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Anti Trump Republicans have no political future

Anti Trump Republicans have no political future

The prominent Republicans who have abandoned the GOP have no future in politics.  Not as Republicans and not as Democrats. While they are promoted as a group, they are best seen as individuals.  Their only common thread is that they hate Donald Trump.  But they have taken different tracks.

Some limit their opposition to Trump – maintaining their GOP membership and support of down ballot Republican candidates.  Others claim to maintain their conservative values and call themselves Republicans but are supporting the Democratic Party in a broader sense.  Others – the most honest of the lot – have left the GOP and any conservative values they might have previously held.

Since each case is different, we should look at them individually.

Former Wyoming Congresswoman Liz Cheney is the most prominent member of the apostates.  She was among the most rock-solid conservatives in Congress, but she did vote to impeach Trump.  In response, then-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy ousted her from leadership – needlessly creating a woman scorned.

(In a previous commentary, I called out McCarthy for his boneheaded action.  If she had been allowed to retain her leadership, she would never have joined the January 6 Committee. Neither she nor her father would be endorsing Vice President Harris – in my judgment.)

Cheney subsequently lost her congressional seat.  Her only current political visibility is as a useful idiot for the Democrats.  Once she is no longer useful, she will no longer have a role in politics. There is a chance, however, that she may get a job with one of the left-leaning news outlets as others have.

Speaking of former Vice President Dick Cheney.  His endorsement of Harris is insignificant.  He is a political has been.  He did not even come out of obscurity to personally state his support for Harris. It was announced by Liz.

Vice President Mike Pence has said he will not vote for Trump.  He will not vote for Harris, either.  While he remains a Republican, there are not a lot of GOP candidates seeking his endorsement.  He is on his way to political obscurity.   Which is too bad, since I always liked the guy – even when Trump did not.

Former Congressman Adam Kinzinger follows in the footsteps of Cheney.  He is not only supporting Harris, but he is supporting – and fundraising for – Democrat candidates up and down the ticket.  Like Cheney, he lost his House seat.  Kinzinger has already cut the deal with left-wing media.  He appears regularly as a paid “contributor.”

Former Republican National Chairman Michael Steele is now deeply embedded as a Democratic Party operative and media personality.    He occasionally refers to himself as a Republican, but that is a false flag.   Steele’s switch in party and philosophy is easy to understand.  Money.  He is taking the big bucks from MSNBC to parrot the party line.  His future depends entirely on ratings.

Attorney George Conway never had much of a political career – and less of one going forward.  His claim to fame was being married to Trump’s 2016 campaign chairman Kellyanne Conway. His hostility to Trump arose only after he was denied a job with the Trump administration.  He was one of the founders of the anti-Trump Lincoln Project and more recently set up his own PsychoPAC.  George Conway’s obsessive hatred of Trump and his personal bitterness is trumping political or philosophic considerations.  Conway has been so acerbic in his television interviews that even the left-wing press limits his appearances.

One-time leading conservative activist/writer, Bill Kristol, has almost dropped out of sight completely.  His father, Irving Kristol, was an icon in the conservative movement.  The younger Kristol was founder of the conservative publication, The Weekly Standard –now defunct.  Following his flip to the left, Kristol had to find a new home – and he serves as editor-at-large for The Bulwark – a publication that was once conservative but is now populated by anti-Trumpers and false-flaggers.   Once Bill joined the anti-Trump clan, he was a ubiquitous guest on MSNBC and CNN.  Not so much anymore. Kristol had a brief political job as chief of staff for Vice President Dan Quayle.

There is a host of former Republicans who now pledge fealty to the Democratic Party and its increasing left-wing ideology.  They populate the airwaves.  A few names … MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace and Joe Scarborough – who, like Michael Steele, host their own shows.

