Chicago Officers Shun Mayor Lightfoot After Two Cops Shot!

In a shocking display, Chicago cops showed their disdain for Democratic Mayor Lori Lightfoot when they turned their backs on the Mayor when she came to the hospital to visit an officer – who remains in critical condition – after both she and her partner were shot in the line of duty.
Chicago Police Officer Ella French, 29, was shot and killed during a traffic stop recently while her partner fights for his life at the University of Chicago Medical Center. As Lightfoot visited the hospital, about 30 officers turned their backs to her when she approached them on the 7th floor.
“It looked like it had been choreographed,” a source told the Chicago Sun-Times.
The male officer’s father, who is a retired Chicago cop, also gave the Mayor an earful when she tried to talk to him, sources told the Sun-Times. She reportedly remained calm and attentive while he blamed her for what happened.
The Mayor’s press office provided a statement to the press, saying, “In a time of tragedy, emotions run high, and that is to be expected.”
“The Mayor spoke to a range of officers that tragic night and sensed the overwhelming sentiment was about concern for their fallen colleagues,” the statement read. “As the Mayor stated yesterday, now is not the time for divisive and toxic rhetoric or reporting. This is a time for us to come together as a city. We have a common enemy, and it is the conditions that breed the violence and the manifestations of violence, namely illegal guns and gangs. The Mayor is focused on healing the wounds and will reject any, and all that try to use this moment to drive further divisions in our city.”
Dozens of shooting incidents across Chicago last weekend left 13 people dead and 73 injured.
Chicago Police Department Supt. David Brown said Sunday that French, her partner, and another officer were fired upon after approaching a vehicle with three occupants during a traffic stop in West Englewood on Saturday. Three suspects are currently in police custody.
Lightfoot declared Sunday a day of mourning and called for all flags to be flown at half-staff. In an earlier statement, she told critics of her treatment of police to “just stop.”
“There are some who say we do not do enough for the police and that we are handcuffing them from doing their jobs. There are others who say we do too much for the police and that we never hold them accountable for what they do, particularly in Black and brown neighborhoods,” Lightfoot said. “All of this, I say, stop. Just stop. This constant strife is not what we need in this moment. Of course, we have to continue the journey to achieve constitutional and accountable policing. That cannot be in debate at this point.”
However, such words obviously fell short on the fed-up and deaf ears of the 30 some-odd officers who shunned the Mayor during her visit to their fallen comrade-in-arms.
What is needed is for politicians like her to stand up for law and order rather than make excuses for criminals in order to release back into society.
She knows exactly what she is doing, along with all her Nation wide Marxists. The intentional demonization of our Police and propping up every scumbag. Welcome to the the Marxist America they are determined to establish.
Just more proof the Democrats do not care about the American people, the Democrats ONLY CARE ABOUT THEMSELVES
And yet we are to “ignore” the hateful comments from her office when she was 1000% in defunding the Police there in Chicago and refusing President Trump’s help when he offered it to STOP the rampant bloodshed in that city. NOW she wants to “support” the very SAME police she was demanding to defund and get rid of? GET HER OUT OF OFFICE!
We blame everyone about the guns in the hands of anyone who wants them. Seems like our Government is the mafia, they are not for the people they are for there own pockets, the hell with you. The main issue is permitting the guns to be poured into our cities.like the Wild West. We blamed each other, The police don’t know weather they are going to be shot when they are called to crime scene. To protect our citizens and the our Police. Stop the Guns from pouring into our cities.
What the hell did she expect, a full parade? I guess SHE wanted the recognition for her actions, but my money is on the fact that she is part of the Defund the Police faction. The officers were right to turn their backs to her. THAT’S A PEACEFUL DEMONSTRATION, MAYOR, NOT RIOTING, BURNING, LOOTING, AND ATTACKING ELDERLY PEOPLE, AND COMMITTING MURDER!
lightfoot is a bloody hypocrite she needs to go she supported defund the police stupid cow
She deserves every bit of scorn she gets. Now she suddenly finds empathy with Police officers. Pathetic. Might well be the worst mayor in the country, but she has strong competition.
There are others who say we do too much for the police and that we never hold them accountable for what they do, particularly in Black and brown neighborhoods,”
“…. we never hold police accountable…”
As I’ve said before , the Chiefs of Police in large cities need to be elected as are the mayors and other public servants . That way they can uphold the laws of the state as prescribed by law and not be appointed by some neer-do-well who has a political agenda and possibly anti-American sentiments as has so lavishly been demonstrated in the last few months by left wing politicians , and we all see the results of their failed policies .
Next election the idiots in shitcago will reelect the stupid bitch