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FBI Finds New Emails on Huma-Weiner Laptop

FBI Finds New Emails on Huma-Weiner Laptop

With just 8 days to go until the election, FBI agents are working frantically on the reopened Hillary Clinton email probe. Today, the agency confirmed it had found new emails from Hillary’s private server on the Huma-Weiner laptop. 

The agency is still examining the emails for relevance, but has confirmed that these messages are not duplicates of any found of Clinton’s private server. The new documents came from a computer used by Clinton aide Huma Abedin and her estranged husband, former New York congressman Anthony Weiner. 

The FBI obtained a warrant Monday to search the computer as part of an unrelated investigation into Weiner’s alleged sexting with a 15-year-old girl. FBI Director James Comey notified Congress last week that the agency was taking a second look into the Clinton email scandal upon discovery of the computer. 

Huma Abedin insists that she did not know any of her emails were on the laptop. 

As we wrote here, the FBI is also looking into the Clinton Foundation. But tensions are high, and agents disagree on how to approach the case during the election. The Wall Street Journal has described the scenario as an “internal feud” within the agency. 


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  1. Nope, no egg on any faces other than the dynamic duo Trumuski. The flood of EOs Trump is pumping out…