Democrats still obsessed with Project 2025

Democrats and the left-leaning media are again (or is it still?) perpetrating a political falsehood regarding Project 2025.
According to the Democrat’s narrative, Project 2025 is a clandestine document outlining the plans and policies of the incoming Trump administration. It was conceived and written by Trump loyalists with the advance knowledge and approval of the President-elect. The anti-Trump media treats Project 2025 as some unusual secret plan that was uncovered and exposed by news reporters. None of that is true.
According to those on the left, it is an evil authoritarian document filled with plans and proposals to oppress the people of America and create a right-wing dictatorship. The left’s description of Project 2025 is nothing less than a mendacious fear mongering propaganda narrative.
All those false claims could be easily dismissed if the document was not so long – 900 pages, in fact. Those spreading lies know that the mischaracterizations by the left will be embraced by the base … and may fool others who will neither have the time nor the desire to actually read the Project 2025 report.
As a conservative, I can understand why those on the radical left do not like Project 2025. It is largely a conservative manifesto for limited government, lower taxes and greater personal freedom. It calls for greater efficiency in the operation of the federal government. It calls for lower taxes and less regulation. It reestablishes parental power over education – and calls for such parent and student friendly programs, such as school choice.
Of the thousands of ideas and recommendations in the document, the left dwells on a few that they can spin as controversial. Project 2025 takes up the pro-life conservative view on abortion, for example.
From a conservative perspective, I like most of the ideas, proposals and recommendations – but I disagree with some. Just as I like many of Trump and the GOP’s policies and proposals — but disagree with some.
Those on the left would have us believe that this entire document is the work of a Trump government in exile. That is ridiculous and provably untrue. If you compare the Trump platform with Project 2025, you will find that he does not embrace many of the recommendations, such as a national ban on abortion. Project 2025 contributors are among the most anti-tariff policy influencers. Other ideas in Project 2025 are simply theoretical and have no practical impact on policy. It calls for a national ban on abortion – something Trump opposes, and such legislation will not get even considered by Congress.
Project 2025 is nothing more and nothing less than the work of a conservative think tank (the Heritage Foundation) – offering up ideas and recommendations for policies and programs. It is what think tanks do – including progressive think tanks, such as the Brookings Institution or the Woodrow Willson Internation Center for Scholars.
Project 2025 was launched without the involvement of Trump – or even with his specific knowledge. I strongly doubt he has even read the final report. Trump’s policies do not include many – and even most — of the ideas and recommendations found in Project 2025.
As evidence of their specious claim that Project 2025 is the work of Trump and his team, the never-Trumpers point to appointments in the incoming administration of individuals who participated as contributors to Project 2025. Of the scores of people already nominated to high posts in government, the left-wing media has so far identified only four who are named contributors to Project 2025. That is out of the 277 individual contributors and 54 think tanks, universities and organizations that provided input to the Project.
Those numbers put the lie to the left’s contention that Project 2025 is the isolated work of Team Trump – and THE major policy contributor to his administration, people or policies.
All the hair-on-fire condemnations of Project 2025 are borne out of pernicious and irrational evergreen animosity toward Trump – and all who support him. It is part of their false narrative that Trump represents an existential threat to the future of the American Republic – and to those on the left, Project 2025 is his Mein Kampf. The effort to paint Trump as the democracy anti-Christ only fooled some of the people some of the time (hopefully).
The attacks on Project 2025 are distractions from the actual plans and policies of the incoming Trump administration. Perhaps that is because those on the left recognize that most of Trump’s real policies are popular with the public. That is why he won the election. The never-Trumpers need a boogeyman for their fear monger narratives — even if they have to invent one.
Democrats and those on the left are employing a Halloween approach to Project 2025. They are taking a perfectly benign and innocent policy document – nothing but words and ideas — and dressing it up as some sort of political monster. Well … Halloween is over and so is the election.
Project 2025 is not the seminal manifesto of the incoming Trump administration. That is obvious to anyone who has read it – and has paid attention to Trump’s real policies. Its influence is relatively small in terms of where Trump gets his ideas. Any similarities to Trump programs are purely coincidental. It is time for those with the singed scalps to move on to the real issues.
So, there ‘tis.
Larry, from reading your opinions regarding those whom you say have their hair on fire in opposition to Project 2025. Truth is it is you with a flaming mane and not your others.
Hiding behind the conservative philosophical wall while taking potshots across the political isle at people and policies you vilify but don’t identify.
