Republican Senators Ask DOJ to Fire Official for Lying under Oath

Yet another Democrat caught lying under oath shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who has followed the endless pattern of the abuse of public offices by Democrats in virtually every department of the current government. Kristen Clarke of the notorious Department of Justice (DOJ) is facing calls to be fired for lying under oath before Congress.
Clarke, who is the current chief of the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, admitted to lying to the U.S. Senate during her confirmation hearing in 2021. Back then, Republican Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas had asked her whether she had ever been arrested or accused of any violent crime, and she answered No. However, she was exposed for lying on this question when The Daily Signal reported around the end of April this year that Clarke was once arrested in Maryland over a domestic violence complaint in 2006.
After her arrest record was revealed, Clarke played victim by arguing that her arrest was expunged, and so she wasn’t required to disclose it before Congress. But Republican senators wouldn’t buy her rationale of defense. In May, after her lie under oath was exposed, they called on Clarke to resign; however, she chose to simply ignore them.
As reported in National Review on Monday (July 15), the Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans, led by Senator Tom Cotton, sent a letter to Attorney General (AG) Merrick Garland to immediately fire Clarke and remove her from the DOJ office.
Mary Margaret Olohan of The Daily Signal posted a scan of the letter, dated July 13, by the Senate Republicans on X (Twitter). The letter states that in addition to lying before the Senate during her confirmation, Clarke and her publicist contacted the man she had attacked with a knife so as to cover up her false testimony.
Clarke made news and nearly shocked lawmakers and reporters in December last year when she was asked a question about the famous Missouri v. Biden case during a House hearing. The case of national importance against social media censorship was then before the Supreme Court but Clarke told the House that she was not aware of the case.
Also on Monday, National Review reported that Democrat Congresswoman Cori Bush of Missouri – who is also a Black Lives Matters (BLM) activist – has continued to employ her husband in “an undefined role on her campaign” despite an ongoing criminal probe into the alleged misuse of campaign funds by her. The story reported:
Federal Election Commission filings made public on Monday show that Bush’s congressional campaign has continued to pay Cortney Merritts a salary of $5,000 per month.
Clarke’s continued employment at the DOJ Civil Rights office and Cori Bush’s disregard for the probe against her offer a glimpse of the deep-rooted corruption and incompetence that plague the entire Biden administration.
Failed journalist Dempsey has a story here but can’t help letting his bias get the better part of his storytelling.
His lead is full of disinformation, misinformation, lies, and prejudice. As is his way. He says: “Yet another Democrat caught lying under oath shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who has followed the endless pattern of the abuse of public offices by Democrats in virtually every department of the current government.” He says “yet another democrat as if it happens all the time, just to Democrats. Chances are stats show differently, but Dempsey has no support for his claim. He calls it “the endless pattern of abuse” and again, no stats, no facts, just biased inuendo of the unfair and unbalance variety. He closes with the gall to say: “virtually every department of the current government” which I guarantee is a bald-faced lie. He tries “virtually” as his cya. NBL.
The FACTS are:
There is no crime. It’s Clarke again, lying to Congress is the alleged crime because there is an arrest in a domestic abuse case which was expunged and Clarke feels it should not appear on the record nor does the Constitution demand she “un=expunge” herself to Congress. So she didn’t.
Republicans, who support a convicted Felon for President whose company has a long list of felony convictions, and their candidate himself is liable for defamation and sexual abuse of the digital rape variety, take umbrage with her being expunged and not testifying to it so they have asked Garland to remove her from office. He is not alleged, he is adjudicated.
And that’s the story until Garland responds. The letter is dated 7.12.2024.
He then dribbles into the Cori Bush employment of her husband who is being investigated. Can you say Clarence Thomas and wife and WTF does this have to do with Clarke. Guess he needed a few more paragraphs.
I have some questions though relating to this story:
Is Pakistani Dempsey a citizen or have a work visa?
Did he know Bin Laden?
Are his books about gay men?
Is his picture AI generated because of his real looks?
Figure this stuff is as related to the Clarke story and his Bush walk.
Frank please let us know how you really feel about Trump getting to return to the White House. It’s ok It will MAGA. You and I both know that America can’t afford to be led by democrats anymore. So admit to your relief that Trump is winning
Hey Frankenstein! Your mouth has a lot of diarrhea running out of it!!! But, it does let us know how much of a hypocrite you and your leftist-wing nuts think!!!
