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Boy … was I wrong

Boy … was I wrong

I was preparing to do another one of my periodic Covid updates.  That is no easy task since the entire issue seems to be subjected to massive confusion and questionable information.

After getting vaccinated, I announced that the Covid Pandemic was over for me.  I did not have to social distance or wear a mask because the chance of my getting Covid was miniscule – and if I did, it would be a mild case.  The chance of hospitalization was less than one percent – and the chance of death was statistically near zero.  That was what I was told by Dr. Anthony Fauci and all those other media-doctors.

There was a general consensus among the scientists and the politicians, that the vaccine would be a game-changer.  President Biden assured us that his policies would result in more than 70 percent of the people would be vaccinated by July of 2021 – that would be close to that thing called “herd immunity.”  We would be past the Pandemic by the Fourth of July 2021, according to Biden.

It turns out that much of what I wrote in the past was wrong.  And there is only one reason for that.  I listened to the scientists.  Yes, Dr. Fauci did a little flip-flopping on masks, but the main issue was that I was very unlikely to contract Covid no matter.

When the Omicron Variant showed up, we were told that it spreads faster, but is less serious – and posed no real threat to the vaccinated.  In fact, Biden and the scientists referred to the spread as a “pandemic among the unvaccinated.”  All those medical authorities were bragging how few of the vaccinated were getting Covid – and no one was dying from it, if vaccinated.  No worry for me.

But then the breakthrough cases started to surge – partly due to the infection rate of Omicron and apparently the decline in the efficacy of the vaccinations.  The first sign of a problem was when they started saying we all needed boosters.  That would give us even more protection in case the initial two shots of Moderna (in my case) were wearing off.  

In the background, they are now saying we may need a second booster – or even a shot every six months.  They are pushing the old masking policy again – even over the questionable effectiveness of masks.  Watch one newscast and they say that any mask is better than nothing – and doctors on a different channel say only N95 masks work.  The others are worthless.  

Biden is promising to send out millions of dollars worth of masks –several to every citizen – even though many will not use them as instructed – or not at all. (Personally, I am sticking to my no mask policy unless required – and fortunately that is very rare here in Florida.)

Same with test kits.  Biden wants to spend more millions of taxpayer money to sent multiple test kits to every household – knowing that people will likely ignore testing more than they ignore masking.  We were once assured that unless you have symptoms –or been in contact with an infected person — you have no need to mask or test.  (I am sticking with that policy.)

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has spread confusion by shortening the time a person needs to stay quarantined – and even said some who have no symptom, but test positive can go back to work.

We are now a year past the introduction of the vaccines.  More than 65 percent of Americans are vaccinated – and millions more have natural immunity.  The Omicron Variant is said to be much less dangerous, but doctors are proposing, and government is imposing more stringent restrictions than ever before.  We are back to shutdowns.  Biden wants mandatory masking and vaxxing.   

None of it makes any sense anymore.  How can we listen to the scientists when they are appearing on television giving conflicting information on a daily basis – and saying things that make no sense at all.  It is impossible to tell the difference between good advice and fearmongering.

If all the advice they gave me in the past is now wrong, what confidence do I have that they know what they are talking about now.  I will just have to go about my business as if the Covid is not an issue for me.  The basics are still in place.  As a vaccinated person, I am still unlikely to contract Covid.  If I do, it will most likely be a mild case – no hospitalization, no Intensive care Unit and almost no chance of winding up dead.  If I am wrong, at least I went out doing it my way (Thank you Frank Sinatra)

