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Young Democrat Mayor Arrested over Drugs and Solicitation for Prostitution

Young Democrat Mayor Arrested over Drugs and Solicitation for Prostitution

Yet another elected Democrat arrested for crimes made news last week in a seemingly endless pattern of law enforcement busting Democrat officials for criminal activity. The latest one in this chain is Tyrin Truong, the young Mayor of Bogalusa, Louisiana.

Truong, 25, was arrested on Tuesday (January 7) by the Louisiana State Police over “proceeds from drug offenses, unauthorized use of a moveable, and soliciting for prostitutes” as reported by The story cited Northshore District Attorney Collin Sims telling about Truong organizing “entertainment” with a prostitute while he was in Atlanta to attend a mayor’s conference. He used public funds to rent an AirBnB to arrange this “entertainment.”

Truong also bought drugs and, as reported later in The Guardian, is one of the seven defendants that have been charged so far in an investigation that began in April 2024. The mayor and his fellow defendants are accused of using social media platforms to illegally distribute drugs and manage payments for them. The drugs they distributed include opioids, ecstasy, high-grade marijuana, and THC products.

The Western Journal reported that the money made off this drug sale then allegedly went to buy firearms that were used in other crimes. The story wrote that Truong also faces one charge of unauthorized use of another person’s vehicle.

A number of media stories about Truong, before and after his recent arrest, have highlighted his racial identity politics where he engaged in activism against law enforcement’s alleged racist treatment of black suspects or offenders. In November 2022, when he was elected Bogalusa’s mayor, Truong was only 23 and was described in The Advocate (November 25, 2022) as:

He’s among the 15% of Bogalusa’s residents to have obtained a bachelor’s degree, having studied political science and African American studies at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri.

The Guardian mentioned Truong as the black grandson of a Vietnamese immigrant who fought in the Vietnam War.

Truong was released on $150,000 bail. According to Rolling Out (January 13), he has since used social media to maintain that he is innocent and is challenging the allegations against him.

The news of Truong’s arrest comes a month after an elected Democrat was arrested and jailed in West Virginia for threatening to kill Republicans. The Washington Times reported (December 13, 2024) that Joseph De Soto, newly elected West Virginia delegate, threatened to kill five Republican colleagues after they expelled him from their party because he had falsified his resume. De Soto then joined the Democratic Party and was elected in November but was arrested next month after he threatened to kill his Republican colleagues.

About The Author


  1. Harold blankenship

    Both democrats and republicans are parties made up of sinners. Remember the scripture “ you without sin cast the first stone?” But he still needs to leave office


      Harold, it ain’t the meat, it’s the motion. I agree, lock them all up, if guilty.

      Personally, I would start with the felon-in-chief. No, I would not lock him up, he’s President-elect, after all. You folks like a Felon for President. It’s how you roll. But I say that the judge should have given him 4-years of mandatory community service allowing the Presidency to fulfill that punishment, but acknowledging that failure results in instant incarceration without hope of parole. He gets punishment, he gets to retain office without incarceration, all good for the office. And the fear of potential incarceration might slow him down a bit on impeachable activities and who could ask for more than that.

      On this one though, like I said, neither of us have issues with the meat of the matter, lock him up if guilty.

      But the motions of The Dumpster are once again to turn us against each other with his false accusations, unsupportable theories, and out n out fucking lies. “Yet another elected Democrat arrested for crimes made news last week in a seemingly endless pattern of law enforcement busting Democrat officials for criminal activity.” “Yet another” set of Dempsey assumptions with zero basis in fact for his painting Democrats as an “endless pattern” of crime. He can’t prove shit in that regard, he is a useless used rubber. I guess his party is known for electing criminals, sort of cutting out the middle man of their having to commit a crime in office; they already did. Or let them be criminal and THEN run for office as a CONVICTED CRIMINAL.

