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Biden Gives a Gift of Citizenship to Hundreds of Thousands of Illegals

Biden Gives a Gift of Citizenship to Hundreds of Thousands of Illegals

In a desperate attempt to pander to the progressive left, Biden issues an executive order that will give a free pass to citizenship to millions of illegal migrants!

Biden’s latest executive order on immigration will allow undocumented spouses of US citizens to apply for permanent residence — and eventually citizenship — without ever having to leave the country, which is the current policy.

As announced the policy will allow roughly 500,000 spouses of US citizens an opportunity to apply for a “parole in place” program, which would shield them from deportations and offer them work permits if they have lived in the country for at least 10 years, according to two of the people briefed.

The sweeping executive order would also ease the visa process for US college graduates, including recipients of the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), to stay in the US if they received a degree from a US educational institution and have an offer of employment from a U.S.-based company.

Violent Migrant Crime on the Rise

Meanwhile, on the same day that Biden enacted more open border policies that are inviting migrants from all over the world to enter the US, an illegal Ecuadorian migrant stabbed and rapped a 13-year-old girl in broad daylight.

According to the NY Post, the NYPD has the machete-wielding migrant in custody after the heinous sex attack in which Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi, 25, approached two 13-year-olds, one a boy and one a girl, tied them together by the wrists, and raped the girl at a popular park in Queens. The police say Landi entered the country illegally in 2021 near Eagle Pass, Texas, with his three-year-old child.

The attack happened at Kissena Park, about 3 miles from where the New York Mets play at Citi Field and near the site of the 1964 World’s Fair and the US Open. The victim also went to school in the neighborhood.

It’s even closer to the childhood neighborhood of former President Donald Trump.

“I grew up right near there,” he told Fox News. “Something like this was unthinkable years ago — unthinkable.”

Trump recalled being able to walk down the street as a child.

“You could go down and go to the candy store, walk back — your parents never even had a thought of anything happening,” Trump said. “This is a different world. My parents never would have even had a thought that something could happen.”

But an unchecked influx of illegal immigration across the southern border is getting out of control, he said.

“These are Biden migrants,” Trump told said. “They are flooding our country. They are flooding our cities and states.”

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  1. Hammon

    And fucking morons still support the fool

    • LMB


  2. Darren

    All those rooms in the White House and yet Biden Houses non of them?
    How many are living on his front lawn?
    As Kings in their castles would say, Not my problem!

  3. Doug White

    Well, I voted two elections for Trump because I vote the issues not the person. The immigration situation is way out of control. It is easy for Biden to keep dealing with immigration against the will of Americans in hopes that the new arrivals will bring him votes. If these new batch of
    arrivals become citizens and register to vote you can be sure where their vote will go. That could be thousands of votes to people that have not paid taxes, not served in our armed forces like many Americans have, and are creating huge American expenses to care for these people. I Imentioned earlier I vote the issues and this immi9gration has convinced me for my hopes for America that my one little vote for Trump will inspire others to look at the full picture.

  4. Terri

    Why can’t liberals win without cheating? This is a repeat of Obama’s two terms. Bring people in illegally so they’ll vote for you. What part of “illegal” don’t people get? Stop the madness and get back to the basics of running an honest and uplifting country. We’ve had enough of the chaos.

  5. frank stetson

    Doug, I like your piece, heartfelt and pretty much accurate. However, these folks do pay a lot of taxes fyi, and they get less in benefits. No Social Security while many pay in just as much as you. As far as huge American expenses, most certainly at the border, but that’s sunk cost for these folks. On the rest, pretty minimal when you consider what they pay. Education is the big one, but that is funded mostly by property tax, and guess what — all renters and homeowners pay property tax, legal or not. I am not saying sneaking in is right, I am saying it’s not as expensive as you feel.

    Also, it will take five years to gain citizenship; the average immigrant-citizen vote is 2:1 Democrat, so you clearly have a shot. Remember Horist says Latino’s already bending your way more and more every day. He claims immigrants voting for Democrats is going the way of the do-do. And if all 500,000 vote, and that’s doubtful, it’s about 3% — or 2%dem/1% Republican. I am betting you can suck up a 1% loss. But Horist says, you getting more and more every day.

    Or better yet, perhaps do something about immigration and your policies in general that would make these folks want to vote your way. They have been here for over a decade, I am pretty sure you have an even shot at them over that period of time.
    There are two main issues in immigration — what to do with folks who have been here forever, and how to stop new ones from coming. I will deal with the stopping in the next tome; it’s the easier issue to fix and Republicans have the answer. And it ain’t no stupid wall.

