Federal Judge Blocks Trump’s EO on Birthright Citizenship

In the first salvo of what may be a drawn-out battle between newly inaugurated President Trump and the Judiciary, a federal judge has temporarily blocked the executive order (EO) on birthright citizenship.
U.S. District Judge John Coughenour called the EO “blatantly unconstitutional” during the first hearing in a multi-state effort challenging Trump. Coughenour repeatedly interrupted a Justice Department lawyer to ask how he could consider the order constitutional. When the attorney, Brett Shumate, said he’d like a chance to explain it in a full briefing, Coughenour told him the hearing was his chance.
The temporary restraining order sought by Arizona, Illinois, Oregon, and Washington was the first to get a hearing before a judge and applies nationally.
The case is one of five lawsuits being brought by 22 states and a number of immigrant rights groups across the country. The suits include personal testimonies from attorneys general who are U.S. citizens by birthright, and names pregnant women who are afraid their children won’t become U.S. citizens.
Coughenour, a Ronald Reagan appointee, grilled the DOJ attorneys, saying the order “boggles the mind.”
“This is a blatantly unconstitutional order,” Coughenour told Shumate. The judge said he’s been on the bench for more than four decades, and he couldn’t remember seeing another case where the action challenged so clearly violated the Constitution.
“The harms are immediate, ongoing, and significant and cannot be remediated in the ordinary course of litigation,” reads Coughenour’s ruling, which will remain in effect for 14 days.
When asked about the ruling in the Oval Office, Trump said the government “obviously” will appeal.
“They put it before a certain judge in Seattle, I guess, right? And there’s no surprises with that judge,” Trump said.
Expectations are growing that the emerging legal battle will end up at the conservative-majority court, which would then decide whether to revisit its longstanding precedent that only leaves narrow exceptions for when people born on U.S. soil aren’t entitled to birthright citizenship.
“We appreciate and wanted the challenges to this bill. We wanted the ACLU and these 22 states,” Rep. Brian Babin (R-Texas), who has introduced legislation to limit birthright citizenship, said at a Thursday press conference.
“Why? So we can get it into the Supreme Court of the United States,” he continued. “This thing could take up to three years before it winds up in the highest court.”
I want to deport all those who got in under chain migration.
Starting with Melania’s family.
Then let’s get those who fraudulently got in under the “Einstein” exception fast track.
Starting with Melania.
Hey, if she goes, can we get Barron out of here as a birthright citizen when we deport all of them?
Malenia has proper documentation. Maybe citizenship by now. I’ll check on that. But she’s here legally. So deport yourself dumbass.
I checked. She became a naturalized citizen around 2006. So get your head out of your ass Frank. So much for proof
Learn to read boys. I said she FRAUDULENTLY got in under the Einstein exception I guess because her tits were as beautiful as his brain.
Should we not deport all those who lied and cheated to get in? Or maybe you want to pardon her?
You patriots don’t even care her communist father got in on chain migration to her Einstein-Ian tits exclusion and lives in Trump’s cabana a few few from the nuclear secrets next to the members pool.
Jackass she is/was married to a US citizen therefore in addition to her naturalized citizen status Barron is a birthright citizen.
Lee: thanks for the answer. But why do you call melania “jackass she?” That’s weird.
Actually Lee, you are incorrect. She did not get in under a “spouse of a citizen visa. Frank is correct, she got in under a visa that is used for persons with special skills and knowledge. She had no such knowledge. You do not get “naturalized” just because you marry an American. The American in the relationship must petition for a change in visa status. This takes a while. I know, I am one such petitioner. That is why Trump went the path of special skills and knowledge which she had none. As for whether she is a jack ass or not, I do not know. But she sure did marry a jack ass.
Frank, you are a complete asshole, take your liberal socialist opinion and stick it up your ass. It’s individuals like you that need to be deported, why don’t you leave the United States, there’s probably no other country will allow you in.
