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Obama Pushing For Harris Only Because He Is Afraid of Trump Destroying His Legacy

Obama Pushing For Harris Only Because He Is Afraid of Trump Destroying His Legacy

Former President Barack Obama has been pushing hard for Kamala Harris as Election Day nears. But it seems like his motivations for doing so are a bit self-serving. According to “unnamed insiders” who spoke to CNN, the former president has redoubled his support for Harris only because he’s fretting that a Democratic loss in this year’s presidential election will erode his legacy,

The network reported that Obama wanted to keep his political role to that of emeritus elder statesman and had, in recent years, kept his Democratic activities to behind-the-scenes meetings with elected congresspersons, including House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).

Obama, who has enriched himself post-presidency from six-figure speeches to Wall Street, a $65 million memoir deal, and a recently extended Netflix deal, talked to these congresspeople “about coming off like real people rather than scolding coastal elites,” people who were present told CNN.

Polls that show former president Donald Trump within striking distance of the Oval Office again this year, however, have turned Obama’s plans to lay low on their head. He intends to step up his support for Harris in the final weeks of the campaign, and you will likely see him out in public like we have not since his own 2012 run for office, sources told CNN.

After his first rally for Harris, held in Pittsburgh last week, he’ll hold more every week until election day and last week. Obama does not think he can sway committed Trump voters, CNN reported but is rather hoping to help motivate voters to counter them where it can make a difference in the electoral outcome.

The sudden urgency from Obama’s camp is apparently derived from a fear that, with a Trump victory, the Republican’s populist and nativist politics will have made Obama’s terms in office seem like an aberration.

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  1. stranger danger

    You are kidding, right?

    That’s some mind-reading…..

    Trump erased most Obama laws, wherever he could. Ask yourself, could all Obama, or Trump for that matter, EO’s, policies, programs, and laws be bad? Every one?

    Factually, Trump can never erase Obama even as he has erased everything except ObamaCare.

    • D. Walker

      You joke (HaHa)……………….Such dishonest analysis…………shame on you.

  2. stranger danger

    My $60 Trump bible is no better than my free bible. Except my bible is American made.

    My $225 Trump sneakers don’t have a brand name, passed on the $399 gold tops They’re made by 45Footware, a shell company out of Wyoming, at least the LLC name. The LLC address is the lawyer who set it up. Under investigation for fraud, mail fraud. Wyoming is fun in that you can set an LLC for $100 and the lawyer is the only name. Everything else is hidden. State’s rights. Rumor has it they are made in China.

    And then there’s the $100,000 watch that experts say is shit. But you can’t find the company…

    That’s the new deal for fleecing the fans. Trump, as is his way to push his brand to his sheeples using fall-guy shell companies to take the meltdown heat while he sells shit to his fans. He will plaster his name on any piece of shit that gives him a percentage and the maker owns the issues. Trump will just say: “I didn’t know that,” move on and his people will cheer.

    Obama sells books, speeches, ideas. Trump sells the swamp.

    • Katie

      If you have TDS so bad, why are you putting out your hard earned money to buy President Trump’s merchandise? Here is a fact for you. Democrats have controlled the White House 12 out of the last 16 years and look where we are. High inflation/prices/housing/insurance/etc. Disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan leaving many Americans and Afghans dead or injured. Two new wars with WWIII on the horizon. Poor foreign relations. A democrat presidential candidate that did not receive one single vote (very unconstitutional). A wide open border letting in drug dealers/child molesters/murders/etc. I could go on and on. So you tell me why you think democrats are so great!!

      • stranger danger

        Katie, it was a joke, I have never bought political merch from anyone.

        The bottom line is I don’t think Democrats are all that great, just often the better choice. I have not worked for them since I was a teenager. I voted for Reagan once, long ago. I really hated GWBush Sr, but grew to respect him as a true American patriot and hero later. And as stupid as GWjr was, thought he rose to the occasion after 9/11. Folks here label me horrid names, my Mom used to call me her little Republican, it’s all a matter of perspective.

        What I really like is to see ideas from all sides, all quarters, compromise, make legislation to solve problems and make life better for all of us. Get it down unlike this do-less-than-nothing Republican House. I hate wasting money and resources and they are a total waste getting nothing done, investigating everything, and indicting no one.

        I am a Clintonian Democrat who is more conservative on the money that you, I imagine, and very liberal on the social issues. Clinton put time-limits on welfare, your side’s idea, snowflakes thought it would result in catastrophic harm, Clinton and your side was right, it worked. That’s the type of governing I like. Take a good idea wherever it comes from. Obama kick started the solar industry with incentives; Trump killed it with tariffs. I prefer Obama’s approach.

