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Biden was a Chinese Agent, Kamala is a Puppet and will Continue to Be

Biden was a Chinese Agent, Kamala is a Puppet and will Continue to Be

Yes, many of you will see this as a conspiracy theory, and rightfully so because no possible evidence would be enough to prove my forthcoming commentary. But as a former intelligence officer, I know the power of recruiting methods, a combination of money, friendship and threats that provide the emotional and motivational rollercoaster that is ultimately irresistible to a weak personality like that of Joe Biden. Remember that substantial amounts of money were funneled from China through Biden’s son, Hunter, who was also under threat, and still is. All of this is known.

And what would happen to the integrity of the Office of the President, if it were found that the Chinese were controlling it? The Manchurian Candidate, as it were? The Chinese intelligence service (not incompetent by any stretch) would certainly take advantage of any opportunity to compromise the most powerful man in the world, with probably hundreds of intelligence officers working on it.

If I were China’s Xi and I wanted to take advantage of this “relationship” to begin the destruction of America, I might look to cause the following:

  • a war in Ukraine to pull Russia into the fold, one that could have easily been prevented
  • attacks on Israel by China puppet Iran
  • China allowed to bluster around Taiwan shooting live ammo
  • Chinese hackers inside America’s key infrastructure
  • Chinese agents stealing basically any tech that they want, with 600,000 people willing to work with them for pay.
  • Thousands of suspected Chinese military agents crossing the U.S. border illegally, and inside the U.S. providing a sleeper insurgent force for China.
  • for BRICS to become a thing, an alignment of countries bent on trade excluding the West, and without the use of the U.S. dollar (massive strategic loss for the U.S.)

Each of these provides substantial Chinese strategic advantages, and each could have been prevented by a strong leader. In fact, they could not have gone better for China if Xi were making the calls himself. Go ahead, change my mind.

And they are real. Can you think of anything else China would want from America?

If my premise is true, and Biden is under Chinese influence, why would China allow him to give up his position? Many possibilities here.

First, perhaps the linkages were found and Biden was forced out. Clearly this would not become public. Biden’s mental stability was certainly in question, but he was elected in the primary and could have held out – and I believe he would have if he had been given an option.

But to eject him like this in the face of Chinese pressure would require someone with a perceived higher authority. Only one person fills this bill.

Former President Barack Obama.

So Obama pulls Biden out, and installs the weakest possible candidate, one with no executive experience, no understanding of economics, little perspective on foreign policy, no ability to negotiate with strong personalities, wacky socialist ideas, and no ability to communicate well or think for herself.

If she were (God forbid!) to win, she would be an empty suit, making no decisions for herself. She would be at the mercy of more intelligent and more experienced people, taking decisions she doesn’t understand, from people coached from outside, using a cabinet and political appointees recommended to her by higher authorities.

And who is her likely puppetmaster?

Former President Barack Obama.

And Tim Walz of course has certainly been pitched by China, Chinese intelligence would never let such an opportunity go by, a potential political figure with sympathies for and frequent visits to China. They are good at this, were they successful? I don’t know all of the parameters there but his appointment as the Vice Presidential candidate was clearly a manipulation given the high level opinions expressed that he was not the best of the choices available. While stronger-minded than Kamala certainly, he would be manipulable. If he is under the thumb of the Chinese, he would be just as dangerous as Biden was, and cause damage to further China’s interests.

Granted this is all a collection of evidence that has never been corroborated by law enforcement, nor spoken aloud by commentators on either side of the political fence. It can’t be corroborated, since, through Biden, China can quash any investigation.

Nor is it kosher to express the final thought, my tragic opinion on how this country has been led and by whom.

I truly believe that Barack Obama hates America. I believe there is a group behind him, related to his former mentor Bill Ayers, who positioned him to become a very inexperienced Senator and who by craftiness and luck took advantage of a political vacuum to enter the election and become President. The result of his presidency was a deeply divided country, a rise in racism, he allowed the introduction of new language and inserted new sensitivities in race relations, causing among other things a resurgence of a long dying white supremacy movement. He made substantial moves towards socialism, (Obamacare, etc.) and added massively to our debt. He eroded both basic and higher education, and shook our faith in the nuclear family. He encouraged dangerous drugs to be legalized and normalized. The culture of America has been one of its greatest strengths, and it crumbled substantially under Obama. I believe the group behind him provided a strategy to do exactly what he did.

And, should Kamala win, Obama will be in charge again – a much more experienced and capable Obama. Then what do we do?

