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Trump and NATO … fact and fiction

Trump and NATO … fact and fiction

Candidates run on what we call “campaign narratives” — which is a euphemism for bullsh*t.  They all do it – some more than others.  It is their sales pitch.

One of the narratives being advanced by Team Biden and the Democrats is that if reelected President Trump will not only pull the United States out of NATO, but that he will destroy the Alliance as a favor to Russian madman Vladimir Putin.  Yes, it is ridiculous, but that is how campaign narratives tend to be.  They are not advanced to inform.  They are supposed to scare the hell out of us –- and win voters over.

Trump has never said that he would pull the United States out of NATO – although he has suggested it as a pressure point to get member nations to meet their financial obligations.  He could not withdraw from NATO, even if he wanted to do so – and that is not his plan.  NATO is an alliance approved by Congress.  Presidents cannot undo that on their own.  Trump knows that.  The NATO allies know that.  Even Biden and the Democrats know that.

Trump is not a threat to NATO.  That is not my opinion.  It is the stated opinion of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.  And he has stated it repeatedly over the years.  I even quoted him in a previous commentary.  He said it again following the recent NATO meeting.

Appearing on CNN, Stoltenberg rejected the claim that Trump wants to destroy NATO.  He said that Trump’s ONLY issue with the Alliance was the failure of the majority of members in meeting their financial obligations – instead of leaving the United States to pick up most of the tab.

Past presidents have also leveled the same complaint.  The difference with Trump was his success in getting members to increase their contributions during his presidency.  That – and Putin’s invasion of Ukraine – have resulted in most NATO members now in compliance.

Yes … Trump’s language was bellicose and threatening in his inimitable style (not always appropriate or necessary, in my judgment) but it got the job done in this case.

Trump said that the United States may not come to the aid of nations not meeting their financial obligation.  Trump saw them as wanting the protection of Article 5 without paying for it.  Stoltenberg saw Trump’s threat as just more rhetoric to get members to pay more – and that is a good thing. 

Despite the rhetoric, Stoltenberg historically agreed with Trump’s assessment that members needed to do more.  He never saw it as a danger to NATO but as a benefit – and so sayeth he.  He said now that most members are meeting their financial commitments, Trump has less reason to mount the pressure.

And let us apply a little logic.  Does a person who wants to weaken or destroy NATO work so hard to make it stronger?  Which is exactly what the increased funding did.

Now I understand that some of the leaders in NATO did not like being called out as deadbeats in such a harsh and public manner.  They prefer the traditional diplomacy of previous American presidents who they could so easily ignore.  Trump operated like one of those telephone credit collectors.

During his presidency, Trump approved the addition of a new NATO member.  It was a small nation — Montenegro — but one with a certain strategic importance.  The approval pissed off Putin.   Just as the addition of Finland and Sweden pissed off Putin – and Trump expressed support for adding those nations.

While those advancing the Trump-will-destroy-NATO campaign narrative, nothing he has done demonstrates that.

In his CNN interview, Stoltenberg was very clear on that subject.  He did not see the election of Trump as a danger to NATO.  I tend to believe his observations over a campaign narrative coming from the Biden camp.

Stoltenberg will soon be replaced by the Netherlands’s former prime minister Mark Rutte, who has had a close friendship (his description) with Trump since his days in the White House.

Like so many campaign narratives, this one will fade away under a Trump presidency.  The United States will remain in NATO — and Putin will continue to be pissed off.

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. Joseph S. Bruder

    “The difference with Trump was his success in getting members to increase their contributions during his presidency.” At the end of (convicted felon) Trump’s administration, 7 members of NATO were meeting their obligations. At the 75th anniversary summit, it was announced that 25 out of the 36 members were meeting their obligations. Biden got more done through diplomacy than through intimidation. Felon Trump, as usual, is all talk and no action. And as far as ”

    “Trump said that the United States may not come to the aid of nations not meeting their financial obligation” – in other words, he threatened to break the treaty, which would be the same as leaving NATO (and possibly destroying it in the process).

