Trump hits home runs with Susie Wiles and Tom Homan

President Trump has done well with his first announced appointments – Susie Wiles as White House chief-of-staff and Tom Homan as border czar.
Wiles was a superb pick. She is a no-nonsense operational person. As campaign chairman, she has proven an ability to balance Trump’s winging it with good practical implementation. She is not a political extremist, but rather a practical manager. She also is the first woman to hold that position. That puts the lie to the misogynist accusations and Mark Cuban’s snide claim that Trump is never seen in the presence of strong intelligent women. In appointing Wiles, Trump seems to understand the need to have a right hand woman to temper his more extravagant behavior.
Even more meaningful is the appointment of Tom Homan as border czar – with real authority. Homan distinguished himself has head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in the first Trump administration. He was tasked with tracking down and removing individuals who are in the United States illegally — especially the criminals.
He was thwarted in the job by Democrat mayors and governors who established sanctuary cities and ordered police departments to refuse to cooperate with ICE by not handing over illegal criminal aliens they apprehended for local crimes.
With the election of Biden, Democrats were able to further thwart the efforts of ICE even as the administration was opening the border. ICE was also a target of Democrats’ overall police defunding policies.
During the Biden administration, Homan was often seen on FOX News. He provided clear and sensible observations about what needed to be done to secure the border – and why the Biden policies were doing the opposite. He came across as a man with common sense and an understanding of the issues.
In his first interview since being named, Homan demonstrated both those qualities. He explained in detail who would be prioritized for deportation – criminals, those who have been ordered out of the country by immigration judges (Biden & Co. was not even removing them) and then those who do not show up for the hearing and are therefore illegal.
Homan pushed back on the left-wing argument –proffered by such radical nutcases as MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell — that it is simply too expensive to deport people who are in America illegally – too expensive to boot out heinous criminals.
In addition to removing those here illegally – starting with the criminals – Homan explained how the border can be secured. It is just a matter of implementing Trump’s plans – – augmented by a few of Homan’s ideas.
In listening to Homan, the American people can rest assured that the problem of the open border and lack of immigration enforcement will end with sound policies and effective implementation.
Trump is off to a good start.
So, there ‘tis.
Don’t they have to do something before you applaud the home run?
Wiles, maybe, then again, who cares. The list before her is legendary —- Priebus: fired by tweet, that was fun. Kelly who lasted the longest and left the loudest lately saying: “met the definition of a fascist and once praised Adolf Hitler as having done “some good things.” Then there’s Mulvaney who did not much and lastly, Mark Meadows who is indicted in GA and AZ pleading not guilty. Good reason many past partakers of Trump jobs will not be there. Chances are we will not even notice Wiles, wallflower, who hides in the shadows. Home run? Base hit maybe.
Homan, does that sound gay or what? This is a non starter as one of the contributors to Project 2025, an architect of child separation at the border — that went well? After leaving Trump, he did FOX, then Project 2025. He likes child separation’s message. Probably loves pulling wings off flies too. He wants to indict any politician advocating any part of sanctuary cities.
But he did opt out from America First PAC because Fuentes praised Putin. I guess that’s a bridge too far.
Those are just the facts of this guys history.
My opinion based on Trump comments and this guy’s history is we can rest assure, our immigration policy is a Project 2025 roadmap run by this really terrible person. We are the strongest, richest nation in America. Do we really need to separate families as a Public Relations gimmick? I think we are better than that. Much better. Home run, only if you are into putting pain into strangers for effect.
Oh my, Susie Wiles was two years ahead of me at Maryland. We were both English majors, oh no….. I think I remember her from a mixer in the quad at Cumberland Hall… (kidding) Glad I changed majors and then, many years later, got my masters too. And like me, born in NJ, although I did not live there until later in life, way later.
Small world.
Frank Danger … So, you live in NJ, just like Frank Stetson. Do you know him? LOL
Lawrence, , are you really that dense? Not only am I linking frank stetson, stranger danger, and frank danger together in your posts a couple of times, but even seeing you acknowledge. Also, providing explanation as to why. as if I need a reason.
Not saying that this is you, but one of the hallmarks of a pugnacious prick is there junkyard dog characteristics. Just like Trump repeats the same lie over and over again, hoping at some point to wear us down to the point of acceptance, you continue on with the same old drone
I even explained who the new Frank Stetson on your post really is. Although, you don’t seem to have any problem with his fake name, nor Joe’s fake name or any other one on here. That seems to point to a certain obsession.
Must’ve struck record.
As usual, no need to discuss the personal stuff as there is no importance to it, would love to discuss issues, but realize you are incapable of that or just not willing to enter the debate.