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. Ac

    Good luck with that.
    I am in the same situation. VAXXED to the MAX Moderna and in age category the same.
    The state and region in my state vary from yours. The region where I live and the state of Michigan is current is seeing a spike with Omicron. Hospital ER and ICU treatment area are near max. Sadly, medical specialized treatments and so called elective surgeries are being postponed.
    Medical staff shows the effects usually seen during active war conditions after 2 years none stop pressure producing stress. These professionals are in the thick of the battle. They contract COVID, not only a few have succumbed to the disease, many have quarantined for the recommended period , and all are suffering physical and emotional fatigue causing burnout.
    The court of public opinion, as you call it, has vilified the medical profession. While, only a year ago the same people were being cheered on like the heroes they are
    We, who are on the outside should do all possible measures so not to add to the stress on hospital staff. The vaccinated can become infected and infect others when no one is masked. The ones closest to us, spouse, immediate family, friends, or even people we meet in passing and have brief conversation. The prevention in mask wearing is certainly worth any discomfort.
    Prevention measures widely practiced will reduce spread and shorten the virus’s time span. Since, mutations into ever differing varieties occurs while the virus is active and spreading from host to host through the human population, particularly the vulnerable unvaccinated. The quickest path to end this scourge is depriving its growth by fully vaccinating, covering the respiratory passageways on the face ( masking), and washing hands regularly.
    For those of us who have convinced ourselves we have been fully compliant and. therefore, good to go and resume life. Your not in the clear. Cavalier attitudes are perilous at anytime. Surely, now is not time for letting down one’s guard as long as this pandemic is still proliferating.
    Larry, please. think of yourself as vulnerable and others too who you may come in contact with. It could mean more of us remain healthy.
    The virus is apolitical caring not but for its own ability for virulent exponential multiplication in those it makes its home. The COVID-19 is a typical virus. A transients’ life style suits it best and it thrives when allowed freedom to move into whomever is nearby.
    It’s serious business. You see how serious when’s you take time for considering the extent life has been affected. People who would otherwise be alive. The young and the not so young are gone, passed away. How many were lost unnecessarily.
    The psychological health of the general mass population is still being scrambled. Rational clear minded thinking and personally solid decision making which was once a positive character trait is now derided, mocked, and denigrated. Scientists who discovered and developed life saving vaccines and are the experts in their field find they are disrespected. Millions of people elected not to trust the scientists talons with their vaccine. What form of objective thinking goes into a negative judgement. In many instances they chose death over life. Doctors, nurses, family members allowed in, and reputable medical personnel related information stating the person was willfully unvaccinated and proudly conservative Republican. In no way is one’s loss of life a rational consequence of some political obsession..
    Who is the ultimate looser. Those who perished as the result of their obsession with political affiliation and party propaganda.
    There is no more damnable misinformation passed by unconscionable perverted souls than that which numbs a person to reality’s consequences that leads to sickness and death. On media source and it’s personalities share responsibility for deaths in the current total. That. Sing in excess of 900,000. But, as these perverse personalities are protected by the First Amendment they are free to live and pursue their delinquent activity for obscene pay scheme. While their audience is brainlessly dependent on some undemocratic and toxic fix. Obsessed with political snake charmers the charmed may not live long enough and so not repent and disavow FOX.
    Objectively, does not the freedom one has for the exercise of their rights provided in Constitutional Law have limits that include harm done to others. Someone one day, I hope, will bring a case the brings charges against entertainment personalities for falsehoods outside lawful use of network credentialed rules for speaking.
    My distain and disgust is not for their political leaning patently off on the right. It’s their sold out anti ethics and moral depravity witnessed by extreme monetizing political divisions in America.

    Witnesses to these deaths.

    • HoPiter

      Do you work in medicine, read actual scientific research papers? It’s disgusting the name calling of those who hold different opinion that might actually be based in real science not the daily fear mongering dished out by media and only those in medicine who tow the Fauci party line. It’s disgusting on many levels how, though very nicely written by you and others, you spill such disdain and only call out FOxX news while disregarding a fact that just maybe all the other alphabet media are just as guilty.

      There was NEVER going to be a way to stop this virus especially when standards of practice ignored and replaced with mandatory schemes and ONLY espousing the masking, distancing and the jab our only hope. Those I will admit MAY, the operative word here being “MAY”, help slow spreading. The greatest tragedy over all is not just how media has approached this, but our so called trusted medical organizations stance through this and all the convoluted lying done by the most famous now, Dr. Fauci.

      Early treatment of any disease has been the framework of medicine. Robust looking and trying and using even off label drugs the bull work of advancements in our standards of treatment. It’s criminal how that very stance has been thwarted and those who dare push against the party line vilified, canceled, fired or licenses revoked and saddled with the label of PURVEYORS OF MISINFORMATION when in actuality they are not those things. There has been a constant refusal by media to do the job of investigating information not just silence even Nobel laureates who ask the questions, show alternate data and has ACTUAL TREATMENTS for this disease. All the above orchestrated by none other than NIH. Thousands of people would be alive today if the approach to this was treated like many other communicable diseases.

      Read the “Great Barrington Report” put together by three international epidemiologist. By the way media, including FOX all disavowed this approach as a viable option, changed wording in the coverage of the document and each of those outstanding leaders in their fields vilified. Quickly the info buried by media from the populace along with the drumming of the LIE about Ivermectin & Hydroxychloraquine as a viable early treatment (tossed in the medical trash can so to say) which has cost thousands in Americans their lives, strangled the hands of treating physicians and pitted people like you against those who refuse the vaccine and have NATURAL IMMUNITY. Dig into NIH and CDC web site, you will find, interestingly, research penned by the one and only Dr. Fauci lauding the efficacy of both drugs listed above as treatments for Covid1, SARS. (Same family as Covid19)

      Yes, I have 47 years hospital experience as an RN and have read lots of research especially peered reviewed, not just taking any media and their medical guests word for it. Because I’ve researched, I see and hear the slight of hand. The bigger question is why are they doing this? What’s the end goal, and why has the politics become the driver rather than open medical debate.