    “During his presidency, Trump approved the addition of a new NATO member.” No, NATO approved a new member, not felon Trump. He could hardly do otherwise, since it was a public action that he would have had to explain to Congress. It may have lightly pissed off Putin, but felon Trump was already dragging his feet on getting aid to Ukraine (while simultaneously blackmailing them). That was purely for the benefit of Putin and blackmailer Trump.

    “Trump has never said that he would pull the United States out of NATO – although he has suggested it as a pressure point to get member nations to meet their financial obligations.” Any time Felon Trump “suggests” something, it’s a threat. And especially after Felon Trump’s multiple times groveling for Putin, it was a worrisome threat for all of NATO. Trump speaks like a mafia boss – nothing he says is absolute proof of intent, but at the same time, you know exactly what he means.

    “NATO is an alliance approved by Congress. Presidents cannot undo that on their own.” Except the Republican members of congress are absolute cowards. If Trump tells them to jump, they do it. Congress negotiated a bipartisan bill for border immigration, and the Senate ended it after convicted felon and cult leader Trump said “no, I want to run on immigration reform. Don’t do it”. Felon Trump has two powers over Congress – first, he has enough brain-dead cult members to basically make any Republican candidate lose in primary elections, and he can influence congressional elections in already-Republican controlled states. Secondly, all Felon Trump has to do is to voice his displeasure at any member of Congress, and the crazier of the said brain-dead cult members will start sending death threats. More than one Republican has said he supported something Felon Trump wanted because he (or she) feared for his/her safety. NB, that’s the same tactic that Hitler used to dissolve the German parliament to declare himself the absolute leader.

    You can be part of the cult and vote for 34-felon Trump if you want. You defend him all the time, even if you publicly declare that you hate the rhetoric but like his policies. He lies to you and you just sop it up. He says the economy was better under him, but his term ended with high unemployment, millions dying from COVID because he did nothing about it, his tax cuts for the rich created the inflation that you blame Biden for, there was chaos at borders and ports (and immigration problems go worse under his term), he didn’t invest a dime in infrastructure, and the economy was in recession. Biden reversed all that, but felon Trump knows that if he tells a lie often enough, his cult will believe it.

    • larry Horist

      Joseph S. Bruder …I will take Stoltenberg’s comments about Trump over a gullible anti-social hermit with an obsessive hateful bias. Your entire post is somewhere between wrong and total lies.. It must be the maple syrup.

      • Tom

        Actually Larry, JB’s post is very true! IF you want to call his post wrong or total lies, then tell us what is the lie so we can comment. Otherwise, your comment is nothing more than dimwitted, uninformed, and totally ridiculous! One of your favorite tactics is to call a response lies but never say what the lie is. So where is the lie Larry?
        1) The number of NATO allies paying full freight greatly improved under Biden, partially as a result of Putin’s invasion. This is truth.
        2) Trump did threaten non-compliant nations. This is truth.
        3) Threats show a willingness and plan to do harm which is the same as not supporting NATO due to the way Article 5 is structured. This is truth.
        4) All of NATO countries have to approve the admission of a new member. This is truth.
        5) Trump did drag his feet on military aid to Ukraine ( for his personal campaign reasons) until Congress forced his hand. This is truth.
        6) Trump’s threat to pull the US out of NATO might be able to be accomplished under his Project 2025 scheme since Project 2025 concentrates power under the Executive Branch. If Trump reorganizes and has control of the Senate and Legislature, he can do it. Most recently, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024, enacted on December 22, 2023, prohibits the President from unilaterally withdrawing from NATO without approval of a two-third Senate super-majority or an act of Congress. This is truth.
        7) Trump causes and promotes chaos which is by definition anti-unity, which means Trump could be a threat to NATO despite what the NATO Secretary says. This is truth.
        8) IF things are so wonderful between Trump and other NATO leaders, why are those leaders [right now] attempting to “Trump-proof” NATO according to the BBC? [This is truth]. See ** and do realize that the BBC has a duty under British law to tell the truth or it can be sanctioned by the government. It is called the Truth in Reporting Act. This is truth. I doubt that they would publish such an article if things were great between NATO And Trump. [my conjecture]
        9) Congress is loaded with spineless Republicans that fear Trump for their own careers because they have seen what Trump can do to your political career. [This is truth.]
        10) It is a matter of official record that Trump voiced his objection to the bipartisan border bill and that Trump’s objection was the main reason the bill failed. This is truth. It is also truth that Trump wanted to run on the border issue. This is truth.
        11) Trump’s cult minions have issued death threats to many, including SCOTUS justices and as testified by Liz Chenney, Kinzinger, Schiff, and others. This is truth as testified by the victims.
        12) Larry Horist does sop up Trump lies like a dried sponge. This is truth.