The Republican apostate guest and contributor class includes such folks as former GOP Florida Congressman David Jolly, former Illinois Congressman Joe Walsh, former GOP strategist Susan Del Percio, GOP activist Ana Navarro, former Pence aide Olivia Troye, former aide to Arizona Senator John McCain Steve Schmidt, Bulwark founder Charlie Sykes, Bulwark Publisher and founder of Voters Against Trump (renamed Republican Accountability Project) Sara Longwell, Bulwark’s Tim Miller, Bush and McCain advisor Mark McKinnon and others.

Those associated with The Bulwark still claim the publication is conservative even though they now promote it as politically neutral.  Regardless of it operates as an anti-Trump, anti-Republican AND anti-conservative vehicle.

Recently, 200 aides to McCain, Bush and Romney issued a letter first endorsing President Biden and now Harris.  While it can be reasonably argued that this level of partisan switch-a-roos is unprecedented, the real issue is whether they will have a significant impact.                            

Most of these owe their media visibility to their anti-Trump stand.  Once Trump is in the rearview mirror politically, methinks this cadre of useful idiots will no longer be useful.  And that means they drop into the political abyss.

When Liz Cheney announced that she was voting for Harris, the left-wing press called it    “blockbuster news” …  a “major development.”  It was about as surprising as tomorrow morning’s sunrise.

In terms of their impact on the race, I believe that whatever impact the GOP malcontents have on Republican voters is already baked into the numbers.  As a campaign issue, there is nothing new.  These folks have been all over the media for YEARS telling their same story – and no amount of repetitious hype is going to change anything.  What we are seeing is a whole bunch of has-beens in the making – with many already achieving that status.

So, there ‘tis.

Be sure to pick up Larry’s new book: Who Put Blacks in That PLACE?: The Long, Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans…to This Day

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. AC

    Larry, you must have made AI work hard for the names you came up with that you claim have flipped party loyalty. You may have missed quite a few and left them off your list of so called apostates to Republicanism. More and more former Republican Party loyal voters are not so much switching political philosophy as they are smart, intelligent, discerning, and insightful people. They are being appreciated for the loyalty they share for country rather than some political party.
    The particular political party they chose to separate from is no longer the party they once believed in. The former GOP is an old party that has lost its significance when you all took to pandering and fluffing up the ego of one man and allowing him freedom full and untethered. He himself has stated the most undemocratic boasts about not being accountable to anyone no matter the crime, even should he murder someone in full sight of many witnesses on a crowded NYC street. Then, he actually has, did, and continues breaking the law with every intent on getting away scott free. Where does his moral compass point? It points wherever suits his purposes. As the proverbial loose cannon on a ship of fools, they deserve him and the ship he will send to the ocean’s deepest regions with his followers still praising him. If his so-called claimed policies are precious in your sight, then you seem to not smell his behavioral stink, nor hear him give distain for law and order as superfluous and only applicable to others, and his hyperbolic assertions about his accomplishments as well as the great plans for policies to be enacted when he is president again
    There are third world dictators and autocratic heads of communistic countries who are more modest with their separations,
    Larry Horist, you have aspirations still and grand self assumptions about your identity among all other persons, that you are more learned and possess a mental capacity greater than most, If not all people you may encounter and have already met snd assessed. They, too, were not equal to you or able to compete in your intellectual league.
    Therefore, given your superb to one of a kind level of perceptive ability and keen insight into the workings of people of every kind and mind. I, for one, after considering all the above commendations, wonder why would you cast your 1 and only simple vote for Mr, Trump. No faults given you for voting Republican down ballot. But casting a vote for Trump is like casting lots for a convicted prisoner’s outer garments.
    Many are sure to follow lock step into voting booths and pull the straight red lever. The majority do not know of what they are doing and how it impacts National security. Others know but have not cared enough to be envolved in learning who Trump will be if President.
    You, Larry. are an author of actual published books on matters of societal concern that affect our democracy and our country’s future security. How is it you write on issues you know Trump doesn’t have the head and heart for, but you will give him your one and only vote.
    You can attempt a defense for how you vote. However, you will loose that debate in the same why your golden man boy lost the debate (non-debate) he and Harris participated in. That session between two candidates was no more a real debate than it was a wrestling match. Each side believed they “mopped the floor “ with the other. At the end of the day, truthfully, neither did anything like mopping the floor or cleaning the others clock. It could not be called a draw either. What it was appeared to me like a play scripted in the farcical style. They each were actors on the stage who played their parts to the closing curtain. How well the actors did with portraying their characters to the author’s intended message can not ever be defined. In reality, these things are subjective, subject to individuals’ perspectives. This was seen in the immediate press releases and from the actors themselves. Harris’ side gushed with approval and said she had “crushed Trump”. And then, Trump came away from the experience in his customary and predictable bravado featuring his bombastic hyperbolic exclamations of personal greatness and achievement like no other presidential candidate debate.
    His perspective was and is as ever in excess of true reality. He had a real issue with size.
    Harris made a fair stab at expectation meeting. But, she does have some learning to accomplish in a very short time, which she is more than willing and able in accomplishing. The able and willing dimension differs from the other candidate’s cerebral capacity let alone any compunction to try civility or self control.
    American’s IQ will be tested on November 5, 2024. The result will be an objective quantitative data point.
    Afterwards, media, pundits, and this country’s vocal population will voice differing opinions and judgments on the number. No objectivity and truth can most perceive. Both parties will have not learned from the mistakes on either side. The losers will not see how much was won. The winners may not see that sharing their win with their counterparts is democracy in practice.
    Larry, this chef’s word salad I lightly tossed just for you. From London, England thinking of how it’s going in the U.S. of A., am I.