LMB: please show us my hypocrisy in this thread.
Cuz saying it is not proving it. Even if your English seems a bit off in that last sentence.
Thank you.
So Trump is a serial liar who makes Satan look honest. Yet Trump is OK with the Republican party.
What a world we live in!
Andy Pandy, go back down into your mommies’ basement, get your popcorn turn your Communist News Network (CNN) back on, and drool over their BS!!!!
You gotta love the Kindergarten mentality of the right. All they can do to try and refute reality is to insult people and call them names, much like we all did when we were 5 years old.
Will they ever grow up?
Happens to be I watch Foxnews every night, as well as NBC and other channels. I want to get both sides of the story.
Was watching the Trump rally when he got shot on Foxnews. I’ll never forget that. A quarter inch and that problem is solved. In retrospect i got to wondering if Trump set this up to work that way?
Neither candidate is acceptable to me, they are both way too old for the job. And their politics are way out of date for this world as it is today.
Whoever wins, I’m looking at a Hoover going forward.
No Trump is not a serial liar. Have you ever noticed how many times bullshit spouted by retard joe and his commie party had to be walked back? I guess you’re a fuck brain dead Marxist moron too
Actually Seth, factually, statistically, and consistently, Trump has been proven to be a serial lia many times over. Just fact check his latest acceptance speech to see over two dozen proven lies. Rally speeches are worse.
No, in fact he hasn’t. If you actually look at the “lies” he is accused of telling, they are only lies with respect to liberal rhetoric. Biden on the other hand (RIP) told a great many whoppers designed to mislead the country.
sorry joe, i posted twice, it wont take so i cannot use extreme free speech to respond. just wont stick.
Yes, and what you have posted proved my point, you do this over and over again. If you could only see the truth, then you would be free. But you won’t so you are a slave to liberal lies.
Interesting Joe; I did not post anything. It was blocked. Twice. Not even embedded links.
How could you read what isn’t there.
Maybe you could tell us your triggets so we could free speech around the tepression.
Why is this business deserving of attention at all? PBP must have bigger fish on the their hook than one that can’t be reeled in, netted, or measured for legality.
That argument does not fly, can’t hunt, and only shows the embarrassing backside of would be journalists.
If smearing Biden and Democrats in general is the intent in this piece, Mr Dempsey better go stand in the long queue with the other writers looking to be heard.
This is story is as weak as the brew boiling in the teapot thought to contain a tempest.
Like the man said, there’s nothing to see here.
No more Biden bashing. He just announced he is out of the race. That won’t stop the right from trying to vilify him.
Now there is only one oldest Presidential candidate that needs to step down just as he asked this one.
He’s too old to run. He can’t even drive his own car. Heart attack waiting to happen, check the sweat flop and red face.
Time to retire Don.
Why should he step down. He’s going to defeat whomever your commie party nominates. It could be the token ho but I somehow don’t think she will be nominated. And you can’t put your finger on any lie that Trump told during his acceptance speech. They had a great convention that was ran with professional integrity. I’ve watched some of the conversations of commie rats. It’s all about nothing. But in the unlikely event that the rats manage to steal the election a movement is coming to never be governed by the shit party.
Seth; sarcasm alert. Joke.
I told you you can search the lies, do you really need me to post that link for you?
All conventions are wonderful. This speech was the only good news for Democrats in weeks. I’m sorry, but even Trumplicants left during. Twenty minutes on fake unity followed by over 70 minutes in the heart if darkness and lies.
Bravo and thanks
Support your Felon Rapist King!
Yes, lets search for the lies that don’t exist. Shall we look under your bed for monsters? How about the car that runs on water? Should we search for that too?
Joe, there’s a database with 30,000 lies online. Documented. Sourced. Timestamped.
Joe, there’s a multitude of sources for his acceptance speech lies, about 20 of them or one every three minutes
My post delineating them is blocked from me showing you. Free speech appears to restrain me from posting it.
let’s try to tempt Joe’s free speech by breaking up the post: part 1:
Joe-Seth: Joe says: “If you actually look at the “lies” he is accused of telling, they are only lies with respect to liberal rhetoric.” Ah, the ole “actually,” the polite way of saying: “you f-ing wrong…..” Gotta love it. Did you actually think I actually had not already looked? It’s not like these are new…..