        • Joseph S. Bruder

          Larry, one other thing – why do you think I’m a gullible anti-social hermit? You don’t know anything about me. I work in an engineering office, I’ve been a state rep, I have a farm, I do martial arts, I’m a part time musician, I’m married, and know most of my neighbors in the rural area where I live – in no way am I anti-social or a hermit. I would guess that I see and talk to more people than you do in a normal day.

          As far as gullible – you tend to take every statement by felon (x 34!) Trump as truth, and anything critical of him as a lie or a partisan attack. That puts YOU squarely into gullible cult territory, not me. You base your entire diatribe against Democrats on events that took place in Chicago mostly before I was born, and which don’t apply to today’s reality. As Tom pointed out, everything I put in my post was factual. If I’m not sure about something, I look it up to verify, or leave it out. Obviously, based on most of the crap you write, that’s not your policy.

          • Joseph S. Bruder

            Oh, I forgot to address the “obsessive hateful bias”. I don’t hate Felon Trump, but I do think he’s dangerous to our country. He ALREADY tried to steal an election by calling for a violent protest to stop the vote count. I’m not obsessed with Trump, but I will do everything I can to keep him from winning the election. I have voted for both Democrat and Republican candidates over the years, but Reagan was the beginning of the end of my Republican voting. Before Trump came along, there were some Republicans in Congress that I respected, even if I didn’t agree with their positions. Even when I thought they might reign in Trump with impeachment, in the end McConnell always chose party over country.

            On the other hand, you are still carrying your hatred of Democrats, some 50 or 60 years since you were there. You don’t miss a single opportunity to trash Democrats and make excuses for even the worst excesses of Republicans who are following Trump.

          • frank stetson

            JSB, wow, some similarities except I am an anti-social hermit that my neighbors, and others, just love when I do appear, but I find groups in general to be the source of much evil. So I like people but shun most groups. But farmete, not farm, directed engineering so better than an engineer, wink-wink, nudge-nudge, married, been to more concerts than jagger (not really), retired skier, dirt biker, really fast cars. In Frederick Maryland, we called ourselves Frednecks.

            I am a child of the 70’s, an exurban cowboy. And a liberal on the issues, conservative on the money.

            I think folks are more alike than different if we start at American and then work our way down. It’s only at the bottom of the stack were differences appear and that’s good in my book. I treasure diversity. It takes the entire earth to make a world.

            But you made a terrible error when you said: “He ALREADY tried to steal an election by calling for a violent protest to stop the vote count.” That cannot be proven yet even though many who did it said he did it in the court records, and so far, Mr. Litigious, has not sued any of them for perjury. Dozens of the convicted blame Trump in the court records under the risk of perjury.

            However, our Felon Rapist King, Donald J. Trump, did attempt to rig TWO Presidential elections, as adjudicated in court. In NY, he is guilty of 34 felonies for falsification of business records with an intent to defraud in furtherance of Trump’s violation of New York election law making it illegal for “any two or more persons” to “conspire to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means. So said the judge. The election was the 2016 he lost the popular to against Hillary.

            For the 2020 election, two of his lawyers, and others, have pled guilty to trying to rig the 2020 election. While Trump has delayed going to court, for good reasons, the convicted lawyers will testify against him and are working with the prosecutors. It does not look good for Trump which is why he delays.

            Will there be three on a match? Probably there will be if history is a judge.

          • Tom

            Well said JSB! I do the same and read articles from trusted sources before I write something.