  2. Frank stetson

    Yeah, something about turning a crowd loose on the capital in order to overturn an election just tends to rub some people the wrong way, in both parties.

    Or perhaps it’s the twisting of the arm aka extortion with a foreign ruler who is living on your aid to get dirt on your opponent, just rubs some people the wrong way, in both parties.

    Some people question why a political candidate before he’s even elected would meet with the Russians over 100 times or his team. Sometimes, that roast people from either party the wrong way.

    Not to mention murdering over 250,000 people via a failed Covid response in comparison to any other country in the world, does tend to rub some people are on the way, in both parties.

    And then Charlotte, stand down and stand.whatever, all those beautiful moments that I guess some people cherish. But makes others turn away, from either party.

    Seems to be a lot of people missing like Romney, McCain family, Ron Reagan Jr,, the Bush family, and so many more Republicans. And yes, some Republicans who have turned on Trump have decided to make a living by selling their expertise in the Republican party and conservatism. No different than the five puts there weeak-kneed flawed, flaccid Democrat in a one to four battle to the death debate. Hiring the opposition as commentators is done by both political sides of the aisle on cable

    I understand that Trump is your nominee and that anyone who says dump Trump is probably not gonna be invited to your party. At the same time, you’ve got to realize that you seem to throw as many people out as you do include new people. You seem to be very busy banning books, banning medicines, boycotting target, Disney, Amazon, Google, and so so so many more.

    And then there’s all the people that work for Trump that have turned against him. People of all races and religions. One guy only lasted an hour, and then turned on them. Another called him a fucking idiot. There’s probably more people that have turned against Trump that have actually worked for him. Then there are Republican officials that have turned on them. I guess to know him is to loath him.

    Speaking of loathing him, where is Melania? Did she dump him too?

    In converse to that famous line from Jaws: I think you’re gonna need a smaller boat.

    • Joseph s bruder

      The hell raising should have been nation wide. The bastards stole the election

  3. Frank stetson

    As a second point, I think the real question Mr. Horist needs to ask himself his why has he turned on all these stalwart Republicans.

    First he has to convince himself that they’re not real Republicans.

    Amazingly many were the leaders of his party for decades that he didn’t want to throw them to the curb.

    One thing I was admired about the republican party is how they could march in lockstep in order to achieve their goal. We Democrats tend to have a lot of different ideas which we express loudly often. Well after the decision is actually made.

    I think the question is, When did you put the brown shirt on?

