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Minnesota Democrat Senator Arrested and Charged with Burglary

Minnesota Democrat Senator Arrested and Charged with Burglary

Another day brings yet another crime by an elected Democrat. This time it’s Minnesota’s State Senator who was caught red-handed committing burglary in her stepmother’s house.

On Monday (April 22), Democrat State Senator Nicole Mitchell was arrested in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, after she broke into her stepmother’s house to steal “items of sentimental value” related to her late father, including his ashes. The woman called the cops who arrested the 49-year-old Democrat.

On Tuesday, Mitchell was charged with one count of first-degree burglary and released after spending a day in jail. She told the police that she decided to break into the house because her stepmother wouldn’t give her the items of sentimental value that she wanted and had refused to talk to her.

Being caught red-handed and charged with burglary didn’t stop Democrats from defending Mitchell whose political value is defined by her being the deciding majority vote in the State Senate as Democrats lead there by only one vote. While the Republican leadership in the Senate has called on Mitchell to resign, the indicted Democrat has refused to step down. The Twin Cities Pioneer Press wrote:

In that complaint, Mitchell is alleged to have told police she entered the home through a basement window and that she knew “she did something bad.”

Adding details from the stepmother’s account of Mitchell’s illegal presence in her house, the story added:

In a 911 call transcript released by the Becker County Sheriff’s office, the caller, Mitchell’s stepmother, told police she had “tripped over” a person on the floor next to her bed, who then ran into the basement.

The Republicans in the State Senate filed an ethics complaint against Mitchell and tried to expedite the process with the aim to unseat Mitchell, which otherwise can take up to a month to start and would require the vote of a two-third majority of the Senate. The move to expedite the process failed because of the vote tie with 33 votes along party lines on each side. Democrats argued that Mitchell is entitled to due process and should be presumed innocent until found guilty.

Meanwhile conservatives on social media mocked the indicted Democrat for hypocrisy. Popular Twitter/X account Libs of TikTok reminded that Mitchell is the one who recently underscored “building safer communities.”

A conservative MAGA account on Gettr posted Mitchell’s mugshot and called her a Thief.

Mitchell, while serving her first term in Senate, is also a lieutenant colonel in the Air National Guard where she is commanding a weather unit. If convicted on the felony charge, Mitchell faces a minimum of six months and a maximum of 20 years in prison.

About The Author



    Yeah, this is a story about Democrats……..

    Does that mean Trump’s legal transgressions reflect on Republicans?

  2. Archie

    Frank did you ever see a news story about Nancy Pelosi and AOC sleeping naked together? I’m just asking. I’m not accusing anyone of anything. It’s just that you have sold your soul to the devil by embracing the democrats


      No, Archie, and if you did, I would suggest getting a new source. Wow, so you feel a third of the nation have contracts with the devil and another sixth, or more, lean in that direction. May this karma be returned to you — ten fold.

  3. Good Luck

    Just another Democrat that think they are above the Law, She went to the School of Biden.


    It is not clear and depends on what she took. If they were her items only, then it was legal to break in to retake them.

    • stopspending

      Um, legal to take items if the THEIF decides they are hers???? Is that another “laws for thee but no me”????? If they were HERS, she should have gotten a judgement saying they were HERS. Obviously, the stepmother did not think much of her stepdaughter. Wonder why?? Could it be because the stepdaughter is a crook and self centered???


        stopspending: I’m surprised you are not familiar with issues in inheritance from bruised feelings to busted noses to many a court case. As to what’s her’s, there’s the legal view and the individual view, often at odds. Plus, toss a Step-anything in and the emotions can get quite high. Like the ashes, legally probably the StepMom, but pretty easy to seey how a daughter might disagree with that view. If Stepmom doesn’t want to give them up, and it’s not in the will nor is the daughter the executor, pretty sure the court will not help. Probably best not to guess legality and emotion states here when you don’t have a clue.

  5. Frank stetson

    Not in America Kirk; breaking and entering is against the law. Especially dangerous in Red States with stand-your-ground laws. Kids, please don’t try this even at home :-).

    You might have a chance if your kidnapped kid is inside, but not for some ashes.

    And Democrat has nothing to do with this. Good Luck making that stick. Inheritance sucks and when you throw step-whatevers in, more issues. Plenty of this stuff in both parties. Failed Pakistani expat journalist Earnest Kahn just baiting to you hate based on labels and brands. He’s an emotion eater of low morale fiber.

  6. LibsWorshipSatan

    It will be swept under the rug, just like anything else a Democrap gets charged with. They get a free pass for doing sh*t that a Republican would get a maximum prison sentence for.

    • Tom

      Nobody has gotten more free passes than Trump. Trump has gotten free passes for over 40 years. Research your boy and see it all!

      • Archie

        You’re so full of shit

    • Frank stetson

      LWS: there’s plenty of Democrats in jail. There’s no free legal lunch by party. Trump let many Republicans get out of jail free. They confessed and he let em go.

      That’s just blind hatred by you. I suggest some facet of your life is outta whack and it’s not the fault of Democrats. Focus your eage on fixing that. .

  7. Darren

    Why would breaking and entering be a illegality?
    Our current government is fine not giving a sentence to people upholding the same illegal act?
    The statement ” Democrats argued that Mitchell is entitled to due process and should be presumed innocent until found guilty. ”
    Wow, now the Dems point to their shredded Constitution?
    I guess the law only works in one direction!

    • Frank stetson

      Darren B&E legal? Are you brain dead?

      The rest makes less sense.

  8. Tom

    Seems like Ernestine was a bit low on material today. Kirk, breaking and entering is always illegal. Frank, yes, many Republicans and insurrectionists are like Trump. Darren, please practice writing something that makes sense. Good Luck, Biden never had a school but Trump had Trump U which was shut down for fraud. Maybe she went to Trump’s school and read The Art of the Steal.

  1. How can you blame Biden for keeping Ukraine a free democracy and Trump, we will see, but looks like Trump…

  2. Larry, So glad that you are recovering from your medical issues-I would hate to go through the next 4 years…