            Larry is a different animal that us. He knows the facts but slants them, and also lies by omission to try to steer the reader. Larry knows if he gave the real facts and did not spin, very few would agree with him. He knows how ugly Trump looks under the light of truth. He knows that when he deliberately omits facts he is lying just like his idol Trump. But none of this matters to Larry because like his leader Trump, he does not have solid journalistic ethics that his intelligent free thinking responders expect. He is the wannabe Goebbels of the MAGA cult. And yes, you are correct, Larry is quite willfully gullible.

            I appreciate your responses as well as Frank’s. It’s nice to have partners in truth and balance. It was a joy to use your response this time to point out just how crooked Larry can be. This is a pity because Larry has written some excellent pieces involving politically neutral topics. My mission as an Independent / Unaffiliated voter is to provide balance through facts. Larry has often called me names and attempted to diminish my responses.

            Now that Biden has dropped out of the race and Kamala is carrying the Biden torch we will get a good view of just how sexist and misogynistic Larry is as well. It should be exciting.

  2. Tom

    This article gets a Stop The Spin rating of STS-5+. Its a real bologna sandwich!!! Here is why:

    If you read the article and the response by Joseph S. Bruder, and my response to Larry’s response to Bruder, you will see that this article is full of half truths, which are a form of lies. One of Larry’s favorite tactics is to call his respondents names and state that their response is “wrong, total lies, etc. BUT LARRY NEVER STATES THE LIE!!! This is because Larry knows his comments are the true lies and the respondent is telling the truth.

    Take the case of Larry’s response to Joseph S. Bruder. JSB writes a very thoughtful response listing many verifiable facts. Larry calls Mr. Bruder an “anti-social hermit with obsessive hateful bias”. Larry then calls JSB’s response, “between wrong and total lies”. YET the truth is that Larry is demonstrating anti-social behavior in his response to JSB. Larry is the one demonstrating obsessive behaviors as he is obsessed with minimalizing anyone who tells the truth or presents the real facts. Larry’s article is the purveyor of misinformation, lies, and spin, not JSB. Larry’s comment to JSB is nothing more than dimwitted, uninformed, and totally ridiculous!

    This Independent / Unaffiliated voter did a truthfulness analysis of JSB’s response and found it to be truth with one or two extrapolations based on truth, Agenda 45, Project 2025. Here are the real facts of the analysis:

    1) The number of NATO allies paying full freight greatly improved under Biden, partially as a result of Putin’s invasion. This is truth.
    2) Trump did threaten non-compliant nations. This is truth.
    3) Threats show a willingness and plan to do harm or allow harm, which is the same as not supporting NATO due to the way Article 5 is structured. This is truth.
    4) All of NATO countries have to approve the admission of a new member. This is truth.
    5) Trump did drag his feet on military aid to Ukraine ( for his personal campaign reasons) until Congress forced his hand. This is truth.
    6) Trump’s threat to pull the US out of NATO might be able to be accomplished under his Agenda 45 / Project 2025 scheme since Project 2025 concentrates power under the Executive Branch and takes authority away from Congress and assigns it to the SCOTUS. If Trump reorganizes and has control of the Senate and Legislature, he can do it. Most recently, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024, enacted on December 22, 2023, prohibits the President from unilaterally withdrawing from NATO without approval of a two-third Senate super-majority or an act of Congress. This is truth.
    7) Trump causes and promotes chaos which is by definition anti-unity, which means Trump could be a threat to NATO despite what the NATO Secretary says. Chaos is always the enemy of unity. This is truth.
    8) IF things are so wonderful between Trump and other NATO leaders, why are those leaders [right now] attempting to “Trump-proof” NATO according to the BBC? [This is truth]. See ** and do realize that the BBC has a duty under British law to tell the truth or it can be sanctioned by the government. It is called the Truth in Reporting Act. This is truth. I doubt that they would publish such an article if things were great between NATO And Trump. [my conjecture]
    9) Congress is loaded with spineless Republicans that fear Trump for their own careers because they have seen what Trump can do to your political career. See **. [This is truth, many have privately testified under anonymity to their fear of Trump.]
    10) It is a matter of official record that Trump voiced his objection to the bipartisan border bill and that Trump’s objection was the main reason the bill failed. This is truth. It is also truth that Trump wanted to run on the border issue. This is truth that was reported by all news networks.
    11) Trump’s cult minions have issued death threats to many, including SCOTUS justices and as testified by Liz Chenney, Kinzinger, Schiff, and others. This is truth as testified by the victims.
    12) Larry Horist does sop up Trump lies like a dried sponge. This is truth.

