LGBTQ People Buying Guns for Self-Defense in Trump’s America
With less than two weeks for President Trump to officially retake the White House, the irrational paranoia of leftists is rising again. The LGBTQ liberals have been buying guns lately to defend themselves against some hypothetical persecution in Trump’s America.
The past Sunday (January 5), leftist daily The Philadelphia Inquirer published a story titled “The queer people who are buying guns to prepare for Trump’s America.” The telltale title is followed by some details of the paranoid purchase of guns by the LGBTQ people who have been living in a fear bubble of becoming possible targets of oppression.
The story cited the National Liberal Gun Club to report that since the election victory of President Trump on November 5, it has received thousands of training requests of which about one-fourth have come from LGBTQ people. The Delaware Valley chapter of a gay gun group Pink Pistols, another source cited in the story, also confirmed to the paper that they received “a sudden flurry of emails inquiring about gun training.”
A number of LGBTQ people, quoted in the story, shared the same reason for their recent or first-time gun purchases and training in shooting guns – safety and self-defense – exactly what the conservatives have been advocating for decades. While the leftists seem finally to get it, their brains still are wired more for delusion than reality. The LGBTQ people cited in The Inquirer expressed one or other form of political paranoia as the reason for arming themselves. The statement of a gay man Matthew Thompson from New Jersey as included in the story represents this state of mind:
“We’re not looking to arm up and storm the Capitol. We just don’t want to be put in concentration camps.”
Concentration camps? Playing the victim card is nothing new to contemporary liberals, particularly those who see it all through the lens of their identity-based ideology. They see themselves as victims if they are a minority of some sort – black or any nonwhite race, female, non-Christian, LGBTQ, and others. Instead of acknowledging that good and bad people can be in any demographic, they single out the white Christian conservatives as the threat.
This paranoia on the left has been on the rise for years, and fueled by leftist political media sources that far outnumber conservative news outlets. The Independent, a leftist paper, reported in July 2022 about “hate crimes” stats in 2020:
This year, extremist groups have stormed or shut down Pride Month events, while Republican politicians have declared homosexuality “an abnormal lifestyle choice”, sought to ban gender transition treatments for under-18s, and embraced the idea that teaching children about LGBT+ life is a form of “grooming”.
The legitimate opposition of conservatives to the leftist agenda of promoting transgenderism in children is presented as a political campaign motivated by hate against LGBTQ people. On the contrary, the leftist media routinely ignores or twists stories of violence by LGBTQ people against others, mainly minors and women.
In the paranoid mental sphere of the left, the Second Amendment rights seem as politicized and threatening as any other fundamental rights as long as conservatives appeal to them. But when they embrace the same rights, their rationale is the old story of victimization. And they can always weave a thread to connect it to Trump.
I use to check veracity of various sources: mine, yours, and ours. Seems generally reliable and ez to use. Punching Bag Post NOW appears there….. To sum up The Dumpster’s recent load, let’s go generalized from MB/FC:
“These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.
Overall, we rate Punching Bag Post Right Biased based on story selection that aligns with the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to a lack of transparency and poor sourcing.”
Uh oh, better get Macko….. but wait, there’s more…..
“The Punching Bag Post LLC is the state owner; however, Larry Horist is the founder and presumed owner. Revenue is derived through advertising.” Actually, this is not true anymore. The LLC is owned by presumably Joe Gilbertson. We continue:
“In review, the Punching Bag Post does not produce original news stories but rather summarizes existing stories and adds conservative commentary. For example, the story Biden Already Taking Credit for Trump Accomplishments does not utilize a single source. In another story, they promote unproven election fraud conspiracies such as this Dominion Voting System ‘Glitched’ in Favor of Biden. In general, the news reported is mixed factual and with a moderate right-leaning bias.
Failed Fact Checks
Punching Bag Post does not produce original content and, therefore, has not been fact-checked but is borderline on the questionable list.
Overall, we rate Punching Bag Post Right Biased based on story selection that aligns with the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to a lack of transparency and poor sourcing. This may change with more info. (D. Van Zandt 12/2/2016) Updated (09/01/2023)”
Yeah, sounds spot on to me. I can resonate with their findings. Because I spell my name: danger.
Frank you and your friends don’t have to worry about Trump. It’s all bullshit. He has no ax to grind with them or you. And I applaud any law abiding citizens who choose to arm themselves for legal purposes. And Trump allowed two queers to marry in the Trump tower. So don’t worry about Trump. Come out of the closet anytime you want
I agree with what Jim said. Everyone should remember a gun is not a magic talisman for protection. Take a safety class and then a class on the defensive use of a handgun. You are responsible for every round that leaves your gun. Know your target AND what is behind it.
