Will Harris replace Biden?

A couple years back, most pundits gave Vice President Harris little chance of becoming President. At best, she would be reelected with President Biden and serve four more years. She was generally disliked by the voters and Democrat leaders. Her polling numbers were below Biden’s – and his were not good.
Her strange cackle, word-salad rhetoric and perceived ineffectiveness in handling her assignments – immigration, voting rights legislation and abortion — kept her in the background. She had a problem maintaining staff and Biden’s staff are said to dislike her. There was friction between them.
In view of Biden’s age, it was argued that her unpopularity would be a negative consideration in voting for Biden. Harris was considered a drag on the ticket – and there were recommendations to have Biden pick a more popular person.
That was then … and this is now.
In the unpredictable and quirky world of politics, Harris has emerged as the likely successor to Biden if he should decide to withdraw. So, how did the metamorphosis come about?
It may have had its genesis with the overturning of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court – instantly making abortion a hot political topic. As the designated spokesperson on the subject, Harris was cast in the limelight of national dialogue.
Because of Biden’s declining cognitive abilities – and the need to keep old Joe away from too much unscripted public exposure – Harris was hitting the trail more than the President. And it was more than the abortion issue. She was showing up at international events representing the failing President – although Biden’s decline in mental acuity was still being concealed from the public.
Then there was the debate. Suddenly, this issue of succession was on the front burner. Harris was naturally on the list of hypothetical replacements should there be an open convention. That is not going to happen.
Team Biden says that Joe is going to hang in and let the people decide in the election. But is he really—or is that just a ruse to hand the presidency over to Harris?
Despite her downsides, Biden has maintained a personal fondness and loyalty for Harris. More importantly, Harris has a staunch ally in Jill Biden. It appears that Harris is the unstated choice to succeed Biden – either in four years (win or lose in 2024) … or as his successor should the top of the Biden/Harris team be unable to complete a second term – which is increasingly likely … or as his replacement should Biden withdraw.
If Biden is to hand over the presidency to Harris, he has to continue his campaign until after the Biden/Harris team is nominated as the official standard bearers. Biden could then withdraw with Harris having a virtual lock on taking over the top spot.
Biden could also resign his office. Harris would immediately become President of the United States with a lock on the top spot for the election.
Harris – who was once an unlikely future President – is now the pre-emptive favorite successor. She would inherit the Biden/Harris campaign structure – and the campaign war chest. While polls currently show President Trump beating Harris, she does better against the former President than any of the other potential Democrat candidates. Trump is ahead of Harris by a slim 47 to 45 percent in the most recent CNN poll – within the margin of error. On the downside, Harris has a favorable rating lower than Biden –descending to a 29 percent bottom.
With the support of the Bidens – control of the apparatus and money – it is unlikely that any other presidential wannabes would, or could, challenge her. The most likely challenger is California Governor Gavin Newsom – and he has been falling in popularity on his own.
Oh … and Harris seems to have tamed that cackle.
Whether there is a premeditated plan to give Harris the presidency or it will evolve over a further decline in Biden’s fortunes, Harris is in the political catbird seat at this moment.
So, there ‘tis.
I’m telling you, replace Harris with B. Obama and all problems solved. It’s legal, but tenuous, so will go to court where the SCOTUS should let it fly IF they still believe in originalism.
B Obama aka bathhouse Barry can’t run for president again. Did you mean mooooshell? You can’t be serious. We need Trump back in the White House. He’s my favorite felon.
Frank Stetson … You are assuming a role of constitutional lawyer/scholar. I know there is some belief that a President can return for non-consecutive terms. That will not past muster. Originalism does not trump constitutional amendments or you Democrats would still be owning slaves.
That is not what I said. Here’s buck, buy a clue.
The notion that a United States president can serve three four-year terms, whether or not they’re continuous, is just what one would expect from a not-see-fied goober who agrees with Obama that there are 57 states in the USA.