Your anger at and distain for the left in general because the evidence is not there and you are hypothesizing.
You know Project 2025 is toxic to the government’s democratic process as its authors are anti-democracy when they pledge their fealty to the man Trump.
What is there in Trump himself so that people believe he warrants their sacrifices made to trust him and have faith in his ability of fixing or curing what maybe 1/2 see is broken or think is sick?
In the four year stretch this country is about to start the facts will determine whether or not Trump is good, or ill, or he makes no difference for democracy and in people’s lives. Will people say they are better off economically because Trump’s presidency was the needed boost that made a difference?
More probable will be the case that his pugnacious personality and a failure of understanding how government operates and the president’s role in the three branches being theoretically equal powers meant for balance between branches.
Project 2025 if adopted even partially would force an imbalance of power between branches. Trump’s executive branch if the changes outlined in the Project were to be enacted much of the present bureaucratic structure would placed in flux due to changes in personnel. These departments would then be under Trump’s direction.
If Republicans now have a trifecta and hold all three branches by majority is there any doubt he, not for his party’s goals, will advance his personal agenda. Which no one really knows what he thinks will further his agenda. Very probably he does not know either. Historically he has not been a successful planner. When what he was doing in real estate or reality TV or politics turned south he did not own responsibility for the loss. Every time he denied the truth in the facts while demanding he had been cheated or someone else was to blame.
His reputation precedes him and yet Trump manages to twist his supporters’ minds and former beliefs so they follow his lead and do his bidding.
After this term Trump will be 82 and probable tapped out. Mentally, he already shows signs of his mind’s weakening, physically he blisters about his appearance and vitality but’ it’s his smoke screen avoidance techniques, emotionally his deficiencies in this area in his personality are legend. After all wasn’t he charged with breaking laws against women and other misconduct in his businesses. Trump’s situational code bears witnesses to his abnormal disregard for society’s moral and ethical norms.
How low are people in this country willingly allowing Trump’s taking them. If the past election and these weeks preceding his inauguration are an indication of what depths he will lead the nation into only the future will tell.
Larry, your misgivings about Trump have to be more than you may ever admit to having. You, in the ivory castle built from conservatism past must know that Trump is does not know true conservatism or real democracy’s workings for we the people. Neither does he know what it is to truly care about and for people in the millions who believe his lies and his false sincerity. He has never been about the politics he messed over so completely. Trump , as his supporters tell us, is just being Trump. Which is the one truth said about their leader. Trump is and will always remain all about himself at number 1 wherever he is.
Through America’s history no other president has exhibited more unpresidential attributes than the present incumbent, Mr. Trump. Those who disagree with this assessment will eventually realize the man, Trump is not who he claims to be, but he is as he did for those he hurt and will continue doing, thinking he can and get away with it
The so called left in Larry’s account do not let their hair become inflamed. There is no reason they should. But the conservative right do have their hair alight with smoke billowing from their ears. And, why is that? It’s because their gains have made for a general madness across the right. None of their talk makes sense, whe the open their mouths their speech is nonsensical.
If their condition was not so much because of their own guilt in the conspiracy theories that contorted media’s information getting polluted with disinformation, then the party they viciously targeted might not condemn the right. However, the right, as of yet, has not relented since their election’s narrow margin win on Nov 5th. Their poor manners and unsportsmanlike behavior precedes them.
Critical thinking minds have no fear of the Project 2025 as a document and in concept form Trump supposedly disavows knowing about. If it is information only, not being referred to while fomenting policy.
On the other hand, should Trump and his allies show intent to deliver on any of the Projects “suggestions” with conspiracies that say other wise. You can expect more retribution in vote form from democratic quarters seldom heard from in the midterm elections. Its blue tsunami will be epic.An emotionally energized left knowing the right’s injustices committed the left will payback with compounded interests.
AC… MY God… you are a wind bag. I read your first few lines and realize the it is just another very looong rambling angry old man rant about moi — with little rationality or knowledge. You need to try something else. There are only to seats in the Waldorf and Statler balcony, and they are taken up by Tom and Frank. LOL
Name calling free falling Larry strikes again. Can’t debate of the facts because he is just not up to it so he lowers himself to personal attacks just like his Felon King Trump.
He just ain’t got the stuff. Can’t toe the line. Weak tea of an argument.
