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Chuck Schumer Being Thrown Out? That’s Hilarious

Chuck Schumer Being Thrown Out? That’s Hilarious

There’s a new push among Democrats to oust Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer – and frankly, it’s hilarious. Not because Schumer is perfect, or because his policies are somehow aligned with conservative values. Far from it. But the idea that he is the problem speaks volumes about the delusional wing of the Democratic Party that helped drive it into political ruin.

Make no mistake: I am no fan of Chuck Schumer. I rarely, if ever, agree with his policies. But let’s be honest. Schumer is a smart, effective legislator. He’s old-school. He plays the political game with skill and consistency. And he, unlike some of his loudest critics, understands how Washington works. His loyalty to his party has been unquestionable, even if his judgment on policy has often been misguided.

The irony here is that the calls for his removal aren’t coming from thoughtful centrists or moderates worried about electoral viability. No, they’re coming from the clowns, the fringe elements who dragged the party down with their obsessive fixation on woke ideology, extreme green policies, and a reckless flirtation with socialism. These are the same forces that alienated working-class voters, tanked public trust, and helped hand the Democrats their loss in the last election.

Let’s take a look at who’s demanding his head:

  • Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) – Perhaps the most visible face of the far-left agenda, AOC has never met a radical idea she didn’t embrace.. And of course, she thinks Americans Hate Women.
  • Rep. Jasmine Crockett (TX) – Crockett said, “Senate Democrats have to sit down and take a look and decide whether or not Chuck Schumer is the one to lead in this moment… younger, fresher leadership may be something that many of us… are looking for.” A catchy soundbite, sure, but light on solutions. Except for her birthday she wants someone to Take Down Eon Musk.
  • Rep. Ilhan Omar (MN) – Another reliable voice of the progressive fringe, Omar has long pushed an agenda far removed from mainstream America. This is the woman who allegedly married her brother and who supports terrorists.
  • Rep. Glenn Ivey (MD) – He said, “I’m afraid that it may be time for Senate Democrats to pick new leadership.” That’s a polite way of echoing the call for Schumer’s ouster. Never heard of this guy before.
  • Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi – Yes, even Pelosi is reportedly among those suggesting new leadership is needed, despite her own long tenure and role in pushing many of the same flawed policies. This is a woman steeped in corruption and yet somehow believes that capitalism isn’t good enough. But she had enough power to attack Trump rigging the game and spurring massive numbers of criminal charges.
  • Sen. Bernie Sanders (VT) – Never one to pass up a moment to bash his own party, Sanders recently complained that, “The Democratic Party has virtually no grassroots support.” He forgets that it was his brand of ideological purity that helped gut that very support. His followers are just crazy people.
  • Rep. Ro Khanna (CA) – On CNN, Khanna likened party leadership to a failing tech company: “When a company isn’t doing well, you don’t keep the same team.” Perhaps, but in politics, leadership isn’t just about replacing people, it’s about learning from failure. Rep who is attempting to rise out of oblivion and failing.
  • Sen. Michael Bennet (CO) – At a town hall in Golden, he said, “It’s important that people know when it’s time to go,” referencing Schumer’s age.
  • Gov. Tim Walz (MN) – On Gavin Newsom’s podcast, Walz said, “I think we gave up our leverage.” A veiled jab at Schumer’s handling of negotiations. The failed VP candidate, the Beta male who supported all of Kamala’s woke policies, struggling to the be relevant. The Knucklehead.

Let’s be clear: this isn’t a serious policy debate. It’s a tantrum by the same crew that gave us disastrous border policies, energy dependence, and a classroom full of confused kids trying to decipher gender ideology instead of learning math. These voices want to double down on the very things that pushed the Democratic Party off a cliff, and they think Chuck Schumer is the problem?

This sudden revolt stems from anger over Schumer’s perceived weakness in negotiating with Republicans on the Trump-backed budget plan. But that ignores the reality: Schumer likely did the best he could with the leverage he had. The alternative would’ve been an ugly shutdown and even more political fallout for Democrats, who are already licking their wounds after the last election.

At 74, Schumer may not represent the future. But he certainly represents a more disciplined, strategic past, a time when Democrats could still win over swing voters and didn’t scare the middle class with absurd utopian schemes. Throwing him out to make room for louder, younger ideologues isn’t a solution, it’s a punchline.

So yes, this whole campaign to remove Chuck Schumer is hilarious. Because it tells us everything we need to know about the people who are still convinced that more extremism is the answer to voter rejection. If this is the future of the Democratic Party, Republicans can sit back, grab the popcorn, and watch the implosion.

This can do nothing but good for the Republicans. Either their most effective legistlator gets removed and the inmates take over the asylum, or Schumer stays and suffers a loss of support – with the inmates sniping at him for the foreseeable future.

About The Author


  1. Seth

    Hell yes!!! But there’s plenty more idiots where he came from.

