Munich in Danger of Collapse; an Overwhelmed Germany Closes its Borders to Syrian Refugees
Widely considered to be the EU’s “moral leader” regarding the current migrant crisis resulting from Syria’s ongoing civil war, Germany has decided to suspend the Schengen Agreement and close its borders in an effort to halt the endless waves of Syrian refugees.
Germany shocked the rest of the world Sunday when the country decided to suspend the Schengen Agreement and close all of its borders. The agreement, forged in 1985, created a borderless area that allows Europeans and tourists to move freely among participating countries without passport checks.
The picture above shows a lucky group of refugees – the last to catch a train into Germany before the country stopped all inbound trains from Austria. Simply put: Germany is overwhelmed after allowing an estimated 450,000 Syrian refugees into the country.
Economically sound Germany is the Holy Grail for refugees forced from Syria. Tens of thousands have poured into the country via trains from Austria. But there are just too many. Over 13,000 entered Munich last Wednesday. Locals say their city is on the brink of collapse. “It is very clear that we have reached the upper limit of our capacity,” said a Munich policeman.
Authorities are even considering using the Olympiahalle – a massive arena built for the 1972 Olympics – as a temporary shelter.
Germany’s surprising decision to close its borders stems from the knowledge that their economy and culture are in grave danger. While the media portrays Syrian refugees as weeping parents and starving children, Germany knows better. The majority of these “immigrants” are young Muslim men fond of destruction. Thousands of German citizens turned out to protest what they know could very well be an invasion force disguised as a humanitarian crisis.
“At this moment Germany is temporarily introducing border controls again along internal borders. The focus will be on the border to Austria at first,” said German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere. “The aim of these measures is to limit the current inflows to Germany and to return to orderly procedures when people enter the country.”
“This step has become necessary,” he said. “The great readiness to help that Germany has shown in recent weeks…must not be overstretched.” Maiziere did not say how long Germany’s borders would remain closed.
Germany’s decision is perfectly legal. According to the Schengen Agreement, all participating countries can reintroduce border controls during an “exceptional circumstance” or “crisis situation.” Germany has stated that its borders will reopen “as soon as feasible.”
“The German decision…underlines the urgency to agree on the measures proposed by the European Commission in order to manage the refugee crisis,” said the European Commission.
ROFL. That ass-think DANG-er is still sore - he shows it here today.
Oh you used Wiki as a source, haha. A source that anybody can log in and edit. But the claim…
What 500 dead babies? Your numbers lack evidence. Present some. Putin has done zero damage to the country. Demmies have…
Well if it was stupid to respond to, congratulations you have passed the stupidity test – since you responded. :)…
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