Namecalling? Listen, you Buzzword Bandit, you’re nothing but a Spin Cycle Maestro who moonlights as the Duke of Double Standards, all while pretending to be some kind of High Priest of Hoopla—but really, you’re just a Tangent Tyrant with the charm of a Narrative Napper, the finesse of a Rhetorical Recycler, and the credibility of a Propaganda Panda
But I do not call names as you do.
And on my spin, and all the other things you blame me of, prove it. Or shut the fuck up.
Actually, I do have one name for you: Tim.
Joe … Frank does not know the difference between a insult and a description. LOL You have described him well. But you forgot the Holy Grail of Hypocrisy and the Prince of Projection — in view of the fact that no one tosses around petty personal insults more consistently than … hmmmm, oh yeah … Frank Danger.
You are all blow and no show Larry.
Very big on the name calling, branding, nasty generalizations and personalizations.
Very light on examples, evidence, and facts.
I consistently find you wrong on the facts and you call me names.
Tell us how Republicans did not breach State Capitols in 2020. You can even be a gentleman and admit you were wrong. Just like Trump.
Shouldn’t you wait until the appointments are completed where we see all the authors of 2025 getting jobs to accomplish what they wrote?
Or maybe until “concepts” become plans become pending legislation?
“From a conservative perspective, I like most of the ideas, proposals and recommendations – but I disagree with some. Just as I like many of Trump and the GOP’s policies and proposals — but disagree with some.” Sounds like “I like the ideas, but find the rhetoric less appealing.” And we know where those thinkings lead. Brownshirt-ism.
I like “From a liberal’s perspective, I dislike most of the ideas, proposals and recommendations – but I disagree violently with some. Just as I dislike many of Trump and the GOP’s policies and proposals — but agree with a few.” And I really dislike most of the people who wrote them. I mean dislike because they have no credentials to be in office or appointees.
Now, Project 2025’s goal is to replace Democrats in government starting, but not limited to, appointments. How they get rid of lower levels will be interesting, but they have a plan. And they have people. And they have a list of the bodies they want to bury. Here: you can apply for your NEW JOB IN GOVERNMENT HERE *https://www.project2025.org/personnel/* No experience needed, Democrats need not apply. Here’s what they promise, in a nutshell:
1. Eliminate up to a million federal jobs.
2. Declare public unions illegal and take away union rights.
3. Gut federal workers’ pay and benefits.
4. Make it easier to discriminate against people of color, women, and LGBTQIA+ people.
5. Dismantle and privatize federal agencies.
Horist likes most of this. He really likes it. I say they will hollow out our Federal Government and replace quality workers with substandard political lackies with one top attribute: loyalty to the Felon King before the Constitution. The beginning will be the type-A workers who are leaving as I type. Anecdote: my nephew is type-A, highly rated and rewarded, and he is gone to the private sector for more money. He just does not want to stay and have it happen to him when he can do better outside, in the private sector. We lost a great asset and he never made a single decision based on party. They will outsource and privatize most to the private sector handing out contracts so these folks can rip us off just like the private prisons or your pension — oh wait, you gave that up over a decade ago. How’s that working out?
A total of 4,000 positions can be terminated by the President. As of September 2024, Project 2025 has 20,000 inexperienced, but online trained, unprofessional’s ready, willing, and able to work. They are being trained to follow and promote extreme right ideologies often at odds with science and even reality. Anyone can see these tapes used for training these brownshirts to be sure the government leans right, hard right, and nothing but the right. Larry’s response that he like most of this shit is exactly that. This is not America because this is not American. We do not hire government workers below appointments based on politics, loyalty, or any other personal attribute beyond education, skill, and experience. The new workers have none of that. Trump isn’t even doing FBI background checks. IF you think hiring for DEI is bad, what is hiring based on love of one man called? Trumpism. And, once again, Larry likes most of it because they ain’t coming for him and he could care less about his neighbors. Well, at least half of them except the handful he knows but guarantee, he will not protect when the chips are down.
What’s next, the military is only made up of, and only defends one party?
Larry does not care because it will not happen to him or his. He’s just fine with putting pain in a stranger. And, mark my words, massive disruption and change means pain. To someone.
I will detail what Larry likes later, after my nausea pill kicks in. And yes, Larry, hair’s on fire, just like your pant’s are on fire.
Now, come at me man. On the facts and not the personality, if you have the balls to do that. But you won’t. All you got is your name game of petty pejoratives and childish name calling. Because I am frank, and facts are not your friend. I spell my name: danger.
Keep dreaming. I believe Trump. No 2025. But hopefully more gun rights expansion. That would be great. Maybe Frank will get his rights to own guns restored
Many of Trump’s appointees are Project 2025; that’s fact. Do you think they will change their thinking?
