President Obama Fights Terror with…Climate Change?
The upcoming climate change summit in Paris will be a “powerful rebuke” to ISIS terrorists who attacked the city just a few weeks ago, says Presdient Obama.
To be exact: “What a powerful rebuke to the terrorists it will be, when the world stands as one and shows that we will not be deterred from building a better future for our children,” said Obama as he spoke about his upcoming trip to Paris to attend the global climate conference. “We cannot, and we will not succumb to fear. Nor can we allow fear to divide us. For that’s how terrorists win.”
The president’s comments were made yesterday at the White House during a small press conference with French President François Hollande.
Yes, Obama, discussing climate change is a great way to show ISIS who’s boss…
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Wierd, must be a Democrat/China/Russia/Woke plot turning it off. Should be on now. You be you!