      • John Hewett

        Hopiter, thank you. I’m so happy to see other people posting the truth instead of mr. hat trying to tear the truth down. Foreign countries have had tremendous success treating covid patients with HCQ and/or ivermectin. The CDC and FDA should be held criminally accountable for discouraging doctors from prescribing these life-saving meds. The deniers of these drugs use the same worn out argument that there are no studies showing the efficiency of these drugs, yet why don’t they do any studies to prove that instead of just making a blanket statement. It’s the same defense that there was no election fraud because nothing was ever proven in court. The reason nothing was ever proven in court putzes is because courts wouldn’t even allow any evidence to be presented and just dismissed the claims out of hand.

  2. frank stetson

    Yes, I have over 50 years hospital experience as a sometimes patient and have read lots of research especially peered reviewed, not just taking any media and their medical guests word for it. Because I’ve researched, I see and hear the slight of hand. The bigger question is why are they doing this? What’s the end goal, and why has the politics become the driver rather than open medical debate.

    I looked at Hopiter’s ““Great Barrington Report” put together by three international epidemiologist.” It took a bit because it’s actually not the Great Barrington Report, but instead The Great Barrington Declaration. Sort of like looking for the Report of Independence. I wanted to keep an open mind; the Declaration basically calls for locking down those at risk while allowing others to do nothing, get infected, and reach herd immunity. They call it “focused protection.” It was paid for by the American Institute for Economic Research, completed at their facility where it got it’s name; EIER is a libertarian thought house that also supports climate change denial, not that there’s bias in that.

    So those at less risk go about their daily lives, the others go into hiding, or not, it’s their choice.

    There is no need for distancing, masks, contact tracing, vaccines, just catch it, get immunity, move on and we will reach herd immunity someday.

    They don’t mention long covid.

    They don’t mention that immunity only lasts months, so by the time you get it on the West Coast, the East Coast is not immune anymore.

    They don’t mention the potential catastrophic overload of the health system.

    They don’t mention that the determination of low risk and high risk came well after the first surges in NY and NJ so this “Declaration” might not have been cemented until —— the Declaration was dated October 2020, the pandemic started in February of 2020 so most of the lockdowns had already concluded. The best herd immunity example, globally, Sweden, never could get to it, and the results of their test were not considered successful.

    Hopita, you are right, basically the world shit on this concept. WHO said no. The British Chief Science advisor said the Declaration is fatally flawed. Of course Fauci agreed with that. Most of the experts in the world said herd immunity sounds nice, but not the way to go. The John Snow Memorandum came out denouncing the report. The Memorandum was signed by 80 researchers, with pedigrees, across the globe. The MSM reporting basically followed the experts, as well as the acid test that was down in Sweden which all pointed to the thought that herd immunity is just not the way to go, even if you could figure out how to determine which groups are higher risk, which are not.

    Frankly, if herd immunity was the way to go, we would have already had a number of successes across the globe, which we do not.

    • Larry kuhn

      Was it 50 years emptying bed pans?

      • frank stetson

        That’s your big issue-related takeaway? Bed pans? Because patients empty bed pans? Not sure your stupid attempt at humor even works, but I’ll bite: sure, I have been a patient for over 50 years while emptying bed pans. Wow, funny…

        I remember what Larry said in “The Wrath of Kuhn:” “”He Tasks Me. He Tasks Me, And I Shall Have Him! I’ll Chase Him ‘Round The Moons Of Nibia, And ‘Round The Antares Maelstrom, And ‘Round Perdition’s Flames Before I Give Him Up!”


        Keep on trying Larry, you gotta hit a winner sooner or later….

        • Charles

          Go take your meds Frank. And go back to the mental hospital

  3. Ben

    Larry, if you are thinking it, and are writing it, Chances aRe that you’re wrong.

    • frank stetson

      And if you are not thinking it, and you are writing it, chances are that you’re wrong.

    • larry Horist

      LOL … cute. Irrelevant, but cute. One of those things an immature mind sees as witty.

      • frank stetson

        Only an old man would call things cute that way….. :>) And sure, we’re immature compared to you.

        • larry Horist

          Frank … you do not seem to know the difference between “immature” and “younger..” My comment referred to a development level … not age. Geez! I love how you and Ben think that the “old man” dig is effective. Rather meaningless to me and the world. But then you guys defend an older guy who actually shows signs of mental decline. However, those on the left seem to have a problem with rationality and common sense. You live in a political fantasy land. That is why I do not take a lot of tome responding to your self-proclaimed superior — often fanciful — arguments. Perhaps in the future, i should spend even less time.

          • frank stetson

            Oldman Larry … you do not seem to know the difference between old man and older.” My old man comment referred to a development level … not age. Geez! I love how you think that the “immature” dig is effective. Rather meaningless to me and the world. But then you guys defend an immature guy who actually shows signs of moral and mental decline. However, those tighty-whitey righties seem to have a problem with rationality and common sense. You live in a political fantasy land. That is why I do not take a lot of tome (freudian slip, old age, really clever, or harmless error) responding to your self-proclaimed superior — often fanciful — arguments. Perhaps in the future, i should spend even less time.

