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Does Harris lying about Biden’s ability to govern matter?

Does Harris lying about Biden’s ability to govern matter?

In the wake of President Biden’s withdrawal from the campaign, there has been a lot of talk and angst about the fact that his deteriorating condition was concealed — not only from the voting public but from a large chunk of the Democrat establishment as a matter of strategy. 

Not only did Team Biden hide the seriousness of his physical and mental decline through isolation and limited scripted events, they lied when his aging issues were manifest in public.  They not only denied the facts of Biden’s condition, but they also gave hyperbolic testimony of his super senior power in terms of intellect and energy.

Among the most emphatic of the liars was Vice President Harris.  She repeatedly told the public, in no uncertain terms, that Biden was of sound body and mind – and that claims to the contrary were nothing more than political trash talk.  White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said the same – noting that even the younger staff could not keep up with the President.  MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough declared Biden to be “sharp as a tack” and “better than ever.”

It was nothing less than a callous political conspiracy of self-interest to deceive the American voters.  In a profession in which disinformation campaigns are a matter of course, this one was a whopper with ominous repercussions.

Unfortunately for Team Biden Democrats, his condition deteriorated to the point where the grand scheme could no longer be viable.  The truth was coming into public view over the past year or so.  The debate was the clincher … the game changer. 

Despite a last minute effort to keep the charade empowered, they had to put Biden on the road to show what he could do.  Unfortunately, he did show what he could do … or not do.  The only possible strategy left to salvage any hope of winning in November was to dine on crow … concede the truth … and force Biden out.  Old Joe had to go—and Harris was the palace pick to succeed him.

For Republicans, it is an “I told you so” moment.  They had been pointing to Biden’s obvious physical and mental decline for months … years. 

Biden is now a lame duck president.   More lame than previous outgoing presidents.  We will not be seeing much of him in the future.  He will be put on light duty at the White House – spending more time at his home in Delaware.  The top staff will be handling most of the perfunctory work of the presidency as it comes to an end.  For the next few months, America will be without a fully functional president.  That is not necessarily a crisis, just a fact.

While Biden’s competency, as a campaign issue, is a thing of the past, is there any enduring importance to be drawn from Harris’ key role in the conspiracy to conceal the truth about Biden?  After all, it does speak to her personal integrity and her fealty to the American people – her devotion to the concept of transparency and an informed public. 

While there are many major issues to be discussed and debated in the coming months, her role in the grand conspiracy is noteworthy.  Despite the rhetoric to the contrary, Harris has shown that she is not a person who will put the interests of we the people … or America … ahead of her own personal and political interests.

She lied to us over and over – and thanks to her lies, America was weeks away from the possibility of electing a non-compos mentis president of the United States – from whom she would have inevitably inherited the presidency sometime before January 20, 2029.

Her lies about Biden may not be the biggest deal in the minds of voters – but it is not a small deal either.  They could have been disastrous.  No amount of whataboutism should eradicate Harris’ own ethical lapses.  As a prosecutor, she should know that.

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. Joseph S. Bruder

    Classic gaslighting! You’re assuming that Biden has some condition that was hidden from the public. Yes, he’s old, and his body is slowing down. But nothing suggests that he is not in command of the facts or in any way failing mentally.

    Biden went to the debate with Felon Trump after a heavy travel schedule. He’s fucking President of the United States, so he has a busy schedule. Biden has never been a great orator, with both a stutter (which he has mostly conquered) and occasional verbal slips. And he may have been in the beginning stages of a COVID infection. He started off the debate slowly, and Felon Trump was telling so many lies that there was no way he could refute them all. The format of the debate allowed Felon Trump to say anything he wanted without challenge from the moderators. It took a little time before Biden was able to match his style to the debate format, but he recovered about half-way through.

