FBI Forcing Conservatives Out Of the Bureau

As the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) continues its war on President Trump, it is going after his supporters within the agency in what looks like an organized liberalization operation favoring the political left. More whistleblowers from the bureau have provided the Congress with documents showing how the agency is specifically targeting those agents that fit the profiles of Trump supporters.
The Washington Times reported the news on Friday (November 10) saying it has obtained copies of the disclosures that a US Marine along with other military veterans working at the FBI provided the House Judiciary Committee. The story wrote:
“…high-ranking FBI officials are targeting agents, specifically former military members, for their political beliefs and trying to force them out of the bureau.”
The documents by the whistleblowers name two FBI officials who actively and specifically go after FBI employees that have been either US Marines or other military veterans. The FBI officials thus named are Jeffrey Veltri, who is the deputy assistant director of FBI’s security division, and Dena Perkins, who is the assistant section chief. The reason these officials cite for removing the conservative agents with military background is, in their words, “disloyalty to the United States.”
When The Washington Times posted the story of the agency’s new whistleblowers, the FBI reportedly denied any wrongdoing and issued a general statement in the agency’s defense while calling the paper’s reporting “wholly irresponsible”. The statement included the line:
“We do not target or take adverse action against employees for exercising their First Amendment rights or for their political views.”
In May this year, the FBI issued a statement with the exact line in its defense against similar claims by other whistleblowers presented before the House Judiciary Committee and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. Two FBI special agents Stephen Friend and Garret O’Boyle, along with another employee Marcus Allen, testified before the House committees to point out how the bureau had targeted them for their political beliefs. The House Judiciary Committee report stated:
“The FBI weaponized the security clearance adjudication process to silence employees who fight against the politicized ‘rot’ within the FBI leadership.”
Meanwhile, the FBI continues to expand its power by consuming large chunks of taxpayer money. Congressman Matt Gaetz, firebrand Republican from Florida, didn’t pull any punches when he offered his comments on the House floor after his recent amendment to prohibit funding for FBI’s new $300 million headquarters failed because many House Republicans voted with the Democrats to allow FBI the funding. In a Twitter/X post on November 8, Gaetz wrote:
Our country is crumbling when a weaponized security state targets the civil liberties of American citizens because of their politics. Those in the J. Edgar Hoover Building should sit in that rat-infested building until they get their act straight.
Funding for the FBI should be cut out
and what’s your alternative mr lucas?
Local and state. But the FBI could be refunded after the bad apples are gone The US marshals could be given more responsibility. Until a commie gets back in the White House and corrupts them
Jim, the fbi was created due to the states so your alternative is to re-establish that which did not work.
Why PBP keeps Dempster on is beyond me. He is an unprofessional journalist. As an opinion writer he has no credentials beyond a tight knit shirt and an aggressive pose. I don’t even think he’s American or that Dempsey is his real name. I think he is from Pakistan with a sordid family history, perhaps causing his name change.
This story rates as top-notch POS journalism. The man has the investigative skills of Inspector Clouseau. He is not professional.
His summary: “As the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) continues its war on President Trump,” except there is nothing in the story to suggest a “WAR” and nothing in the story to suggest it’s AGAINST Trump. We got four whistleblowers, the two previous ones he references were blown out of the water, totally discredited, as was Jordan. These two newbies are starting the exact same way. Jordan has touted he has “dozens” of these folks since August of 2022 or earlier, so WHERE’S THE BEEF? Obviously, Dempsey does not have the chops to see that, much less ask the question. He just goes along to git along swallowing the Trumplicant bait, hook-line-and-sinker.
He says “it is going after his supporters within the agency” when NOTHING in the story indicates these are Trump supporters, except they were ousted, they say, for political reasons. The last two guys said that too and they were thoroughly discredited, although Demsey still believes. He calls it an “organized liberalization operation favoring the political left” without one shred of evidence. The man is obviously off his meds.
“More whistleblowers from the bureau” — the last two were discredited so HOW does Dempsey get to “more?”
“With documents showing how the agency is specifically targeting those agents that fit the profiles of Trump supporters” except the story indicates it’s military guys and the “documents” are theirs.
“More whistleblowers from the bureau” — the last two were discredited so HOW does Dempsey get to “more?”
“With documents showing how the agency is specifically targeting those agents that fit the profiles of Trump supporters” except the story indicates it’s military guys and the “documents” are theirs.
What we know in reality (versus Dempsey-la-la-land) is there is a dispute over a termination, perhaps wrongful. There is a process for that, including the courts. Whistleblowing can be part of that process too. And if you think arbitration, whistleblowing, courts, and all not going to do it, I guess there’s Jim Jordan and the House Investigation on Governmental Weaponization and Hunter Biden. Stupid Dempsey mentions: “Two FBI special agents Stephen Friend and Garret O’Boyle, along with another employee Marcus Allen, testified before the House committees to point out how the bureau had targeted them for their political beliefs. The House Judiciary Committee report stated: “The FBI weaponized the security clearance adjudication process to silence employees who fight against the politicized ‘rot’ within the FBI leadership.”
sorry for the multi part. Dempsey believes in only so much “free speech” given he has the mind of twitter. soon he will ban multiple submissions too no doubt.
and the last part….