  4. Alt-Left Media ALlowing Suppressed Medical Information To Trickle In

    Good to see numerous countries dropping the vaccine and mask mandates. That are not laws.

    Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Singapore, Thailand, South Africa, Chile, England, Czech Republic, Costa Rico, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Hungary, Spain, and Japan have already lifted them or never had them.

    1/04/22 – “U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty ruled 1/01/22 that the Biden administration unconstitutionally bypassed Congress when ordering workers in Head Start programs to take the injection by Jan. 31, and for students 2 years or older to be masked indoors and outdoors.

    “The ruling applies to a lawsuit from 24 states: Louisiana, Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming.”

    If it is “unconstitutional” for Head Start students, it is “unconstitutional” for ALL students.
    And if it is “unconstitutional” in the above states, it is “unconstitutional” in ALL states.

    Time for ALL states to drop the vaccine and mask mandates too.

    medRxiv August 202121 — “People with no previous SARS-CoV-2 infection who got the Pfizer shot had a 5.96-fold increased risk for breakthrough infection and a 7.13-fold increased risk for symptomatic disease, compared to people who had natural immunity.”


  5. COVID shots are an abject failure

    Good to see numerous countries dropping the vaccine and mask mandates. That are not laws.

    Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Singapore, Thailand, South Africa, Chile, England, Czech Republic, Costa Rico, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Hungary, Spain, and Japan have already lifted them or never had them.

    1/04/22 – “U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty ruled 1/01/22 that the Biden administration unconstitutionally bypassed Congress when ordering workers in Head Start programs to take the injection by Jan. 31, and for students 2 years or older to be masked indoors and outdoors.

    “The ruling applies to a lawsuit from 24 states: Louisiana, Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming.”

    If it is “unconstitutional” for Head Start students, it is “unconstitutional” for ALL students.
    And if it is “unconstitutional” in the above states, it is “unconstitutional” in ALL states.

    Time for ALL states to drop the vaccine and mask mandates too.

    1/12/22 – “COVID shots are an abject failure, and it’s being added to an already long list of studies demonstrating their suboptimal efficacy. Below is a sampling of that evidence:
    -The Lancet Infectious Diseases October 202112 — Fully “vaccinated” individuals who develop breakthrough infections have a peak viral load similar to that of unvaccinated people, and efficiently transmit the infection to unvaccinated and “vaccinated” alike in household settings.
    -The Lancet Preprint — Fully “vaccinated” Vietnamese health care workers who contracted breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 Delta infections had viral loads that were 251 times higher than those found in cases infected with earlier strains. So, the shots do not appear to protect against infection with the Delta strain.
    -The Lancet Preprint, October 202117 — This Swedish study found the Pfizer injection’s effectiveness progressively waned from 89% on Days 15 to 30, post-injection, to 42% from Day 181 onward. As of day 211, no protection against infection was discernible. Moderna’s shot fared slightly better, waning to 59% as of Day 181. The AstraZeneca injection offered lower protection than Pfizer and Moderna from the start, and waned faster, reaching zero by day 121.
    -BioRxiv September 202118 — Six months after the second Pfizer shot, antibody responses and T cell immunity against the original virus and known variants was found to have substantially waned, in many cases reaching undetectable levels.
    -The Lancet Infectious Diseases November 202120 — 26% of patients admitted to hospital with confirmed severe or critical COVID-19 were “fully vaccinated;” 46% had a positive COVID test but were asymptomatic, 7% had mild infection and 20% had moderate illness. So, among those who developed symptoms of infection, the majority ended up with severe or critical illness.
    – medRxiv August 202121 — “People with no previous SARS-CoV-2 infection who got the Pfizer shot had a 5.96-fold increased risk for breakthrough infection and a 7.13-fold increased risk for symptomatic disease, compared to people who had natural immunity.”

    People that read to do not want these poison mRNA bioweapons in their veins.
    Big Pharma needs to find another way to make money.
    Other than colluding with the Democrats who shove Trillion dollar packages through Congress at taxpayer expense.


    • frank stetson

      I concur: we are over, we are done. Yupper. I am so glad you are glad to be glad that less people will be vaccinated, masked, etc. Probably the first time you have ever agreed with another nation for your health decisions. Just not sure why anyone would feel making people get vaccines to save their lives, their family’s live, is some sort of blow against democracy. For fucks sake, George Washington had the first vaccine mandate; have you fallen that far from the founding fathers, the father of our Nation? Of course you have, even in the light of day of the facts about who dies from covid now.

      Washington State concluded five days ago: “Summary Unvaccinated 12-34 year-olds in Washington are

      • 2 times more likely to get COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 12-34 year-olds.
      • 5 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 12-34 year-olds.

      Unvaccinated 35-64 year-olds are

      • 3 times more likely to get COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 35-64 year-olds.
      • 8 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 35-64 year-olds.

