Democrats support post-birth infanticide

Democrats believe that late-term and live-birth abortions should be legal even though the developing human being could survive outside the womb – and some 70 percent of Americans believe that such abortions should be illegal in all but extreme cases.
As if that is not bad enough, the Democratic Party has made it clear that they support the termination of an infant’s life that has survived an abortion … that has been born … that is now officially a baby, not a fetus.
We know that by the fact that EVERY Senate Democrat voted to block the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Very simply, the Act would require life-saving medical care for any infant who has survived an attempted abortion – who was born alive. Looking at it another way, the Act would prevent killing a child who has been born alive. Of all the grisly aspects of abortion-on-demand at any time, the idea of killing a live born baby is the worst.
If such a child was born prematurely unassociated to a planned abortion, it would be considered murder to summarily kill — or even withhold care to — the newborn. Medical staff would work feverishly to save the love of a premature birth. Making a distinction between the two circumstances is moral and ethical hypocrisy of the worst kind because it is a matter of life and death.
Yet … in a 52 to 47 vote, EVERY Democrat in the Senate voted against the Act and in favor of post-birth terminations. They claimed the Act is unnecessary and would present a legal threat to doctors. In fact, the only legal threat to doctors is to those who break the law and kill a viable newborn baby. To not provide care – life-saving care – would be a violation of the doctors’ Hippocratic Oath “to do no harm.”
Personally, I am shocked that political party solidarity is so strong on the Democrat side of the aisle that not a single – not one — Democrat would be morally offended by the very idea of terminating the life of a newborn baby (like the preemie pictured above).
Oklahoma Republican Senator Markwayne Mullin bemoaned the fact that, “Democrats can’t even concede that a baby, born alive, should receive medical treatment if they survived an abortion.”
Two of the Senate’s newest GOP members — Florida’s Ashley Moody (named to replace Secretary of State Marco Rubio) and Ohio’s Jon Husted (named to replace Vice President Vance) – cast their first Senate votes in support of the right to life. Good for them.
On the general question of abortion, I understand that my pro-life position is a minority opinion. But, in terms of outlawing late-term abortions, I am among the overwhelming majority in opposition. That is even more true in terms of so-called live-birth abortions.
I honestly cannot understand how an entire political party can take such an extreme pro-abortion position. But it is what it is.
So, there ‘tis.
Can’t wait for the “stop the spin” on this one too…….
From the Hill: “Of the available data on infants born alive following an attempted abortion, between 2003 and 2014, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recorded “143 deaths involving induced terminations.” So, less than 14 a year. But 1,200,000 deaths in a couple years from covid; where’s the odgena over that where our death rate per capita rates us 222 out of 238 countries and IF our response hit 100 instead; hundreds of thousands, perhaps 500,000 souls would still be here today.
Whatever; I have a higher priority for something that causes hundreds of thousands of deaths over 14 a year. Let’s these parents alone to decide the fate of family. Leave it to the parents and the doctors. We have late term in NJ, 2% performed post 20 weeks and no data on live births during abortions. Hardly ever happens and when it does, invariably for cause like life of mother.
Frank Danger… You mix issues. For you, it is all whataboutism. For you a small number of terminated babies is okay? If abortion on demand were illegal MILLIONS of people would be with us. They do not matter in your pro-abortion world???
LH: wait, are you saying you advocate outlawing abortion on demand? Does that mean the morning-after pill too? On top of that, are you advocating the support of millions of unwanted babies who turn into millions of unwanted adults? And yes, dear Larry, the unborn do not matter to me anymore than the eggs in the womb.
And no, my dear Larry, no terminated baby, or even embryo, is OK. But I do understand and feel for the folks making this decisions and suggest all of our efforts should be in providing alternatives, support, and most of us, something you seem to leave out of your equation: understanding.
