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Conservatives Secure Victory on Ballot Measures in Several States

Conservatives Secure Victory on Ballot Measures in Several States

The groundbreaking victory for conservatives on November 5 isn’t confined to the presidential win for President Trump and a Senate majority for Republicans. On some important issues, liberals were defeated in different states, including one in which voters rebelled in a liberal stronghold.

On Tuesday, November 5, liberals saw a major defeat over abortion in the state of Florida. Their hopes to get enough votes to pass Amendment 4 to the Florida constitution fell flat at the ballot. Dubbed the “Right to Abortion Initiative,” this amendment would have allowed women the right to abortion by annulling the state’s heartbeat law that bans abortion after 6 weeks into pregnancy.

Against the required 60% of votes to pass, the proposed amendment only received about 58% of the vote. The New York Post and other conservative news media called it a major victory for Governor Ron DeSantis, who signed the heartbeat law in April 2023.

Two other red states, Nebraska and South Dakota, also defeated pro-abortion ballot measures similar to Florida on Election Day. The Washington Times wrote on Thursday (November 7) that the pro-life laws in the three states – FL, NE, and SD – save the lives of more than 51,000 unborn babies every year.

In another major November 5th victory for conservatives, voters in Arizona approved the Secure the Border Act, aka Proposition 314. The law makes it a state crime for any illegal alien to enter the state. Under this proposed law, illegal aliens crossing into the state can be arrested, prosecuted in the state courts, and deported by the orders of local judges. The law would also criminalize the submission of false information or documents for getting employment or receiving public benefits. noted that a similar law passed in Texas has been challenged by the Biden administration.

One of the most worrying issues for conservatives across the country is the safety of peaceful residents against criminals. Democrats have infamously adopted soft-on-crime policies all around. In Colorado, a majority blue state, conservatives scored a notable victory by winning over 60% of the vote for Proposition 128, the proposed law by the influential conservative action committee Advance Colorado. Once enacted and after taking effect next year, the new law would mandate convicts of serious crimes – murder, sexual assault, abduction, burglary etc. – to spend at least 85% of their sentence in prison before getting parole.

As reported on Colorado Public Radio, Advance Colorado also secured success at the ballot for two other measures that strengthen the capability of the law enforcement and deny bail to first-degree murder suspects against whom the prosecutors hold strong incriminating evidence.

In a related and quite interesting development, the leftist favoritism for criminals suffered a setback at the ballot in California where 70% of voters led Proposition 36 to pass on Election Day. Proposition 36, dubbed as “Homelessness, Drug Addiction and Theft Reduction Act,” counters Democrat Governor’s favored crime-friendly laws on theft and drugs. It would allow prosecuting serious theft as a felony even if it is worth less than $950, the threshold under the Newsome-approved existing law. The law would also address rampant homelessness and drug addiction leading to crimes.

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  1. Mike f

    I wouldn’t celebrate your abortion ‘victory’ in florida too much. As you noted, a super majority was required to pass this measure. The vast majority of Floridians were in favor of a woman’s right to an abortion. Another example of the ‘minority rules’ favored by the Republican Party….

  2. Darren

    As a Trump supporter and I would guess a Republican as Trump is Republican.
    Quite Beating the Abortion issue to DEATH!
    Has any one ever heard of baby steps!
    No pun intended.
    But really, take it out of the news and cover your agenda with a little less
    Why give in to what Democrats were concerned about.
    Is the Republican party turning as stupid as Democrats?

  1. You make an interesting point. Do we need to keep minting pennies? The US as minted some 500 billion pennies…