Obama's Racial Database: Mark Levin thinks we're Headed Towards a Police State
“The first black president, quite brilliantly, has built a quasi-reparations infrastructure perpetually fed by racial data that will outlast his administration,” wrote Paul Sperry in a New York Post article published on Sunday. The article confirmed the existence of a massive database rumored to have begun years ago by the Obama Administration without consent from Congress.
California Congresswoman Maxine Waters warned of the database two years ago and nobody listened. It has been revealed that this unprecedented information gathering will serve to document “inequalities” between whites and minorities. This means everything from bank loans to school disciplinary policies.
With the information available to them, the government could potentially accuse and punish companies and institutions on grounds of racial inequality; for example, a school that suspends too many black students or a bank that doesn’t offer enough loans to minorities.
According to Rush Limbaugh, Obama is simply trying to establish infrastructure that will last even after his Presidency expires.
Radio host Mark Levin took a more extreme approach to the topic. “Your federal government has a database on you that you’re not going to believe!” he announced on Monday.
Levin believes Obama will use this database of private information to promote his “racist agenda.” “If this isn’t fascistic, I don’t know what is! If this isn’t police state, I don’t know what is!” he exclaimed.
Levin is outraged that the database includes information such as your home address, mortgage, and number of children – but if you’ve filed your taxes the government should be privy to this information already. He believes the long-term plan is race-related: with the database, civil rights groups will be able to re-engineer communities and neighborhoods under new requirements. He cited Obama’s quote: “By opening this data to everybody, everyone in a community can weigh in.”
Levin further accused the FHFA (Federal Housing Finance Agency) of building a similar database in order to balance home loans based on race. This database will consist of nearly 20 years of data from car loans to the square footage of your house.
The FHFA will in turn share this private information with the CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau), which Levin refers to as “the most anti-democratic bureau probably on the face of the earth.”
Referred to as a Marxist by Levin, CFPB Director Richard Cordray explained that with the database, “We will be better able to identify possible discriminatory lending patterns.”
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