Donks in fact still do own slaves; their serfs are inner-city dwellers forced to live on the welfare plantation. They must send their children to Fifth-World public schools. They can’t escape the violence that threatens their lives and their well-being. Carpet-bagging illegal aliens are given jobs that should be theirs.
How much brighter life would be if the presidency were offered to Harris Faulkner rather than Kamalala Harris, who openly slept her way to the top and doesn’t even bother to dispute the truth. Harris was open about her philandering back when she was sleeping with Willie Brown, who was more than twice her age and married.
Harris has now been in national office for nearly four years and has accomplished nothing in her reign but to promote criminality of millions of people in the United States.
Strange, isn’t it, that Quid Pro Groper Joe Bidet chases down (albeit slowly) every little girl and many big girls to sniff and grope them — if they’re white. Has anyone ever seen him sniff a black female, like Kamamala Harris.
It’s looking more and more like Kalamala was right in 2020 when she pegged KKKlan-slurper Joe as a racist for a plethora of behaviors, including supporting segregationists, promoting federal laws designed to criminalize blacks and passionately opposing school integration.
We’ve all seen tons of videos featuring Gropin’ Joe undressing little white girls with his eyes. Can anyone link to any video of his doing so with blacks?
Like that could ever happen, LOL.
This article gets a Stop The Spin (STS) rating of STS 2, here is why:
The info on Harris appears accurate but then the spin starts. Examples:
1) The article states, “Because of Biden’s declining cognitive abilities …..” This is conjecture on the part of the author whom is not a doctor. It has also been the tag line of GOP campaigning. Yet there is no test results stating any decline. Many whom deal with him at the WH say he does well. But the GOP is attempting to sell the picture that voting Biden will end in a horror show.
2) The succession plot mentioned where Biden and Harris survive the nomination and then Biden withdraws is also conjecture. There is no evidence to support this conjecture.
3) There is a good reason for Harris to take over, and that is because she is the only one who can have access to the Biden war chest of funding if Biden steps down. All others have to do much fundraising very quickly – big donors better watch what they pray for. They may have to dig deeper than they thought.
4) The article seems to be based on news reports which are only stating the concerns of big donors. CBS today interviewed the regular voters. They are still very in favor of Biden continuing. Most regular voters view the recent debate performance as a singular event, and unfortunate event, but not earth shattering to them. Regular voters seem to have baked in the possibility that they may have a president that is declining a little but still able to do the job. Almost all of the regular voters had the same comment, just look at the other choice and run like hell from it.
This is shaping up to be an election about truth, character, stability, and perception as to who cares about regular voters the most. In these areas, Biden shines and age makes no difference. Remember, it was the GOP that floated this narrative of Biden declining in part to deflect the declining by their candidate. Trump is also declining. Biden most likely is dealing with age related cognitive decline. Neuro-psychiatrists believe Trump is dealing with Frontal Temporal Lobe dementia – and they say Trump will actually decline faster according to their data on both men.
The dementia represent different patterns of degeneration and microvascular disease, all of which yield different symptoms. The form of dementia that Trump appears to have includes some frontal lobe pathophysiology. The major symptom is poor judgment; Impulsivity is also often a part of it. The worse part of the syndrome is unrealistic self-appraisal. Read more at *https://www.sj-r.com/story/opinion/letters/2019/10/21/trump-dementia/2485293007/*. And for a more comprehensive view of Trump’s dementia, see *https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-dementia-evidence-overwhelming-top-psychiatrist-1881247*
Just imagine, the most powerful person in the world with his hands on the nuclear buttons has a form of dementia that will decrease good judgement and exacerbate poor undesirable behavior. NOW THAT IS SCARY!!!!
