Why GOP is gaining male voters … and it may be the winning vote
Since the 1960s, there has been talk of the “gender gap” – generally meaning that women were disproportionately voting progressive Democrat. It had its antecedents in the left-wing feminist movement of the era – mimicking the Republican suffragette movement of the late 1800s and early 1900s. The issues of the 1960’s movement were “equal pay”, upward mobility, abortion, and the so-called equal rights amendment to the United States Constitution.
In many ways, the analysis of the female vote in the past was bent by partisan bias. In fact, there was no gender gap in 1972, when President Nixon won 62 percent of men and 61 percent of women.
I particularly recall the 1984 presidential election in which former Vice President Walter Mondale selected Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro as his running mate. Shortly after the announcement, I was on a television program with a representative of the National Organization of Women (NOW) – the leading left-wing feminist organization at the time.
The lady from NOW claimed the selection of Ferraro would be a game-changer, bringing millions of women into the Mondale camp – resulting in the defeat of Reagan. Conversely, I predicted that not only would Reagan win the election, but he would carry the women’s vote. My counterpart scoffed – with a mocking laugh. When the votes were counted, Reagan won 64 percent of men and 55 percent of women.
In more recent years, the gender gap has widened. Pew Research shows Harris with 55 percent of women and Trump at 41 percent – a 14 point gap. YouGov Survey shows 48 percent of women for Harris and 35 percent for Trump – a 13 percent gap. The current gender gap among women has been expanded due to the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade.
It is noteworthy, however, that Harris is holding only approximately half the women voters – nothing near the female vote that went to Nixon and Reagan in 1972 and 1984 respectively. Even as a Black woman presidential candidate, she is not doing remarkably better than President Biden did in 2020. He got 52 percent of the female vote and 48 percent of the male vote.
What we can conclude from the record is that there IS a gap between men and women voters, but it is not nearly as wide and decisive as it is widely portrayed.
So, why the headline about the male voter?
(Obviously, I was “weaving” before getting to the point. In the past we would call it “giving perspective” – and that is a good thing. But now I am weaving and digressing. So, what IS so interesting about the male voter this season?)
The male vote appears to be moving away from the past numbers – and trending toward the Republican candidate. This appears to be the reason for the widening male/female gap as much as the female vote. This trend has been most noted among minority male voters.
It is generally conceded that Trump is doing better among Black voters than most recent Republican candidates – even besting his own previous numbers. He got 8 percent in 2016 and 12 percent in 2020—and is trending at around 16 percent this time, according to a recent Newsweek poll.
In terms of gender, Trump gets about 10 percent of Black women and 25 percent of Black men. Currently, Harris has 85 percent of Black women and 70 percent of Black men. That is lower than Biden received in 2020 – with 91 percent of Black women and 82 percent of Black men. That is a drop for Harris of 6 points among Black women and 12 points among Black Men.
(Isn’t that interesting? A Black woman candidate is doing worse among Black voters, especially Black women voters, than an old white guy – and they both were up against the same Republican, Trump. But I digress … or weave, if you prefer.)
In 2020 Biden got 38 percent of White men, with Trump taking 58 percent. Polling for 2024 show Harris with 38 percent of the White male vote and Trump with 58 percent. So … the male voting shift is largely in the Black and other minority communities.
Why is it that Republicans tend to do well among male voters – and increasingly well among Black male voters?
I would argue (and I am) that it has to do with the radical left-wing feminist influence in the Democratic Party. You know … that influential faction that talks of “toxic male genes” … misogynists … male chauvinist pigs (that’s an old one) … sexist power mongers … etc. … etc. … etc.
Feminist author Ruth Whippman (you cannot make this stuff up) has a new book called “Boy Mom – Reimagining Boyhood in the Age of Impossible Masculinity” She drones on and on about the problems of our male dominated sexist culture. She shares her opinion on what healthy and unhealthy masculinity looks like. (I will give you a clue. Almost everything we currently associate with masculinity is unhealthy, according to Whippman.) Her essential question – as she poses it – is: “Where are we going wrong in how we socialize boys?”
(Ironically, Whippman has three young sons. Made me wonder if God was punishing her or the young boys. But I digress.)
Whippman is typical of the strident anti-male ideology that has metastasized throughout the feminist movement and consequently the Democratic Party.
What we are seeing is the early stages of a movement of men away from political narratives that demonize them as mindless knuckle-dragging ogres, whose only purpose in life is to use and abuse women. That message has had men fleeing from the left-wing, woke, political correctness, strident feminism of the Democratic Party over many years – and the movement is accelerating. It would appear that the “Me Too” women-as-victims movement is not appealing to half the women in America — and increasing numbers of men.
It may be that this under-reported unappreciated underground masculinity movement will have its effect in the 2020 election. Stay tuned.
So, there ‘tis.
Women are naturally stupid.
Just the males who are losers for yo Trump.
It may be, it may not be, that is no answer……
I grew up in an age of Errol Flynn, John Wayne and more of the same ilk. They taught us that no can mean yes, spanking (not the Trump kind) is appropriate, and so much more.
I get it, I am woke to it.
Grew up with Errol Flynn, John Wayne and the rest telling us no can mean yes, just kiss her, and a good spanking, not the Trump kind, can have a positive effect to get women to act right. OK, I am woke to some of that being bad, but being a man is not, IMO.
And I like being a man. A dude. And those who want me to be different, just one thought: ..l..
Trump and the GOP do not define being a man. Not even close. It is not manly to talk like Trump. Yes, speak your mind, but he’s just weird, unhinged, and a weave indicating DUI. Attack, attack, attack. Never admit fault, a loss, or a lie. That’s not manly. There is a line.