      He’s the mayor of Bogalusa; anyone hear of it? I live in nowhere NJ and we have more people than Bogalusa and don’t even know OUR mayor. Then he augments his theory that Democrats-breaking-bad by listing a recent case from a life long Republican, now-democrat in WV. A Democrat in WV? The place that just ran Manchin out on a rail. How odd. Odd indeed as this guy is nuts, highly educated nuts, from California, who settles in WV as a life-long Republican crushing all comers in the primary. He has issues, Republicans, so moral, had a private meeting where they leaked the results to law which started the arrest process and the guy, not the Republicans, but the guy switched party just before the arrest. Yup, rock solid evidentiary support for Democrats be born bad, according to news from The Dumpster. He was not expelled; that’s a lie from The Dumpster. The fact is the guy was elected to office as a Republican, HE, not the party, changed party just before arrest, and now the Democrats are claiming the seat, claiming the vacancy while the Republicans are trying to claw it back. IOW —- Dempsey: the Republicans WANT this guy back for their party. Actually, they just want the guy for proxy to retain the seat, but they do want to guy back, they want their seat back, and like Dempsey, they are willing to suck pondwater, sell their morale souls and principals to do it. Just like Dempsey, probably. Maybe. Sort of. Isn’t that how HE thinks? Really fucking great support for Democrats be breaking bad. At best, you get the loony tunes news award for crazy thought.

      Bottom line: despite Dempsey’s spin, trust me, Blankenship is right: “Both democrats and republicans are parties made up of sinners. Remember the scripture “ you without sin cast the first stone?”” And speaking of which, where’s my pipe? :>)

      • Seth

        It’s scary to know that you would prefer a stupid cunt like heels up Harris to lead. So here’s my answer to you. The bitch lost. That makes you a loser. So take your life you pathetic loser. Trump didn’t commit the crimes. Fucking a whore isn’t illegal. It’s a sinful moral failure. But Trump is the president. MAGA motherfucker. Democrats suck ass!!!! You fools are going to lose more seats during midterms. So get your crying towels ready.

        • Americafirst

          Thank you, Seth. That had to be said. It’s the truest sentiments of all.

          • FRANK DANGER

            Yeah, AF doubling down on “a stupid cunt like heels up Harris.” Sweeet feminism at work. Power to the ladies, lady. “Democrats suck ass!!!! ” “It’s the truest sentiments of all.”

            Whatta gal.

      • Americafirst

        Frank, what the Hell? Why do you slam Dempsey so much? His words in the article are NOT made up by him. He does add his own articulations as you also do all the time.They are actual words from OTHER sources. You are the one who is trying so hard to divide all of us and anyone else that reads your bias. Dempsey actually quoted from the Western Journal and the Washington Times. But you say Dempsey lied. Looks like the Western Journal and the Washington Times are liars according to how you presented your bias. You then say Dempsey made it all up but from your words but really is. Yes, there are Republicans who broke the law. Both sides are guilty. Not just the Republicans that you are trying to make us believe. WE do know how to read. We do have the ability to figure the politics out. As far as I am concerned, ALL Congresspeople and Senators need to be arrested for their crimes. Crimes that you may or may not know about. Our government desperately needs to be reborn. Yes, reborn. Your dictatorship is getting way out of hand. When you start believing we are all HUMAN, maybe then we can believe you. I don’t think that will happen, though. You are too far gone on bias and hate. Sorry if this hurts you. It needed to be said once and for all. None of us has said anything much against fake Biden who was a tremendous criminal his whole damned life. I am saying it now, but you slam Trump all the time. Almost every single post you write. We are sick of it. Everything you say time and time again makes us think you are way far left and are working for the bad guys.

        • FRANK DANGER

          AF: I think I have been as clear about Dempsey’s shortcomings as a researcher and fake-journalist. As clear as you have been in your ardent support of our little Pakistani hater of all things American.

          Same with Trump. Pretty clear and feel free to disagree on the opinion and attack my facts if you can. So far, nada. Perhaps you missed the fact he’s a felon held liable for defamation of a woman, just as you are supposedly a woman. Can you imagine what it’s like to be a woman and have the full weight of the PRESIDENT of the United States coming at you with every gun in his arsenal? Ask the ladies in Georgia what it was like when the feckless fraudster Ghouliani came after them. Bad enough to grant them $148M in settlement. Trump only went down for $2M; he got a deal. Is it slamming these fine fellows to print their transgressions, as adjudicated in court by an impartial judge and jury of his peers?

