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Potential Vice President Picks

Potential Vice President Picks

In the wake of last night’s primaries, we still believe Trump and Clinton have things sewn up. However, with all of the talk about Vice President choices, we thought we would weight in and put some ideas on the table. 

Kasich – Kasich’s choice for a potential VP has not really been on the radar, many of us believe Kasich himself will be Vice President, so speculation about his own pick has been minimal. Kasich says he is looking but nobody is talking, so here are our choices.  

Congressman Paul Ryan might be a good choice, imagine two budget hawks in charge of the budget, we’d be balanced the first year. Former Governor Jeb Bush, would be great because he is a very capable guy and would guarantee Florida in the general election. Carly Fiorina might make a good choice to bring California. But unfortunately she couldn’t win it for herself.  Perhaps Arnold Schwartzenegger, the “Governator”??

Cruz – The latest news about a possible Cruz VP is Carly Fiorina is the frontrunner. This is a good choice for him, the ultra-conservative senator balance by a successful woman CEO from California. It’s a compelling ticket and a good counter to a conceivable Hillary ticket. Another reasonable choice would be Kasich, of course. A Rubio VP choice would be redundant from a voter perspective.

Trump – Rumors abound about possible VP picks for Donald Trump. We originally believed Senator Cruz would be his first choice since there seemed to be an alliance between the two. A lot of water under that bridge and we believe the animosity has gotten out of hand, and Cruz is no longer viable. 

Senator Scott Brown of Massachusetts was floated early, seemed serious enough to write about, but we have seen not hide nor hair of him since. Bush, Fiorina, Rubio all hate his guts (although Rubio was just recently mentioned as possible). Christie has pledged his support and would be good, but we believe he is slated for Attorney General, a very good spot for him. Ben Carson is said to have been lobbying for it and is a very good man, but he is another “outsider” so would not really help Trump so much.

Overall John Kasich would be his best choice. He brings Ohio, he is a budget hawk with experience as a governor and he’s garnered a lot of support. The Republican “establishment” will be comfortable with him. Many believe the VP position is Kasich’s current goal, so why not?

Hillary Clinton – Rumors abound that Clinton may prefer an all female presidential ticket. Recently Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota was found on the list of conceivable candidates. Senator’s Tim Cain and Mark Warner of Virginia are also on the shortlist. (Warner is one of the few Democrats I would actually vote for!). Senator Jean Shaheen of New Hampshire has been floated, as has federal housing secretary Julian Castro. 

Bernie Sanders – OK, there is only one choice I can think of… wait for it … Vermin Supreme.


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1 Comment

  1. Kurt Walker

    The republicans have the team. The democrats are who have the problem.But if Bernie were to pull it off AOC will be his vice and OMAR his secretary of state. That rounds out the ticket wonderfully.

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