Tom … I checked out the first graph. I just do not have time to waste on such long rants that offer nothing to civil, objective and intelligent dialogue drenched in self-proclaimed arrogant superiority. But … in your opening graph, I have to ask if you are so partisan that you have lost your ability to observe and be objective. You do not need to be a doctor to see cognitive decline that has advanced to what we see in Biden. And it is not my diagnosis. It is the expressed opinion of a growing number of Democrats who are much closer to Biden. A number of reporters have said that the Biden they saw at the debate is the Biden they have seen all along Doctor’s such as Sanjay Gupta on CNN has said that the symptoms require cognitive testing to see the seriousness of the problem. Even people who want him to remain in the race concede the impacts of aging on his body and mind, Your first graph raises question about your political bias or your own cognitive ability. And your meaningless silly ass spin rating still makes me laugh.
Larry ole son, you appear to be having reading comprehension problems. You have to read the whole paragraph my dear friend. There is no cognitive test results published. There are many in the WH that say Biden is cognizant in the WH and able to perform his tasks. All I am saying is you are not a doctor and inferring other non-doctors opinions saying he has cognitive decline does not equal up to a medical diagnosis. I am saying it is your [and others] conjecture. But again, if you go by media where ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, CNN, and Sinclair Media, all have CEO’s that are big Trump donors, then you are helping to spread the GOP invented narrative – which is what my discussion counters for balance sake. 80% of Dem voters say Biden should stick it out. AA voter are wanting Biden to stick with it. many Independents want Biden to stick with it. Who wants Biden out are the DC elites donors and some 15% of upper class Dems. But these folks will never vote for Trump, so no big deal. There are about 9 of 214 or so Dem Representatives in Congress calling for Biden to step down. But this is all media is reporting – they are not reporting the other 209 or so that want him staying in and want him to schedule more outings where he can show himself. Thus big media is attempting to sell a GOP horror show narrative. That is all that I am saying. Do you understand now?
You are correct in that anyone can observe cognitive decline. But you have not observed it first hand. You are going on pictures, edited clips, and sound bites from the big media. By the way, many psychiatrists, over 100 have banned together to write a letter to the RNC about Trump’s very obvious Frontal Temporal Lobe dementia – but you and big media have not written about this at all, you and big media are hiding it. You wrote about how the Dems are hiding Joe and keeping him to minimal engagements, yet, guess what? This is also what Trump’s handlers are doing now!! They finally figured out after Joe’s post debate numbers slightly improved and Trump’s did not improve that many Americans hate Trump!! So they are keeping him very low until after the RNC convention.
You can insult me all you want. I am providing balance that you do not provide in your articles. My writing was not biased in any way, just biased towards balance and the truth.
Why don’t you try writing about what is in these artices: The form of dementia that Trump appears to have includes some frontal lobe pathophysiology. The major symptom is poor judgment; Impulsivity is also often a part of it. The worse part of the syndrome is unrealistic self-appraisal. Read more at *https://www.sj-r.com/story/opinion/letters/2019/10/21/trump-dementia/2485293007/*. And for a more comprehensive view of Trump’s dementia, see *https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-dementia-evidence-overwhelming-top-psychiatrist-1881247*
Another phart from the same drooling not-see that’s dug himself a fox-hole on this site. Imagine this statement coming from a decent person: “This is shaping up to be an election about truth, character, stability, and perception as to who cares about regular voters the most.”
We’ve seen Groper Joe Bidet grapple with lies compulsively his entire career. Let’s just run down several that spring to mind without being rolled over by them:
* Cheating in college, where he finished almost last in his class but will tell you he excelled
* Making up an AOC-worthy fairy tale about his father
* Misrepresenting his KKKlan-slurping history, including mixing with eugenicists (drooling leftniks who believe in white master-race doctrine
* Lying about issues
* Lying about medical treatment.