        I am sure most here will see me as Trump does, an evil communist, Marxist, terrorist that must be vanquished for speaking out of turn. That’s your issue. So, there you have it. I think you ceded your value-based status with Trump, so many bans, I prefer a lighter touch. You destroyed your economic standing creating so much more debt, dangerous levels with Trump. I prefer a lighter touch. And lastly, you still want to trickle down, I prefer building from the middle up.

        Yes, Dems controlled the White House for 12 out of sixteen years. And 12 out of last 24 years too. That’s 50/50 in my book. Not to mention 20 out of the last 32, but only 20 out of last 44 years due to the Reagan years, your last hurrah. So, you win!

        Fact is our Federal Government has three branches, Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. Blaming all on the President would be inaccurate. But so it is, we all do it.

        Look where we are? Seems like Queen of the pigs at least. Last I checked, best economy, military, education and very high in most else. Yes, US News puts us at number 3 with Switzerland being number 1, but I content that Switzerland would not even exist anymore without us. It’s lonely being the top cop at the top. Someone here noted something like “83 and it’s not that bad.” I’m in that boat. Pretty charmed life and the good ole USA made much of that happen. Both Republicans and Democrats.
        I will respond to your issues next, after my coffee.

        • stranger danger

          Katie, Your issues are good, although blaming all on the President seems naïve. Any President. For example, inflation was primed during the Trump reign. Tariffs are inflationary, look it up. Look up the solar industry and watch it crash for four years under Trump after Obama basically created it and it grew for eight years. It grew again under Biden. The US makes less than 5% of the panels. During Biden, China’s dominance has been reduced by other countries but we still import 95% of these panels. However, all installations and free power are US made. All maintenance and service are US workers. IOW — Trump’s tariffs caused a recession for these US workers. Debt makes the dollar worth less and prices magically higher without moving at all. Trump issued more US debt than any other President and just under Bush, Clinton, and Reagan — combined. Obama issued more debt, but Trump only had 4 years. He would pass Obama in his fifth year. Debt fuels inflation. Big time.

          Economically, Trump is a nightmare except for his lies. He often tweeted winners and losers causing great companies to crash on a whim. That’s not Presidential for him to bring companies down on his peccadillo thin-skinned knee-jerk messaging. He’s supposed to influence legislation and enforce it, not pick winners and losers in American business via social media. His tariffs crippled many markets and the consumer took the hit. His tax cut did not return the economic profits he promised and just added more deficit and debt. You may have had a few more bucks in your pocket, but your kids will pay. For years. He did not bring manufacturing back, he lied specifically about plants opening that never did.

          Inflation is bad. Trump gave more free money stimulus than Biden, but Biden got caught with the post pandemic economic chaos, and he owns the inflation. And he took it from his 8% high in 2022 to around 4% in 2023 and today, 2.4% — nice job Joe. And yes, the high prices are still with us, just not continuing to rise. And chances are with the laws of supply and demand, they will fall soon. My grocery prices, gas prices, already pretty good.

          Housing prices: you are right, they went up, interest went up, and housing sales are down. Now, interest should be coming down, not sure what will happen with prices and sales. Time will tell. But this is a double-edged sword. If you own a home, rising prices good. But lower sales bad. If you have to sell, you have plenty of profit in your price, be smart and it will move at a nice profit. But try to get the assessed price, and you might sit there. I honestly don’t know all the puts and takes but I am pretty sure Biden, or Trump, and not the lynchpin in this market at this time. Again, the pandemic spurred a lot of sales and the market is still stabilizing after all that.
          Property insurance is way up too and much of that is climate change. So, yes, I blame Trump and thank Biden on that one.

          Afghanistan: I blame everyone for being stupid. Can you spell Vietnam? Hearts and minds? Telegraphing your playbook to the enemy? Cut and run with weak resources? All bad. First, this war was started by Republicans who couldn’t get the job done. Vietnam. Obama did the deed but stayed anyways. Hearts and Minds. Trump lowered troops to dangerous levels, told the Taliban we would leave in a year if they played nice, they did not play nice, Trump did nothing, Telegraphing your plan to the enemy, and so Biden opts to leave with Trump-depleted armed support and an enemy that had been planning, recruiting, and provisioning for over a year. Cut and run with inadequate support. What could go wrong with that? IMO, it’s a miracle that we only lost 13 people. It’s good to be done with it.

          You note two new wars; I gather you mean Ukraine and Israel. You do know we are not fighting in either of those theatres. WWIII on the horizon? Like when Trump was screaming at NK? Or China? Did he send covid test kits to Putin? When Americans had issues getting them? Sorry, I support our efforts in Ukraine to stop Trump’s buddy, Putin, from taking more land. Obama was wrong about Crimea, Trump doubled down and did nothing. At least Biden did not Chamberlain like these two fellows. Israel will do what it does, we should continue to support and suggest alternatives to war and apartheid. Frankly, I hope they take out Iran’s oil, nuke, and weapons infrastructure. There are some things worth risking WWIII for, but Biden has been prudent in his approach. IMO.