          Now I realize you want to try me for treason, punishable by death, or lock me up, and others suggest they want me to kill myself. With Joe’s extreme speech liability, we all get to see it and can respond accordingly. Joe enables this shit because he likes the profit. Can’t be any other reason to publish from the gutter as he does. That’s on him and between him as him maker.

          Because, as you like you say, it all comes back to you. I have no issue standing by my facts. They are sourced, relevant, proper and correct. Point out any that are not. But if you jus don’t like me, don’t like what I say, I suggest looking away. Just don’t read it.

          And if you think I am “way far left,” you are in need of Tom’s recommendations since you apparently don’t have a clue.

          Two years.

          • Americafirst

            In MHO, I have a perfect legal right to say anything to you as I please just as you do to all of us. Where is your proof Dempsey is a Pakistani criminal and fake. For all we know, you are fake. Are you? I don’t know that. Where is that information? Where are your proverbial facts about that or are you afraid to publish it here in front of us and Dempsey for fear of legal trouble for you? No, I don’t want you tried for treason, but you want me in jail or dead and that is something I truly will always believe. So I am going to tell you to shut the Hell up and try to be human. That, however, is very difficult for you because you believe you are so damned perfect in your dictatorship! You slammed me. You got it back. I have more coming! You deserve the retaliation. You are getting more retaliation for others now. See, we are right, after all. You are no better than Jow Biden and his regime!

          • FRANK DANGER

            Dempsey talks about his birth and growing up in Pakistan with his brother. It’s in his bio that you can find on amazon or his own website. I never said he’s a criminal. You did. I said he’s a fake-journalist, and the evidence is printed after many of his posts as comments by myself and others.

            No need to apologize. Unless sincere.

      • WeeEEE The People

        Hey Frank, interesting observations and a lot of vitriol against Trump and Dempsey – almost like you hate them equally. You don’t think they are the same person right? lols.

        Now since the article cites The Washington Times for a source, I had to go and look up and read the story. And here’s what I found – direct from the paper: “A newly elected West Virginia delegate was jailed Thursday for threatening to kill five Republican colleagues after they expelled him from their party for falsifying his resume.”

        So it appears Dempsey did not make it up but correctly cited the source. Now for a different source, a CBS channel affiliate, I found this: “Sources tell WOWK 13 News De Soto was being investigated for allegedly falsifying his medical and military career information during the course of his campaign. That’s why Republicans voted to expel him from the caucus.”

        CBS leans left and if you trust them better than The Washington Times (which leans right), it would still validate what Dempsey wrote – the Republicans voted to expel him for lying about his record. Would you like to still dispute it and present your own source as evidence?

        And wondering also, why corrupt do Republicans switch to Democrats, where they are apparently welcomed?

        • Frank danger

          WTP; no, my hatred for Trump and Dempsey is very different. Trump is a felon, liar, womanizer, cheat, and more. And he can affect many. Question is why would anyone like that? On the other hand, is a nothing burger and just incompetent. Why would anyone care.

          I believe you also miss my point: “it ain’t the meat, it’s the motion.“ I later explain that, or at least attempted to, that factually he was spot on. It’s just that his surround, his spin, is full of lies, wild ass, assumptions, And just playing bad journalism. I could further detail, but I think I explained where his spin is totally bogus above.

          This is a pretty typical thing to find in The Dumpster. He takes an actual factual story, and then wraps around it all sorts of garbage. Like this one, a single Democrat in a Podunk town as mayor somehow gets conflated to the entire Democratic Party throughout history. He also leaves out the fact that. gee, perhaps a few Republicans have Criminal activities as well. Starting with the president. Then to prove dems evil criminals he grabs a Republican WV criminal who flips to being a Democrat right before arrest to prove all dems bad. Bwhaaaaaat? I need a Trump sharpie to know the storm path on that one????

          So, the basic facts are ok; the surround is spin, of the suck variety. This guy wouldn’t last a day in any major media organization that had the professionalism and ethics that his continued blathering here lowers PBP and Joe the publisher too.

          Hope that clarifies and helps. Thanks for the comments.