* Lying about attending international events
* Lying about marching for civil rights
* Lying about teaching at a college or university
* Lying about being poor (claiming to be the poorest guy in Congress while owning the biggest mansion in Delaware and buying one of his multiple mansions with CASH OUT OF POCKET)
* Lying about his wife being a physician
* Lying about talking to top world leaders who incidentally had been dead for years (like the president of France)
* Lying about losing an uncle to cannibalism
* Lying about not causing the highest US inflation in 4 decades
* Lying about not being a driving force in the enactment of federal legislation aimed at disproportionately sending blacks to long terms in prison
* Lying about not killing a busload of US soldiers in Afghanistan
* Lying about not causing the death of other soldiers in the Middle East
* Lying about assuring maximum stewardship for US aid to Afghanistan when billions of dollars are disappearing, without a clue, every month
* Lying about not sending billions of dollars for Iran to use terrorism to not being in the middle of Humper Bidet’s opportunistic financial schemes (which Humper admitted about 5 years ago that he was)
* Lying about having six grandchildren even though he actually had seven
* Lying about not having classified documents when he held many for decades –going back to working in the Senate
* Lying that he’s not terrified of having to take an exam for cognitive function (if any)
That’s just a start.
Gropin’ Joe has been shameless his entire career. His best Senate friends, as he has said often through the decades and within the past few years, were and are the Senate’s most damning racists, like Bill Fulbright, Richard Russell, James O. Eastland, Algore Sr. and of course the execrable KKKster Robert Byrd, the most influential KKKlanman ever to be elected. Bidet puts Byrd in a category by himself. The same Byrd who said he’d find a Third Reich victory in WW II to be preferable if the contrary resulted in integration of American armed forces. Gropin’ Joe found nothing to take issue with there.
That’s the same Joe Bidet, after all, who described Barack Obama as an outlier among blacks because, according to Biden, Obama was well spoken, well-dressed and “CLEAN.”
One wonders which of Obama’s not-see propagandists comes up with his lines.
What a pity that you lack the skills to write an intelligent response. Your response fits well withing the low end of GOP IQ.
As an Independent/Unaffiliated voter, I backed up all that I said with articles, as is my custom. I was being thoughtful while you are being rude. Your response is a poster for why not a single Fortune 500 corporate executive has backed Trump, and why Independents are heading in the Biden direction.
The GOP is covering up Trump’s dementia by keeping the pressure on Biden’s aging cognition. Media like FOX and other Sinclair network affiliates are splicing and dicing video and not showing the demented moments, nor are they reporting it.
Hey, why don’t you back up your ridiculous list with some data!? Otherwise, all that you wrote is nothing more than hot putrid air from the less glorious end of a low class human being.
Not-see now, not-see forever.
This white-master-race proponent flips his helmet every time I demonstrate what a Third Reich revivalist is
In the space of 5-10 minutes I came up with a massive list of acknowledged Groper Joe Bidet lies and frauds, and Margaret Sanger eugenics-slurper Tom can’t refute a single one. In fact, he’s never rebutted anything I’ve written because it’s all determined to be kosher- and Halal-confirmed, nyuk.
I’ve added to the list below and there’s still no substantive, truthful comeback. And I absolutely know there won’t be. That’s not how not-sees operate.
It’s hilarious that now the entire nation is convinced Groper Joe is zombiefied. And Trump surges throughout the land, with not-see Tom and his cohorts wholly unable to keep up with him.
By the way, this goosestepping goober may actually believe that independents are breaking for Bidet, but everyone in Bidet’s camp has run for the shadows.
It’s hilarious that a Bidet-slurper would throw around idjut accusations about Trump-supporting Fortune 500 execs when he can’t even pinpoint a single Fortune 500 exec who considers Biden anything but another hooded KKKlansta supreme.
By the way, everything I’m lampooning here originated with Media Mutters, which is no more than another puddle of bovine effluent.
Watch the not-see-boy swish off into the woods after or during the following:
We’ve seen Groper Joe Bidet grapple with lies compulsively his entire career. Let’s just run down several that spring to mind without being rolled over by them:
* Cheating in college, where he finished almost last in his class but will tell you he excelled
* Making up an AOC-worthy fairy tale about his father
* Misrepresenting his KKKlan-slurping history, including mixing with eugenicists (drooling leftniks who believe in white master-race doctrine
* Lying about issues like inflation, exploding crime rates, the consequences of Bidet’s open borders, the United States implosion overseas, gummint lying about Covid and Donks’ attack on the Constitution.
