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Furious Liberals Put Elon Musk in Crosshairs

Furious Liberals Put Elon Musk in Crosshairs

Elon Musk is facing rising hostility from the left the closer the 2024 presidential election gets and the more he opens his pocket in support of President Trump. Following his new million-dollar giveaway to get people registered for voting in November, Musk has left Pennsylvania’s Democrat Governor Josh Shapiro in fumes of fury.

Over the weekend, Musk pledged to randomly award $1 million daily to a registered voter in any of the six swing states who signs a petition launched by Musk’s political action committee (PAC) that he formed in July to support President Trump’s campaign for 2024. The giveaway will continue until November 5 and has already awarded 3 persons in Pennsylvania a million dollars each.

The petition by Musk’s PAC advocates free speech (First Amendment) and the right to bear arms (Second Amendment). It can be read and signed here.

Musk’s initiative to boost support for the two leading conservative causes and accordingly for the Trump campaign by rewarding voters from his own pocket has left the liberals writhing in political rage. Governor Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, the state where Musk has been campaigning most for Trump, ran to NBC News to rant against Musk and suggesting legal action against him. The New York Post cited Shapiro telling NBC News:

“I think there are real questions with how [Musk] is spending money in this race. How the dark money is flowing, not just into Pennsylvania but apparently now into the pockets of Pennsylvanians.”

When asked if he believed Musk’s giveaway offer was illegal, Shapiro carefully worded his response:

“I think it’s something that law enforcement could take a look at. I’m not the attorney general anymore of Pennsylvania. I’m the governor, but it does raise some serious questions.”

Musk responded to Shapiro’s veiled threat of lawfare by adding a winking emoji to another post on X by a conservative account that questioned why Shapiro had not reacted to the billions of dollars funneled into American politics by the Gorge Soros family. The post points out that it’s obviously because the Soros money benefits Democrats.

Another account, one from a Muslim resident of Michigan, gave Shapiro a quick recap of how the leftist owner of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg spent $400 million to swing the 2020 election to the left and asked why Shapiro had no problem with “Zuckerbucks.”

Leftists outside America have also marked Elon Musk as a threat to their agenda and one popular German publication recently branded him as the second biggest enemy of liberalism after Trump, who has been placed at the top. Breitbart reported that Germany’s leftist-globalist news magazine Der Spiegel called Musk “Enemy of the State Number Two” in an article over the weekend. The story cited from the German article:

“The troll-in-chief has mutated into a political agitator. You could say that Donald Trump is probably the greatest threat to the free world at the moment. His buddy Musk, [is at least] a state enemy number two.”

Musk mentioned the angry and hateful rhetoric of Der Spiegel during his town hall event in Pittsburg, PA, on Sunday. He expressed safety concerns and said he would need to upgrade his security. The Gateway Pundit cited his town hall comments:

“I’m like, enemy number 2 of what? Uh, democracy? I mean I’m pro-democracy. I’m literally trying to uphold the Constitution and ensure we have a free and fair election. I’m definitely upgrading my security. Guess I better cancel that open-car parade.”

About The Author


  1. AC

    Musk allies himself with Trump. Trump has fascist ambitions. Musk says he is pro-democracy but pours millions into Trump’s campaign. Musk and Trump are of the same cloth. Each is more attentive to their own personal power than all Americans’ well being and the stability of our democracy.
    Neither are truthful while both seek new ways of manipulating people by appealing to people’s baser instincts. Greed for money has Musk bribing voters to sign his petition. Trump pushed the lie that all of us were richer and better off when he was president.
    Both men are salesmen known to push their particular brand. Neither make able politicians or are capable of thinking diplomatically.
    Musk and Trump prefer creating chaos and stirring up division than bringing people together in a coalition to solve common issues. Neither of the two understand what those common issues are.
    Trump says he is wealthy. He does not need Musk’s millions added to Trump’s own to win. Trump repeatedly claims at as rallies, he does not need more votes. He brags that he has enough votes.
    Then, with his next breath Trump promises, when he is president people will not have to vote again, ever.
    These statements of Trump brought cheers. Aren’t his people attending rallies listening to him? What has them eager and willing to sacrifice the right to vote. Freedom to vote is the linchpin of a healthy dynamic democracy. The vote is a hard won privilege all citizens 18 years and older register and do at elections. Voting is a free right everyone who is eligible to vote has in common and equal with all other voting citizens. What could it be that in four years when the 2028 presidential election time comes around that caused the cancellation of that election.
    Trump says things that make no sense. His promises are actually threats. But, it’s a proven fact that much of his talk when checked for validity is found untrue. Debate answers, speeches covered by media, personal interviews, and postings on social media have Trump reiterating false statements which are on their face, nonsensical to the least informed of his followers, as well as to all who are listing and watching.
    Musk and other deep pocket donors to politicians’ election campaigns no matter which party are effectively destructive elements in society that damage and weaken our democracy’s health and sustainability.
    This travesty done to elections with the obscenely large mega million dollar donations establishes a toxic undemocratic atmosphere which makes running for political office impossible for anyone other than the Uber-wealthy individuals and those with large war chests.
    Well then, our government happens to be run by the moneyed elite. The US Constitution reads “from the people, by the people, and for the people”. Who are “the people” mentioned in the Constitution? Only people with wealth who can buy elected office?
    This, too, is undemocratic. Who’s voice is being heard in our representative from of government? Money talks, as it has long been the case.