About The Author


  1. stranger danger

    Mine is simpler but yet similar in that we share the same lack of evidence. It’s just that, using Occam’s razor, mine is the better pick. And yes, your CIA experience may tip the scale, I am just a businessman.

    Joe Biden is indeed the head of the Biden Crime family and he, he alone, orchestrated this entire affair to give Harris a head start against the great election rigger —- Donald J. Trump. Remember, Trump used catch and kill to cheat Hillary from her win. In the 2020, his lawyers have pled guilty to their attempt to rig that election and will testify that Don was the kingpin and in the room when it happened.

    Facing that, Joe came up with an idea that only required him to duff a debate for the rest to not only be history, but never blowback on the Biden crime family. He IS the master criminal in this making Don’s actions look like chump change.

    First, on day one in office, he told Kamala he would give her little to do so she could work on appearance, dress, debate, and how to lose that cackle.

    Then he devised a plan where she would not be primaried so Trump could not get dirt on her until it was too late. No primary contestant ever tossed mud at her.

    He arranges the funding so all his money slides effortlessly to her campaign, genius!

    Then Trump served up the softball with his claims of age, frailty, and dementia. All Biden had to do was shuffle, stutter, and pause. Given everyone believed Trump, there’s a weird concept, when Biden pulled his debate act, it just had to be true. Trump told us and there it was. A stutter became dementia, a pause become crazy.

    The rest is history, Kamala slid in, no one challenged her, looks great, sounds great, no cackle, she’s got all the money, she became our white knight, pretty funny that picture, and everyone missed the man behind the curtain, the master criminal, the man pulling all the strings —- Joe Biden. If this turns out to be the case, then Biden is better than Machiavelli

    • Joe Gilbertson

      So you believe that Joe’s selection of Kamala was a dig at Hillary? That would not surprise me, no love lost there. And you believe Biden is faking the shuffle, stutter and pause to give Kamala a chance? I’m intrigued, but if Joe still has his faculties why would he not have continued his run?

      Some holes in this theory, but I’m fascinated to find out how you would fill them.

      But Biden was never the brightest bulb, easily manipulated by either the Chinese or Obama (probably both). Obama was intelligent but sinister, a man who divided the country.

      • stranger danger

        Joe, not quite sure I said or where you are coming from with: “So you believe that Joe’s selection of Kamala was a dig at Hillary? That would not surprise me, no love lost there.” I don’t know the Biden / Hilary thing but Hillary has an Icey personality, Biden a smarts-inferiority complex, I could see it. Doubt it, but could see it.

        My initial thought was Harris was selected to torture her for the debate. The border job, etc. did not dissuade me.

        But Joe campaigned on one-n-done, so right back at you, why would he run except to pass the torch to the next generation. And a woman. And a Black. And an Asian. I mean, come on man, it’s a spectacular accomplishment. At first when he quit I thought, fuck – there goes his Washington likeness. Each day after, that thought softens and he becomes more fatherly, and not in a creepy way.

        Do I think Biden is faking his life-long stutter? Do I think it gets better when tired or under stress? His slow pack, absolutely four years and 80 years slower. But do you think Trump amplified every move Joe made and Joe made only vane attempts to push back? Then in the debate, the stutter became dementia? It’s the perfect storm, my man. Evil genius like you have never seen. Even in your CIA days, this would be the cream on top of the milk. The better butter cream. Impossible. Sure.

        The act itself was easy, just had to be himself. The debate was easy. But getting Harris ready, greasing the funding and nomination process, getting no one to throw stones on person or process ====== brilliant!!!! IF IT happened. After all, it’s a conspiracy theory. I mean I can only think of one other current player, king of the Congress, Godfather of the process, street fighter, many iou’s owed out there ——- Mitch McConnell. Wanna bet he’s smiling in private? Maybe Pelosi, but she’ probably let her kid film her…..

        That’s the point Joe, beyond the sheer magnitude of the genius of this, how could Biden ever do it. And when you look at the elements: easy, if you just thought about it four years ago……

        “But Biden was never the brightest bulb, easily manipulated by either the Chinese or Obama (probably both). Obama was intelligent but sinister, a man who divided the country.” Perhaps Joe, but he’s King of the Congress and unlike Trump who wants to do it all himself by going around Congress with EO’s, tariffs, and crap like that, Biden passes law. Biden knows Congress makes the laws and Biden is Congress. He passed more legislation that Trump will never destroy just like Trump could not destroy ObamaCare. Like I said, he’s a street fighter, but his street is the Senate and House chambers. Trump’s street is social media. There is little proof Biden is manipulated by Obama or the Chinese, and for all we know, Biden is instrumental in many Obama deals.. I look at this way: Obama scholar/nerd/nice Biden street smart/street fighter/nice. Just to be complete: Trump: street smart//ultimate street fighter/not nice. So yeah, improbable. But doable. And if he did, oh my, no one ever pulled off something like that. No matter what the November results were.