    But for these folks, who have been here ten years or more, are married, settled, virtual citizens, even some conservatives like Joe’s move. For people here, dreamers, etc. I am one for taking advantage of the opportunity to pardon and absorb. While sending them home sends a message, punishes the illegal, whatever, once the door is shut for illegals to work in America, just not sure it does not look like revenge. Some of these folks are good, hard working, people so why not just make them Americans — they walk like a duck anyways.

    So, beyond the politics, and hoping he did not extend this to people getting married this morning or in the future —— why not? I mean if they are married, probably have been here awhile. Probably good citizens, paying taxes, doing a job, so I have no issue welcoming them. I would love to see some punishment too: community service type punishment will suffice my needs for retribution and punishment for sneaking in. Armed services would fit the bill.

    I am not alone. The Cato Institute is a right-leaning immigration organization with high quality information. They conclude simply: “This executive action is a good idea.” I guess in his zeal to attack, Bill missed that. CATO also has a number of issues the Bill misses, so for a real story with real issues for real people wanting to understand, try: **

    Sure better than anything I can say and even though supporting, they nail a lot of implementation issues that I hope team Biden will listen to.

    Bill uses the old broad-brush scare tactics in describing the EO. The EO pretty much says this “pardon” window only applies to those here ten years from now. It’s not a green light for convenience marriages. It will probably take 5 years to become a citizen, must pass legality hurdles, one might be that if deported, you can not apply even if back. And the door is close, it does not move forward so marrying today does nothing.

    The he scares you with an anecdote, a single data point, a single crime, to tell you violent migrant crime is on the rise. No statistics to prove that. I could tell you a story about the criminal Bill but that does not prove crime by Bill’s is increasing. Hell, I can do the same for the whole name of Bill Sheridan, but that does not prove our Bill Sheridan is about to turn evil.

    Bill could have looked to the crime statistics where he would have seen a peak in 2021-2022, and looks like this year, except for DUI, will be a downward trend given we are ¾ through fiscal 2024. And yes, even with the 2024 downward trend, Trump years were far better, although not sure how the pandemic OR actual interdiction at the border affects this stat. But clearly he has little support beyond an anecdote for his violent crime conclusion. Here are the stats: ** Or, here’s the CATA institute, Feb of 24 saying Bill S is BS: ** I mean how could Bill get it so wrong, so often, and if he blew tubes on this one, then what else did he fuck up.

    You can call me a liar, a spinner, but there’s the data. I keep saying to PBP writers, and I will say it to Bill —– when you write this crap, you must consider that your reader’s are smart enough to check you out and not take you at face value. Remember Bill, to us you have no face, you have no bio, you are no one. I am your equal and I am an anonymous nothing too.

    • liz

      Doesn’t matter if they have been here 50 years, paid taxes every year, married to a US citizen or attended a university, they are still illegal and guilty of coming across our border which is unlawful. They know that but they do it! And the illegals are draining cities with free food, healthcare, housing and education for their illiterate children who speak no English and have never been schooled. At this point, I have zero sympathy and my hope is that every single one of them will be deported asap!

      • f

        ” And the illegals are draining cities with free food, healthcare, housing and education for their illiterate children who speak no English and have never been schooled.” This is not true and pretty sure you cannot prove it.

        I said that I believe that punishment of the community service level is appropriate, but perhaps you need more harsh terms. I don’t think losing valuable members of our country is smart. We only lose, we don’t gain by deporting them all.

  6. frank stetson

    L noted there are many issues in immigration from work visas, to asylum, to illegals, to dreamers, but two issues — the marryin kind I already covered, and illegals coming for work are big ones.

    If we work together, we can stop overnight the ability for illegals to get a job in America closing the border much better than any stupid wall. Why Democrats hide from it, why Republicans are screaming impeach Hunter instead of E-verify or die” is beyond me.

    The largest, and strangely easiest immigration issue to fix, both Republicans and Democrats have created a bill to mandate E-Verify as law of the land. Today, the current iteration is Republican only. If passed and implemented, no illegals would find jobs in America and overnight border crossings would drop to asylum only since there will be very little illegal work in America. Sure, they still could work off-the-books and other criminal affairs, but legal jobs would vanish. S.4529 is the newest version, sponsored by Mitt Romney with co-sponsors Cotton, Cassidy, Lankford, Manchin, Vance. If that’s not vetted enough for you, then Grassley has another version with 14 Republican co-sponsors. Why Democrats have not signed on is weird, they have supported e-verify on other bills.

    This is the one all Americans should rally around, write/call representatives and let’s get it done. Best way to stop them from coming illegally is to take away a main reason to do so: jobs. I just don’t get any politics on this one. The main issue will be how to handle all those illegals suddenly out of work, how to backfill the jobs, and prepare for some higher prices as wages may increase above the illegal level. And potentially, a lot of people suddenly without work, money, etc. I call those good problems to work.

  1. Horist seems to be reaching into The Dumpster on this one; it’s not that he’s wrong, he just has not…