I am looking at the lies, using PBS which is media biased rated as only slightly biased and mostly factually based meaning they have slipped on the facts on a few rare occasions. The lies noted are most certainly lies and not liberal rhetoric or spin but FACTUAL LIES as shown below. There are more, but this should suffice.
There is also the Trump lie database with the over 30,000 lies in his Presidency. Half of these come from his last year when he was trying to lie his way into a second term. Is it that hard to think that a felon lies. That a rapist lies? That a business owner with a business with multiple felonies lies? His lawyer went to jail, his CFO is in jail, two of his lawyers pled guilty to rigging the 2020 election, would a guy who hired folks like these, himself lie?
part 2: You will believe what you believe, but if you believe Trump, you are a fool. You probably think his bible is worth $59.99, not to mention those sneakers or cartoon hero-worship pictures. The funny part is he probably has a pretty good story, but he just can’t help himself. Biden stutters, Trump lies. Biden must go, you love the Trump show. Because that’s what it is: a show. Entertainment. He cannot tell the truth for love, God, the country, or even money. How can you trust this guy to do anything he says? He says he knows nothing about Project 2025, put together by his friends and past employees. He said it last week meaning he didn’t even look at it after all this hoopla. Man will lie to your face, and if you call him on it, he will replace his lie with another lie. He changes numbers at will in business or government. It’s not his fault, it’s his reality. But you do not have to live his delusion, you can find the truth if you ACTUALLY look.
“Immigrants are “coming from prisons, they’re coming from jails, they’re coming from mental institutions and insane asylums.” This is not liberal rhetoric to say it’s a lie. He has said millions are coming like this and that’s a lie. He has not a clue of the real facts of this matter. He has been telling a similar lie since 2016 with emphasis on 2020 versions.
“Caracas, Venezuela, really dangerous place, but not anymore. Because in Venezuela, crime is down 72 percent” is not true. Maybe down 25% and there is no evidence they are coming here as the Vz government just kills them.
“El Salvador murders are down 70 percent because they’re sending their murderers to the United States of America” is a lie as El Salvador has cracked down on crime under a state of emergency which it’s legislators have extended as their jails have grown by three times the average population. They are not coming here; they are going to jail.
““Behind me and to the right was a large screen that was displaying a chart of border crossings under my leadership, the numbers were absolutely amazing.”
His “Trump leaves office, lowest illegal immigration in recorded history” on his chart-of-lies points to immigration at the beginning of the covid virus with the coronavirus lock downs installed by many countries stopping all immigration of all types, either out or in. Illegal immigration is on the rise when Trump leaves office according to the facts, and on his chart. He made a similar claim about oil independence which his own EIA said was actually pandemic related, not Trump related. Biden has pumped more oil for example.
He said: “Under my presidency, we had the most secure border” when the facts show illegal immigration was higher under Trump than both of Obama’s terms. Yes, Obama was better. It dropped in Trump’s first year and then began to rise until the covid lockdowns. Trump lies even when he does not have to, the border is real bad, why lie?
According to PBS, “PolitiFact review found an increase of 300 percent in illegal immigration from Trump’s first full month in office, February 2017, to his last full month, December 2020.”
“The jobs that are created under Biden, “107 percent of those jobs are taken by illegal aliens” is a lie starting with the extra 7 percent I guess for emphasis. Trump’s truths are always bigger than reality even. What’s next, negative unemployment? The truth is immigrant employment up 5.6M; native born up 7.4M. Need I say more to prove the lie? Unemployment for native-born Americans is pretty much the same for Biden and Trump if you look at Trump’s prepandemic years.
““There’s an interesting statistic, the ears are the bloodiest part. If something happens with the ears, they bleed more than any other part of the body” is a lie. Come on man…we all have our own ears……less blood if shot in the heart? Or the scalp?
“During my presidency, we had “the best economy in the history of our country, in the history of the world … We had no inflation, soaring incomes” is a lie. Biden’s unemployment level is lower than Trump’s, Biden’s GDP growth is higher than Trump’s. Trump’s is similar to Obama’s and lower than most President’s economies. Wage growth rose but soared – hardly. And it was a trend started during Obama and much lower than we saw in the 60’s.