    • Joe Gilbertson

      That would be great, the crazies are taking over. But the Democrats would be crazy to do this. Schumer, as much of an ass as he is, is the most capable guy they have when it comes to getting bills past. Will anyone listen to AOC? or Bernie? To lose Schumer would damage them for a long time. Its like watching your neighborhood bully wreck his new dodge charger.

  2. frank danger

    pssssssst: bernie is an independent who votes with democrats quite often. As often as he condemns them……

    Actually a good story, almost fair and balanced, IMO.

    I have said, well before the 2016, two things: 1) the Republican Party, the Tea Party, RINOs, are gone, replaced by Trump’s MAGA movement. There may be some Republicans and RINOs in there still, but they are mute and do not matter to power. 2) Democrats are split between moderate Democrats, leaning older, and progressive Democrats, leaning younger. I, personally do not agree with most of the progressive agenda, and look how I am treated here, what I am called. Face it, the younger generation is growing, the rest of us are dying. Obama could navigate this schism, Biden was bound to fail EVEN if he met every campaign promise. In 2020, Dems voted against Trump. In 2024, they voted against Biden/Harris. Biden/Harris failed to make the case that the center was better for progressives.

    After I said that our party was split tween progressives and moderates, I noted that the end — becoming progressive seemed inevitable in time. Only time was the question and Republicans should be cautious not to expedite the schedule. I guess you are the recipient of “be careful what you ask for,” as you push so hard as to make a centrist lean far left.

    Also, today, Democrats are obviously weak and in clusterfuck mode without a leader. Harris ran. No one has stepped up yet. Jeffries can’t do it. Schumer can’t do it, and most certainly AOC is not ready. Enjoy yourself, we will get it together and I hope, pray, that we will continue to satisfy progressives with a centrist person and package. Although at this point, I wouldn’t doubt a new party, Democrat Progressive or other, may develop.

    IMO, Schumer competent, but not great. Pelosi was great, but has not stepped up and probably won’t. Centrists are getting older and it appears a dying bread until the progressives live, learn, and hopefully make better choices than free, free, free.

    • Seth

      Frank Dunger you know that the so called centralist are not capable of governing. America isn’t ready to be socialist yet

  3. Frank danger

    Seth; I spell my name: danger.

    Centrists are not socialists. Never were. Calling me, a senior manager in a fortune 100 corporation whose major market was FIRE, whose street was Wall Street, who often walked the halls of the Trade Center and every major finance house in NYC. every insurance house from Hartford to Portsmouth, is laughable. Today, I make more than you sitting on my couch investing in capitalism. And I started with a college degree. a pinto with bad valves and smoke, and a few hundreds bucks.

    As far as governing the economy. the stats say Dems are more profitable to the country. Period. Look them up. As far as social programs, yup, we be more socialist in creating social security, medicare. medicaid, snap, unemployment insurance, and others. And yes, I support them. Can’t imagine you desire to do away with them for a purer form of capitalism.

    • Tom

      Dunger is a better spelling. You speak dung. If you’re not a socialist why support those that are. I believe that you are a capitalist but there’s nothing right about giving illegal wetbacks debit cards, free medical and housing. Yes. It went on during the regime of retard joe. People decided that America needed a break. Sooner or later communism would have been more likely to take hold. It’s already here waiting in the wings. I know you don’t have much common sense but I’m speaking truth. Are republicans perfect? No. But we don’t pit races against each other. We know what a male and female are. Seriously? Do you want mayors and governors who refuse to enforce immigration laws? No Frank. You don’t have America’s interest at heart.

      • Feank danget

        Tom, have you seen the signal? Seems you have some top secrets about me.

        Does it make you happy, feel superior, to call me names. Just lowering yourself. if that’s even possible.

        When have I supported the progressive left? Especially the squad?

        Debit cards? Some pilot programs fir necessities in nyc. Got more? Got facts? Wanna buy a clue?

        Medical? Kids. Er, and a few state loopholes. Loopholes should be closed. It’s all on the States; there are no Buden programs fir this.

        Communism does not follow socialism and most socialist experiments have morphed and include capitalism aspects. Don’t even hear you guys spewing euro-socialist any more in lieu of jumping to the communist brand of a lie.

        You may be speaking the truth, but without factual support; I am not buying it.

        If sanctuary city governments are breaking the law. arrest them. I am glad they are not helping you fascists disappear people to third world gulags run by evil dictators. Some of the disappeared are not even criminals beyond the misdemeanor of jumping the border. You are disappearing some innocents to gulag hells they will never escape. May your kindness be returned ten fold.

        And now you hold group chats with journalists to speak about upcoming and ongoing military actions on personal, not secure government cell phones. One bitch is in Asia and some dick was in Moscow.

        Pit races against each other. Bwhaat?

        You are not the shining city on the hill. .

        Fact is that we can only mive forward together by compromising our differences into a common cause. You calling me names is not that.

  4. Frank danger

    Have you seen the signal?

    Show us the signal!

    Have you seen the signal baby, hiding in the shadow’s?


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