HORIST: Democrat collusion delusion moves on to redaction reaction
Imagine this. You turn on your favorite sports channel and hear the announcers doing the play-by-play report. Your favorite baseball team is winning in the first inning … the second … the third … and so forth. By the ninth inning, it seems like an insurmountable lead for your team. But then in the bottom of the ninth, you are told that they were not reporting on the actual game at all – and your team lost by seven runs. In fact, they were never even in the lead throughout the game. It was all bogus reporting.
You know to what I am alluding. Instead of a nine-inning baseball game, a few hours of wasted time and a bit of disappointment, we the people were subjected to a collusion between the Democratic Party and their supplicants in the major media that resulted in years of wasted time, millions of wasted dollars and yet another shock to the gullible and the wishful-thinkers of the #NeverTrump Resistance Movement. The poor dears are grieving again.
One could argue that the misreporting on that portion of the Mueller investigation dealing with collusion and obstruction of justice dishonestly soured the political atmosphere against Trump and the Republican Party sufficiently for Democrats to win the House unfairly in 2018. Their victory may have been the result of the greatest sustained false political narrative in American history. The propaganda worked thanks to the compliant news media. We cannot empirically prove what did not happen in the past – or what might have been — but the argument is reasonable. It is a bit like debating what might have been had there not been that very bad call in the Super Bowl. We endured very bad calls by the press for more than two years on this issue.
But we should focus on the present.
Currently, Democrats and the anti-Trump media are carrying on a post-conclusion collusion delusion (whew!) – now becoming conclusion deniers. Despite the principle and all-important findings of Special Counsel Robert Mueller – the man they consistently praised for his integrity, objectivity and thoroughness – such prominent and powerful Democrats as Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler and Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff are making the media rounds still declaring that Trump colluded with the Russians and is guilty of obstruction of justice. They are joined in that propaganda effort by a number of shameless Democrats and press pundits.
Now they have added a new refrain to the old song – redaction reaction.
Remember how they all prefaced their past remarks by saying we must wait until the Mueller Report comes out – and then proceeded to make all those bogus statements, predictions, theories and conjectures in the absence of the Report? Well, they are doing it again.
Prior to the release of the Mueller Report, they were assuring us that it will contain all sorts of information condemnatory of Trump and others. Forget the bottom-line outcome. That is only a matter of criminality. There could be things in the Report that would embarrass the President or others. Things that could be interpreted as bad behavior – or at least something to make the impeachment calls seem a wee bit less political … less foolish.
They are making an issue of the timing of the Report. Nadler and Schiff are acting a lot like toddlers laying on the floor stamping their feet as they scream for that toy they want. They want the Report NOW!! They even set a deadline that they well knew cannot be met in view of the work involved in reviewing the 400-page document. They want it all – even though it would be illegal to provide all they demand.
And even as we await the Report, the Democrats and their press partners are already screaming about the redactions that will most certainly be in the released Report. As they did before the Report was completed – and as they have been doing in advance of the Report’s release – they will bellow loudly with baseless claims about what is behind all those yet-to-be-seen blacked-out sections. In fact, they are already claiming that the redactions made by Attorney General William Barr – with the help of Mueller, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and DOJ Office of Legal Counsel – are designed to protect Trump from bad news – without even knowing if there is any bad news for Trump. They are again peddling a false political narrative based on an unknown. The Democrats’ behavior is as pathetic as it is predictable.
On a final note, don’t you find it ironic that, after years of accusing Trump of undermining the Republic by attacking leaders in the law enforcement community, they are … attacking the leaders of the law enforcement community?
So, there ‘tis.
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