This is an important one in that Trump’s tax cuts being profitable were tied to a 4% GDP growth commitment where Trump promised much higher than 4%. Since he lied, since he did not deliver, that caused the largest deficit in the nation’s history, a deficit so large that Biden couldn’t touch it. This matters because it fuels inflation, ruins our credit rating, and investors will start looking at options meaning the end of our economy as we know it. He fucked up and he lies so boldly as to say it’s a success. Hoover laughs at Trump’s deficit’s which also faked you out about all that free money he gave you. It’s never free my friend, and if you can’t see the lie, then you certainly couldn’t see what’s coming next. I did, and I have amassed more assets under Biden than Trump, by a small amount, but will crush it by end of year. Fixed assets to lower risk and take advantage of high interest rates. The truth matters.
Personal Consumption Growth, how much we feel we can spend, ranked in the bottom third during the reign of the Felon Rapist King.
There was inflation, from 1.8 to 2.4 percent before covid under Trump. He lies. Obama had lower inflation than Trump.
““Our current administration, groceries are up 57 percent, gasoline is up 60 percent and 70 percent, mortgage rates have quadrupled” is a lie of exaggeration given none of these numbers are true. Gas – 55, not 60. Mortgage rates more than doubled, not 4 times. And that’s due to the Fed raising rates to curb inflation, not inflation forcing rates up.
““Our crime rate is going up” except it is not except for property crimes driven by auto thefts. Violent crime is down, homicide is down, rape is down (even when you count Trump’s rape)
The Biden administration is “the only administration that said we’re going to raise your taxes by four times what you’re paying now” is a lie. Maybe 7% not 400% as Trump lies. And 83% of that is paid by top 1%, boo hoo.
“The IRS hired “88,000 agents” to go after Americans” is a lie. Trump used to say 87,000, lie-inflation I guess or he’s having cognitive issues with his own lies. Most of these jobs are to hold staff size steady against previous budget cuts. Any additional staff go to audits of those making 400K or more —- boo hoo again.
““Democrats are going to destroy Social Security and Medicare, because all of these people, by the millions, they’re coming in. They’re going to be on Social Security and Medicare and other things, and you’re not able to afford it. They are destroying your Social Security and your Medicare” is a lie as in illegal for it to happen. Not to mention that many illegals have SS taken from pay and will never be able to get it back. TY illegals. Even legals mist work for ten years before they can apply for SS. A few states offer Medicaid. The only place this is true is for emergency services where we cover via Medicaid.
“They spent $9 billion on eight chargers” is a lie. The real number is 7.5B from the infrastructure act with 29 charging spots in 7 different locations across five states. The budget is for 500,000 and the program is just beginning now. The cost for equipment and installation of high-speed EV chargers can range from $58,000 to $150,000 per charger, depending on wattage and other factors.
““I will end the electric vehicle mandate on Day 1” is a lie as in there is no mandate currently. There is a goal he can end. There are tax incentives that he can end. And then he can incent more coal instead. How did that work? Oh yeah, it didn’t. So with Biden we got more EV’s. With Trump we got the promise for more coal, and he could not even deliver that. But he did pump more oil than anyone except Biden who pumped more oil than Trump.
“Under the Trump administration, just three and a half years ago, we were energy independent” is a lie as EIA says independence was due to lack of demand during the pandemic.
““They used COVID to cheat” is what PBS calls a pants on fire lie. I will not relitigate the big lie as even the great Gilbertson is softening his belief in the big lie to any cheating not having a statistical effect. Nice step-back JG. About time. But Trump has lied about this since 2020. His lies sent Republicans to the Capitol and they went to jail for this lie. Lies matter.
“During his presidency, we had “the biggest regulation cuts ever” is unknown except the number of federal regulations was the same before Trump as it was when he left office.
Russia’s war in Ukraine and Hamas’ attack on Israel “would have never happened if I were president” is not a lie, but a PFM guess as in “pure f-ing magic.” It’s his, and perhaps your belief.
When the U.S. withdrew from Afghanistan, we “left behind $”85 billion worth of military equipment” is a lie in that most of the stuff went to the Afghan government which was our ally. And the number was 7B, not 85B, and it was mostly small arms, we destroyed the bigger stuff. Trump has known this since 2021.
Joe, there are the lies. Funny, the paragraph that jammed and would not be posted does not seem to have any unique trigger words.
I still think that a person who claims to be a free speech extremist should explain what blocks writers from expressing the same on PBP.
Be honest, be transparent, tell us what free speech you deny, because you do restrict some speech.