        • Joe Gilbertson

          Joe stood aside while Hillary ran for president in 2016 and even endorsed her. That was also Obama’s decision, not Joe’s. Yes, Biden and Hillary hate each other.

          And you don’t think Joe’s dementia is real? That is why the title is “was” a Chinese agent and not “is.” No intelligence service maintains an agent who is losing their marbles – that’s a clear path to the front page of the Washington Post.

          As I said, there is no proof. All the advantages that China accrued during the Biden administration could be just because Biden had never run anything before and was not used to his decisions having consequences. Obama and Biden could actually believe that Kamala Harris is capable of leading the free world. And maybe Tim Walz went to China all of those times and was never pitched by the Chinese.

          I disagree with your assessment, Obama is the intelligent, savvy one of the two. Biden may have a talent for making deals, but he has a limited conceptual view of economics, social process or how the country really works. He makes deals that other people propose.

          • stranger danger

            Don’t know that Obama even whispered to Joe to step aside, but I can see it, why not? That’s the wise thing to do in many a race. Seems to me it turned out to be a good choice for Biden.

            Joe is aging, no doubt. There is no proof of dementia, every bit of evidence points away from it, but who knows, the DRs could be protecting him. But concluding he has dementia because you feel he is NOT an agent of the Chinese is just faulty logic. Doesn’t hold water as an acid test. You’re not an agent, have dementia?

            As to China’s advantages, et al of this, you note no proof. No shit Sherlock, good to note to add, thanks. And not sure what Trump would have done that would have resulted in a different outcome. Also, not sure of what Biden-Chinese decisions you are referencing. Seems to me China does what China does and there is no proof that a Trump rule would necessarily change anything. He was so chaotic it’s hard to say what would happen. He’s so proud of his “no new wars,” he forgets that 1) he didn’t stop any of the ongoing ones, 2) he surrendered to the Taliban, and 3) maybe, he’s just a pussy that should have started a war or two like in defense of a Ukraine that was about to fall prey to his friend, the mad Vlad. Point is we really just don’t know.

            Tim Walz, China, let’s face it; pre his entrance to politics you would sound crazy saying that. There is no proof and no reason the Chinese would look to turn a school teacher. And his trips to China ended in the early 2,000’s. He because a House member in 2006, not sure he ever went to China after that. Do you see him taking trips as a House member? If he was not there from the House, I doubt China made entreaties for him to be a useful idiot to them even. But I doubt they pitched a schoolteacher. Of this I am sure, the schoolteacher in my family that lived for years in China was not pitched. It’s an anecdote, but this teacher was there for years, returns often to this day, and I am so pissed I did not join them. Now they have kids, take them, and I would be a babysitter, not my thing, so opportunity lost.

            I either misspoke or you misread my take on Obama: I said: “Obama scholar/nerd/nice” and perhaps should have said :scholarly smart. I think Obama, followed by Clinton, are the smartest guys we ever had in there. That does not make them the best at all things. I fault Obama for his second term where he let you guys walk all over him, stiff him, and he did little. Not that he was not capable, he just hates conflict and believes in the innate goodness of others. I think he let down in his second term, got tired of the fight, and just rode it out. Being smart does not mean being a great leader. I also disagree with you on his economics acumen and the rest. He’s very learned. Like I said, pretty sure he was the smartest of them all. And if he wanted, he could play the game too. Can you say Benghazi and the ability to win a second terms with a ho-hum slow rising economy. But that’s a rare occasion. Clinton was both smart and savvy. He never got tagged and had the unique capability of getting back without getting caught. Gingrich === bye, bye, for 20 years. Starr — off to ignominy, forever. Float like a turd of a cad, sting like a bee, never get caught. He was the best at the game, very smart, savvy, and great charisma. FYI: today I say Mayor Pete is one smart guy, Katie Porter is finance savvy and prosecutorial. We have other smart ones like Raskin, but many have singed themselves at least over their zealotry against adversaries. I mean Warren is great on the money but her Hillary-shrill-attitude burns her from getting any point across. Klobuchar is policy smart but too damned nice. Peter and Porter, my two tops for smarts right now.