  4. Joseph S. Bruder

    I think Larry has it totally backwards (as usual). The stench of the Republican Party after this election will be horrific after the shellacking they’ll get this November. The current Republican Party is so far from the norms of society that it can’t be saved. Someone, whether one (or both) of the Cheneys, or Mitt Romney, or a handful of other prominent Republicans will come up with a new “Conservative Republicans of America Party” and you’ll get defections from all over Congress. The question is whether they’ll let the former Trumpers in. Larry and old Joe Gilbertson might be on the outside looking in…

  5. frank stetson

    I would read Horist’s book but it’s rather long and, as Horist says often, I would stop a few pages in and then feel obliged, even though busy, to comment on the whole thing :>)

    I did peruse the sample but stopped when I realized Horist was telling personal stories, and as Horist says, no one wants to hear about personal stories :>)

    Bill Clinton’s book of personal anecdotes is 60% longer but costs 40% less; think I might go for price-performance…… :>)

    Best luck —– no reviews yet, but will probably take six months for someone to get through all those personal stories :>))))

    • larry Horist

      Frank Stetson …Just like you … review the book before you read it and then spin your fanciful opinions. Not sure what you perused since the book is not about my personal stories. What you may have read was merely the “about the author” Amazon advertising. Geez!! I love your hair on fire response to something you never read. LOL Much like your response to the Project 2025 report. But you seem to be admitting that you are not into reading anything longer than a news story. You opine from pure ignorance … as usual.

      • frank stetson

        OMGoodness, I could not have put more smiley faces, which indicates a joke, kidding, levity, on this comment if I tried. I guess, can’t for the life of me figure why, but I guess, let me clarify…. Think pot-kettle and you are the pot…..

        How many times have you opened your passage to me, and others, saying something like, “it’s long, did not read much, here’s my comments” in one form or another.

        Did you not dress me down for sharing personal stories basically saying “no one is interested in your life’s stories?” FYI: the Preface is what’s posted and it is replete with stories of your youth. Did you not know what’s posted? WOW. That never happened to me, I always know, I always walk the stage before appearing, just publishing and appearance 101 I thought. At least that’s how I learned. No surprises, yet you seemed surprised and not sure what’s in your marketing, and perhaps your book. Ghostwritten?
        I think I could mirror your comments: “just like you,” and “spin your fanciful opinions,” but I will stick with my traditional “lighten up Larry.”

        I have read, at least, scanned, Project 2025. I admit “I would not read Horist’s book but it’s rather long and as Horist says: , I would stop a few pages in and then feel obliged, even though busy, to comment on the whole thing :>)” Anything you added came from your opinion, not what I wrote. Your “seem to” is just weasel words or lack of commitment to your own thoughts or admission that you are spinning again and want to CYA. A very Trumpian communication ploy; how to say something without being able to be pinned down as saying it. Allegedly. Perhaps. Only part missing was “a lot of people say…..” As for blaming Amazon advertising — yeah, very Trumpian, always someone else’s fault.

        Good luck with the book, I did actually enjoy the anecdotes. I am sorry for kidding with you not knowing you could not get the joke. I hope all your readers buy it right after they contribute to the Don.

        Hey, once last point. Is your formal name Larwence or Larry? Just not used to the mixture of formal and informal names. Trust me, my real name morphs many ways: I am way down the line for the same name, at one time there were three of us, same name, same family, same town, at the same time. So, I understand the creativity, we had it based on need. But how come not your formal name, if indeed, it is Larwence. Not important, but given my real name, I wondered.

        Again Larry, really? You couldn’t tell I was just mousing you a bit?

        • larry Horist

          Frank Stetson … So often when your are … uh … BUSTED, you claim it was a joke. Most of your “humor” is based on invention and sarcasm. Always pointed. You even intimate my book was ghostwritten. Cheap shot. Untrue and not funny. And, the name on the birth certificate is Larry — as if that makes a difference. You have become very petty… petty .. petty.

          • Frank stetson

            Hi Larry, I hope we’re not going further down the rabbit hole and can pull this one back.

