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Biden only interested in union bosses

Biden only interested in union bosses

Have you noticed how often President Biden talks about creating “good union jobs?” 

He has often referred to himself as the “best friend labor has ever had.”  Sadly, that is probably true.  It may have to do with his age.  Back then, the Democratic Party had a romantic view of organized labor that rose out of the New Deal era.  (FYI: Biden was born three years before FDR died.)

Biden’s loyalty to ORGANIZED labor represents a general disinterest in the tens of millions of non-union workers – approximately 92 percent of the American labor force.  Biden’s devotion to the labor bosses represents generations of bias against the average American worker.

And it is not a personal view.  Biden is the personification of the very pro-organized labor that permeates the Democratic Party.  It is an alliance based on power and money.

Because of longstanding Democrat policies, virtually all government contracts must be awarded to union contractors.  That means all those lucrative over-priced government projects must go to companies that represent a small number of enterprises. 

That means that bidding on government work excludes the vast majority of competent and competitive companies.  That adds billions of ADDITIONAL dollars in costs paid by the American taxpayer.  It is not only not fair, but also needlessly expensive.  But that is how pro-labor Democrat policies work – picking winner and losers. 

It also means that big labor gains disproportionate power – not from membership, many of whom disagree with the labor bosses’ political positions – but from enormous political contributions to the Democratic Party at all levels.

Part of the Democrat pro-union philosophy is to corrosively force workers into unions they would rather not join.  That is why they so adamantly oppose Right-to-Work laws.  That is why they cling to union requirements for government jobs.  It is why they oppose school choice – since students would seek better education in non-union private and parochial schools.

While employees have a right to join a union, the Biden administration is quietly eliminating their right to disassociate from a union under the National Labor Relations Act

Biden and Democrats use their power to increase support for union bosses … union jobs.  When offering tax breaks for the purchase of electric vehicles (a bad policy on its own), Biden proposes a kick-back of approximately $12,000 – except for Teslas.  Purchasers of Elon Musk’s cars would only get around $8,000.  Why the difference?  Because only unionized manufacturers get the higher benefit – and Musk does not run a union shop.

The largest and most powerful unions have had the most damaging effects on the institutions they represent.  The auto workers’ unions were among the most successful in gaining high wage and compensation for workers.  The result is that American auto manufacturers could no longer compete with foreign cars – unless, of course, they started producing cars and auto components overseas.  Excessive union demands literally destroyed the American auto industry.

If you look at the exorbitant cost of public primary and secondary education – despite the poor results in urban segregated communities — you see the tragic influence of an unholy alliance between the school unions and the Democratic Party.

When Biden calls for “good union jobs,” he is suggesting that all those other jobs – your jobs — are not good – or at least not as good.  The entire issue of unionism and government needs to be re-evaluated and put into a rational balance.  The Democrats’ use of government to benefit unions that represent only eight percent of the workers at the expense of 92 percent is simply wrong.

And the first place to start is at the Department of Labor.  Currently, it is viewed as the political fiefdom of the union bosses – who must have an ally as Secretary.  It must serve the interests of the unions.  

We should either change that reality or rename it the Department of ORGANIZED Labor.

So, there tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. Sam

    Good working people don’t need unions

  2. Frank stetson

    That does not even pass a sniff test for logic.

    Like Unions were created for bad working people?

    You should find a union member and kiss their ass for raising the umbrella on wages and benefits that even your “good working people” get some shade from. A rising tide lifts all boats.

    • Buck

      Been there and done that. I’ve seen both good and bad sides for unions. Living away down south in Dixie I’ve enjoyed great pay and benefits. But I agree. The unions had a part in that. If any union deserves to fall its teacher union

    • Rick

      I was in a machinist union. All I saw them doing was protecting the lazy people. Those people were sleeping in the bathroom getting paid big wages. They were nothing but a weight around the company’s neck but the company could not get rid of them. I agree that the unions were needed at one time, and they would still be valuable if they were operating correctly. But, they have far over stepped their reason for existence. Unions are actually a large part of the reason that production has moved out of the USA into other countries. How can a company compete in a global market when their employees are working extra slow on purpose to falsify time studies, and doing things like sleeping while on the clock, and doing shoddy work sometimes when they come to work hungover, and bullying other employees that are trying to give an honest days work, all while getting paid far more than people in other countries who would give anything to have a job that pays like that, and do a fantastic job everyday without complaining one bit. Unions were definitely necessary back when employers were working men literally to death, and did not care one bit about them. That is still going on in some places, i’m sure, but the Unions in the USA have gone way beyond their purpose. I agree with Buck that the teachers union need to go. Those people indoctrinating our kids to want communism from the demonocrats need to go; ASAP!