Rush, my views most often similar to close to 50% of the nation so what you are proclaiming is you need to deport half the country. To where, only you know. As to other countries taking me in, that’s not true. I’ve asked and a number have open arms for me and my assets. But ask yourself this: if we all left, would your life become better? We contribute more than 50% of the nation’s GDP, much more if you believe the statistics. Would you fill our jobs? How much do you know about telecom and product management? And I am just one cog in the wheels that make your American dream, or lack thereof, but that’s mostly on you, not me.
But I really don’t see your issue on this one. It’s pretty clear than Melania was let in early and easy because she had Trump’s backing and really great T&A as her major asset that allowed her to use the Einstein exemption to get in. She would never pull this off herself and as far as I know, no other model ever did, or has since. Now, you can look it up, it’s no secret, probably nothing illegal, but certainly some pressure was brought to bear. She does not have Einstein-like benefits to our country. Even with the risqué snaps.
Prove me wrong, or personally own the asshole in your comment.
She then used chain migration to get her parents in which, again, is legal, but Trump and I gather you want to end it. But her’s is based on fruit of the poisonous tree since she is not an Einstein.
Prove me wrong, or personally own the asshole in your comment, again.
Then, then, her father is a member of the Communist Party, he may still be, he was though out her life. He lives in the cabana at Trump-world right next to the nuclear secrets repository. Look it up, you will see.
Of fuck, you know what I’m going to say. Again.
Now, you want to deport me, but you think this is fucking-a-skippy? Half the country goes and you be OK? Perhaps it’s you that should leave if this is your level of patriotism. In truth, we are all in this together and if you can’t even hold a decent discussion, with some level of decorum, well, it’s a rocky road forward fer sure.
At the time when the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified, the United States still had a wide-open frontier and did not limit immigration. As there was no immigration law, there were no illegal immigrants and citizenship for children of immigrants was not an issue. Since the United States had no formal immigration policy at that time, the AUTHORS of the 14th Amendment envisioned no need to explicitly address immigration in the Amendment.
Senator Jacob Howard (co-author) clearly spelled out the intent of the 14th Amendment in 1866, which was to define citizenship.
He stated:
“Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country.”
The correct interpretation of the 14th Amendment is quite simply that an illegal alien mother is subject to the jurisdiction of her native country, as is her baby.
The Amendment’s key phrase “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” was intended to exclude American-born persons from automatic citizenship whose allegiance to the United States was not complete. When parents are unlawfully in the United States, their native country has a claim of allegiance of a child born to those parents. The completeness of their allegiance to the United States is therefore impaired, which precludes automatic citizenship.
LMB; good points. Like 1780 weapons had not seen improvements in decades but advanced rapidly in the civil war to the point that the founders would not recognize today’s gun. And don’t get me started on communications technology and the electoral college.
In either case, we are a nation if laws that believe in the rule of law above any man’s desire.
Still have to change the 14th to change the law.
Make sense?
Birth R C Ship should and never would have been a problem if the people
wishing for B R C S were here legally!
Then the system works!
SOOOO nice to see that others are finally going after the know-it-alls here.
I am so glad you are in it to get the other guy.
Myself —- I am just searching for the truth.
Appears the truth upsets some, even talking about it.
I think I corrected Tom, Seth, and LMB’s misread of the word: FRAUDULENTLY and therefore accused me of what I did not say. Hopefully the truth set them free, but I don’t expect them to comment.
LMB’s second post is an interesting idea; I wrote back but misspelled my fake name or email so it’s in jail awaiting a pardon. Short answer is: YES, if we overrun the 14th Amendment to our Bill of Rights to undue birthright citizenry, then by the same logic of old age causing changes not know to the original writers, then we can overrun the 2A and Constitutional rationalization of the Electoral College too….
Frankly, I don’t mind losing birthright citizenary; but the law must be changed. Not just a edict of a Felon King. It’s heading to court anyway.
I agree Frank. IT would require a change to the U.S. Constitution which requires a threshold of two-thirds vote for the change. Trump will never get that which is why he is trying to do this illegally.