Many of Trump’s “concepts” are Project 2025; that’s a fact. Do you think he will pivot on that?
Project 2025 has a list of those to be replaced, and those who can replace; that’s a fact. It’s happening already.
Project 2025 has “trained” tens of thousands to replace non-appointees once Trump figures out his path, from Project 2025, to remove non-appointees from government. They are signed, sealed, and available to Trump.
Jim, there is NO QUESTION that Trump will follow Project 2025; the only question is how much?
Project 2025 had over 400 contributors. If you go to CPAC and throw a rock randomly you would likely hit one and bounce off two more. There is nothing wrong with Project 2025, except that some of the contributions are not mainstream (I haven’t read it either, and I bet you haven’t either), and wouldn’t be acceptable in an election year. Trump is not “following” Project 2025, he has his own agenda. But that agenda probable agrees with Project 2025 by 95% or better, because The Heritage Foundation is conservative, respectable and close to mainstream.
But it wouldn’t surprise me if Trump gathered up the authors and put them in as political appointees. The problem with Trump’s 2016 term was that he had massive resistance from the bureaucracy, too many embedded Obama fanatics. Trump needs the loyalty to clean up that mess. It will be much easier to pull back eager reformers that largely agree with Trump, than to push the curmudgeon liberal deep state into implementing a conservative agenda.
We will see and glad we agree. Many of Trump’s hires and many of his programs will align with Project 2025.
The main difference between Project 2025 and Trumpism is Trump will take credit for the good ones and blame others for the failures.
Just like you blame the beauracracy for his 2016 failure.
Where does that buck stop?
Glad to see you admit he fails.
Actually Trump was wildly successful in his first term, but he still was impeached twice, each time on fake information. But he was not able to influence health care, education and a great many other topics because of Obama’s bureaucrats. And thanks to Biden, the world is now a more dangerous place, and America’s culture is more divided than every. Ironically, Biden’s disaster and Kamala’s incompetence have contributed to bringing the country together under Trump.
Actually, Joe, it was you that said Trump failed in 2016 because of the bureaucracy.
As to wildly successful, not based on the numbers.
Unless you count success as all the dead from Covid, being 222 out of 238 in death rate due to Trump’s terrible response, the recession, the massive debt, and the smallest amount of GDP growth since Herbert Hoover. Oh yeah, then there was his rally that turned into a riot that turned into a seditious conspiracy at the capital. If that’s how you spell success, I’m surprised you didn’t vote for Biden twice.
Interesting that you criticize Trump for his response to an unknown and unprecedented disease, where he organized a response and produced equipment based on the advice of the best medical people in the world and pushed industry to produce a vaccine on an impossible schedule. Then he handed a working vaccine over to Biden who proceeded to lose way more people, and turned the organized response into a repressive and divisive regime.
Frank Danger …. at the onset of the Pandemic, Trump was primarily getting his medical advice from Dr. Fauci, who initially said that Covid would not impact on the United States. Fauci flipped and flopped about masks. In one interview, he was asked if he would wear a mask in public. He responded curtly, “Why would I. I don’t have Covid.” He was behind the disastrous school closings. It was Fauci who was running Trump’s policies on the Pandemic. I never heard Fauci say Trump’s policies were wrong until much later– and they were his policies. Fauci was the man in charge, so your criticize should be pointed to him. I cannot thing of anything Trump did that was not recommended or approved by Fauci.
Joe, congrats on your win, and good to have a conversation above the name calling and recriminations that are featured in Larry’s snazzy comebacks. What I find interesting is that with your CIA and engineering background, this seems to be coming more from your heart than your mind, not that there’s anything wrong with having heart.
First, on the win: we carried all but three of the top 20 median income states. You carried all but three of the bottom 20 median states. I think that says it all about how our messaging hit, and how yours hit. Also tells you about the mandate that you clearly don’t have. How you deal with that going forward will be interesting. It’s all on your watch now.