            Biden, IMO, is one of our last moderate Democrats espousing the Democratic line that he has learned over the decades. He forgets more about policy than others will ever know. He lives the process, he is the process, he works the process well. Sure, he may not be the sharpest tool in the toolshed, but he is learned in Democratic ideals, can support them well, speaks them well, and has made them happen in an intractable Congress. I think that’s great, but would be even better if he could entertain more new ideas. Thus, he lost the far left, the young, etc. Pelosi is probably the end and, nationally, she is probably not a starter. He passed so much legislation. Trump has EO’s, tariffs, and love letters, covid test kit gifts to his dictator buddies.

            So here we end a generation of moderates, the greatest generation and offspring of the greatest generation. I expect the party to evolve and resynch itself over the next four years, and be careful what you ask for bashing these moderates as “the evil within” because the resynch will be to the left, unfortunately. How far is the only question. If Kamala gets in, she will be the first answer. I hope, just a tad, just social programs, in that we had better get creatively conservative on the finances if we are to beat China, etc. in the world markets. But as Pelosi famously said: we really won’t know until she gets elected. I just hope for moderation in all things. I am tired of the chaos, division, and hate.

            Bottom line: I agree, Obama is smart. Biden is King of the Congress, a good guy, and steeped in Democratic policies. He may not be the smartest tool in the toolshed, but he knows how to use the tools better than any of them. He just passed more major legislation than Trump ever will. He did most of it in a bipartisan fashion. Trump breaks the ice there calling them the evil from within. Good luck dealmaker. But the conspiracy question is: could Joe have architected Harris from the git go, and you have to know the answer is yes. You have to know she spent four years prepping, training, learning. You have to see how seamlessly she stepped in, had the entire team shift from Joe to her without a hiccup. It could be done, and he’s a rare guy that could do it. Seems improbable but possible. And would he do it? And to that, I say we will never know. Could he be THAT good? I find it impossible to believe, but then again, how did he pass all that law?

            It may just turn out that Joe outsmarted them all turning their stupid ploy to out him via the old-age-dementia thing that Joe knew Trump would try to pull. And like a political kung fu master, he turned their power into his own.

  2. WillyB46

    Joe Gilbertson, good article. Don’t waste your effort responding to the idiot commie who calls himself stranger danger. He pops up with long-winded crap responses here, because X limits the length of comments. Earlier, I read a few stranger danger comments but then realized what he is, and now I skip over them looking for real ones.
    Joe, I’m going to forward your message via email. Sorry you won’t get the ad points, but I’ll include your credit. I don’t want to subject my friends to stranger danger’s moronic diatribes.

    • Joe Gilbertson

      Much appreciate, and forward away.

      • Americafirst

        WillyB46 – I agree. I have felt the venomous sting of Stranger danger many times. No matter what I said to him, he slammed everything and not only me, but many others as well. He doesn’t seem to have the capability to listen and check things out. HE is so hardheaded and to me, pathetic. He just wants to have the last say – believes he is GOD, or God’s gift to PBP. All he has done is show how incompetent he really is. I believe he is in love with Kamala who isn’t Kamala and is a man – or was until being replaced. Looking close to a video or photo of Kamala, we all can see the line where the body face mask ends and is rumpled up, same with Joe and even Obama. So, I am done with him. I have to let it go now. It was hurting my heart. I tried to send the correct information out on PBP, but I failed. Doesn’t make me feel too good. But, thank you for you great post. That made my day.

        • Joe Gilbertson

          If you think stranger danger is bad. check out Bruder, he’s a real nutcase…

          • stranger danger

            Yeah Joe, pick America First over Stranger Danger for “bad” rating. Brilliant.

    • stranger danger

      Willy: facts are our friends.

      You show us where I am an idiot, commie, or moronic. OR where one fact I state is in error, fabricated, or worse.

      You on the other hand, have nothing but low-brown name calling with zero value add.

  3. Lovette P Streets

    Joe Gilbertson’s argument makes the most sense, and with it I agree. Our country is in big trouble!

  4. Darren

    Great article Joe, but like you, I figured all this out at least over a year ago.
    I have said it before, NO accidents just happen at this level of government!
    A Spy, to stupid, but Bought and Paid for, Absolutely!
    Others in the White House cabinet have to have a major interest in what has been taking place as well.
    From the Generals, to Heads of State.
    As they are not all bought and paid for there are other interests at stake for them for sure.
    This is all akin to the One World Order and the position each will serve or at least have the
    ability to be above the rest of us peons!
    What has been taking place is the SLOW and PURPOSEFULL DEMISE of the CONSTATUTION over the last four years.
    This IS the only explanation available.
    And a ONE WORLD ORDER would be the only reason!

  5. Joseph S. Bruder

    You guys are nucking futs!