    So Larry, where did JSB lie? Please do tell!!!!

    • larry Horist

      Tom … you are posting the same bs. Short term memory problem?

      1. The process of increasing financial support was in process when Trump left office. Most of the later increase was AFTER the invasion. Biden did virtually nothing to increase member contributors. Happened on his watch … but not because he took action, What exactly did Biden do to get an increase in members payments? He did not even broach the subject as far as I could tell. Your spin is ignorant and biased bullcrap.
      2. Trump used harsh language to get more money into NATO so that the US was not the moneybag — not to weaken NATO. Trump succeeded where other presidents failed. You spin is dishonest bullcrap.
      3. Not sure what you even mean .. Trump meant to do harm. That is a baseless gratuitous allegation, More bullcrap.
      4. Of course that is true. We all know that …so what is your point? Meaningless bullcrap.
      5. True, but he did reverse Obama’s policy to not send weapons before and after his conversation with Zelenskyy. He never refused an military aid as Biden has done throughout the war. That is the truth … and you comment is bullcrap.
      6. MIGHT be accomplished — assuming Trump would want to — under Project 2025. Are you effing nuts? You base your highly speculative point on a think tank study? More useless bullcrap.
      7. Trump “could be a threat to NATO despite what the NATO Secretary says” ???? That is utter nonsense. You are so smart and arrogant that you know better than the NATO officials — and the secretary general (who you are smarter than) says otherwise.
      8. And I really got laugh out or your attempt to make British reporting beyond reproach,. The British press is notorious for its outrageous and scandalous reportioning — and it is no less biased than US media. I did not hear that from NATO officials. You may believe it, but you are still offering up unproven bullcrap.
      9. More wild speculation on your part. And you even are privy to “anonymous” testimony. LMAO. More bullcrap.
      10. We could debate the border bill, but what does that have to do with the subject of the commentary. Its about NATO. You are starting to sound like Biden. Cannot keep your train of thought on the track, And it is still bullcrap.
      11. Another new subject. And just your jaded and dishonest opinions. It is all spin without consideration to facts, More bullcrap.
      12. And of course … the standard personal attack. Just what a frustrated and arrogant bullcraper would do.

      You seem to see yourself as a fact checker, but in fact, you are a fact denier/spinner. If only your could bring our intellectual integrity up the level of your arrogance. I know you keep saying I never respond point by point, That is not true — but it makes me think you did not expect to get a response so you just spread the bullcrap indiscriminately in the hope I would NOT reply. Sorry to disappoint.