      Unvaccinated 65+ year-olds are

      • 4 times more likely to get COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 65+ year-olds.
      • 7 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 65+ year-olds.
      • 13 times more likely to die of COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 65+ year-olds

      Three days ago, the State of Texas concluded: “in the recent 28 days, the unvaccinated a twice as likely to test positive and 16 times more likely to die from covid related illness.

      On December 14th, Forbes reported that 163,000 unvaccinated Americans died since June that were just unnecessary deaths.

      In January of 2020, the State of Pennsylvania reported it’s “monthly update on COVID-19 post-vaccination cases, commonly known as “breakthrough,” includes data from Jan. 1, 2021 to Jan. 4, 2022, which shows the overwhelming majority of cases, hospitalizations and deaths were among unvaccinated, or not fully vaccinated, people:

      • 78 percent of reported COVID-19 cases were in unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated people.
      • 85 percent of reported hospitalizations with COVID-19 as the primary diagnosis/cause of admission were in unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated people.
      • 84 percent of COVID-19-related deaths were in unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated people.

      We are over. We are done. I can do this in 50 States, Countries, whatever. I vaccines work. The vaccines save lives. Yes, omicron has more breakthrough cases but mostly only the unvaccinated die. If they skip the mask in crowded situations, sickness and death just happen more frequently.

      Over 2,000 dead every day in unvaccinated America nowadays. Will be like that for a bit. Congratulations in winning your battle for personal responsibility in the land of the statistically irresponsible in the face of covid. Too bad you don’t have a clue what war you should be fighting: the war against covid deaths and overwhelming our heath system. But your propagandists have convinced you it’s just a cold, just a flu. The numbers aren’t real, the stories are made up, the pictures are fake. Just a matter of time until you blame Democrats for your latest set of really bad decisions.

  6. Why Ask to "Leave a Reply"?

    How long does it take for a comment to “await moderation”?

    I put a comment in 24 hours ago.

    I save all my comments on my computer, so they don’t go MIA, so put the comment in again about 1/2 hour ago.

    There was no cursing or links in the comment.

    • Joe Gilbertson

      Takes a minute, sorry.

      • frank stetson

        hmmmm. same story you tell you wife on those special nights…. :>) ba-dum-bump…..

        • Harold blankenship

          No. Your wife

  7. The world is rejecting these mRNA poison shots, that killed all the ferrets in the trials, and the rest of the U.S. states need to end this soon too.

    Not sure who “Washington State” is? Or who the “State of Texas” is? Or who the person at “Forbes” is or quoted? Or who at the “State of Pennsylvania is?
    A professor? A doctor? A student? It Would make a difference.
    Anyone can rattle off a bunch of statistics.

    The big issue here is that Covid is NOT an emergency. So NO need for mandates/shots/masks. Mandates that are not laws.
    According to the CDC, (who has been exposed as private corporation colluding with Big Pharma and is listed on Dunn and Bradstreet):
    Survival Rates By Age Group Per the CDC:
    0-19: 99.997%
    20-49: 99.98%
    50-69: 99.5%
    70+: 94.6%

    Hardly a “pandemic”.

    People dying “from” Covid, as opposed to dying “with” Covid, has been inflated per the CDC:
    1/11/22 CDC Director Rochelle Walensky acknowledged that over 75% of COVID deaths were people “who had at least four comorbidities” and were “unwell to begin with.”

    The Pfizer and Moderna shots are not even vaccines:
    The CDC changed the definition of vaccine, removing the standard that had been in place for at least 20 years that vaccines produce immunity.
    Vaccine used to be defined as a substances that provides ‘immunity’ to a specific disease. Now, Merriam Webster has literally changed the definition of ‘vaccine’ and removed the ‘immunity’ portion in order to possibly cover for the fact that the Covid ‘vaccines’ don’t actually provide immunity from Covid.

    Many people who do not research, do not know that the Pfizer and Moderna shots are NOT vaccines. Pfizer and Moderna are mRNA Experimental Gene Therapy that were recommended by Fauci and Birx when Covid first emerged.

    12/30/21 – Here is an excerpt from a written warning from Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA gene transfer technology:
    “Before you inject your child — a decision that is irreversible — I wanted to let you know the scientific facts about this genetic vaccine, which is based on the mRNA vaccine technology I created.
    There are three issues parents need to understand: The first is that a viral gene will be injected into your children’s cells. This gene forces your child’s body to make toxic spike proteins. These proteins often cause permanent damage in children’s critical organs, including:
    • Their brain and nervous system.
    • Their heart and blood vessels, including blood clots.
    • Their reproductive system.
    • This vaccine can trigger fundamental changes to their immune system.

    The most alarming point about this is that once these damages have occurred, they are irreparable:
    • You can’t fix the lesions within their brain.
    • You can’t repair heart tissue scarring.
    • You can’t repair a genetically reset immune system.
    • This vaccine can cause reproductive damage that could affect future generations of your family.”