    You ignore that Felon Trump has done business in Russia, has pledged to “make a deal” (i.e. give part or all of Ukraine to Russia) to end the war, invited Russian diplomats into the Oval Office, slipped national secutiry info to the Russians, stole secret documents after he left office and left them lying around unsecured in Mar a Lago where anyone could have access to them, had secret conversations with Putin while still in office, has praised dictators Putin, Orban, Kim, Erdogan, and Xi and others, and has actually kept in communications with Putin since leaving office (illegal under the Logan act, but of course, he’ll get away with it). Oh, and he instigated a riot and tried to steal an election that he lost. And let’s forget Felon Trump’s 34 felonies for cheating in the 2016 election (not to mention impending trials for 2020 election interference and his attempted coup).

    Felon Trump’s demon spawn have gotten over $2B in investment from the Saudis while Felon Trump was still in office. Felon Trump has gotten a billion or so of investment from the Saudis for his golf courses. And his daughter (who felon Trump groped in public) received millions of dollars in favors from the Chinese government, while she herself was still working in the Felon’s administration.

    Felon Trump claims that crime has gone up – a lie, it’s gone down for the last 15-20 years EXCEPT during his own term. He lies that the economy was better during his term – he inherited the longest string of job growth and unemployment and turned his term into the biggest loss of jobs since the 1920’s Depression. He completely mishanded the COVID response, only for the country to be rescued by Biden. He sabotaged a bipartisan bill, so that he could run on immigration, but Biden enacted what he could without Congress and reduced immigration to below half of what Felon Trump could do. He’s still even pushing the lie that he won the 2020 election, without any proof and with 60-some lawsuits getting kicked out of courts.

    On top of all this, Felon Trump vows to be a dictator on day one if he wins the Presidency (which he won’t, thank God). He wants to deport millions of immigrants, legal or otherwise, which would collapse the US economy. If that isn’t enough, he wants to put up to 100% tariffs on imports, which would raise prices on most american goods and cause runaway inflation. He wants to jail members of the press who wrote bad things about him. He wants to replace all of the Justice Department with loyalists, so he can arrest and jail Republicans and Democrats alike who have not supported him. He has said he wants “Generals like Hitler had” so that he can use the military to arrest US citizens. He is literally following Hitler’s playbook, line by line, using race and immigration to divide the country. Meanwhile, his speeches to his nazi-style rallies have devolved into rambling and signs of clear mental breakdown.

    These are all facts, things that Trump has done or said in public. It’s not innuendo, or made-up conspiracy theories, or attacks by the opposing political party. Dozens of his former staff have denounced him for his fascist and self-serving actions, and hundreds of high-level Republicans have come out against Felon Trump and publicly supported Harris. You attack Obama and Biden and Harris and Walz with conspiracy theories that you’ve apparently made up on the spot, while ignoring all of Felon Trump’s public remarks and actions.

    It’s your website, but you damage your own credibility with editorials like this. Luckily, you hide your real name from public view, and your website doesn’t garner enough readership for your customers to find. I think your remarks would damage your business if your business contacts ever got wind of them. In any case, Felon Trump has already lost, and it will be official in about 10 days. Shortly thereafter, since he won’t be able to hide behind the election, Felon Trump will be sentenced for his current stack of felonies, and his other trials will continue. Maybe then, you’ll actually look at court-of-law level evidence and give up on Felon Trump. Even St. Ronnie is probably spinning in his grave over the Felon’s actions.

    • Joe Gilbertson

      What does Trump have to do with this?

      – Trump was the President, he didn’t “steal” documents, they were already his under his authority as President. Biden and Hillary were NOT President so should have gone to jail/

      – Trump’s “spawn” are good business people. The Saudi’s invest in everything.

      – crime has gone up. Look at the “revised” statistics from the FBI that actually include the worst cities that were left out before (for some reason…).

      – Yes, he wants to deport the criminals that Biden and Harris let in. He wants to stop unfair trade practices by certain other countries in the world that took advantage of weakminded ignorant fools like Biden, Harris and Obama in making trade deals. Wanting to Jail members of the press is all in your head, he never said that. Every President replace key people in the government, they are called “political appointees.” All of your Hitler things are a fantasy cooked up by the Harris campaign, much like the Russia collusion thing and the Ukraining call thing.

      – All of your comments are fake, coming from the likes of the Daily Kos or the Huffington Post.

      – You are now banned.

      • stranger danger

        “You are now banned.”

        Free speech extremism in practice?

  6. stranger danger

    “You are now banned.”

    Free speech extremism in practice?

  1. Joe Gilbertson: where are you going with these threats? My free speech is facing intimidation, sometimes physical threats. Is this…