      • Tom

        1) Facts First: All of these Trump claims are false. While a majority of NATO members do not meet the alliance’s target of each member spending a minimum of 2% of gross domestic product on defense, the 2% target is a “guideline” that does not create bills, debts or legal obligations if it is not met. In fact, the guideline doesn’t require payments to NATO or the US at all. Rather, it simply requires each country to spend on their own defense programs. Biden through diplomacy along with the invasion of Ukraine got European NATO allies to raise their contributions! Read the article “joe-biden/joe-bidens-mostly-true-claim-about-growth-of-nato and learn!!!
        2) Read #1. The US was not the money bag and never was!!! The point of the defense spending is for the country to allocate 2% of GDP to defense and be able to field equipment from that 2% We allocate more by our choice. Trump did not understand how it works and neither do you Larry!
        3) #3 is self explanatory. Sorry you do not have the comprehension skills to understand higher level thought.
        4) Yes it is true, but you screwed it up in your article. You seemed to have attributed Montenegro’s induction into NATO as due to Trump when you said, “During his presidency, Trump approved the addition of a new NATO member. It was a small nation — Montenegro — but one with a certain strategic importance. The approval pissed off Putin. ” THIS WAS YOUR SPIN!!!
        5) Trump held back the MILITARY AID funds while pressuring Ukraine’s new president to announce investigations by that country of former Vice President Joe Biden, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination. SEE the CNBC article, “trump-administration-broke-law-in-withholding-ukraine-aid.” This was a big reason for Impeachment #1.
        6) John Bolton, Gen. John Kelly and other Trump advisors have stated he will attempt to pull the U.S out of NATO in a Trump second Term. There is a good article, See the CNN article dated 2024/02/12/ “politics/us-out-nato-second-trump-term-former-senior-adviser on the subject. ” You failed to comprehend my comment on “how” he will do it. Your article seems to indicate he could not do it at all, and that is wrong.
        7) EU leaders have indicated Trump is a threat to NATO which is why they are now trying to Trump-proof NATO. Even before the debate, European governments were deep in consultations on what they could do to ensure that NATO, Western support for Ukraine and the security of individual NATO countries will endure should Trump win back the presidency in November and temper U.S. contributions. Look up the AP article, “Can you ‘Trump-proof’ NATO? As Biden falters, Europeans look to safeguard the military alliance”
        8) Glad you got a laugh. Your laughter in this matter expresses your ignorance, not my accuracy. Read Page 7 of “The Media Regulations in the United Kingdom” and stop your ignorance!!! I was speaking the truth. It is you that has a problem with recognizing the truth.
        9) I proved my statement in #9. It is your pompous ignorance that keeps you blind.
        10) JSB mentioned it as evidence of spineless GOP in Congress. You said his post was a lie. I proved this for him. He was telling the truth.
        11) Testimonies of MAGA minions harassing and assaulting officials and other truth tellers is all over the internet, not to mention Jan 6th. And lets not forget “Hang Pense” cries – which Pence has testified too. Judge Royce Lamberth says, nothing prepared him for the wave of harassment after he began hearing cases against supporters of former President Donald Trump who attacked the U.S. Capitol in a bid to overturn the 2020 election. Right-wing websites painted Lamberth, appointed to the bench by Republican President Ronald Reagan, as part of a “deep state” conspiracy to destroy Trump and his followers. Larry, don’t be such a denial idiot!!! Look up Reuters article “Judges in Trump-related cases face unprecedented wave of threats “.


  3. frank stetson

    I think Horist is correct in his attributions to Stoltenberg but cherry picks out any bad news which leads Tom to his conclusions. He also does not seem to look deeper into the meaning of the words spoken. If he does not think foreign leaders don’t shine Trump on, he’s smoking something. Everyone knows to fake flatter Trump, avoid his wrathful emotions over triviality, and just get the hell out of the room unless you need something. It’s like he’s a dark cloud and no one wants to get hit by the lightning.

    Horist seems to miss: “Any suggestion that allies will not defend each other undermines all of our security, including that of the US, and puts American and European soldiers at increased risk,” NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said in a written statement responding directly to Trump statements. Puts us at risk just for the suggestion. This does not seem like an attaboy.

    EU Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton spoke for Nato when he said: “He maybe has issues with his memory. It was actually a female president, not of a country, but of the European Union” noting early on the potential dementia of Trump in dealing with NATO issues.
    There is no doubt that Stoltenberg has said what Hoist notes, but Stoltenberg also adds: “What they provide in terms of military, financial and humanitarian aid actually exceeds what the U.S. is providing,” IOW, he grin-fucks the blowhard and puts some window dressing on the adherence to NATO funding goals while noting the lies of Donald J. Trump, Felon Rapist King. Remember, “actually” is the polite way to say “you’re fucking wrong.” Actually.

    Meanwhile, Trump, and perhaps Horist, I dunno, but Trump continues to put words in Stoltenberg’s mouth like when Trump says HE alone saved NATO which he claims according to Stoltenberg. When asked, Stoltenberg said, nope, did not say that because it did not happen. Again, Stoltenberg stated the NATO funding increases started under Obama. Perhaps Trump, and maybe Horist, missed than subtlety in the nuance.

    As Horist notes, Stoltenberg credits Trump with getting funding raised, which is true, but even here Stoltenberg clearly says the increases started in 2016 which would mean Obama started the process that Trump capitalized on and took credit for. You can see the grin fuck in action as he attempts to placate Trump while doing whatever he needs to do himself anyway.