    Yes, omicron is more transmissible, but it is very mild, unless you have comorbidities / pre-existing conditions.

    1/16/22 – Per Dr Zelenko:
    “In 2015, Bill Gates said that the world population needs to be reduced by 15% through the use of vaccines because of global warming. The same Bill Gates in 2020 said 7 billion people must be vaccinated. Why would I take a vaccine for my health from someone who’s advocating the use of vaccines to reduce the world population? ~ Dr. Vladimir Zelenko”

    “Zelenko estimates somewhere between 500,000 to 1 million Americans have been killed by the shots to date. Disturbingly, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration was aware that the shots could have serious consequences, yet they pushed them anyway. What’s more, they refuse to address the mindboggling number of adverse events reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). The safety signal couldn’t possibly be clearer.”

    “In October, 2020, two months before the vaccine rollout, there was an internal presentation in the FDA to its scientists, and on slide 16 of that presentation, there was a list of side effects: death, heart attack, stroke, blood clots, horrific neurological diseases, myocarditis and many, many more,” Zelenko says.”

    “Now keep in mind, this is two months prior to the rollout. After the vaccines were rolled out, and a few months into it, when the VAERS database started showing the side effects that people were experiencing, there’s a 100% correlation with what that slide said would happen, and what actually happened to human beings.”

    “That is premeditated mass murder. FDA knew exactly what it was doing. They knew exactly the side effects, and they released it anyway …”

    8/2021 – Per Dr. Mercola – “People with no previous SARS-CoV-2 infection who got the Pfizer shot had a 5.96-fold increased risk for breakthrough infection and a 7.13-fold increased risk for symptomatic disease, compared to people who had natural immunity.”

    Democrat Biden is attempting to mandate that companies push these poison shots, but judges and the Supreme Court have rejected these mandates. Since these shots are poison, I am going to blame the Democrats for trying to kill us.

    I will take the advice of doctors, over vague citations.

    Numerous countries and half of the U.S. states have already rejected the bogus “vaccine” and mask mandates.

    The world is rejecting these mRNA poison shots, that killed all the ferrets in the trials, and the rest of the U.S. states need to end this soon too.

    • frank stetson

      Sacrifice yourself to your craven images and false prophets, but don’t bring us with you.

      Over 1 million Americans died in front of your face and you say: “Anyone can rattle off a bunch of statistics.”

      Experts tell you, the media tells you, Federal, State and Local governments tell you, and you put your faith in Dr. Vladimir (Zev) Zelenko, a practitioner of Jewish mysticism whose misinformation, unfounded, unproven treatments have suckered many an American who chooses not to believe the experts, the government, the media, and the facts right in front of their faces.

      They tell you it’s just the flu, doesn’t amount to much, death rates are low except for the ones who should die anyways. They tell you the dead died from other things, that covid was just there too. They tell you that 1,000,000 dead Americans is a typical flu season. They tell you Omicron is less severe as are the over 2,000 deaths we have seen every day of the omicron surge that will begin to abate in the East, grow in the Midwest to West, and will continue to kill 2,000 Americans ever day. Day after day. You see, omicron’s transmissibility trumps it’s virility meaning the same number of people die from a less deadly mutation. It’s math, it’s statistics, it’s apparently above your pay grade.

      Here’s a great article describing you: it’s entitled: “THE ANTI-VACCINE RIGHT BROUGHT HUMAN SACRIFICE TO AMERICA” and it proves “Since last summer, the conservative campaign against vaccination has claimed thousands of lives for no ethically justifiable purpose.”

      That’s what your belief in false prophets has brought you: human sacrifice for no purpose whatsoever. You are living the lie. You are suffering the consequences. Perhaps you will escape, but not like the 2,000 of your ilk escape every day across America from “just the flu” that the vaccine would stop.

      Don’t get mad, just get the jab.

      • larry Horist

        Good God Frank … I cannot believe that you actually posted that piece of shit article by Kurt Andersen. The article is bad enough, but you must be unaware of his reputations for supercilious crackpot writer on the radical left. He goes for sensationalism to get attention. Being published in The Atlantic should have given you a clue.

        • frank stetson

          Yes, The Atlantic, a left-of-center, not radical left, and highly factual rag according to Media Bias/Fact Check. Andersen, Harvard Magna Cum Laude, edited Harvard Lampoon, wrote for New Yorker and Time, quite the supercilious crackpot radical leftist. Ad Fontes Media also says “skews left,” not radical left, and highly reliable, on the facts.

          And then we have your resume.

          So you may feel he’s radical left, that The Atlantic is radical left, that the article is a POS, but, of course, you have not provided even a single fact to stand on and The Atlantic skews left, not radically left, is highly reliable, factually speaking.