    On the other hand, Biden had several interviews and appearances after the debates where he was sharp as a tack. He gave a great speech to the 75th anniversary NATO summit, and an interview a few days after the debate that was a master’s level class in foreign policy. The only thing that Felon Trump has ever mastered is the art of the grift. Anyone who was present during any of his briefings told the tales of how disinterested he was in anything related to policy (apparently, he only paid attention if his name was mentioned in press clippings, or if he could personally make money off of selling Secret-level documents).

    So, don’t make false assumptions about Biden being impaired or that Harris has lied about it. That’s your usual anti-Democrat spin. Instead, take a closer look at Felon Trump and the weird shit he regularly spews at his rallies. He’s the old guy in the race now, and was taking tests for dementia before his term ever ended (which he thinks he passed, because he can say “person… man… woman… … camera… TV” – which he thinks he “aced”, probably what his handlers told him to make him feel good about himself.

    • larry Horist

      Joseph S Bruder … You wrote “But nothing suggests that he is not in command of the facts or in any way failing mentally.” You call him “sharp
      as a tack.” That is the gaslighting. The cover up. That is why thought you were a hermit. You seem to be the only person on earth that has not seen Old Joe’s mental issues. Even his Democrat allies … the donors … and the press … have reported on his mental decline extensively. So you say George Clooney, the CNN reporter was lying … or the Axios reporter who said that the Biden at the debate is what we see every day. The State of the Union Speech was the exception. Or Dem strategist David Axelrod … or several Dem congressmen .. were all lying????? And that is just a small sample. The facts are simple. Biden is and has been increasingly mentally impaired and Harris lied as part of the cover up. Either you are amazingly misinformed …. hopelessly biased … or just an utter fool. Some facts are just not spinnable. You might as well argue the moon is made of cheese.

  2. Frank stetson

    Only from the mind of Horist would one attempt to prove Harris a liar because Horist says Biden is suffering serious mental and physical decline. He apparently has tested Joe’s mind and body.

    He can’t prove it, Biden never said it, but Horist says it. He did not say he’s withdrawing for health.

    And it’s the funniest fucking thing I have read here. Horist hates liars if they are D Democrat. But a lying rapist felony Republican will get his vote. The oldest candidate to be nominated ever will get his vote. An old, demented, decrepit, delusional, felon who sexually abuses women to defame them later while his corrupt business has an armful of felonies, .A guy who attempted to rig two different elections. A guy whose wife hates to be seen with him and won’t let her kid near him in politics.

    And now Horist is complaining about not seeing Joe, not seeing more Joe actions as President.

    That’s just hilarious.

    Let me paraphrase Wyatt Earp: .You called the thunder, you called the rain. So run, run you pundit. Because Kamala is coming, tell all the Trumplicants that Kamala is coming. And hell’s coming with her. Democratic hell is coming with her.

    Or Aesop again; be careful what you ask for.

    Ha, ha, ha….

    • larry Horist

      Frank Stetson. … Come on, man. You really going to join Bruder’s fool of the year club. Joe’s mental decline is in open view and you do not have to be a doctor to see it. I had a tennis partner who suffered dementia. I did not need a medical degree to see it. How do you expect to have any creditability with such stupid statements? And that is why you don’t.

      • frank stetson

        No, Mr Horist, I am not a fool as you call me, I rarely issue “stupid statement.” Please refrain from calling me childish names. It is beneath you and does not advance your points in the discussion. I am foolish sometimes, a fool once, but never twice – or shame on me. You say: “Joe’s mental decline is in open view and you do not have to be a doctor to see it” when the truth is only a doctor, via observation and diagnostic tests, a number of them, would commit to that which you so freely do because it’s a Democrat. For I could say similar things about your pick, the Felon Rapist King, Donald J. Trump. I think just the felonies alone prove insanity. Plus, no remorse — psychopath. His desire to “fight, fight, fight;” sociopath. And everyone knows it.

        “I had a tennis partner who suffered dementia. I did not need a medical degree to see it.” Really? So how did you confirm you were right? Plus, anecdotal data is not statistical, quantitative, or in this case, a professional diagnosis.