Dempsey does not deem it necessary to mention Jordan’s track (not wrestling) record either. Deport this guy.
He also has the balls to say: “Meanwhile, the FBI continues to expand its power by consuming large chunks of taxpayer money.” CATO institute says BUSTED to Dempsey: “The chart shows that real FBI spending almost doubled from $5.25 billion 2000 to $10.44 billion in 2011 and has since trended slowly upwards reaching $11.4 billion in 2023.” It’s been even flatter since 2017. Expand? PBP has expanded at a higher percentage I would reckon. I know I have. They are a nit in the budget and are asking for a .4% increase in 2024. Again, any moron could check those facts.
Then he closes with his hero, lover of the under-age, our House sex addict Matt Gaetz who said, on X, not on the record because he is a big pussy: “Our country is crumbling when a weaponized security state targets the civil liberties of American citizens because of their politics. Those in the J. Edgar Hoover Building should sit in that rat-infested building until they get their act straight.” Well, let’s send Mr. Dempsey packing to Pakistan, if that’s where he hails from.
IOW — proper behavior for ousting four guys, two for cause, and two TBD, is to make the FBI live with rats as punishment in the interim. Wonder what Matt gives to guys who have sex with underage girls while they wait for their court date. Oh right, a seat in the House. Like I said, this one belongs in arbitration, whistleblower process, or court —— and perhaps then the House. The House activities are really starting to look like McCarthyism with trial by media and public opinion with shabby, shoddy, journalists supported enabled by unprofessional publishers looking for a buck.
Reduce the PAY of Christopher Wray to $1. oo (that’s AFTER inflation – let’s give him a BREAK like he did everyone ELSE)!
Talk is great, everybody has an opinion.
What about the whistle Blowers?
The media focus’s more about, LOOK, WHISTLE BLOWERS!
But they refuse to cover the context of what they are saying.
Ask any Schmuck on the the street, The View, or people at a Democrat
convention, if you can get past the rioting what the whistle Blowers said?
No one could answer it.
The SHEEPLE as usual are caught up in trying to survive.
Plan well done Obama.
And all Biden had to do is look stupid!
It’s hard to keep up on the hostage whistleblower status given Jorden’s spin and maneuvering. I can’t even keep all the investigations straight. For example, here of PBP a HUGE story ran about the Chinese jiggering our elections as stated in a REPORT from some CA Federal prosecutor. Turns out no report, he “reported” his guesses when asked but we there to testify on Hunter….. See my post on that PBP news debacle.
First, you have to know they are not whistleblowers. They have not filed for whistleblower status, they are not in the process, the went straight to Jordan. He did not put them in the process as any normal government representative should have.
I track Jordan noting he has “dozens” of whistleblowers as of August of 2022, but he may have announced them before Biden ascended the throne in 2021. Bear in mind, there is a formal Federal whistleblower process so Jordan is actually outside of that process. He famously unrolled the first three, two which are referenced in the current story without the adder that they were soundly shot down, on the actual evidence. I think all three of these blowers were being paid by Kash Patel, Trumplicant rich guy.
Also, they are not whistleblowers — not one of them have filed for whistleblower status OR are in the whistleblower process and program. They went straight to Jordan.
Now Jordan rolls out two more, but at this point we don’t really know what they said, except it proves Jordan’s point, and we don’t know the FBI response. Last time it was to shoot Jordan down.
So, dozens of blowers, but seen only five for over 18 months, and 9 months of formal investigation, two were shot down, two are tbd, and none have gone to court.
Here’s the news on the first batch and PLEASE, look beyond the MSNBC and look to the facts because they are pretty hard to dispute. *https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/jim-jordan-hearing-whistleblower-fbi-rcna85096*
On this second batch, tbd, since it was closed session and the FBI has not responded. Last time their response sunk Jordan.
Meanwhile, remember, Jordan has “dozens” of these blowers and only five have been rolled out. Why? The answer is somewhere between bogus blower, slow-boat the releases for best PR effect, or incompetence, which based on the first batch, is Jordan for sure.
Jordan is attempted to orchestrate a clusterfuck and he’s the man for the job.
Wow Frank! You are on a real Dempsey dump! LOL
Progressives have pretty much taken over all government positions. We know this because we have so many issues with government regulations and overspending. I don’t want extreme conservatives any more than I want the extreme liberal Progressives who now control so much of government. We need responsible moderates who do not feel a need to control the lives of American citizens, but rather work for the benefit of American citizens.