Somehow, your goal of forcing birth for all who conceive, is very, very, wrong to me. History agrees that you can take away the healthcare facilities, you can lock them up, tie them down arrest, fine or incarcerated anyone who helps, who so much as provides a ride, and they will still seek treatment, far aways, backroom, whatever. Nothing you have done will stop that. The horror stories from your choice come out more frequently every day because of what you have done. You yourself said you have stopped nothing, but the horror stories become more commonplace all the time. And now you want to pay special attention to 14 deaths a year that don’t fit your paradigm of forcing every pregnant women to stand and deliver by the laws of the State. I really thought you hated State control over our lives but I guess that’s the other Larry.
It’s as OK as you downplaying 1.2 million dead as an act-of-God where we deliver a score of 222 out of 238 countries for death rate.
OK. Did I say it was OK to lose a life, any life, but perhaps a babies more so than some 80+ year old crackpot. But did I say it. NO. You inferred it based on my saying: “I have a higher priority for something that causes hundreds of thousands of deaths over 14 a year.”
No, Larry, while I am pro choice, I am not pro abortion, you just make that up to serve your political agenda. And your side has yet to deal with providing any additional support for all these unwanted babies you slave into being with your overturn of a 50 year precedent to force your will on the unwilling. But none of this was the issue at hand, your specialty in discourse.
The issue was late term abortions and, specifically live birth terminations. I said it’s a pretty low number AND “Let’s these parents alone to decide the fate of family. Leave it to the parents and the doctors.” Tis my opinion and I’m stickin to it.
This claim about the Democrats allegedly supporting “post birth abortion ” is complete and utter poppycock ! It’s a lie from the biased, lying conservative media . and the Anti-Choice movement . In addition, the Democrats do not support allowing women to have abortions in the 9th month up to the moment of birth , except in medical emergencies where the fetus is not viable and bringing t term would be fatal to a pregnant women .
And yes, such medical emergencies do happen, more often than the conservative media is willing to admit . No pregnant woman carrying a normal, healthy baby late in a pregnancy would even ask for an abortion capriciously and no doctor would perform one .
No woman should ever have to die because of a pregnancy gone wrong . But does the Anti-Choice movement care if they do ? Hell no !
People who support government-ordered compulsory childbirth for all pregnant women , regardless of the adverse circumstances of a pregnancy and with no regard for the lives and health of such women are not “pro-life”.
They are ANTI-CHOICE . Pro BIRTH . FORCED birth . And remember- babies are still helpless once born . They must have good nutrition, good housing and good medical care in order to grow up to be productive adults . But too many children in America have never had access to such basic necessities . If you are opposed to abortion but also support the disastrously counterproductive policies of Trump and the GOP , which have done nothing but relentlessly slash or eliminate essential government programs to help the poor , especially poor women and children . you are a total hypocrite !
Robert Berger … Every time there is legislation to ban late term abortions (and they do happen), Democrats vote to allow them. The bill mentioned in this commentary had Democrats supporting the killing of a baby who is born alive. I am not a hypocrite, but you ARE either stupid of a liar. Your choice.
Thanks Robert. My father’s first wife died from a septic abortion in a back room setup in the South in the 40’s. A war bride, he was busy fighting NAZI’s for America, first and foremost, having signed up immediately after HS graduation and his marriage. He got the news days after being blasted by a Panzer in Southern France, killing his entire crew, and was fighting for his life in the field hospital. Thank you Republicans for bringing all that back. In Florida, if you want an abortion, it’s up to six weeks now that Desatan has tighten his noose to gather unwanted babies. After a mere six weeks, you must go over 650 miles and 10.5 hours to find a legal alternative for forced birth like a slave. From Mr. Larry’s neighborhood, add another 1 and a half or 90 miles. Along the way, to pass the time, they can sing: “nothing could be finer, than to move vagina to Carolina for a proceeeeeeedure.”
Under Larry’s Law, in Florida: abortion medication must, by law, be dispensed in person by a physician and not through the mail. Now, if you are a doctor, would you write that script so DeSanctimonious and his henchmen will put a target on your back? Instead, OBYGN’s are fleeing the State to friendlier waters. And no new ones are coming to help because they would rather practice women’s health instead of DeSatan’s women’s hell. Florida’s abortion ban makes it difficult for survivors of rape, incest and human trafficking to access an abortion in Florida. Under the ban, survivors of rape, incest, and human trafficking are required to provide documentation of their assault, and if they don’t, they will be required to carry and give birth. Just have your rapist sign the form here, here, and there. There are no exceptions for rape, incest or human trafficking after the fifteenth week of pregnancy. Florida’s ban makes it a felony crime for doctors to perform an abortion, with criminal penalties of up to five years in prison and fines of up to $5,000 for violating this ban. Well, at least they still can be President.