        Fun fact: Florida has a dementia statistic of 12.5% of the State has a form of dementia, diagnosed, not anecdotal. Because of the population, they also have the most demented adults in any State. That means Horist has over a 10% chance of being one bubble off center. Given his advanced age, the number skyrocket.

        • larry Horist

          Frank Stetson … Ok…If you are not a fool, why act so stupid? You have never been around anyone in mental decline with some sort of dementia? You have not seen the signs of extreme forgetfulness….senior moments …losing thoughts in mid sentence… that bewildered gaze … inability to follow a conversation or questions? You ignore all those comments from Democrats and reporters who have seen the problem first hand. Yes, it may take a doctor and tests to know the specific form of dementia and is progression, but the symptoms can be obvious to an average intelligent (and non-obsessed) person. Biden has all the symptoms and that is why Doctor Sanjay Gupta said that a person with Biden’s symptoms should be examined. Gupta said if Biden were his father, he would definitely have him tested. Biden had to drop out because millions of voters could see he was unfit to carry on. It is also the reason Biden refuses the tests that virtually every doctor recommends to folks over 60 — especially with the kinds of symptoms Biden has.

          I had to laugh at your nonsense intimating I am 10 percent off plumb based on statistics. Actually, based on statistics, I should have died several years ago. .lol. Life does not work that way and you know it. But since your obsession is to attack, you cannot be rational. I also get a kick out of you talking sanctimoniously about childish insults when you are the number one user of childish and meaningless insults on PBP — and that is a fact. You obsession to attack me constantly is flattering and pathetic at the same time. But it makes you an intellectual train wreck.

          Judging from the number of posts and the length, I have to assume that ranting on PBP is you full time avocation. You have to be spending hours and hours reading, researching and writing every day — seven days a week. You posts arrive from morning to night. One can only wonder why? But if that is the only thing you have to give your life any meaning …. carry on.

  3. Darren

    Joseph, Frank, in your world you be voting for Biden every time as he is you No 1 Candidate.
    In my world I would choose someone who does not have someone pulling strings for his every decision.
    Maybe they should debate to show their competence?
    Oh, that right, they did!
    How did that work out for you!

  4. f

    Darren: I had issues with Biden’s run, have said as much on PBP, and wished he kept his promise to be one and done, mentor someone as pass the baton. He did not. You whine and cried. BUT — apparently the Dems were never convinced and the debate just turned the worm, hard. Be careful what you ask for as Biden is lame duck, Kamala is the presumptive candidate, time for you to move on and get some new stuff. So far it’s working quite good. Beyond the exuberance over a black women running, my watching notes she has spent her four years well, speaks better, cackles less, looks good so stand back, stand ready. If anything, you have to respect how fast she’s turning the Democrat’s ship. Like the old joke about Kamala jumping into the election from the 13th floor, as she passed the 10th, she was heard to say: “so far, so good.”

    How do you know who pulls Trump’s strings. Guy is married to a gold differ raised in a communist party household and has her father, a communist party member, living in a cabana out in the back yard. Who knows who tells him what to do. You think those silicon valley billionaires tossed all those millions without strings? And given his flip-flops, pratfalls, and failed actions, I would figure someone is telling him what to do.

    They will debate but Trump has chickened out of the ABC one and the revised format. Once he gets over his jitters, I am sure they will reschedule. I just can’t wait for the VP selection who will come up against Vance; that will be really funny.

  5. frank stetson

    f as in frank stetson sorry.

    • larry Horist

      f as in Frank Stetson… You have every reason to be sorry. And it was easy to know that f is you by the writing. Same old off subject crap.

      • f

        Thanks for the response Mr, Horist. Fortunately you said nothing to respond to.

        Have a nice Sunday and I am sorry to upset you so much. Certainly not my intent to get your knickers all knotted up. Just seems to happen to you in every response.

  1. How can you blame Biden for keeping Ukraine a free democracy and Trump, we will see, but looks like Trump…

  2. Larry, So glad that you are recovering from your medical issues-I would hate to go through the next 4 years…