      • Tom

        If you check out the history of unions you will find that they came into existence because of very bad management practices.

  3. Tom

    There was a time when unions were definitely needed due to poor working conditions, low pay, and a boatload of safety issues. That was in the 1920’s I believe. Since then and until the 1990, union power increased, as did wages for union workers, and yes, as Frank says, there was some spill over (shade) of higher wages experienced by non-union workers. I was an engineer, management, and I was told once by an upper level manager that he hoped they got a lot because what ever they get then we get. But it seems that unions have acquired too much power in some cases, and some companies like Amazon, also have too much power. I do not know where the balance lies. But I am concerned about Biden when he makes statements like this, “He tried to excuse his call for emergency measures, by saying he was “reluctant” to ask Congress to settle the labor dispute as he was a “proud pro-labor president.” So what Biden is saying is he acknowledges the damage the rail strike can do to the economy and country as a whole, but he is reluctant to do anything about it. Not the kind of guy I want in office. Reagan made the union air traffic controllers go back to work – he was not reluctant. He gave them time an then he stepped in. There are laws the government can use to make this happen with the rail workers.

  4. Ac

    Check out September 11, 2020 date, Larry’s essay entitled “Biden Promised to be Union Bosses Man in the White House” reads much like Larry’s opinions on January 25, 2022. That posted “Time for Uncle Sam to Stop Subsidizing Unions.” Today Larry’s words assumed to prove the assertion that “Biden Only Interested in Union Bosses”. Each cover’s Larry‘s enemy #1, the Democratic Party, enemy #2, President Biden, and enemy #3, unionization everywhere. January 25, 2022 his composition drew the most responses by reply from his regular supporters and detractors, the same.
    I found each greatly resembled each other. Apparently, in the last two years there has been nothing new under the sun going on. No new revelations report worthy relative to Unions, Biden, and the Democratic Party. The later received ever vigilant attention as no detail is to small, but all demand scrutiny.
    The point may be made that a certain efficiency is found when two, three, or more commentaries stating the same premise using common threads from one opinion. Even so, reiteration has no more validity on successive tries as the first. This is fact, Larry’s tag line sums up what it all for. “So, there ‘tis” says to me, there it is, my (Larry’s) opinion. Take it or leave it.
    On the other hand , beginning with “So” it’s commanding readers to NOW HEAR THIS. With “there” comes an assumption for all to look upon the place of importance. In the finale of “‘tis” joins subject and proclamation. The matter is supposed as closed “it is” therefore organic truth attaches
    The most knowledgeable learned and trusted person on this planet, of which there is none, could reason against any of Larry’s propositions multitudinous. Yet and still the most learned person’s objective truth would not budge Larry’s perspective. A few readers may take a bit of comfort from Larry’s assertions, as they find reinforcement. Several others have raised objection with proof in published works. A lesser number have joined with Larry in his defense.
    The take-away after each composition is what this blog ultimately boils down to, being one man’s opinion. That Larry may or may not chose to make each topic that proverbial HILL one willing will die upon. He will not, but he has every right to do so, if he so chooses.
    Question is, are all these commentaries him baring his politically conservative right soul for the readers benefit. Or, is it his bit in pointing of fingers and thrusting of fists in judgement upon democrats generally and as many known persons in opposition, specifically.
    My bit of research on Larry’s years in Chicago until moving to Florida’s warmer climate have his history much as Larry has divulged on PBP, Context, as with any and all persons and issues, gives background light to better see that which provided motivation. A drive empowering Larry’s continuing to write and do commentary. Others at a certain time would call it done and move on. Larry does not appear as “others” and what those people do. Larry possesses a “why” deep within. This presents questions for which he has answers. Answers for the world which need a hearing. And, there is no end to life’s questions, issues developing, and situations frustrating. Possibilities unending for opinion commentary particularly in one’s imagination cued for political combat.

