Has Sex Ed Gone Too Far? These Parents Think So
Parents across the country are planning to pull out children from school in protest of sex education classes for being too “pornographic” and for conveying messaging that supports pro-choice and other liberal ideas.
Coined as the Sex Ed Sit Out, a group of parents in Charlotte, North Carolina is leading the way with a protest scheduled for April 23 after being disturbed by the wildly inappropriate content being shown and taught in these classes.
“We are asking parents across the nation and even across the globe to pull their children out of public school on April 23rd,” said Elizabeth Johnston, a social conservative activist and Activist Mommy blogger. “We have a letter that they can send to their principal explaining why because we are protesting graphic, gender-bending sex education in the schools.”
“Pornographic sex ed is being implemented across our globe in an attempt to indoctrinate our children with ‘sexual rights,’” wrote the parents in a letter of explanation for their children’s absence from school to send to principals. “This is unacceptable and [I am] joining others both nationally and globally in taking a stand to say ‘enough!’ “
This has morphed into a global movement.
Now, parents in Sacramento, California; Bloomington, Indiana; Austin and San Antonio, Texas; Spokane, Washington; and Martinsburg, West Virginia are planning protests. Demonstrations are also planned in Mulgrave, Australia and Vancouver, British Columbia.
“Most parents do not know this is taking place in schools,” said Johnston. “The wool is completely being pulled over their eyes, and sometimes when parents catch on and start inquiring, bureaucrats are using deceptive means of not informing them what is being taught.”
In partnership with Family Research Council, the American Life League and the Liberty Counsel, the Sex Ed Sit Out argues that Sex Ed classes have gone way too far.
“Parents are demanding to know why their children are being taught how to have anal and oral sex, masturbate one another, and question their gender,” writes the Sex Ed Sit Out on a petition they made on CitzenGo.org.
“Kids are being taught how to perform anal and oral sex on one another, during class time, at taxpayer expense. We are fed up. Enough is enough. We’re not going to let these social Marxists sexualize our children at taxpayer expense during school hours,” said Johnston to CBN News.
The CitzenGo.org petition has already received over 22,000 signatures.
Sex Ed classes aren’t being federally regulated, but all 50 states have some form of sex Ed public programs for students.
“Some schools and districts partner with groups such as Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, and the Human Rights Campaign, a gay rights organization, to determine what sex education should cover. Planned Parenthood developed a “comprehensive” curriculum called Get Real that school boards across the country have considered adopting,” writes The Washington Times. “The program teaches sex education staples such as female and male anatomy, puberty and sexually transmitted diseases, but also offers lessons on “sexual identity” and “gender, sex and shared responsibility.”
Planned Parenthood was quick to come out in support of its teaching approach.
“The majority of voices in our community support an evidence-based approach to sexual health education,” said Planned Parenthood in a statement. “While the proposed patchwork sexual health program is better than the current sexual health education materials, our students deserve a program that has been evaluated and proven to be effective.”
But as Johnston points out the Sex Education has gotten out of control and it needs to be dialed back immediately.
“We send our kids to school to learn reading and writing and science and history, not how to question whether they really are a boy or a girl and certainly not how to have anal and oral sex,” said Johnston to CBN News. “This is pathetic. This is not what we send our kids to school for, and parents are waking up and this is what we wanted to happen. We wanted parents who were in the dark to finally wake up to the terrible nature of what’s going on in the public schools.”
Author’s note: This is where the liberals have a hold on education and are pushing sophisticated and controversial views onto children early on. While sex education and safe sex still should be taught in schools, what is being taught is alarmingly bias and extremely inappropriate. These classes are meant to educate, not encourage. Parents should still have control on what values they want to teach their children.
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