Here you say “you criticize Trump for his response to an unknown and unprecedented disease, where he organized a response,” would you say the same if on Biden’s watch where you blame him for the war in Israel, Ukraine, for leaving Afghanization, two of these not US and the third, instigated by a former President. Trump claims credit for Biden’s Israel/Lebanon cease fire. Fact is, “on your watch” applies to both instances. You can’t give Trump a covid mulligan —- it happened on his watch. His response to it is his ownership, responsibility and DUTY. Second, I have applauded Trump’s Operation Warp speed perhaps as the rising tide that lifted all boats and made the world find a fix faster. But he did not come in first, fourth at best. I documented, for you in the other post you brought this up, that the results of Operation Warp Speed beat all times estimated by the WHO. And that China, Russia, Germany all beat us to the finish line. We started with seven vaccine candidates, got two, Moderna and Pfizer. Pfizer was not supported by OWS, but by Pfizer and Germany, so really — OWS got one. Later than others. Then we snagged Pfizer late in OWS by placing billion-dollar orders to freeze others out. Still a fantastic accomplishment. Then Trump totally screwed the pooch on distribution, fucked the game in messaging, and totally fumbled the ball in transition to Team Biden as he ran like Hawley on 1/6/2021. All the facts, dates, sources, links, and stats are on the other thread where you asked for it.
Equipment — not sure, you tell me, but I bet it starts at we don’t make it and we don’t have enough. Not sure what a great job he did given how hard it was for so long to get masks, wipes, cleanser, and toilet paper…..
Elsewhere I provided information relative to Trump’s covid response where the US ranks 222 out of 238 counties for highest death rate. I further added the PEW link with the death count line chart that clearly shows it skyrocketing under Trump, no dent due to his December 2020 vaccine delivery, matter of fact, you can see Biden’s vaccine distribution success turning the corner at a speed making you think success was on Trump’s watch. Yes, Biden has more deaths, cumulative, but the chart visually shows that the dye was cast for that during Trump’s watch, it never decreased under Trump and shortly after Trump, it decreased rapidly on Biden’s watch. Yes, Trump gets credit for vaccine development. And for fucking up the covid response. Biden gets credit for vaccine delivery, and the end of the covid pandemic. You have all the facts, as requested, in other recent posts. You have provided nothing but heart to refute. But no name calling, so a great discussion, thanks.
JOE – how do you rectify our covid response being 222 out of 238 for highest death rate in the world established on Trump’s watch? Yes, Biden had more deaths as Trump handed him this God-awful response and a broken vaccine distribution system. How can you lay that on Biden who brought us out of the pandemic at warp speed with a fantastic vaccine distribution system?
JOE —- and how do you rectify that, towards the end, the final surges affected Red areas more than blue where people, due to Trump’s messaging, skipped the vaccine and died at much higher rates than blue areas?
FYI, and I have said this before, I also fault Biden on his covid response stating in 2023 when he began to turn everything off to avoid bad news during his campaign. He doubled-down on this in 2024 as free tests, masks and such fell away, tracking systems were taking down, and more. We are the greatest nation in the world and currently we track the flu with greater efficiency and effectiveness than covid which if four times as deadly, on a bad day 15 times worse. And I think, based on our covid experience, that we could track the flu better too.
So no Joe, factually I had proven, without any factual pushback, that the Trump covid response was one of the worst in the world, that OWS helped beat the WHO timetable, but came in behind China, Russia, and Germany — and one of our two early vaccines was outside of OWS. I will still take 500 ball, and frankly, prefer the US moderna vaccine supported by OWS. And Trump, based on his own estimates, his team estimates, screwed the pooch on vaccine distribution partly due to his poor messaging that convinced many to either forgo or wait instead of getting the jab asap.
Do you want me to point you to the previous responses detailing this I did for you?
As to the wildly successful part —- with his covid response alone — no. But on the other measures, metrics, and stats. Also, no. Start with lowest gdp growth since Hoover. You know, the architect of the depression. Then continue with the recession, the lock down, the largest deficit ever leading to the largest debt ever. Drilling less oil than Biden does today. How many new factories? How’s obamacare, did mexico pay for that wall? Even his great immigration numbers — how hard to do that during covid? But he did change the path of a hurricane with a sharpie. But he did give you a few pennies to make you feel it’s great, tortured some immigrant families to pick your spirits up, sent the feds in for the summer of floyd managed on his watch but let the Republicans storm a least three State Capitols and then the Nation’s Capitol as he watched for hours on TV.
No, I was not impressed and it did little for me and mine.
Wow, Larry, no name calling. Thank you. Breadth of fresh air. And Tom’s Happy Thanks was to all, there are a few more liberals here than Tom and I, and, actually, Larry, we liberals do have a decent conversation with a few conservatives here. Not everyone is like you with your win-lose state of mind. Some like to openly, cordially, frankly discuss things without the need to win at another’s loss.
