Biden Confuses Salvation Army Officer with Secret Service

Another day, another gaffe – in the new episode of Joe Biden’s mental collapse, the senile president took a Salvation Army officer for a Secret Service agent.
On Sunday, Biden was visiting a migrant services center in El Paso, Texas, for political publicity. He was led to meet members of the Protestant charitable organization The Salvation Army attending the event. Despite being told that he was meeting Salvation Army members, Biden at once showed his senility and stared telling the Salvation Army officer about his time with Secret Service in Ukraine and Poland. The embarrassment was caught on video and shared on Twitter by the Republican National Committee (RNC).
Biden can be seen telling the Salvation Army officer,” “I spent some time with the Secret Service in Poland and in Ukraine.” The man shaking Biden’s hand looks confused for a second, and Biden appears to read his expression, so he quickly corrects himself and says, “Not Secret Service … Salvation Army.”
Memes and jokes making fun of Biden’s dementia flew in the comments on the RNC video post. One named Mike joked: “Joe is now going to address the world and say he’s a hardened veteran who fought with the Salvation Army in the 99th parallel against the Taliban in 1911.”
Memes showing a confused-looking Biden also poked fun at Biden’s mental collapse.
Some blamed Jill Biden, Joe’s wife, for letting her senile husband loose to public ridicule.
The Western Journal noted that this latest Biden blunder adds to the “unbroken chain of alarming gaffes” that speaks for the serious decline in Biden’s cognitive fitness. Earlier this month, Republican congressman Ronny Jackson of Texas asked that Biden needed to take a cognitive exam. He wrote on Twitter:
“Biden needs a cognitive exam. HE’S NOT RIGHT. He is NOT fit to be President! Time for him to take the job he is most fit for as a Walmart greeter!”
This week, the bombshell of classified documents found at Biden’s office at the Penn State University made news and after a few days of silence, Biden responded that he was surprised to learn there were secret government documents in his office. His critics wonder whether he doesn’t remember those documents or is lying knowingly in this matter.
Dimwit Biden has developednumb nuts that are giving him numb brain cells via a prostate issue causing him to pass gas or solid waste in public.
In the words of the almighty Quantum Leap Prophet Sam Becket: Oh Boy.
In the words of the Quantum Leap Prophet Sam; Oh Boy.