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CNN Poll: Support for Trump, Biden Nears 50-50 Split

CNN Poll: Support for Trump, Biden Nears 50-50 Split

President Donald Trump and rival Joe Biden are nearly tied in 15 swing states, reports CNN, with voters in the following states choosing Biden over Trump by a margin of just 1%: Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin.

The same poll shows overall support for Trump at 46% (up from 41% in June) and support for Biden at 50% (down from 55% in June).

Men were more likely to change their minds during the past few months, with support for Trump growing from 50% to 56% and support for Biden declining from 50% to 40%. Voters of all genders between the ages of 35 and 64 showed a similar shift.

Trump’s support among conservative voters has increased from 76% to 85% since June. Support for Trump among Independents is split nearly 50-50, with a mere 4% of Republican-leaning Independents backing Biden. In June, Biden led independent voters 52% to Trump’s 41%.

Survey results suggest a high voter turnout this year, with 72% of respondents saying they are “extremely enthusiastic” or “very enthusiastic” about voting. Among this group of people, 53% support Biden and 46% support Trump.

President Trump’s approval rating has increased slightly since June, reaching 42% despite concerns about his response to COVID-19. To compare, President Jimmy Carter’s approval rating was just 33% when he sought re-election in 1964; George HW Bush’s was 35% in 1992 and Obama’s was 48% in 2012. 

Interestingly, a significant percentage of Biden supporters said their decision is more about opposing Trump than supporting Biden. This leads me to believe that people will change their minds before November, potentially signaling a repeat of 2016 when everyone was convinced the Democratic candidate would win.

Survey results suggest up to 7% of Biden supporters and 12% of Trump supporters may change their minds before the election. 

The CNN poll suggests a dramatic divide on which issues are most important to voters. Up to 70% of Biden supporters list COVID-19 as ‘critically important’ compared to just 24% of Trump supporters. Nearly 60% of Trump supporters describe the economy as ‘extremely important’ compared to 37% of Biden supporters.

Roughly 57% of Biden supporters listed healthcare and race relations as ‘extremely important’ compared to 20% and 22% of Trump supporters, respectively. 

Former Vice President Joe Biden and his running mate, California Senator Kamala Harris, will be officially confirmed as Democratic nominees this week at the Democratic National Convention.

Author’s Note: Political polls are anything but trustworthy, but it seems like this one wasn’t entirely co-opted by the liberal media.

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1 Comment

  1. Jeanette Kelley

    Well, if American’s believe what these “So Called Fair
    Polls” are telling us, then we haven’t learned a thing since

    The silent majority in this country will rise up more than
    ever, against , these Anti American Demoncrats and
    George Soro’s paid for Thugs in the streets who are nothing more than Communist/Socialist Pigs!

    If anyone that calls themselves an American votes for that
    “Puppet Brain Dead Joe Biden/Witch Kamalla Harris
    who by the way is not “BLACK”, but Indian/Jamaica from
    her Mother & Father! Do your research and check for

    President Trump has had an uphill battle from Day One,
    and if anyone doubts he Loves America, to put up with
    this Crap, really are not informed or care to be! If you
    had his wealth, would you put up with this crap? I sure
    the heck wouldn’t!

    President Trump is our only hope, if we don’t want to fall
    into a Communist/Social Country!

    Wake up America, before it’s too late!!!

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