On this one, Larry, are you really saying Trump was the victim of bad advice from Fauci and not in charge? Not in control? Not competent enough to handle Fauci? Not on his watch, but Fauci’s watch? Fauci is responsible for Trump’s decision? Why did Trump keep him on for so long? Did Trump get his bleach and UV light advice from Fauci? I remember watching Trump spew some of this shit and seeing Debra Brix screw up her face in total disbelief. But she said nothing. These folks traded their true feelings and their careers for attempting to serve the nation by hanging in with the man who delivered you a 222 rating for death rates against 238 countries: that’s on Trump’s watch, Trump’s call, and I don’t care who he has selected to work for him —- the buck stops there.
How do you claim 222 out of 238 was GOOD? Was Fauci’s fault? Does Fauci own Trump policy? Messaging? And both of these folks torched their careers and legacy by sticking around. Trump also demoted his Operation Warp Speed head for just whispering that Trump solutions were crazy talk. Biden brought him back and his whistle blower case got him his back pay at his old position PLUS pain n sufferin dollars. This guy told the truth, toed the line, took the shot, and Trump demoted him.
Re: Fauci: everyone knows covid was new, novel, and unpredictable. It was a teachable moment, and we failed often. It did not. Fauci rarely made any statement without the proper caveats. You just edit them out for the religious right’s genuflect to the Felon King. You do know that Trump lies a lot, right? And then you guys cherry-picked out-of-context sound bites to spin your tale as those in the red listened and started dying at a much higher rate that us blue areas folks (actually I am a red county in a blue state, as it always seems to be for me). So, yeah, I am blue, I listen to medicine and science like Fauci and you guys die listening to the lie. And I will take a Fauci lie or two, you gobble down thousands of them from your Felon King. Is the war over in Ukraine? Only 60 more days until that promise is broken, that lie exposed.
On the “Fauci, who initially said that Covid would not impact on the United States.” Wrong: here’s the Austin Statesman: * https://www.statesman.com/story/news/politics/elections/2020/04/29/fact-check-did-fauci-say-coronavirus-was-nothing-to-worry-about/984113007/* Caveats due to possible sifting conditions due to new disease not seen before. BUSTED. (that’s right, we’re bringing it back)
On the masks, I lived this one, and my first takeaway was the obvious: respirator best defense, kn95 best mask, surgical second, cloth last. Didn’t take Fauci or any rocket scientist to know that. The Chinese have been telling us for over a decade. We knew that before covid. Myself, I have said, jokingly, since the beginning, 4 billion Chinese cannot be wrong. Fact is, no one ever said they were crazy to wear masks. Everyone jumped on the clothe masks because there were few kn95’s, we didn’t make them, and yes, Larry, it’s more important for health workers and first responders than citizens, but citizens would tax the entire supply hoarding away if clothe didn’t work.
I feel the masking messaging was terrible, from anyone. This mask, that mask, double masks, no testing, just guess work. They promoted cloth due to Trump’s inability to get good masks to the citizens he took the oath to protect. Cloth was cute, and it sucked, no matter who said it. Then they never messaged the KF94, a superior mask for comfort and quality. Known as the “fish mask,” you can pull on the “gills,” on the side and the smog on your glasses disappears. Yeah, the fit is that good. But they are as light as the paper blue surgical masks while delivering 1 micron less safety than the heavy, awful, used to be double-strapped KN95’s. Yes, the 94’s are FDA approved, but sssssh, it’s a secret apparently.
I watched Fauci tap dance around the masks and YES, he spun it to save them for professionals and that is wrong. Your sound bite came from that. Or so he spun it later. Frankly, no matter the original, or spin, whether to protect or to nudge public sentiment, he lied. The Reuters fact check explains the partially true rating (meaning partially false): “Partly false. Video shows Fauci’s remarks at early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic when masks were not yet recommended by the government. As of the publishing of this check, Fauci recommends the use of face masks.
This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our work to fact-check social media posts.”
* https://www.reuters.com/article/world/fact-checkoutdated-video-of-fauci-saying-theres-no-reason-to-be-walking-arou-idUSKBN26T2T9/*
“CLAIM: Dr. Anthony Fauci “admitted” in a recent interview that face masks were a “failure.”
* https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-fauci-interview-face-masks-covid-406605262832*
Some things in this world, Larry, do not have answers immediately. Other things may have changing answers as things change, and/or new information become available. At your age, I would think you would sympathize with Fauci learning about covid “on the fly.” He never suggested bleach and UV lights. We have never seen something like covid, we were not prepared, Trump responded poorly, and we have have lost 500,000 people unnecessarily.