“They are ANTI-CHOICE . Pro BIRTH . FORCED birth.” Spot on Robert. IMO.
I spell my name: danger. Robert can too :>)
Lying bastard
Frank is lying. I don’t believe that shit about someone dying of septic baby murder. Question. Who was she fucking while he was away at war? But baby killers get what they deserve
Hammon: That was most certainly not gentlemanly, not manly either. Crude discourse of the judgmental kind. What you said about this young woman is sinful, and a lie. You should be a man and apologize for that one.
I am just stating what the death certificate said: septic abortion. As to what that means from the time, look it up. We all know the legality in the 40’s. The stigma from assholes blaming the woman for getting pregnant. Dicks who forget they have dicks. We don’t know was it a frivolous choice, was she hiding something, was she raped, was it for other reasons like health of mother. No one will ever know. But to judge her is to judge yourself.
As to her morals, we don’t know. She was young, first year college on scholarship in Southern school, and he was away at war. She was also a goody-two-shoes as in valedictorian, scholarship, cheerleader type. She just didn’t seem the type to fool around, but who knows, or maybe it was just a date gone bad. Before going abroad, he had leave, he came from Philadelphia area and departed from NYC, and there was plenty of opportunity to conceive. I am guessing they consummated their marriage and if they did it that night, it would still fit the timeline. But I am not drilling down further, not my business to know. However, she was young, prom queen pretty, away from home, could have been a dalliance, date rape, or rape. No one knows, no one cares to know, except you apparently because it serves your perverse need to call me a liar while rudely insulting my family. And then you cap it off saying she deserved to die. Fuck you, with all due respect. I would never speak like that about your mother, sister, daughter, wife, whatever —- anyone.
What’s it like attacking a stranger as you have? Attacking the memory of the dead like you did? What is your goal here? Feel better?
FYI: think about it. IF she had not died, I would not be here to haunt you. Suck on it. Worse yet, if Adolph had not done what he did, I would not be here. Suck on that too. Unanticipated results for sure. Certainly made my life growing up interesting.
This article gets a Stop The Spin rating of 5. I will declare up front that I do donate to a foundation for abortion survivors called the Abortion Survivors Network. There stories are sad. Many are disfigured by the tongs used to pull them out. You can see them and hear their stories on line by googling the Abortion Survivors Network. Damn shame that Larry does not use his pen and paper to inspire his readers to donate, but instead bashes Dems with a series of lies and omissions on a topic that was settled 23 years ago!
So here is why the 5 rating:
1) I have never heard the Dems say they support post birth abortion which is murder. The article makes no references to articles by Dem writers and policy makers. The title is totally fictional, as is much of the article – makes for good fish wrapper.
2) Larry states that Dems support infanticide because they do not vote for legislation called “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.” But the article never states what the Dem objections were to the Act. And we all know that there are many riders on these acts that are egregious to the non-sponsoring party that have nothing to do with the title content of the act. This particular Act revision levied fines and other punishments such as loss of medical license on providers which does not appear to be in the 2002 act. This is a typical way the anti-abortion folks attempt to scare the pro-choice folks into not doing abortions.
2a) Larry is not an honest writer. What Larry does not tell you that you can find *www.factcheck.org/2019/03/the-facts-on-the-born-alive-debate/* is that Dems support a very similar bill passed in 2002. Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine argued that the bill was unnecessary, as a 2002 born-alive bill had “reaffirmed” that “infanticide is already illegal in every state.” Kaine said in a statement: “I support that law, which is still in effect. There is no need for additional federal legislation on this topic. “ SO THE TITLE IS LARRY B.S.