Have a good day, hope you can find someone to step on
Frank Danger … Name is not Lawrence. Must be the name of the imaginary Larry Horist who obsesses you brain. Not sure why you engage in the irrational name game … and why you are so obsessively in an insult and attack mode. I had to laugh when you even went bonkers over my joke. And that from a guy who constantly uses sarcasm as humor — and you are not even good at it You say “no need to discuss the personal stuff” and spend most of your time with personal attacks. You side lost … for good reason. I am sorry the loss had deranged you. Go take a nap with your comfort teddy bear. LOL
Trump is a duffer golfer not a home-run slugger.
Larry has his man confused with someone else.
Was Trump ever invited to throw the fist pitch to start a baseball game? Anyway, this praise coming from right field and thrown by that guy who likes Trump’s policies but does not like his man’s pugnacious personality. Now that Trump has advance to the incumbent President stage Larry is all in with his man no matter his pugnacious personality character. Trump is the man the boss.
Larry, if you support Trumps cabinet picks so far, you wil think Trump a political genius after you see who his pick for the DOD. He has chosen a Fox guy to command the Pentagon. You are high-five slapping Trump virtually. Way to go bro you shout. It’s all you, wistfully you say.
Do you now agree with the fiercest Trumpers who believe the 2020 election was stolen from Trump? In for an inch, in for a mile especially after the guy has won.
The world will be watching to see if Trump, again, has bitten off more than he can chew and digest. His eyes have always been larger than his managerial competency’s capacity for assuming great responsibility with ultimate success.
If this 2nd opportunity at the presidency’ is better managed, then maybe the 1st term positively educated him. History ranks Trump’s 1st term in the lowest 1/4 of all Presidents. Don’t bet on him improving on his past performance, His campaign speeches and spare bones policy projects are underwhelming without firm basis in practicality.
Let’s see how things stack up after Trump’s first 100 days in office. How many will Trump appoint as “active secretary” not full secretary.
if acceptance has FOX’s stamp of approval that’s not the best qualification. Boarder Czar is a pejorative term the R’s stuck on Harris. Seems like Trump got attached to that title. What’s can we expect next. carbonate members will be Comrades. Renaming positions is a slippery slope.
Trump loves his branding……
I think the notion that he might stand apart from Project 2025 is fading and it will be up to Congress to reign that shit in.
Both Reagan and Clinton did well by serving the country, the whole country. That would be nice rather than serving half the country or one man.
When he has a family crypto business and announces he will make USA the crypto capitol of the world, that’s a really bad sign for our Country’s future. He will not go hands-off or divest himself or his family from his holdings, we know that to be historically true. He will not share his tax filings, we know that to be true. All upping the signals from the bad sign. So, he will pursue the ultimate “pump and dump” with other people’s money on his crypto, using the full weight of the government to legitimize and expand this alternative money market while his own businesses will profit wildly by foreign players looking to curry favor with our King who does not reveal his finances. Remember, his incredibly profitable DC Hotel sold within months of 1/6/2021.
One thing for sure, the shady Florida investment firm that is carrying Trump’s nut right now is berry, berry happy. If he had lost the election, I would have bet anything they would have called his loan.
Don’t be surprised if the Middle East War somehow magically ends and next thing you know, Kushner’s Saudi Arabian backed investment firm pursues condo development on the beach front in Gaza.
The company is Affinity Partners, started in 2021, turned $0 profit by 2024 and has 20 people on staff or over $3M in labor expenses. While they have some investments in a couple Israeli firms, they also have a big German investment in a fitness company —– that must make the Israeli’s wonder how Kushner spells Middle East? They are also working to build an eco-resort community off the coast of Albania. There are about 50 Jews in Albania but country is NATO, has embassy in Israel, so OK.
Point is resort community development is in their bag of tricks and the one area that Kushner has experience, unlike the financing expertise he totally lacks, and that the Saudi’s magically said — “yeah, he’s good, let’s give him $3B and see what he can do.” Then, the Gaza war started, everyone was forced away from the beach front, and now we will see what happens next. Now that’s some conspiracy theory! News at 11.
Is the Ukraine War over yet?
Thought it was just a phone call to his covid-test-kit buddy?
So, the PBP pugnacious prick with all the pseudo names is at it again? I wonder just what he learned in his college. He certainly didn’t learn Human relations there, or how to handle conversations. Every person on earth gets his wrath. He NEVER says ANYTHING nice, period! He has an extremely bad attitude. I think he needs an altitude adjustment lol. I wonder if he even rereads what his posts are. That should show him he should have had psychiatric help a long time ago. We are getting pretty sick of his raw, nasty narcistic attitude, He thinks all of us plus those he rips apart are worthless, useless unintelligent humans, but he doesn’t even think we are human. He needs to look in Alice’s looking glass. What he says against Trump AND his cabinet choices is what we think of the pugnacious punk of PBP. We will not forget any of the posts for future reference. His posts on PBP only get seen there. So, if he wants to get rid of Trump, he needs to get his word out on other channels and gather his groups and groups of haters to take Trump down. That though will NEVER work. HE is outnumbered by millions. Why he chooses only PBP where not so many people actually post here shows he is derelict of his own ideas. How many people is he trying to turn blue by a very short list of readers? It’s really sad some people live like that.