          • Frank danger

            On the other hand, DEMPSEY, ……. My bad. Sorry


    Seth wants me to kill myself: may your kind words come true for you, ten fold. Which comes first, the crying towels or harming myself?

    ” Fucking a whore isn’t illegal. It’s a sinful moral failure.” BUSTED. Seth, prostitution is illegal except in a few counties in Nevada. But yes, I agree with you that Trump is “a sinful moral failure.” Thanks for that.

    “Trump didn’t commit the crimes.” BUSTED. Seth, his company is convicted in court, by a jury of peers, for over 30 felonies. He, himself, is a convicted felon, again, for over 30 felony counts, for attempting to rig the 2016 election by “catch and kill” of his “whore’s” story about his fucking her as Melania gave birth to the Barron. He is also held liable for sexual abuse. He is also held liable for defamation of a woman, but he was not held liable for rape. When he counter sued over the use of the word rape, the judge slapped him down and stated, on the record, that in NY, penis penetration is required for the charge of rape, and his penis could not be proven to be there. BUT, the judge continued, you digitally raped her in every common sense of the word and general acceptance of the common man.

    What did he do? He got her alone in a dressing room, he slammed her up against the wall and pinned her. He pulled up her skirt, he pulled her pantyhose down and then he shoved his hand down her panties, and his fingers up into her vagina.

    He also defrauded his college students.

    He also stole from his own charity.

    Perhaps we will lose seats in the midterms. I do not think so. But it’s more up to Trump, and you, than to us. So far, not a great start IF one believes unifying the nation and serving all citizens equally is important.

    Some things you just can’t fix.

    • Seth

      Don’t worry about prostitution. No evidence that Trump paid for the favors. But Trump is coming back to the White House and America will be better off. So suck it up. And tell your daughter to not be selling poontang. It’s illegal.

      • Seth

        And politicians being rats, the charges were false. I hope you get tried and convicted someday when you’re innocent. It happens.

        • FRANK DANGER

          It happened to Trump how many times? Between him and his company, over 60 false felony convictions? Were the ones proven by documents he signed fake too? And how about his brilliant defense: “it never happened and it’s political.” Is that the best your Felon King can do? All that he could muster? Maybe they convicted him because he’s so weak, he can’t fight it, he just sits back and takes it.

          Was EJ’s sexual abuse he got tagged with fake? All those witnesses liars?
          Were his college students all lying?
          Did he really not steal from his own charity?
          How did they fake his falsified business records and his signature

          Boy, either this guy is a real fucking patsy OR wow, we Democrats are really, really, good. Or he’s guilty, as adjudicated in many courts of law, and you are talking bat shit crazy talk to say otherwise. With no proof, of course.

          No, he did not pay that time. What’s “poontang?” And who is my daughter? Why do you care so much about my fictional daughter that does not exist except in your weird, warped fantasies about her, about me. Why do you talk so much about sucking? “Suck ass,” suck this, suck that. Is sucking all you think about? And whores? You saying Trump does whores you don’t even pay for. Yech, that’s disgusting.

          I am so glad you still have hope. Must be difficult to be so frustrated, with so much hate, for all the time. You even seem to think I fear things I really don’t. Why do you even care? Why do you put so much time into addressing me, my family, and my life? Your fascinations are so weird.

    • Americafirst

      I scoured all the posts. I could not find anywhere where anyone said they want Frank to kill himself. Another lie from a dictator. And just where is any article or post here about prostitution? Only thing I saw was about the illegal crap EJ Carroll spouted. Just because ANYONE is convicted of a crime or any crimes in court does not make it real. there are many people in prison that did not commit crimes but were framed. Frank just cannot understand that. He wants Trump to be guilty. What a load of crap! The truth will be out in less than a week. Provided by the military! The real crime is people like Stetson continually forgetting we are human with his dictatorship. (If Stetson said it, it must be true) No one else is correct. Only him, oh and Tom, too. If we are wrong, then we should be put in prison. NOT. It is the other way around. I don'[t care what idiots do not agree with me!


        Seth says: “So take your life you pathetic loser.” Third post, his first.