The GOP has to add constituents; they spend so much time alienating so many. The Dems will always have to watch extreme progressiveness like Whippman exhibits. A review in The New Yorker may have said it best: ““BoyMom” is a jumpy, irritable book, written from a defensive crouch, relentless in its solipsism.” You just know that “solipsism” cannot be good. They continue: “Whippman’s book is useful, however, as an embodiment of the scarcity mind-set that deforms so much of our civic life, whether it’s debates over universal-preschool funding or élite-college admissions, immigration reform or health-care policy.”
Yeah, I can agree with the author on this one.
As to the GOP, seems to me they should be grabbing the more Neanderthal amongst us as they collect many of the disenfranchised, disillusioned, and defeated. It’s a grievance club with expected ideas and common interests. As to winning the Presidency, I am just amazed he’s still in the running. A total mystery that so many can be so pissed off over stories and lies. But here we are, there tis it, and here we go!!!
Day time TV is mostly watched by Women. Government jobs in offices are probably disproportionately held by women.
Then there are women who just want to see a Woman as President.
At the same time Gay men ( Probably see themselves more in a female role? )
Lesbians’ Act like a guy, ( Not all ) but think Republicans will see a complete end to DEI?
All the above are uninformed Clowns who would stand behind Obama and his wife
WORKING men and women who are not sheeple know the difference and are finally
catching on to what the Elite government has been spoon feeding the American people their whole lives.
Elect TRUMP!
So, is it that so many males, say between 20 and 30 try to become women, dress in clown dresses, wear clown hair and makeup? Information came out recently that the vaccinations we all got when born were fixed to make males and females think they are the wrong gender. Could be why we see this gender problem? I noticed Felon Stranger danger again attacked Trump and the republicans as well as women. One of his sentences said Trump does “attack, attack. attack”. I see Felon Stranger Danger doing the same damned thing every damned time he scripts on here where he is allowed to get away with it and violate peoples minds. Anyone ever notice how Felon Stranger Danger, aka Frank never ever has a nice thing to say? It’s pure hate from his deranged mind. Truth! It will come back on him when he gets found out for laying hands on women. We are all witnesses to his crimes.
I happen to agree totally with Larry. The male Kamala is losing and losing big time. It won’t even matter. There isn’t going to be a November election. No election until around March 2025 or so.
Darren, great post. I loved it and agree with you! I hope the entire world is not really the insane asylum the Deep State is trying to make us think it is and that Felon Stranger Danger aka Frank comes from.
“The Apprentice trailer shows attorney Roy Cohn delivering advice that a young Trump took to heart and lives by to this day. Cohn tells his protege there are three rules he needs to abide by. Number one: attack, attack, attack. Number two: admit nothing and deny everything. And rule number three: no matter what happens, you claim victory and never admit defeat.”
S Danger, your response sounds like a COMPLETE list and breakdown of the Democratic play book to me!
Or at least the last 7 years!
Felon Stranger Danger, you are following in Trump’s footsteps, 100%!
Right out of the democrats playbook
Archie, can I get a copy of that?
Because The Art of the Deal is available on Amazon for $6.66. Or the new movie, The Apprentice,, the movie, opened in September in about 1,700 venues. Both of these highlight and source what I said.
What’s in your wallet? Got proof or are you standing down on your statement.
That is exactly what Stupid Frank always says, isn’t that true, Frank? Your disguise is leaking.
Not at all. You people don’t know how to run a clean campaign
Projection could be your epitaph.
These rules are Roy Cohn’s. He is most certainly not a liberal or Democrat.
He is Trump’s mentor.
Trump mentions rules like this in The Art of the Deal.
You will see them soon in new Apprentice movie too.
You feel Democrats are like this, like Trump’s mentor, like Trump. I do not think so. Got examples?
Let them eat cat!!!!
Projection could be your epitaph.
These rules are Roy Cohn’s. Roy is most certainly not a liberal or Democrat.
Roy IS Trump’s MENTOR.
Trump mentions rules like this in The Art of Making a Deal.
You will see them soon in the new Apprentice movie where Cohn is played by Putin and Trump by Dr. Zaius.
You feel Democrats all act like this, like Trump’s mentor, like Trump. I do not think so. Got examples? I do.
Let them eat filet of feline.
Dangerous felon Stranger danger – MY EPITAPH? Are you planning to get the Democrats contract to kill me? Your words are so loke a little man that has to fight for his criminal life so no one will detect what you really are which is closer to Satan’s minions than anything else. Do not ever threaten me again, buster! You belong in Gitmo!
Americafirst; I apologize for the error. First, I was not threatening anyone. Everyone has an epitaph.
Second, the post was for Darren.
Larry, speaking of polls forecasting how men will vote maybe entertaining for you and numbers nuts like you. However, polls have value for pundits’ opinion commentaries yet polls are more off than on. Subjects being polled respond with answers they believe positive and pleasing for the pollsters. The psychological factors skew poll numbers enough to render them useless.
You can have a list of polls that when cress checked with after election data were close, then look at polls in general and see how imperfect polling is. It’s not an exact enough “science “ for people’s faith in a sure thing.
Women voting has a history that speaks to how they feel society regards their contributions and whether they are allowed a stake in self- determination in health decisions. Polling can not account for nuanced factors which may not impact who a woman will ultimately choose.
A woman appearing on the ticket will not guarantee a huge gender shift in voting. For some women it appears the Republican candidate has voter appeal. Why that is escapes common sense, given his history treating women poorly and his objectifying women on their appearance.
When they do not post back about my comments, it proves I am doing my job well.