“Why would I. I don’t have Covid.” I cannot find this quote Larry.
I have often thought Fauci should quit in disagreement, distrust, and say it loud. In hindsight, glad he stayed. He is a great American, did as good a job here as Trump, which —– on the metrics SUCKS. But it would have been worse without Fauci. Remember, Trump wanted to stop testing to lower the positive results. That’s his style. I’ll take a little mask spin over that any day of the week.
Lastly, we are the greatest nation in the world. We screwed up on covid. Now we will destroy the very institutions that provided some help. We could have, should have done so much more. Remember the scare over touching things? x hours for plastic, y hours for clothe….. that was based on a three year old study at the time of covid. The study was never updated for covid. But based on time and experience, we magically concluded — nah, no problems. Never did another test. We are the greatest nation in the world. Same thing with droplet hang time in the air. Never retested. We are the greatest nation in the world. Oye.
Today, we know that the vaccine wanes in 4-6 months and protects from death for two years. How? We waited two years and counted. Maybe it’s more, but the test was done after two years…. Greatest country in the world?
No, Larry, we all fucked up on covid, we are not that much better prepared now, and we will soon destroy the very institutions that attempted to hold the line after vilifying their hero’s for our justification to do worse. I just see no other outcome to RFK’s appointment. His own family thinks he’s crazy.
Larry says: “Frank Danger …. at the onset of the Pandemic, Trump was primarily getting his medical advice from Dr. Fauci, who initially said that Covid would not impact on the United States. Fauci flipped and flopped about masks. In one interview, he was asked if he would wear a mask in public. He responded curtly, “Why would I. I don’t have Covid.” He was behind the disastrous school closings. It was Fauci who was running Trump’s policies on the Pandemic. I never heard Fauci say Trump’s policies were wrong until much later– and they were his policies. Fauci was the man in charge, so your criticize should be pointed to him. I cannot thing of anything Trump did that was not recommended or approved by Fauci.”
Wow, Larry, no name calling. Thank you. Breadth of fresh air. Not everyone is like you with your win-lose state of mind. Some like to openly, cordially, frankly discuss things without the need to win at another’s loss.
On this one, Larry, are you really saying Trump was the victim of bad advice from Fauci and not in charge? Trump not in control? Trump not as smart as you to know truth from a lie? Not competent enough to handle Fauci? Not on his watch, but Fauci’s watch? Fauci is responsible for Trump’s decision? Why did Trump keep him on for so long? Did Trump get his bleach and UV light advice from Fauci? I remember watching Trump spew some of this shit and seeing Debra Brix screw up her face in total disbelief. But she said nothing. These folks traded their true feelings and their careers for attempting to serve the nation by hanging in with the man who delivered you a 222 rating for death rates against 238 countries: that’s on Trump’s watch, Trump’s call, and I don’t care who he has selected to work for him —- the buck stops there.
How do you claim 222 out of 238 was GOOD? How do you reconcile Trump’s “great job” of a response with the actual results? That die was cast before Biden took over. Trump did not even transition. Was Fauci’s fault? Does Fauci own Trump policy? Messaging? And both of these folks torched their careers and legacy by sticking around. Trump also demoted his Operation Warp Speed head for just whispering that Trump solutions were crazy talk. Biden brought him back and his whistle blower case got him his back pay at his old position PLUS pain n sufferin dollars. This guy told the truth, toed the line, took the shot, and Trump demoted him.
Re: Fauci: everyone knows covid was new, novel, and unpredictable. It was a teachable moment, and we failed often. It did not. Fauci rarely made any statement without the proper caveats. You just edit them out for the religious right’s genuflect to the Felon King. You do know that Trump lies a lot, right? And then you guys cherry-picked out-of-context sound bites to spin your tale as those in the red listened and started dying at a much higher rate that us blue areas folks (actually I am a red county in a blue state, as it always seems to be for me). So, yeah, I am blue, I listen to medicine and science like Fauci and you guys die listening to the lie. And I will take a Fauci lie or two, you gobble down thousands of them from your Felon King. Is the war over in Ukraine? Only 60 more days until that promise is broken, that lie exposed.