    • larry Horist

      Ac …. OMG you have contracted Frank Stetson’s obsession with me — such a long … highly personal … third person attack as if your opinion is of any interest to more than a couple of others. Maybe not even that. Digging up columns from two years ago … researching my life in Chicago. And all of it such dribble — with portions of it unreadable. But, I always like to hear from readers who give my writings great importance …LOL

  5. frank stetson

    Lately, whenever I see a Larry tome, I am reminded of the old Groucho Marx song with the words “whatever it is, I’m against it.” I will just shorten that to “whatever it is.” Larry truly seems to hate all things democratic. I’m sure he’ll tell us all about his Democrat friends but it’s hard to see how that could happen given his dislike of almost all things Democratic. I think the guy may even hate The New Deal.

    However, on this one, I do agree that Biden seems a bit over the top when it comes to unions. Almost as bad as hearing about his Dad, his son (the good one), and more. I can understand support of unions. it just seems that he’s taking it to extremes with the talk track. Likewise, the concept of gigging credits to electric car companies that don’t use unions is just wrong in my opinion.

    That said, in my opinion, it is just wrong-headed to hate unions in general. We all know the history; we all know their place in history. I agree with Larry that Republicans have never supported unions.

    In my opinion, over the years much is changed. Republicans have changed. Democrats have changed. Our economy has changed, no longer based in factory production, but instead is based in services, management, and innovation.

    Republicans used to be the champions of big business, While they still favor that constituency, they are built a very strong constituency in the rural blue color and working class as well. Democrats used to be the champions of the working class. While they still attempt to cater to that market, most of their constituency is in the white-collar suburban demographic.

    Unions to have changed too. They used to be a protector of the factory worker, the working class, etc. You could find them throughout manufacturing. Today, that is a minor segment as the greater preponderance of union activity is in the public sector. In the past, the average education level of the union worker was much lower than it is today where most union workers have college and advanced agrees, a.k.a. public sector. These changes have strengthened the Republican vantage point. Whatever it is.

    Many feel teachers unions, for example, have a stranglehold on our nation. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, if you really think about it, wouldn’t most of us would like to have the salaries and benefits of teachers? So who’s wrong, the guys getting the money or the guys not getting the money? You can cry all you want about how this hurts the economy, rips you off, raises prices, will turn our kids into monkeys, but the fact is what you’re really should be crying about is: why not me?

    I spent a lifetime baying at the moon about how white-collar workers need to organize, that we were having our salaries and benefits lowered every time we turned our back. Then they took the pensions away as they told us, they are only for unions, real men invest themselves with 401(k)s, and do it better. Turns out they were totally wrong on that, the average American cannot invest better than the pension, and so the economy loses trillions of investment dollars by letting the individual do what the professional can do better. Then they told us medical costs going up so we need to pay more than the medical inflation rate to pitch in and we said: “please sir, can I have some more?” The unions provide a proof positive of the fact that you can get a good living way and good benefits. Or you can cry in your beer that they have it and you don’t, but it is their union’s efforts that they have it and it is your fault that you don’t.

    That’s my simple view of unions, what they can teach us, and how a rising tide can lift all boats. That which the union gets, the nonunion worker can often at least get a piece of the Union pie through trickledown. Otherwise, we probably wouldn’t even have 401(k)s.

    And yes, all organizations can do bad things. But most often you will just find bad people. Unions can fit that mold as does the NRA, a good idea with very bad people at the top. Sometimes bad things happen to good organizations, usually it’s personal.

    So, IMO, Unions good, good for all of us to keep owners on their toes, Biden should throttle back the rhetoric, there’s not that many of them anyway, and his credit exclusive for Unions is bogus.

    FYI: Larry, you mention Federal Contracts are Union. They are not I think. Federal Contractors do not have to be Union, nor do Federal workers. Even Biden’s moves in that regard are not a total lockout, more of preferential treatment as is “buy America.” Could be wrong but cannot find the evidence yet.

  1. How can you blame Biden for keeping Ukraine a free democracy and Trump, we will see, but looks like Trump…

  2. Larry, So glad that you are recovering from your medical issues-I would hate to go through the next 4 years…