          With 2,000 people dying a day currently in America; the vast majority for their decision to decline of a safe, life saving, vaccine, the majority being Trump voters and I would gather, faithful to the cause, can you really not see that they are needlessly sacrificing themselves to something? Before we are done, we will off 1,000,000 Americans or more; today, hardly anyone needs to die IF they get the vaccine.

          So, you’re conclusion is that to call this a human sacrifice is a radical left concept and the folks dying for lack of a vaccine shot do not die in vain? Why the hell are they dying then?

  8. frank stetson

    Take it easy Harold, it was just a little joke. Even had the smiley face and the ba-dum-bump for the overly sensitive to be able to tell it was a joke. But good that you could anonymously stand up for your best little buddy; I’m sure Joe appreciates your support.

  9. frank stetson

    Larry, I am sure we watch the same covid reports and we each come away with a different stance. That alone speaks to the message effectiveness. The communications are bad, often not updated, certainly not simple due to overabundance of caveats, caution and comprehensive coverage which often means pages of gobbley-gook. To be Frank, and I am, seems better to use a MSM source to “explain” the overly-documented, often confusing, CDC. Try this:

    I am sure you know that the virus has changed, mutated, as has the communications, or at least they should have. I find the CDC is overly documented, both thorough and cautious and confusing at the same time. Pages and pages, but try to find a simple, which mask answer: n95, kn95 or kf94 – is harder than one thinks. The CDC went very political under Trump with his non-scientific partisan upper management insertions, and seems to be having a hard time snapping back. I expect them to be overly cautious, tis better to make that mistake than the other, nobody ever yells at you for saving too many lives. But five pages on masking, they still talk clothe, they barely mention kf94’s, and it’s hard to find the simple statement: wear n95, kn95 or kf94 and pass on the clothe for now….. NYS says it plain and simple and they recommend all three, but suggest it’s time, omicron time, to retire the clothe. Lots of bad communications here, and not sure the CDC has it spot on yet. Matter of fact, I just went to the CDC site and got a nice dissertation on how to wash a clothe mask…..

    OK — IMO, based on my reading of lots of stuff, basically, wear a mask when around groups of people during flu season. Somehow, we blithely accepted up to 100,000 deaths of seasonal flu in a good year when we could have saved hundreds of thousands over the years just by masking in the old folks homes. I say after this pandemic, we still should mask during the season; 4 billion Chinese can’t be all wrong. Why not protect any old folks we may encounter by protecting the young, not vulnerable, people they contact with as well. How little would we be asking Americans to give to protect fellow Americans going forward?

    In the end, you are doing this more to protect others than yourself, but you are getting some protection too. More important indoors than out-of-doors, but if in crowded situation, outdoors too. And I don’t know yet, for seasonal flu, clothe may be sufficient to help. Can be stylish too, And I don’t feel compelled to shave as often although it makes facial recognition passwords a bitch…

    Simple rule, if you think you needing six foot rule, you probably need a mask too. During the season, in your region, which is usually as easy as reading the weather map. Hell, the flu warnings for you area are ON the weather maps now.

    While masks are more important to stop your spew, they are helpful to stop other’s spew from you too. FDA site lists approved models. N95’s – American made, if niosh approved, probably not fraudulent. KN95’s – Korean approved, check FDA site for legitimate. KF94’s – Korean too, one micron-less, pretty good, check FDA site or Korean mfg like LG probably not fraudulent. I prefer KR94’s, called fish-masks, because more like surgical masks, foldable, strap adjustable, more breathable, ez-er to use.

    CDC notes 95’s are best, barely discusses 94’s. NYS — recommends all three. Clothe masks should be retired until next year’s seasonal cold/flu advent maybe….

    So there tis it. Masks help. Masks help for seasonal flu too and we should have masked up over a decade ago. I remember the same foo-fa-rah for seasonal flu vaccines, the antivaxers and youngsters avoiding like the flu…. In 2010, about 50% got jabbed, by 2016, about 65%. And that’s for one that most think will not kill them for sure, most ages. Things change in anti-vaxing as time goes by. On this one, there’s just more politics around this than a simple shot. Not much other ways to figure why people would avoid the jab when it’s obviously the difference now between life and death. As in, if you die, most likely, like 80% or higher, that you were not vaxxed fully.

    Hope that helps with the masks; until omicron subsides, you may want to re-think your policy for crowded, in-door, areas versus just when you are forced to don one. And, IMO, this does not change after the pandemic, during seasonal flu season and IF you region is marking high numbers of infections. Frankly, if I thought it was just about force, I wouldn’t wear it either.

    Next, I will provide my “it’s covid and I’m pissed off about it” top ten list that I guarantee won’t mention citizen-idiots, or 37 items :>)

    • Basil hawley

      You worry too much about Covid. I survived it and I’m still not getting vaccinated

  10. frank stetson

    Whether Biden or Trump, don’t matter, here’s some things that really piss me off about this pandemic and the US Federal reaction to it. Not exhaustive nor in priority order, I tend to bury this stuff so I don’t bust a gut.