    In 2019, Stoltenberg spoke to a joint session of Congress where he downplayed his disagreements with Trump but also sent some strong reminders to Trump. He credited Trump for the funding increases, he flattered Trump, while he bidden his time to the 2020. IOW — the grin fuck.

    Many international leaders, except the autocrats, seem to just want to get out of the room when Trump appears. Horist may be correct, but leaves out contrary evidence and has no proof, no facts, no sources disputing JSB. Except ad hominem on JSB sources. I think JSB is correct also, perhaps some spin, certainly some opinion, but accurate on the facts. And JSB provided sources and quotes.

    • Tom

      I agree Frank! Many good points!

      Yes, Larry’s MO is to insult and smear responders who tell the truth and provide the balancing facts that Larry deliberately hides. Then he calls their comments lies without stating the truth and citing supportive information. He is in the tank for Trump and is not concerned about accuracy or good journalism.

      This is why I took all of the facts throughout JSB’s response and fact checked them. The article and JSB’s response facts were easy to fact check.

    • Tom

      Another thing I noticed Frank is that Larry is much like many others in the Trump orbit and media that “interpret” what Trump says rather than hold him accountable for his exact words. Thus Trump avoids much accountability for his words. He enjoys the benefit of the softening interpretations by others. Larry has often done this for Trump. People in Trump’s orbit are often heard saying statements like, “Well of course he did not really mean…….” But the wise person takes Trump at his words because he is telegraphing his inner thoughts and seeing if they will fly with the public. Trump is very good at doing this.

  4. frank stetson

    I hear ya Tom; we all do this to a degree, but this seems extreme with Trump. I mean look at the transformation of JD Vance and other “normal” conservatives who have vilified Trump and now kiss the ring. I don’t know about you, but when I call someone a reprehensible idiot who is worse than Hitler, I have never recanted. And if I see others recant, I hold that as a character flaw. Rubio, Cruz, McCarthy, Sessions, McConnell, —- these guys have sold their souls in public. Yech. Wimps addicted to power.

    Trump runs on instinct, like a shark. He is a street fighter with a lifetime experience at a mafia management style. He added marketing and brand image to his Dad’s empire. It was his super strength — showman. His organization is built that way, he issues statement in those types of terms, and all of his appearances are staged. His most loyal form the small inner circle and every other management tier is pond scum to be sacrificed. Sorry Rudy. Sorry Cohen. He knows how to lie, stack another lie on top, and keep moving. He can add the best business, drop it the next day, paint brand new over it, and try to shill it again. When in doubt, sue. When in court, delay. It is a talent.

    Most billionaires laugh at the guy. They have built empires. They produce things. They are not sure what the hell he is building or what he produces. He seems to buy and sell stuff all the time. Does not even own that many hotels or golf courses. A brand perhaps. But like him, it;s all smoke, mirrors, and lies.

    It is what it is. We know where it goes. On his latest article Hoirst mentions “interesting times” which, of course, makes one think about the curse “may you live in interesting times” attributed to the Chinese.

    I vote based on party. Not political party, but which candidate’s house party would I rather attend. This one, so far is tough. Kamala’s party is not currently one I can’t wait to go to. Hate Trump’s too, like a Vegas joke on steroids with fake people, old white men leering at women with fake tits. Based on party, I can see his win over Hillary — oh my. But Kamala could be California cool, time will tell. Bush/Obama was tough too. Obama is a nerd, probably healthy treats but against McCain — no issue. Bush Jr against Kerry — hey Bush was a partier and he has BBQ……. Works more often than you think it would :>)

    I know I feel we are cursed with either choice. Much worse than lesser than evil. And I am sure many on the right feel that way too. Difference is we know. They think, but really —– none of us know what Kamala will do. Parrot Joe for now, but …… what’s next? What even is THE REAL KAMALA? Not like we vetted her in a nomination process……