2b) Examining the 2002 Act, The Born-Alive Infants Protection Act (BAIPA) of 2002 states that any infant born alive after an abortion is entitled to the same medical care and protections as any other human being. This includes infants born after natural labor, cesarean section, or induced abortion.
3) So what Larry is not telling his readers is that the 2002 Act already contained most of what Larry’s / GOP rewritten Act contained. What Larry did not tell you was the GOP revised version of the Act included penalties for providers of abortion.
4) Larry goes off the rails when he states, “Looking at it another way, the Act would prevent killing a child who has been born alive. ” THIS IS ALREADY CONTAINED IN THE 2002 ACT THAT DEMS VOTED FOR !!! LARRY IS LYING TO HIS READERS! The 2002 Act already settled this issue and defined what a human being is as any infant that has passed the birth canal.
5) Larry is spinning by omission in that the 2002 Act already requires the surviving baby to be given the same medical treatment as an other human being would get such as pre-mature born babies, etc.
6) In the United States, less than 1% of abortions are performed after 21 weeks of gestation, which is considered late term. The majority of abortions occur in the first trimester. Larry makes it sound like all abortion providers do late term abortions which is NOT true. Fact is that late term abortions are complicated and expensive and only done by a handful of providers and usually for the life of the mother. Another fact, 96% of abortions were performed at or before 15 weeks of gestation, and 1% were performed at or after 21 weeks. Another fact is that most abortions are by the drug Mifepristone before 15 weeks. LARRY DOES NOT POINT OUT ANY OF THIS INFORMATION!
7) According to internet AI sources, “The term “late-term abortion” is sometimes used by the anti-abortion movement, but it’s rejected by medical providers and reproductive health researchers. Many call the label misleading or imprecise. LARRY USES THIS TERM ALL OF THE TIME!!!
8) Larry states, “I honestly cannot understand how an entire political party can take such an extreme pro-abortion position. But it is what it is.” I believe Larry is telling the truth here because he is so far to the right, and so under-informed due to a mental block he has on doing honest research that the full facts never enter his head.
So, there ’tis. Now you have all of the facts you need to not fall into Larry’s far right mental trap and instead make an intelligent decision.
I would also like to add one comment on Larry and his feelings toward children. In a not to distant article I pointed out to Larry that if the GOPs/Trump eliminate the Dept. of Education, that it would devastate 60% of school children that are on a federally sponsored school nutrition program where they receive free or reduced breakfast and lunch based on family income and size.
Larry’s response was that the federal government should not be feeding children!!!!
Larry shows himself to be a hypocrite in that he fights for the unborn, and then when they are born he does not seem to mind starving them, or at least sending them to a 7 hour school day with empty bellies!!!
Tom … as usual you misinform. I said the government should not be feeding children for free if the family can afford the food. It should be means tested. You are typical liberal. Spend regardless of the need. And the traditional school food program would not end for the needy if the Department of Ed was eliminated. It existed long before the DOE. The necessary involvement of the federal government would be put back in Health and Human Services as it was under Health, EDUCATION and Welfare. I can never tell is you are more dishonest than ignorant or vice versa … but you sure spread the bs.
Larry, it is you that is misinforming and somewhat ignorant. THE PROGRAM AND LAW REQUIRES MEANS TESTING!!! I know, I used to have to collect those forms! Those children who are on the program are in an economic situation where they need the help to eat!!!
You also criticized Tim Walls and his Minnesota’s free breakfast and lunch for all students. This may increase taxes a little but it is a wash because it decreases household food budgets of the rich and poor. Yet you had a problem with that as well.
Oh and by the way, let’s talk about the dishonesty of your title! Again, it was you that was not informed. The 2002 Act already settled the issues. You were not honest in telling what about the act made it unacceptable to Dems, and you always hide those fines and license canceling techniques of coercion by your GOP friends! I noticed how you dared not talk about this!! People would find out the liar you really are or can be. Amazing how you try to gaslight people by bashing instead of addressing issues! This is why I exist and why you need me. I make sure that even when you are not being honest, the people still have access to the FULL TRUTH!!!