    • Joe Gilbertson

      The problem seems to be the Democrats don’t understand the word “fascist.” The basic element of fascism is that the government uses private industry to further its agenda. Kind of like the FBI talking to Facebook about how they should censor certain lines of thought…hmmm. Did Trump do any of that?

      • Tom

        Joe, you may be correct about using industry to further its agenda, but what you state is a characteristic, not a definition. You do not know the definition of facist. So I will give it to you, or you can youtube the various generals that have given definition.

        FACIST (From Webster Dictionary)

        1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition (OR YOU COULD JUST SAY “TRUMP”)

        2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control (TRUMP)

        AC is correct. There are many reasons not to vote for Trump. I may not always agree with Harris and I may not know all of her plans. But I know more than I need to know about Trump and his plans, Project 2025 and his demented behavior. This Independent will not vote for Trump.

        And by the way, Dems are pissed about Musk because it is illegal to do what he is doing by offering sweepstakes and compensation for registering to vote. As an Independent, Musk turns me off. He is another autocrat with the opinion “my way or the highway”.

      • stranger danger

        Trump, censor, certain lines of thought?

        First, I contend that Trump lies are a form of censoring the truth. When he sharpies a new path for a hurricane, that’s censorship.
        When he claims Obama not born here, that’s censorship.
        Actually, since he mostly lies, he mostly censors.

        But resonating with Tim Gilbertson, just a regular Joe, here’s some:

        “From 2017 to 2021, the Trump administration made approximately 1,400 changes to agency websites that removed science-based information on environmental issues, such as water pollution, climate change, and endangered species.” Concerned Scientists Union

        Trump’s EO authorizes federal agencies to review Section 230, a law that protects social media companies from lawsuits over the content published on their sites so that folks could sue SM companies with unRepublican content.

        The Sunlight Foundation’s Web Integrity Project has documented 26 instances of ACA censorship by Trump.

        Trump removed LGBT health and scientific information from the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Women’s Health website, and the LGBT population-based data reports from the Federal Committee of Statistical Methodology (FCSM), from the Office of Management and Budget website.

        Under Trump, FEMA removed Puerto Rico information.

        Joe, open your eyes, this list goes on forever. And if he gets in again, it’s just the tip of the iceberg that will sink free speech, much less extreme free speech. It’s OK though, they won’t bother you.

