. It’s three counties, a handful of mail-in ballots, you imagine they are democratic votes because they are mail in, but BUCKS country is red, and these Republicans mail-in too. This is not six-pack Joe territory, this is lawyers, guns, and money rich. It has the third highest median incomes, personal or family, in PA and it’s not even on the Main Line. And it’s a few mail-in votes without ENVELOPE dates that got included.

        Did you know that two-thirds of states require election officials to notify voters when there is a missing signature or a signature discrepancy—and require that voters must be given an opportunity to correct it.

        Give it a rest gents. You won all three branches of government. The ball is in your court. Time to build and hopefully build together. If you continue to squander resource going after the other side, inside of getting the other side to work together with you, your progress will be stunted.

        For example, you have a commitment to end the Ukrainian war before inauguration and claim it’s a 24-hour job. Since the war is escalating, I suggest you get to it versus beating up on some dumb Bucks official for a handful of votes as your cause celeb. So, shut the gaetz and katie, bar the door, Putin is coming.

  4. Frank

    The further point is that officials who brazenly and flagrantly ignore the laws have abandoned their claim to the protection of the laws.


      Frank, according to the Constitution, they do get to claim, as a citizen, protection under the laws. your unconstitutional FEELINGS aside.

  1. You make an interesting point. Do we need to keep minting pennies? The US as minted some 500 billion pennies…