On the “Fauci, who initially said that Covid would not impact on the United States.” Wrong: here’s the Austin Statesman: * https://www.statesman.com/story/news/politics/elections/2020/04/29/fact-check-did-fauci-say-coronavirus-was-nothing-to-worry-about/984113007/* Caveats due to possible sifting conditions due to new disease not seen before. BUSTED. (that’s right, we’re bringing it back)
On the masks, I lived this one, and my first takeaway was the obvious: respirator best defense, kn95 best mask, surgical second, cloth last. Didn’t take Fauci or any rocket scientist to know that. The Chinese have been telling us for over a decade. We knew that before covid. Myself, I have said, jokingly, since the beginning, 4 billion Chinese cannot be wrong. Fact is, no one ever said they were crazy to wear masks. Everyone jumped on the clothe masks because there were few kn95’s, we didn’t make them, and yes, Larry, it’s more important for health workers and first responders than citizens, but citizens would tax the entire supply hoarding away if clothe didn’t work.
I feel the masking messaging was terrible, from anyone. This mask, that mask, double masks, no testing, just guess work. They promoted cloth due to Trump’s inability to get good masks to the citizens he took the oath to protect. Cloth was cute, and it sucked, no matter who said it. Then they never messaged the KF94, a superior mask for comfort and quality. Known as the “fish mask,” you can pull on the “gills,” on the side and the smog on your glasses disappears. Yeah, the fit is that good. But they are as light as the paper blue surgical masks while delivering 1 micron less safety than the heavy, awful, used to be double-strapped KN95’s. Yes, the 94’s are FDA approved, but sssssh, it’s a secret apparently.
I watched Fauci tap dance around the masks and YES, he spun it to save them for professionals and that is wrong. Your sound bite came from that. Or so he spun it later. Frankly, no matter the original, or spin, whether to protect or to nudge public sentiment, he lied. The Reuters fact check explains the partially true rating (meaning partially false): “Partly false. Video shows Fauci’s remarks at early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic when masks were not yet recommended by the government. As of the publishing of this check, Fauci recommends the use of face masks.
This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. The second is the same by AP.
* https://www.reuters.com/article/world/fact-checkoutdated-video-of-fauci-saying-theres-no-reason-to-be-walking-arou-idUSKBN26T2T9/*
“CLAIM: Dr. Anthony Fauci “admitted” in a recent interview that face masks were a “failure.”
* https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-fauci-interview-face-masks-covid-406605262832*
Some things in this world, Larry, do not have answers immediately. Other things may have changing answers as things change, and/or new information become available. At your age, I would think you would sympathize with Fauci learning about covid “on the fly.” He never suggested bleach and UV lights. We have never seen something like covid, we were not prepared, Trump responded poorly, and we have have lost 500,000 people unnecessarily.
“Why would I. I don’t have Covid.” I cannot find this quote Larry.
I have often thought Fauci should quit in disagreement, distrust, and say it loud. In hindsight, glad he stayed. He is a great American, did as good a job here as Trump, which —– on the metrics SUCKS. But it would have been worse without Fauci. Remember, Trump wanted to stop testing to lower the positive results. That’s his style. I’ll take a little mask spin over that any day of the week.
Lastly, we are the greatest nation in the world. We screwed up on covid. Now we will destroy the very institutions that provided some help. We could have, should have done so much more.
Remember the scare over touching things? x hours for plastic, y hours for clothe….. that was based on a three year old study at the time of covid. The study was never updated for covid. But based on time and experience, we magically concluded — nah, no problems. Never did another test. We are the greatest nation in the world. Same thing with droplet hang time in the air. Never retested. We are the greatest nation in the world. Oye.
Today, we know that the vaccine wanes in 4-6 months and protects from death for two years. How? We waited two years and counted. Maybe it’s more, but the test was done after two years…. Greatest country in the world?
No, Larry, we all fucked up on covid, we are not that much better prepared now, and we will soon destroy the very institutions that attempted to hold the line after vilifying their hero’s for our justification to do worse. I just see no other outcome to RFK’s appointment. His own family thinks he’s crazy.
What I find fascinating is the fact the people arguing against what Trump
( MIGHT ) do or possibly can do, are the same people
applauding the extreme anti American Policies of the Biden administration?
There are other places you could go and live and NO one would miss you!
Law biding Americans held their breath as the country went to complete Shit
as the current administration ran the country as if a spoiled brat was calling all the shots!
Only children brought up poorly would say, I do not have to close my eyes when I count during hide and seek!
This example is for the Liberals so they can better understand the point I am making!
Yes Larry, you are correct!
yup, consistently block larry. so, no fauci reply unless the moderator’s set it free, free, free at last.