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Gavin Newsom Volunteers To Be China’s Latest Useful Idiot

Gavin Newsom Volunteers To Be China’s Latest Useful Idiot

Gavin Newsom’s recent journey to China has left many questioning his leadership and his commitment to core American values. While the California Governor may present himself as a progressive champion, his actions during this international visit have cast serious doubts on his ability to stand up for human rights and uphold the principles that should guide any leader on the world stage.

Newsom’s trip to China was not just about climate cooperation; it was also an attempt to raise his national and international profile. However, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) saw it as an opportunity to advance its propaganda and exert influence on America’s China policies. The CCP’s tactics include showering foreign visitors with praise and attention, a strategy that aims to enlist influential foreigners to spread its narratives overseas without needing to deploy party representatives.

Mary Kissel, a senior adviser to former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, cautioned against being fooled by the CCP’s flattery, emphasizing that the regime has no genuine interest in cooperation. China’s track record on climate change is one such example. Despite being the world’s largest polluter, China has shown little intention of curbing its carbon emissions. It continues to rely heavily on coal, even after signing the Paris Climate Agreement. Xi Jinping, China’s leader, has already reneged on climate commitments, and his military ambitions in Taiwan and the South China Sea will likely result in more emissions that cannot be offset.

Newsom’s decision to downplay human rights in favor of climate change during his meeting with Xi Jinping raised eyebrows and concerns. When asked about this apparent oversight, Newsom’s response left much to be desired. He attempted to justify his silence on human rights by claiming he cared more about climate change, an issue he deemed the most important.

“I had an opportunity to talk about the most important issue in our lives, the most important issue. Everything else is situational; this is the most sustainable issue,” Newsom said, emphasizing the primacy of climate change over other pressing concerns.

This explanation left observers perplexed and concerned. It seemed as if Newsom was willing to sacrifice principles for political expediency. The term “situational” used by Newsom to describe human rights as compared to climate change was particularly troubling, as it suggested a disturbing lack of moral clarity on his part.

What makes Newsom’s stance even more embarrassing is that China’s commitments to addressing climate change are far from sincere. The nation is actively building new coal-fired power plants and has shown a willingness to disregard international agreements for the sake of its own interests. Xi Jinping himself has made it clear that he will not follow the West’s zero-carbon agenda, further undermining the credibility of China’s climate pledges.

Newsom’s actions in China not only exposed his willingness to compromise on human rights but also portrayed him as a naïve leader who allowed himself to become a tool for Chinese propaganda. His failure to address crucial issues like human rights abuses and China’s aggressive posturing toward Taiwan and other U.S. allies in the South China Sea demonstrated a lack of diplomatic acumen and moral courage.

While Newsom may harbor ambitions of becoming the President of the United States, his performance in China has done little to enhance his reputation or credibility. His trip came at a time when California, the state he governs, is facing significant challenges, including skyrocketing crime rates, an inhospitable business environment, and a declining quality of life for residents.

Instead of addressing these pressing issues at home, Newsom embarked on a glamorous international tour, prioritizing photo opportunities and political ambitions over the well-being of his constituents and the core values that should guide any true leader.

Newsom’s actions in China have raised serious questions about his leadership and his ability to uphold American principles on the world stage. Gavin Newsom’s embarrassing performance in China paints a picture of a leader who is more interested in personal gain than in the welfare of his state and his country. May he rot in hell.

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  1. Dan tyree

    China is using the democrats to destroy our country.

  2. Darren

    Not really news as Newsom is always everybodys suck up!
    After all he is related to Palosi!

  3. JoeyP

    I guess the apple never falls far from the TREE . . . Especially ROTTEN ones!

  4. frank stetson

    Hear ye, hear ye, Oliver says please sir, I wants more….. He accuses Gavin Newsom of:
    “left many questioning his leadership and his commitment to core American values.”
    “cast serious doubts on his ability to stand up for human rights and uphold the principles that should guide any leader on the world stage.”
    “Newsom’s trip to China was not just about climate cooperation; it was also an attempt to raise his national and international profile.”
    “the CCP saw it as an opportunity to advance its propaganda and exert influence on America’s China policies.”
    “Newsom’s decision to downplay human rights in favor of climate change during his meeting with Xi Jinping raised eyebrows and concerns.”

    I think Oliver needs to understand that Newsom is the Governor of California. He is not in Congress, he is not the President, yet. So, YES, it’s a political stunt, but no, what he talked about, who he talked with, does not matter once you admit it’s a political stunt by a State politician. Although it is some great training for his next job :>) which is really your point, right Oliver? You’re have FoN, Fear of Newsom. As far as focusing on climate change and not mentioning human rights: MEH. He’s a state politician on a junket to gain some experience dealing with the world. Mission accomplished. He might get something in climate discussions, he might learn something. With human rights, he just pounds his fist, no more talk, and goes home. Remember, he a Governor from a State, not a Congressman, not a President, wtf does he have to do with foreign policy?

    As far as a State politician on a junket to gain some experience changing China, making a difference, well, you wasted your money betting on that one.

    • Jim lucas

      Frank is going to hell

  5. Wes

    Watch The First on Channel 347. The show “Jesse Kelly, I am Right.” It is on DIRECTV. One of the best shows of the year. Unless you are for Socialism, Marxism, Communism. American Communism. Just like the Nazis. Examples of course. Have the Mainstream Media(CNN, MSNBC, NPR, CBS, NBC, ABC, Washington Post, N.Y. Times, WHO, CDC, WEF) to attack your opponents and people that disagree or just unaware like the Republican Party. In this case anyone not Democrat. Get funded by George Soros(Hates America), Bill Gates, donors, politicians and bureaucrats that support the agenda. Use lockdowns, virus, Climate cultists to push the narrative. Indoctrinate children with CRT and transgenderism in schools. CRT is Marxism. Use the military to push that. Use racism and white supremacy as a narrative. George Floyd did die from weak heart and Fentanyl according to the coroner. BLM, Antifa, Proud Boys, criminals, DOJ, FBI, and prosecutors that hate Trump. The people that are oblivious to the tactic. Open the border to let in anyone using the excuse asylum from disasters in their country(some do). Add voters to the Democrat Party claiming they care. Stop voter ID. Use the word Democracy repeatedly so your brain gets overwhelmed until you believe it. Or not. Use January 6, Election Day as a tool to push the threat. Use Science. Compare the event to a real disaster or event. “911”, World War 11, Pearl Harbor. Call the other side the one doing that. Use kids in colleges and schools that are not seeing the truth. Getting rid of our fuel, even reserves so Americans cannot rely on that. Get rid of gas stoves, air conditioning, fueled cars, and any other necessity that improves their life. Claim it is to help the planet. EV’s batteries are made by child labor in China. Communist China. Not efficient. Overwhelm the electric grid. I am tired. Hopefully get the point.

  6. Wes

    Jesse Kelly Show on 11-5-2023.

  7. LMB

    Newsom is following in Bidens footsteps to get the backing (money) to run for higher office!!

  1. Larry, So glad that you are recovering from your medical issues-I would hate to go through the next 4 years…