    – Trump left it up to the States which Biden put a Federal overlay on top, but still leaves mostly to the States: Crikey, it’s a global pandemic, global. And we choose 50 different responses? It’s a clusterfuck. Can you imagine if we turned FEMA over to the States where Kentucky would have to deal with those once-in-a-lifetime tornadoes on their own. Think they would be ready for a 100-year disaster response? How about NJ for Hurricane Sandy, think they would have the resources and skills for that once-in-a-lifetime tragedy. Or might it be better to have one national set of resources, skills, and experience in these things across the nation? Same with a pandemic response. States can help, States can implement, States can manage, monitor, and report findings. States can confer, but really — shouldn’t there be one overarching national response plan to a national problem that does not honor state lines nor respond differently in different states? Just look at the State’s terrible initial rollout of the vaccine and the clusterfuck lottery system they came up with as an example of a really bad process because of handing it off to 50 States to handle on their own. Right now Florida has the best results in omicron for survival. Less death. But because we have 50 solutions, no one even takes the time to find out: why. Or is this scalable to other States….. It’s kmayoyo, kiss my ass, you’re on your own at the State level….

    – Testing — Starting with Trump, but one year into Biden and how come the US cannot test everyone, literally every day if we had to? Why aren’t waste water tests used everywhere there’s public sewage? This is one of my biggest criticisms, why did America fall behind so many other countries in this most basic task, one that we have had years to fix. And we are still behind in testing today, a year after Biden took the reigns.

    – Takes weeks to know anything — with omicron in South Africa, Fauci and the rest, said we need to wait a few week to see the data unfold. Hell, we’re America, we can drop ship an entire Army, equipment, medical, whatever, in a few days anywhere on the planet. There were plenty of sick people in South Africa to test —- why couldn’t we drop ship a testing team to immediately determine how infectious and how viral omicron was? They had dozens of hospital wards there with plenty of subjects, infected air samples, surfaces, whatever we could have tested on day one.

    – Research — Why didn’;t we do covid 19 research that matters to Americans in their daily lives? The one study that tells us how long it lasts on surfaces was done, in the lab only, well before the pandemic. That’s the best we can do? Today, we use said study to determine how risky omicron is on surfaces while telling you it’s multiple times more transmittable through the air. But somehow, we magically determined, via a test done before the pandemic on another version of covid, a test done in the lab, not the real world, that nothing has changed, surface-wise, with omicron. Does that make common sense even? Much more infectious in the air, but exactly the same on surfaces. Who would even say that without testing? And we are the wealthiest, smartest nation in the world but just can’t afford more research?

    – toilet paper – initially we ran out of the most basic things from tp to ppe. The TP mfg’s said it’s a bubble and they can’t open new factories for a temporary surge given said factories would have to be closed n the future. Well, fuck that, and pull the Defense Production Act, but these shitheads a factory, give it to them, and move on. Compared to money dropped in other places, what’s a few TP factories the help wipe the slate clean, so to speak. Why did we wait like 6 months to ramp up freakin masks….. Trump’s answer was “free market” and let the companies sort it out; Biden pulled the DPA immediately, but we still had to live a year with this crap……literally.

    Mask recommendations – previous posts, but really, how hard is it to say what’s needed, and when, and then update as the virus mutates.

    Reporting – Has anyone ever actually used the “% positive” statistic to mean anything? Why have it much less pay attention to it? Meanwhile, what does fully vaccinated even mean today? With or without boosters of course, but we don’t include the boosted in our basic stats. Breakthrough stats are ad hoc. Follow that through to breakthroughs and death-while-vaccinated, and you can see how much data we are missing. I want to know who’s dying today, not some average from the dawn of covid. I want to know why we have as many deaths with omicron, who is dying now, and have the risk factors changed. Like how about some analysis…. Again, FL has the lowest death ratio of all 50 States. Shouldn’t someone ask why and can we scale that across the country? Why don’t we beef up the reporting, analysis, and results information beyond this basic crap, one of which is the % positive statistic which is meaningless on oh so many levels. People are still dying, in record numbers — 2,000 or more a day. Who are they? Still old or getting younger? Vaxed or not? Even Democrat or Republican, at least by voting guesstimate? Warm clime or dead of winter? I mean why can’t America slice and dice the data to help guide Americans in decisions like sheltering, masking, and the like.

    – Messaging — won’t belabor but it’s overwhelming, confusing, and the system does not handle changes, like those caused by mutations, well at all. Has not gotten better.

    That’s my list for now, I don’t see politics in this; Biden and Trump both share the responsibility, and, at this point, both have failed to varying degrees.

    • Miles collins

      You need to get therapy for your Trump syndrome It’s a sickness that affects weak minded people

      • frank stetson

        So I say “Biden or Trump” and you say I need therapy for my Trump syndrome affecting because I am weak minded… Just can’t win with the zealots.

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