            On the name, sorry, somewhere I’ve seen it printed as Lawrence and so I just wondered. Mostly because of my own name issues. My Slovakian inside could not spell their last name right for loving her money, many branches of the family had different versions, and one guy changed his father‘s last name to his last name upon his father‘s death so he could put them in the mausoleum and have all the names lineup. And while it was the early 20th century, oh my those birth certificates are really messed up.

            BUSTED he’s very special and really requires some fact that completely disputes the fax presented. You have clearly knocked on that.

            The plethora of :<) smiley faces, the internet definition of said symbols, spells humor intended, a joke.

            As to the quality of the humor, you are as correct as I.

            The ghost part was also intended as humor but no smile face so you win, hang me from your pillar. No, I don’t really thing someone else wrote it, it’s not too long and as I have said a few times, best luck.

            Let’s move on. We were dojng better and this dog is baked.

    • Joe Gilbertson

      Frank, six months? Republicans read faster than that…

      • frank stetson

        Good one. I thought you guys were more into TV like your idol Trump. Thanks for the chuckle though.

        Like reading like Trump reading the daily reports?

        Although he did have a lot of reading kept at Mar A Loser. Not sure he read it or his communist-FIL living out back did and summarized for him.

  6. Cattle Kate

    Please stop linking that loser Liz Cheney and her even more of a loser father, Dick, who has an appropriate name, by the way, to the great state of Wyoming. We want nothing to do with these carpet baggers, who we booted out of here, they left kicking horse turds down the road and hopefully, will never come back, even to visit.

  7. Americafirst

    I remember Adam Shiff saying “it was just parody” when he was caught lying. Seems to fit here, too. Blame kidding or parody to keep yourself out of harm’s way. As usual, Stetson just has to come up smelling like roses even as he put’s others down smelling like skunks. Mr. Liberal himself always is the only one that is absolutely correct and everyone else is sewage! It’s getting really old. Same old, same old, Never changes. Democrats are the cream of the KKK crop and Republicans are the antithesis of crime and lies. I guess Republicans all should jump off the Grand Canyon so Democrats can have their Satanism and child sex! Frank are you part of that, too?

    • frank stetson

      A: nice use of antithesis although having a sexual abusing felon tax cheat as your lead seems somewhat antithetical to your statement of that word.

      Schiff did not lie, no one had the exact call, his aides made up one, and Schiff clearly started, before he gave his summary, by outlining that the White House aid’s notes “reads like a classic organized crime shakedown. Shorn of its rambling character and in not so many words, this is the essence of what the president communicates.” His use of the word parody to cover was unfortunate, he provide the essence of the communication —– there is no verbatim —– Trump does not roll the way most Presidents do in that regard.

      Trump guesses, braggadocio’s, bullshits and parodies: people. places, events, facts, figures and anything that moves. Illegal criminal Haitian refugees eat dogs, cats, and then geese turn out in reality to be legal immigrants, some seeking legal asylum, not eating cats but working steady jobs that Springfield can’t fill otherwise. He’s got a million of them. Over 20 in his last debate alone. That’s the guy blaming Schiff for inexactitude? Blimey that’s bold.

      And you really saying “Democrats can have their Satanism and child sex” and based on that complete lunacy, you wonder: “Frank are you part of that, too.” NO, have you stopped fucking pigs?

      It’s just weird and getting totally weirder.

      And again: PEOPLE smiley faces ;>) mean “The 🙂 notation is known as a smiley, and means that the statement it follows was intended as humor. ”

      Give me a break.

  8. Americafirst

    Oh my, this site is getting more and more laughable every day. This must be Franks way of telling me off and telling me to get the Hell off his website. I hope he feels proud of himself. He must research how to get people’s goat. He does a great job of it. What a joke! He continues to tell everyone off including all of the authors, although I noticed no one is commenting on Dempseys editorials. Is this being done on purpose? I think so. Frank, Tom and Bruder if that is how to spell it, all lay in wait to attack Larry and ME! I guess we don’t have rights where they all do! Deep State idiots!