          Democrats had no primaries prior to 1900. From 1900 to 1970, maybe 10-15 states held primaries. So, we are dealing with a 50-year primary history where no one ever dropped after winning the primaries. Unique to have delegates choose a candidate that did not win the primary. Yes. Illegal. No. And she legally got all the Biden/Harris money too. But unconstitutional on a very unconstitutional level – hardly. It’s not even mentioned in the Constitution.

          The border is bad. Biden’s first bill was voted on hours after he took office. Republicans have been offered unwinnable bills and voting down anything else for eight years. They even voted down a bi-partisan version their own side came up with. You really can’t blame Biden alone for this.

          You left one out: covid. Covid taints everything and you absolve Trump as if a total act of God and blame Biden for all ill effects for a disease that did not start on his watch for which he had to pick up the fumble and run for the goal line. Trump’s response set the stage for the US being the worse covid response of any modernized nation. In per capita death, we rank 222 out of 238 countries. Not exactly in the top ten. Experts say Trump’s initial lack-of-response cost an extra quarter million early deaths that just did not have to be. Based on his vaccine messaging, red areas met death early far more often than blue areas. It will go away, shine a light up your ass, drink bleach, this shit matters. You all died more than we, and we died way too much. Did not have to be.

          But covid tainted everything. Trump exceeded The Great Depression in unemployment. America stopped. Supply chains were destroyed. We couldn’t get toilet paper, antiseptic wipes and sanitizer. Hoarding became the norm. New US made things like masks had to be invented. Biden brought us back, people started consuming again, and gee, the economy got more flakey, excess demand, lower supply, too much money so we will pay anything to get it: inflation, then rate increases, but and remember this, but —- no recession like the one under Trump. No, I don’t blame Trump for covid. I congratulate Trump for the vaccine development speed. I blame Trump for a failed covid response including his vaccine messaging. There are times a President has to tell his voters the hard truth: the vaccine will save more lives than it takes. By far. And it does, and it did, except for the fools who skipped it. And for those who did and made out, statistically you are just plain ole dumb lucky.

          Back it up: go to WIKI, search for covid deaths by country and see the results of the Trump response. We suck, and you can do the math of how many lives would be saved if we had only come in as number 100 instead of 222, but experts claim over 250.000 lives. Covid, the extra deaths, the pandemic pandemonium in life, economics, and mental anguish starts in the time of Trump, on Trump’s watch, culminating in the 2021 Republican assault on the Capitol to overturn the people’s vote are a stain the country can never wash out. Biden cleaned all that up, has his own problems, but he’s not killing us by the hundreds of thousands to satisfy his own personal status.

  3. Darren

    Trump sells items made in America.
    Crap or not it is done to Promote and make money
    to pay the bills created by the Left!
    Trump is a Billionaire.
    Obama, yes just sells ideas, books and Speeches.
    He is being Paid by Billionaires to promote their policy’s!
    Obama is a typical politician with his hand in someone’s pockets
    to promote something bought and Paid for.
    Usually our pockets, Taxes!

  4. Robert Richey

    It has nothing to do with Obozos legacy but rather that he has been running the show since his VP was too dumb to do so and he wants to continue ruining America. Remember, “I’m going to fundamentally change America.” whatever that means. I’ve lived here my whole 83 years and so far it’s been mostly good.

  5. AC

    If somebody is enriching himself from the presidency that person is Trump. But, President Obama is not doing anything other presidents have done after leaving office.
    Memoirs, autobiographies, or documentaries are common.
    Distinguished holders of high government office like Military Generals, Secretaries of State, Vice Presidents, and Supreme Court Justices to name a few.
    Obama’s not any more protective of his legacy as president than other past presidents have been. He need not be concerned about his place in history. Trump, on the other hand, his is a legacy all unto its own. No other presidents preceding him or future presidents have as colorful a legacy as Trump has already created for posterity’s study.
    Presidential Libraries are common legacy insurance policies. These, too, like book signing deals, speaking engagement fees, and honorariums add up as enriching sources.
    Few in government or the electorate receive notice as exceptions to the norm in their person and attributes which separate an individual out from their contemporaries. The Obama’s happen to be in that class. And, those who are jealous, angry, spiteful, and unthinking brats tend towards being ungrateful Americans, dissatisfied, and disagreeable.
    Trump was born with a silver spoon dangling from his mouth but didn’t appreciate his ultra-privileged upbringing. He did not have to become the Ugly American personified.

  1. Frank Danger .... Lots of opinion and not a scintilla of evidence. Where is your proof, old man? Funny how…