Once again, AF excels at mirroring, with no value add.
Show us where my facts on Trump or Trump family are in error.
I write for myself, thank Joe for the opportunity, and your ire is just icing on the cake.
Kvetch away, get personal, remain clueless to the facts: perfect Trumpian sheeple.
Have you heard the signal? Thought you would claim the election was it. Blew it again, ma’am.
Why do so many here think you are a guy? Are you still a woman, or is trans complete?
Did you catch all those Democrats rigging the vote?
How are your arrests going?
How many clones out there now: 100, 200?
Get to Gitmo to get more lies?
I never mentioned YOUR name, so why did you come back with what you did? And you are now mirroring MY words as I said, “looking glass”, which is a mirror. You get what you sow, Frank. You are a very, very unhappy man that is so very hateful. Now, I can start calling you a copycat, or maybe a plagiarizer? You grabbing at straws now? We see YOU with no value if all you can do is slam everyone in this world. You do that every single day, every post from you. You are the one who is trans, aren’t you, or maybe a real clone? If you don’t believe my gender, come over to meet me, coward. You won’t do that because you are ashamed of being shown up. Btw – I love you, too! Traitor! What did I blow? Please explain it to me. I don’t get it. Tell all of us so we all can figure out your stupid statement! AND, that signal IS going to go off and is in some areas. It isn’t all across the world. It’s being done in segments to start with. When that signal does go off and we have internet again, I will make you apologize for your traitorous hateful words. Maybe we all should start calling you “Frank the Prank”???? 50 arrests were just done in Hollywood, 50 actors are now in custody and their hoes are burned down and all their assets seized. they were not taken to Gitmo. They are at a secret location to keep them safe from people like you.
Yeah sure, AF, not me. My bad.
All you did was mirror me, toss in “looking glass” and claim @brand new ideas.”
AF: yeah. sure. Just copied me, changed mirror to looking glass and claimed “brand new.”
America First, I would like to give you some advise as we are on the same team.
People like the Franks of the world, I treat like pointed Stones in the sand.
They can either bother you, or just where shoes and stepping on them causes NO pain.
My advise is put some shoes on and use your comments on better topics as
some are just not worth the time and energy.
Their ideals LOST an election. If anything thank them for their ignorance
and arrogance and move on!
The articles are from Larry and I for one appreciate them.
People talk bad about Trumps first 100 days and he is not even in office?
I take this as a solid victory!
Yeah, Darren, I KNOW!! I don’t have much left in my life, and this keeps me going. I study and research. that’s all I have left in my old age. Please don’t even try to take that away from me. I am having fun! Now you want me to stop. that saddens me so deeply. Frank deserves to live in a trash can! A couple of the others, too!
I can understand your need to trample me like stones in the sand, sounds like a jack-booted thug, but that cannot be.
I am just a guy, like you, searching for my truth, and willing to stand here, outnumbered, and take my shots.
Show us where my facts on Trump or Trump family are in error.
I write for myself, thank Joe for the opportunity, and your ire is just icing on the cake.
Kvetch away, get personal, remain clueless to the facts: perfect Trumpian sheeple.
As always, willing to debate the issues, based on facts, but this personal shit is boring.
This is the reason for the term Franks of the world!
Basically those with different opinions.
As this remark was intended for those with varying opinions.
I did bet myself you would consider the wording and convey me walking on you.
So I won my personal side bet.
This just meant do not let other peoples opinion bother you.
Now that it is broken down, the Democrats can understand it.
My last dig!
Off to work!
Darren, wow, trapped me! Like to see a man lower himself with rhetorical traps for his perceived enemies. And then feel good about his verbal sneakiness.
Yup, when I responded to my fake name, boy, that’s a doozy of a sneaky, low down, dirty trick. You got me good all right.
And to think I still have hope you are one here that might act hold a decent discussion given many of the interesting ideas you have. But you are focused on personality to the point of gaming those trying to have an adult conversation.
Hope work was fun. I am making a lot thanks to Don so putting in some hours too.
Almost EVERYONE tells you off, Frank. You keep asking for it and we give it back. I do not copy; it is you who copied me. You are the bully of PBP! IT proves beyond a doubt you are a liar+! My entire group is laughing at your idiocy and deep-seated problem of always having to be the top dog. Emphasis on dog!
Prove a lie that Frank Danger has written, AF.
Gaetz, Gabbard, Kennedy, wow, the home runs keep coming. I thought the first administration was the most incompetent ever. Not any more. Strip DoJ. roto rooter the military, put all our troops on the Mexican border, cleanse the FBI, nuke the government staff and replace with inexperienced project 2025 online trained personnel. This is most certainly Larry’s home run King.
I am getting that Putin is getting his wish for the destruction of America feeling.