  9. frank stetson

    A: I am glad I could bring some laughter into your life but sorry that your goat has been gotten; not my goal in trying to clarify things for you and Larry. I am also sorry you don’t understand the concept of the smiley face :>) or humor, or both. I have commented on so many Dempsey articles it’s ridiculous. You even commented on my Dempsey comments. I cannot speak for anyone else, but no, I do not lay in wait for you; I would ignore you but you keep asking inane questions and seem to get quite disturbed if you don’t get inane answers back.

    Why you feel you have less rights than me, here or anywhere else is also beyond me. Are you affected by free speech? Does free speech limit your rights? How about the 2A? That must really frost your cake. Or the 14th, a real barn burner.

    Whatever. I hope you find more happiness soon.

    • Americafirst

      Where on this earth did you see where I have less rights than you? You again take comments out of context, and you do it on purpose. No matter who comments, no matter what they say, you always have to slam them into the ground just to get your liberal hate out to all of us. You are getting famous for your liberalism and hate. Personally, I see into all of it and think you are a coward who can only say the nasty, horrible things you do in written text because it isn’t face to face. What I see is (1) you hate Republicans. (2) you hate Conservatives. (3) you hate women (4) You hate the elderly (me) (5) you hate when people have their own opinions. (6) you hate that you don’t own this website. (7) you hate Donald Trump and his administration. (8) you hate the fact that Donald Trump is the legal, reinaugurated President of the United States Republic and Commander in Chief. All of that shows up in detail in every one of your posts. You refuse to believe the truth. You cannot handle the truth. Your truth isn’t truth. It’s hate. You cannot realize truth when it is presented in front of you. God help you!

      • frank stetson

        A: You’re getting really close to entering “cry, cry me a river” territory.

        A ask: “Where on this earth did you see where I have less rights than you?”

        From you, when you said “I guess we don’t have rights where they all do!” As you blamed us for your issues.

        I am sorry you feel hate towards you, I have no emotions at all about you except pity and sorrow. Slammed to the ground of that response to you? Really? I am so sorry you feel slammed but I just don’t see it. Sorry.

        Liberal too, I just don’t see it in this response. Sorry again.

        Famous — Horist says the opposite. Unread is his claim and he can prove it, he counts.

        As to your hate list, all wrong except 7. And 8 is a bald-faced lie of the fake conspiracy level. Say that one face-to-face and watch the face response.

        If you can prove anything you write, show us.

        If you can prove anything I say is true, is false, show us.

        Otherwise, please keep your unproven opinionated generalities and broad-brush accusations to yourself, especially when you falsely describe others. Matter of fact, keep all your personal attacks off PBP, they further zero useful discussion.

        And no, you can see many times where I say I think someone’s opinion is wrong, but it’s an opinion and I cannot discount that. I do challenge facts and that’s where you come up short, quite often, including wild-assed stuff like Gitmo and that weird dubious source you were relying on that turned out to be fake news planted on purpose for right-wing folks to disseminate. Easier marks than O’Keefe movie stars.

        • Americafirst

          You twisted EVERYTHING, and I mean EVERYTHING. You are a NUMBER ONE BASTARD. You just will not believe the real truth You should be put in a mental hospital. You will not even try to think, “what if what others or I say is true? And it is true. I will sacrifice my own life on what I said. I won’t PROVE anything to the likes of low class non-human entities like you because you refuse to look things up for yourself from what we say. You want everything handed to you on a silver platter and you are not any kind of special being. You want others to do the research for you. Do the work! Do the research, not just the research you do to show up others. You are too lazy to do the right thing because it is the right thing to do. Who the Hell do you think you are? You are in for a big shock in the very, very near future proving you are wrong! I will NOT let up on you. The more ass like you get, the more I will get you! Be prepared. The rods of God are about to befall, and you will be in shock and cry like a baby. Bastard and I don’t care what name I call you. You are not even human!

  1. How can you blame Biden for keeping Ukraine a free democracy and Trump, we will see, but looks like Trump…

  2. Larry, So glad that you are recovering from your medical issues-I would hate to go through the next 4 years…