      • AC

        Joe, more is the reality, republicans don’t know fascism when they see what Trump is planning and his campaigning language. How is Trump’s stated plan not patterned after Hitler’s plan intended to rid Germany of those he defined as undesirables. Fascism is an evil undemocratic ideology that autocrat dictators turn to when they seek to eliminate those are not of their same kind.
        The word Fascism names the practice of culling a nations population so only the people remain are beings who are proven to have the same pure blood and body. All “others” being the undesirables must be extinguished or used as servant slaves. History reveals what fascism looks like when we study what fascists did to innocent people in the 100’s of millions total. Hitler began his regime with brainwashing and gaslighting the German population to believe that those among them of pure Germans blood were better human beings, the elite and deserving of the best in life and more. Their neighbors, many of them became seen as “others”, the undesirables and enemies e the state. So, if their neighbors were made to disappear no mention ot it and to the authorities.
        Equating Candidate Trump with fascist Hitler is especially relevant when thinking critically we review Hitler’s initiatives while beginning his mind turning campaign to delude Germans with his Superiority conspiracy theory. Trump has essentially enacted Hitler’s strategy of mind bending when he started his Reality Show theatrics in 2013 and before. Parlaying the Trump name brand from TV fiction’s stage set to the gold colored escalator ride down to the Convention floor. All eyes were on him and Melonia, like the King with his Queen, he made his appearance that evening. Most of America had heard about the Trump name. Less people knew him from his TV reality(?) show The Apprentice. From that evening to this day Trump’s efforts totally fixated on one image, winning the presidency and the power for himself inherent to that position in America. Success in achieving his ultimate goal was and is everything in his personal world view. To that end he pledged to himself, he would do whatever he believed was (and is) required. Whether those efforts called for illegal acts carried out by himself and his coconspirators didn’t appear to concern him. Those closest within his chosen ranks pledged fidelity to Trump and mirrored his talking points and philosophy.
        Trump is leading his duped following: fellow conspirators, and MAGA land’s denizens (Republican Party voters generally) into believing in his anti-democracy philosophy. His unlearned comments referencing the U.S. Constitution’s amendments incorrectly as to the amendment’s number and its exact wording’s impact prove he is not constitutionally literate at presidential standard level. Our three branches of government specified in that document have certain delegated responsibilities within the several governmental branches. One responsibility is maintaining a power balance between the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches. The President has appreciable power as commander and chief of the military. The Legislative Branch holds its power with control of the purse in addition to its legislative responsibility that may or may not grant the President decision power.
        Trump appears wholly ignorant about the U.S. Constitution’s agreements as facts of law and observance is mandatory. Those who refuse obedience opting to live outside the law will suffer what consequences ordained by law all persons indicted, tried, judged guilty, and sentenced to punishment. The term in time and amount charged in fines are set as the convicted person’s paying off the debt to society incurred by the person upon their transgressing society’s laws. Trump’s behavior while President 2017-2021 and as private citizen Trump indicates the mind of a person whose behavior communicates if not ignorance of laws purposed directly for ensuring safety and wholeness of the nation and its people, then his complete disregard for this country, its laws under the Constitution, the American peoples, and our country’s history defending democracy and constant efforts in its strengthening and making improvements.
        Trump’s motivation behind his actions must be made clear and understood so his plans are out in the open. He has publicly shouted profound untruths and promulgated propaganda conspiracy theories that instigate people’s worst inclinations so mass rioting resulted from Trump’s encouraging words to the crowd of angry supporters framing laws and causing damage to people and US Government Capital Buildings and grounds.
        Fascism happens to be a malignant cancer with devastating affects when the disease goes ignored by those directly affected, diagnosis down played by associates, and untreated by otherwise intelligent persons. Their lack of action to mitigate harm already inflicted on our nation can only mean an unpatriotic self indulgence that serves to gratify a few at the expense of the many. Ultimately those with Trump will not profit from Trump’s delusional over compensation for his criminal impulses and immoral deflection of obvious guilt. Trump is in it to win it for his own glory and ego, no one else’s.But at great expense he has laid on the multitude he deluded and conned into joining his self only gratification 8 years long invasion in American Politics and 3 Presidential elections cycles.
        When some event in our history hits the unprecedented category it rarely a mutually positive edifying event. Trump’s coming an acting his part as an inglorious personality usually witnessed in a stage tragedy is still all to real life. Unprecedented happenings get our attention . We come out enforce in attach mode with hopefully mitigation tactics and eventually bring the offending situation to a manageable resolution. Not wanting to indulge Trump’s MAGA sized ego further, still recording for historical record that the constitutional emergency negatively impacting our democracy’s health and sustainability is under Trump’s maniacal orchestration which qualifies as an unprecedented act undermining what the founders and subsequent important events have built.
        This coming November 5th will be defining moment in American History. The votes will tell who are the real serious patriots upholding our country with its democracy strong and intact. Those we held strong against Trump’s dictatorial autocratic fascist agenda are true patriots.
        Trump’s gang are the deplorable bunch for enabling his fascist ramblings and failed your country by not stepping forward bravely as Trump emotionally and mentally disintegrated before your eyes. His radicalization of the Republican Party you have not stemmed. At present he shows the diminished mental state of a person who implodes emotionally in public daily.
        Should Trump succeed in his quest for POTUS our whole country is at risk.
        The loose cannon that he is could finally change the supposedly conservative minded personal convictions about Trump. Although, it will be to little and so to late


        The d


  2. Lobo

    The Satan Soros has poured millions into the Democratic Party to speed up the process of heading to a One World Order. Zuckerberg has also pumped millions into a party hellbent on destroying America. But following their marching orders, heaven forbid those who love America can only act if the marxist party gives us permission.

    • stranger danger

      Lobo. check your facts.

      FACT: Soros has basically retired, try Soros, Jr at best

      FACT: When you look at the 50 largest donors, Republicans overspend Dems 2:1.

      FACT: Soros good for about $60M, Melon gave Trump over $170M, Adelson gave Trump $135M

      I am not sure Zuckerberg pumped any money in, you seem to believe he has?

      Frankly, put your partisan hate hat on, and let’s join together to say Citizen’s United blow, stop these rich bastards from buying America’s politicians, politics, and people. Let them donate just like us normal citizens, no more than $3,300 per candidate. Let businesses suck eggs and not donate a penny.

      Lobo, who cares what party, this shit stinks.

      But the days of Soros are over, Soros Jr. is not Soros Sr.

  1. Joe Gilbertson: where are you going with these threats? My free speech is facing intimidation, sometimes physical threats. Is this…