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Democrat Mayor Charged with Child Abuse Indicted Again

Democrat Mayor Charged with Child Abuse Indicted Again

There seems no end in sight to the story of elected Democrats getting busted for committing crimes. The latest chapter in this book of true crime features Marty Small Sr., the mayor of Atlantic City, NJ, who has been indicted for witness tampering.

Mayor Small and his wife LaQuetta Small were both indicted in September this year for serious physical and verbal abuse of their teenage daughter, as reported in The Punching Bag Post. On Wednesday (December 18), Mayor Small was indicted again by a grand jury, this time for witness tampering. The Associated Press cited the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office while reporting the new:

The indictment asserts that in September 2024, six months after being charged with abusing her, Small asked her to do him a favor and “twist up” the story she told police about alleged abuse.

For the specific “twist’ in the story, Mayor Small wanted his daughter to state that her head injuries sustained in January were the result of her tripping and falling in the bedroom and not by him hitting her with a broom.

Small’s attorney was cited in the story calling this new indictment “another clumsy effort by the county prosecutor to intrude into the private and confidential conversations among members of Marty Small’s family.”

While the criminal abuse and witness tampering charges are keeping the Atlantic City’s mayor in news, another Democrat mayoral office has found its place in the true crime reporting. Deputy Mayor Brian Williams of Los Angeles, CA, has been accused of making a bomb threat against City Hall earlier this year. The specific date of the threat in question was not revealed to the media but the matter was referred to the FBI because the local police stated that they have a good working relationship with Mr. Williams.

Police Magazine cited the following statement from the Los Angeles Police Department on Wednesday (December 18):

“Our initial investigation revealed that the source of the threat was likely from Brian Williams, Deputy Mayor for Public Safety. Due to the Department’s working relationship with Mr. Williams, the investigation was referred to the FBI. The FBI remains the investigating agency.”

Earlier this week, Williams’ house was searched by the FBI.  Williams has been placed on administrative leave without getting arrested or charged and is reportedly cooperating with the authorities in their investigation. He was appointed to the office of the Deputy Mayor by Democrat Mayor Karen Bass in March last year.

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  1. WillyB46

    No worries. He can just call the White House before January 20 and get pardoned.

    • Russell

      Joe and Hunter Bieden should be put on death row for all the crap they have done.


    Again, throw the book at em, lock em all up, but although this is a Democrat, unlike the US-citizen hating Dumpster would have you believe, criminals come in both parties and his country of Pakistan is a terrorist enabling hellhole. So he comes here, but why spend all his time and effort at trying to make you hate the other party.

    Here’s the truth about crime, punishment, and political party. And there’s plenty more that you can’t find in The Dumpster, only trash in there. And rats that live on trash.

    “Does the US prosecute more Republicans or Democrats? Here’s some data”

    Like I said, lock them all up. And let’s start punishing liars by not giving them more money to lie more. Start with The Dumpster who claims covid not a pandemic and vaccines are dangerous. Make him pay for that one. People died from misinformation like his. He is a killer journalist, and not the good kind.

    Dempsey’s story seems true but his one-sided, hateful, rants pitting you against us with disinformation and lies is something that Joe pays for. You don’t have to listen.

  3. Americafirst

    What a nice Christmas present you handed Dempsey, Mr. Grinch, Strange. You are fitting more and more comfortably in your hate! Merry Christmas, Frank.

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