Trump Has No Fear of Harris – Challenges Her to “Multiple” Debates

As more and more lawmakers over the weekend – Despite what the lamestream media would have, you believe President Trump has no fear of Vice President Kamala Harris and says he would be willing to have “multiple debates” with his new presumptive opponent.
Trump says he would be willing to debate Harris multiple times if she is nominated by the Democratic National Convention as its presidential candidate.
“I would be willing to do more than one debate, actually,” Trump said on a call with reporters, two days after President Joe Biden in a stunning move dropped out of the election contest and endorsed Harris as his replacement atop the Democratic ticket.
“Yes, absolutely, I’d want to” debate Harris, the Republican nominee said.
“I think if you’re in the Democratic nominee or Republican nominee, you really have an obligation to debate,” he said.
“So, it’s very important,” said Trump, who was formally nominated last week, two days after narrowly avoiding being killed in an assassination attempt at a campaign rally in western Pennsylvania.
Trump previously debated Biden on June 27 when the president was the presumptive Democratic nominee. It was Biden’s dismal performance in that showdown that immediately raised questions about his mental acuity and had Dems hitting the panic button, realizing the current President now had no chance of beating Trump a second time. The debate debacle quickly sparked calls for Biden to step aside and allow another Democratic nominee to take his place.
The next debate between Trump and Biden, had he not dropped out was supposed to be hosted by ABC on September 10. But now the former president has nixed that idea for his first battle with Harris.
“I’m not thrilled about ABC because [of] fake news I watched last night,” Trump said. “They’re actually trying to make a hero out of Joe Biden when he was the worst president in history, and they were doing things like with Kamala, like what a wonderful thing that she is running.”
“I don’t like the idea of ABC.”
Trump also said he expected that his debate against Harris would have the same result as his debate against Biden.
“I want to debate her, and she’ll be no different because they have the same policies,” Trump said.
Meanwhile, as Trump seeks a less biased network than ABC, Fox News executives have sent letters to former President Donald Trump’s and Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaigns requesting to host a presidential debate on Sept. 17 in Pennsylvania. The network said it is open to negotiating the date, format, and place, but proposed anchors Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum moderate the debate.
Hold the original debate and format.
Add some more if wanted
Quit whining.
Who’s whining? The bitch wants to call herself the president. Then debate!!!!
Seth; there is a debate scheduled, with format, on ABC, that Trump himself is whining he won’t do because ABC is too mean, too liberal, and he can’t take it anymore.
NOW — he whines he wants to start over and I am sure the discussions continue.
Once he gets over himself, I am sure they will set something up. Personally, she really does not need it. She’s doing just fine so far without a debate.
Trump meanwhile seems mostly MIA while Kamala is everywhere being endorsed by everyone.
BUT _____ in late breaking news, from CNN, “What struck former President Trump in the ear was a bullet, whether whole or fragmented into smaller pieces, fired from the deceased subject’s rifle.” So, one way or another it’s a bullet, or bullet shrapnel, not glass or something else. Still don’t know why he gagged the attending doctors from using free speech to inform America. Maybe some soiled shorts?
frank stetson say’s – “Personally, she really does not need it. She’s doing just fine so far without a debate.” A statement like that shows just how ignorant liberals are. Uncle Joe did just fine by staying in his basement too, so that the liberals would not see how senile he is. The demonic democrats will probably do their best to keep ,ala out of the limelight too, so that the ignorant liberals will not she how goofy she is.
I’m not big on either of them, but ,ala loves her some green new deal. She will shut down fuel, force us into 15 minute cities, and electric cars, or no car. She will finish off the USA. Democrats are evil liars, and will say anything to get the ignorant liberals to vote for them, and really, all they have to do, is give, or promise the liberals some small free thing, and they are like, I’m voting for the one that gives me the most free stuff. Most liberals think that the government has unlimited money, and have no idea that the money comes from the tax payers. All politicians are criminals. Our government is way to big. when a government is allowed to get this big, they can take everything away from us.
Republicans better get serious about Kamala or we’re losing. And stop calling her names. Deal with her track record, policies and proposals in a serious manner. Never underestimate what voters will believe or do.
Absolutely agree. If GOP sticks to the issues and Kamala’s record, they win. If we get side tracked, get into name calling, Dems have a chance.
Brian and Jeanette: absolutely. Let’s start by explaining Project 2025 and what it means to the Trump administration as it’s plan for the future, if elected.
What’s in Project 2025 that is beneficial to all Americans?!?!?