    • Tom

      I agree Frank!
      1) GOP folks recanting are showing their lack of spine.
      2) Trump isn’t just a good liar, he is a liars smorgasbord!
      3) He is a common peddler in king’s clothes. bibles, gold Trump hi-top sneakers, assassination collector sneakers, total grifter.
      4) I can see why they laugh at him. I do too and I am not rich!!
      5) Yes, the Chinese have a bunch of sayings that can be looked at as curses. LOL
      6) Well at a Trump party, you will have to bow, kiss the ring, and admire him to his face. At a Kamala party, you will have to sing “The Wheels on the Bus” and probably will meet some party hearty liberals, and at least one Indie. Me. :>) Yes, a Bush BBQ would be best!!!
      7) Well we pretty much know what 4 years of Trump will be like. Even Satan told Trump to come back when he mellows. So in this case, the unknown might be better because she may be more malleable. Seems like she will at least listen to advisors. Trick for her will be if she can retain them. She’s had a revolving door like Trump. But, at least we will still have a democracy and power of the people in 4 years. Markets usually do better with Dems. Personally, I am looking forward to “Prosecutor versus Convict” debates. I look forward to seeing what kind of campaign she can wage. She will not have funding problems. It would be interesting if Trump is defeated by a child of the immigrant class that needed the institutions and civil rights laws that Trump despises! As an Independent, I hope the immigrant child beats the rich kid developer.

  5. A C

    Commenters on Larry’s comment piece and reaction comments Larry made show Horist is struggling and backed against the ropes. He like his friends on the right are in mental chaos after Biden pulled out. Being comfortable with their cloud of lies comprised a playbook the right went to time after time. Like the doing days, second verse same as the first. Biden’s leaving was the rights dream and prayer. They should have thought more about what their hopes, dreams, and prayers ask for
    Larry’s not included Trump in one of his pieces since Biden won the 2020 election. This edition of PBP Horist revealed Larry managing change and re-direct his focus with his party’s nominee in the frame.
    Larry Horist attempting a paradigm shift almost worked. He came at Ttump in an unfamiliar upbeat stroke . Which is a positive compared to the previous 4+ years pumping out negativity.
    Larry said little about Biden and Zip about Harris.
    Hold the applause, Journalism not been cleansed. The bulk of this commentary has half truths related to Trump’s statements and complete omission of an important issue The 2025 Project.
    On the other hand, no change in Larry’s attitude on the reply comment response front. Denigrating his opposition is an MO as solid as his political ID. An unrepentant spirit in an octogenarian qualifies for geezer status. Now, that’s an achievement, geezer.
    Got to love PBP!

    • Tom

      Good points A C. You are correct about Larry not mentioning Project 2025, or Trump’s version which is almost identical called Agenda 45.

      You got it. Larry’s MO never seems to change and in the many years I have read his posts, he does not apologize, ever. He doubles down.

      Larry will miss Biden. He just does not realize it yet. Now he will have to do research and write his useless vitriolic political screeds about Harris. Lets see how much the sexism and misogyny comes out!

  6. Tom

    Hey Larry, 17 responses, all from Indies and Dems. Where is your crowd?

    • larry Horist

      Tom … Feeling insecure?. You need the support of others …lol. 17 responses ???? Four guys, excluding me. And you have a duplicate. Petty …. petty …. petty.

  7. Brian

    I don’t believe Larry cares what a group of Democratic trolls believes on the PBP. Keep up the good working, Larry! Without you, these four sad individuals would have no life at all.

    • Tom

      I am very secure. Larry projecting again!!!???? LOL

      The truth always has support because it does not change! When will you learn this Larry?

      • larry Horist

        Tom … You say such profound bs. Lies, disinformation and spin also has support — as you well know because you rely on it.

    • Tom

      Two of us on this blog are Independents. Actually, I take time out of my active life to make sure I balance Larry’s very biased articles with the truth.

      • larry Horist

        Tom … Happy to provide you with a mission and purpose in your life …. even if it is delusion. Other than your own satisfaction, you mission is a fool’s venture. If it makes you feel a sense of worth, who cares if it has any real value. That is why I call what you do intellectual masturbation. LOL

        • frank stetson

          That’s why Tom is so intellectual; he practices alone, a lot.

          Thanks for the chuckle, Mr, Horist.

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