* Lying about medical treatment or lack thereof
* Lying about attending international events like getting Nelson Mandela out of prison
* Lying about marching with Martin Luther King (or anyone else) for civil rights
* Lying about ever teaching at a college or university
* Lying about being poor (claiming to be the poorest guy in Congress while owning the biggest mansion in Delaware and buying one of his multiple mansions with CASH OUT OF POCKET)
* Lying about his wife being a physician (That’s one she originated)
* Lying about talking to top world leaders who incidentally had been dead for years (like France’s Mitterand)
* Lying about losing an uncle to cannibalism
* Lying about not causing the highest US inflation in 4 decades
* Lying about not being a driving force in the enactment of federal legislation aimed at disproportionately sending blacks to long terms in prison
* Lying about not killing a busload of US soldiers in Afghanistan (in all of world history, has a truce ever unfolded by one of the powers sending its military home BEFORE its diplomatic corps and allies?)
* Lying about not causing the death of other soldiers in the Middle East
* Lying about assuring maximum stewardship for US aid to Afghanistan when billions of dollars are disappearing, without a clue, every month
* Lying about not sending billions of dollars for Iran to use terrorism to not being in the middle of Humper Bidet’s opportunistic financial schemes (which Humper admitted about 5 years ago that he was)
* Lying about having six grandchildren even though he actually had seven. Imagine that this not-see and his sweet fellow Stetson, like Humper Bidet, still insists Humper did not father an illegit baby with a D.C. stripper — in the process betraying his brother’s widow, whom he courted while and maybe before his brother bought the farm.
* Lying about not having classified documents when he held many for decades –going back to working in the Senate
* Lying that he’s not terrified of having to take an exam for cognitive function (if any)
That’s just a start.
Gropin’ Joe has been shameless his entire career. His best Senate friends, as he has said often through the decades and within the past few years, were and are the Senate’s most damning racists, like Bill Fulbright, Richard Russell, James O. Eastland, Algore Sr. and of course the execrable KKKster Robert Byrd, the most influential KKKlanman ever to be elected. Bidet puts Byrd in a category by himself. The same Byrd who said he’d find a Third Reich victory in WW II to be preferable if the contrary resulted in integration of American armed forces. Gropin’ Joe found nothing to take issue with there.
That’s the same Joe Bidet, after all, who described Barack Obama as an outlier among blacks because, according to Biden, Obama was well spoken, well-dressed and “CLEAN.”
One wonders which of Obama’s not-see propagandists comes up with his lines.
Stay tuned for a fuhrer-style rebuttal. Clapping, stomping, hurt feelings and a dollop of anti-Semitism occasionally to break up the monotony.
Reading Horist and comments some three weeks after first appearing on PBP and historic reshuffling of the election field.
Larry continues disrespecting Biden/Harris on conjecture and fanciful story telling.
You talk as if you understand objective reality and your critics do not. Like you say others reading my comments agree with your assessment, I had others I know are objective intelligent and plain speaking trusted individuals. They received no introduction before diving in. As a group all agreed. The commentaries you published fall far from objective . Your articles are totally biased toward Trump.
Your opinion, from which all pundits draw their published copy, appears less than truly respectably objective. Reality is not subjective. You must agree. Opinions of those who identify with one political party cannot possibly claim objectivity and be believable at the same time
Your decidedly right wing bias opinion pieces negate the possibility that the topics you choose will receive objective treatment
Objective facts start out as truth, but in biased minds truth is butchered and hung out in public advertised as Truth.
A dim and faltering light from truth may be found in every piece.
Just a mere sliver of truth does not justify writing that poses as objective truth.