Tom … You knowledge is either out of date or just ignorant. School ood programs administered thoughted states may vary from state to state. And since the federal funded program is under the Department of Agricultures it is not affected bby the elimination of the DOE — neither are civil rights programs, etc. etc. Maybe because you were once a teacher that is why you defend a system that is failing our chidden — especially minorities. That is why your claim to being access to the full truth is both arrogant, wrong and laughable.
Bullshit: dems put time limits, means, etc. in under Clinton. And you know it too ,
You pander to the stupid using stereotypes, not evidence.
And Larry, just so you fully understand. The School Nutrition Program actually comes under the Dept. of Agriculture at the federal level. The DOA works with state DOA who works with the state Dept. of Education (DOE) which is partly funded by the federal Dept. of Education!
Now, when you advocate for the elimination of the federal DOE, you are advocating for anti-minority policy. You are advocating to disrupt opportunities of under-served populations and communities. You proclaim not to be a racist and to be for minorities, yet behind their backs you advocate for policy that damages them. You are much like FDR, a closet racist!!!
So just so that you and my readers fully understand what the Federal DOE does before you eliminate it, here is a brief summary of WHAT LARRY WANTS TO CUT:
I thought that a few facts through into the discussion might help reduce the Bullshit on the subject of the Federal Department of Education (DOE) does. I have grabbed the 2024 budget and broke it out into the major areas of responsibility where the money goes. keep in mine, none of the money other than paying the 4000 some odd employees (about 3.5 Billion$.) who make all of the things happen (like deciding how the money is distributed based on guidance through the appropriation legislation). Not a complete budget but enough to see that all of the things that are being taken care of by the DOE will have to be transferred to the states. Not much of a problem for most of the blue states but a Trump size HUUUUUGE mess for almost all of the red states because most of the tax money for these money transfers come from Blue states. (approximately 60% of the 90 Billion budget goes to red states)
Here is an outline of the U.S. Department of Education’s Fiscal Year 2024 Budget, highlighting investments aimed at addressing inequities in education, supporting student mental health, expanding access to preschool, and enhancing career and technical education.
Addressing Educational Inequities: The budget request emphasizes significant investments to address longstanding inequities in under-resourced schools (usually high minority, high free breakfast and lunch) , particularly those serving students of color and communities with concentrated poverty.
Increase in Discretionary Funding: The fiscal year 2024 budget requests $90.0 billion in discretionary funding, a 13.6% increase from the fiscal year 2023 enacted level.
Support for High-Poverty Schools: The budget proposes $20.5 billion for Title I, aimed at ensuring high-quality education for students in high-poverty communities, continuing historic progress in funding increases.
Expansion of Preschool Access: The budget includes a proposal to provide high-quality, free preschool to all four-year-old children, with flexibility for states to expand to three-year-old’s.
Mental Health and Well-being: The budget allocates $578 million to increase the number of school-based mental health professionals and support mental health strategies in colleges and universities.
Support for Students with Disabilities: The budget provides an additional $2.1 billion for IDEA Part B grants and $932 million for IDEA Part C grants, aiming to improve services for children with disabilities.
Community Schools Investment: The budget includes $368 million for Full-Service Community Schools, more than doubling the fiscal year 2023 enacted level to provide comprehensive support services.
Enhancing Career and Technical Education: The budget requests $2.4 billion for career and technical training and adult education, including investments in community colleges and new grants for adult learners.
Higher Education Affordability: The budget proposes increasing the maximum Pell Grant by $820 for the 2024-2025 award year and includes funding to support free community college initiatives.
Student Aid and Loan Servicing: The budget provides $2.7 billion for Student Aid Administration to support student loan servicing improvements and modernize digital infrastructure (mostly used by low income and minorities).
Tom … You just listed a bunch of services that if they are need can be handle better and cheaper by the states That is the point. You are just a big central government progressive who aligns with the urban Democrats political machines.– the establishment Trump is disrupting. You polices have failed minority kids wherever you people are in charge. And you cling to that system? After your awful slander of Musk, it is not wonder you have no devotion to decency or honest. You spin information like a true propagandist.