  3. Americafirst

    EJ Carroll had pulled the same rape crap on 21 other men in her adult life. She made it up! And, Frank, if you say it is true, find the real video, photo or a salesperson that was there. I do not believe she told the truth, period. I was raped at 12. It is traumatizing. Females do not just go on in life after a rape. She never reported it then until she (I believe) was paid to prosecute Trump while he was in office. Way after the Statute of Limitation ran out which IS against the law to do so. I do not like to talk about rape. I even can’t watch a tv episode with that in it. After 65 years, I still can’t get over that. So, is there anyone here that can undeniably prove that Carrolls rape was real? My God, it was supposed to happen in a PUBLIC place. How stupid can people be?


      “EJ Carroll had pulled the same rape crap on 21 other men in her adult life. She made it up! ”
      BUSTED: AF lies. The internet refuses no pixels and Joe loves a good lie, apparently. The more obvious the lie, the more extreme Joe;’s free speech protections. He is the protector of the vicious lie.

      Better be careful, EJ sues and she has a HUGE war chest, great lawyers, and loves a good court room tussle.

  4. Darren

    Trump is no more guilty of being a felon, than Frank would be if Republicans made Stupidity illegal!
    But yes, watching Frank get hammered is entertaining!
    And for that I thank you all for your comments and Frank for his Dumb Shit Comments!
    That my friends is entertainment!


    Actually, D-man, Trump is a convicted felon. Sentenced too. His business is felonious too, convicted and fined.

    And yes, I have no doubt you love to create law to lock me up because you love free speech above Trump. Wait, got it backwards, reverse that :>)

    Darren is a firm believer in the rule of law IF he can write the laws to punish his enemies on a low budget web site.

  6. Darren

    Not true Frank.
    Let 6 Donkeys told by the Farmer holding their food to lock up a sheep!
    How do you think the Donkeys will vote?


      Darren, if you are saying the jury is rigged, then why cannot Trump, King of the Felons, prove it and free himself? Is Trump incompetent or just a weak tea? Why didn’t his lawyers protect him via voir dire? Did he not hire decent lawyers?

      NYC does have Republicans. About 26% to the 56% Democrats. The rest are Indy’s. It is virtually impossible for that jury not to have one or more, probably more Republicans on it. And it only takes one to hang the jury.

      Folks keep trying to rationalize why the can vote for a adjudicated felon, sexual abuser, digital rapist, business cheat, tax cheat, university mismanagement and cheat, and a guy who steals from charity. Keep the faith buddy, I am sure you can get his halo to fit yet.

  7. Americafirst

    Frank, I said it before, and I will say it again. If you do not like what is said here by us, get off this site or we will be worse and worse to you. You act like Hitler.


      AF: No.

      • Americafirst

        Draino man, if Carroll sues me, you are going to be in that courtroom too! At Gitmo!

  8. Frank danger

    AF; sounds great. Can’t wait. Best luck.

  9. AC

    The usual reader Reply suspects are exercising their democratic right to Free Speech once more. It’s an honor for me to spectate. But not so much an honor when Free Speech go to its extreme and is weaponized with false allegations aka accusations.
    Falsehoods said often enough by Trump are believed as persuasive and prevarications become Republican truths.
    Relating the case that Dempster brings to PBP readers is the false generalization that Democrats in general are of the same character as the one official named. Arthur outset of the article the writers intent is certain
    Since PBP is notoriously anti Democratic Party it’s consistent that Dempster would cherry pick an odd DrmocrTe official who icon legal trouble and make the false huge assumption that all Democrats are alike and corrupt. Which is as false as the assumption that all Republicans are corrupt on the basis that Trump’s felon status means all Republicans’ morals and ethics mirror Trump’s.
    I would hazard a guess that Republicans may not want that label attached to their Party.
    called unfounded extrapolation.
    Referring to “all” of a class of folks is nonsense logically and ideologically.
    If what Dempster appears to be saying in his article makes sense for him then could the same rationalization work for other classes of folks,
    A weak argument is not strengthened with erroneous conjecture, besides it does make people angry

  1. Frank Danger .... Lots of opinion and not a scintilla of evidence. Where is your proof, old man? Funny how…