Those who identify as Republican and their loyality pledged to Trump accept who he is from what he has done. History, not me, has the last word.
Doug’s brilliance is to replace the current liar with a bigger liar. Brilliant.
As if anyone (other than Swastika-tattooed Frank and his alternate identity Beanie Stetson) could out-lie compulsive liar Quid Pro Groper Joe. Self-proclaimed Third Reich revivalist Frankie has admitted often, including on this very page, that I shut him down every time he feels the heat of truth on his back.
Notice his admission right here that (1) he read my posts above and (2) while he feels moved to reply, he can’t muster any facts or logic to support his own lies.
Here’s an example of the same thing as posted by “Frank,” a white-supremacist, black-denigrating Jew-envier who claims Trump is shut out of wealthy corporate America. I forgot to post yesterday that MSN republished an article a few days ago that begins thusly:
“A small but growing segment of Silicon Valley is all in on Donald Trump, sources told The Post — and say the stigma that previously came with supporting him has all but dissipated.
“It’s very different than 2016 when you were ostracized … in 2016 you would have had backlash from portfolio companies or founders [if you endorsed Trump],” said one source who asked to speak on the condition of anonymity, but is now revealing to friends and colleagues that he supports Trump. “The stigma is going away.”
“It’s a dramatic pivot from 2016 and 2020 when many kept quiet because they feared backlash from employees, colleagues and investors — and that they would be blacklisted in the tech community, sources add. …Tech sources told The Post that support of Vance is just the latest in what appears to be a growing dialogue between Trump and serious players in Silicon Valley.
“Trump has notched endorsements from a handful of venture capitalists who had previously stayed out of the political fray, including Shaun Maguire, a partner at Sequoia Capital who accompanied Elon Musk to Israel, and his colleague Doug Leone. Ryan Selkis, the founder of cryptocurrency data firm Messari, even posted on X encouraging founders to endorse Trump before the “floodgates” open.
“Gemini founders Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss announced twin million dollar donations in Bitcoin to Trump… ”
Yes, exactly Frank. Only I think doug is a much bigger idiot. And he cannot read well either. I asked him to provide evidence in articles or clips that prove his bullet points. He turns around and says I can’t refute a single bullet point. What he does not realize is that I do not have to refute any of them if he does not provide solid evidence – which is why I consider him an idiot and will not bother wasting my time on him.
Random readers who are new to this site can’t be expected to know that it’s a stage for admitted not-sees and KKKlanstas, and that they toot “Duetscheland (sp?) Uber Alles” continuously on Swastika-laden kazoos.
While I’m here, I’ll prove that contention.
The not-see twoll I speak of sometimes logs in as Frank and sometimes as Tom, but the message is always the same. He claims to “prove” his obvious lies (lies such as that Humper Bidet did not impregnate a stripper while he was also bedding his late brother Beau’s grieving widow, as a court found, and lies about being too impoverished to pay child support despite spending millions of dollars annually), but if you check gibberish that he links to, they’re either illegitimate and dismissable propaganda mills or they don’t sunstantiate the claims made for them.
You’ll never find clear and credible quotes. As in the case of my post above, which begins “as if anyone,” which contains the introductory three paragraphs of a MSN article followed by three more grafs that are irrefutable. In response, TommyFrank repeats his not-see canard about me proving nothing and about his not-see propaganda.
Leftniks all work the same. They learned their techniques from Goebbels — an observation that FrankieTom considers complimentary, LOL. It’s a disappointing week for him when he can’t ladle praise on KKKlanstas, the Third Reich and other bigots.
In this last passage, Doug pans at midnigt, eastern, he repeatedly lies on every count.
Tom and I are different posters.
I never said that about Hunter
I use legitimate sources, even right wing. Doug spews his own venom, no sources.
I do not consider Goeballs at all, much less complimentary.
I have never praised the kkk, third right, or bigots.
Doug actually lies more than his Felon Rapist King. He spews garbage.