Your reasons may be silly in my mind, but the more responsible gun owners, the better.
Hey Danger, thanks for looking up PBP. I agree with their summary. And their summary justifies my Stop The Spin (STS) rating.
I’m really looking forward to the day when the Wild, Wild West we see on TV becomes reality, and mostly right-wing armed citizens start shooting it out amongst themselves, all over the country. As the economy starts to slide into oblivion, i expect to see anger rising, and shootouts becoming more commonplace.
I wonder how England manages to exist peacefully without all the guns America has?
Growing up in the 50’s it never occurred to any of us we needed guns for protection. Mass murder was rarely to be seen. Now it’s almost a daily event.
Violence and rape drive recorded crime to a new high in England and Wales. The number of recorded crimes is 12% higher than it was before the pandemic, according to official figures. (Sky News in October 2022)
Just because you don’t stay updated on international news doesn’t mean nothing is happening outside the US borders.
Congrats, WeeEEE The People, for being one of the few commentors, and authors, to bring ACTUAL facts to the table. Too bad you added the snark and didn’t take a 360 view. You know what they say, “snark cometh before the fall.”
WTP is correct, although funny how he picked 2022, the record year for UK/Ireland/Scotland post covid for criminal rebound plus budgets for police and courts hit hard so sort got it coming at them from many sides.
WTP should have looked, 2022 is the peak, it is down in 2023. ** As seen in the chart, UK crime began climbing in 2014, most certainly peaking in 2022 and then beginning to fall. Little change in 2023, but 3% drop in 2024.
But here’s the rub: Gutterman asked for a US/UK comparison which WTP overlooks. The answer there is, AI generated: “The US homicide rate is about six times higher than the UK’s. In 2021, the US had 6.81 homicides per 100,000 people, while the UK’s rate is less than half of the overall European rate. The US has a serious violent crime rate that’s three to seven times higher than the UK’s.”
As to why the difference, the AI answer spoke to diversity of our large mixed race population. I say a lot of it is the tool, the gun. It’s so much easier to point and click than stick, choke, punch, poison, blow up, etc. that if the tool is laying about everywhere, shit gonna happen. Our stats, by state, bear that out as well. Where there’s guns, there’s more crime, although who knows which came first, the gun or the crime?
Oh yeah, WTP: ”Just because you don’t stay updated on international and domestic news doesn’t mean nothing is happening inside the US borders.” Right back at ya son. Great job, good discussion, and yes, crime began climbing in UK in 2014, jumped after covid, is starting to come down, but who knows. BUT — even their highest rate is much lower than the gun-toting USofA and one difference is GUNS. Not that they are the cause, even though they are, but because it’s true. We have more guns. We have more crime. Not saying causal, or even connected, but there is a correlation. Again, nice to talk issues and facts. Thanks.
Why would you wish for gun violence? It’s true that democrats want it so they can push their agenda. But many liberals are arming themselves. And not just faggots And be aware that people in Mexico aren’t allowed to have guns except for small arms for people who live on farms ect. And don’t even think about carrying weapons concealed. Holy shit!!!! Someone forgot to tell the cartels
What an interesting and stupid article that co mingles sexual orientation with constitutional rights all wrapped in a bow of anti-anti-gun rhetoric. Of course LGBTQ folks buy guns for self protection just like Trump and Vance did, just like many GOP did, just like many elderly do. One might contend that maybe GOP gun owners are really in the closet LGBTQ folks who were just a little ahead of the gun ownership protection issue.
I guess if those LGBTQ folks would have answered that they purchased a gun for hunting, what would Dumpster have concluded? Or what if they had answered for target practice? What would Dumpster have concluded?
The most pitiful part of this article is that it totally misses the mark on why LGBTQ folks are buying guns. Just read the comments against them on PBP! Many MAGA on PBP have issued genocide and death threats against the LGBTQ community.
So the real story is how MAGA / GOP folks violent rhetoric against LGBTQ has caused the LGBTQ population to have to resort to gun ownership, something they probably did not want to do, in order to protect themselves. Instead of publishing something on the real story of GOP/MAGA threats and denouncing them, Dumpster uses the GOP rhetoric fueled purchases of guns by LGBTQ folks as a means of concluding that the GOP/MAGA must be right on the gun possession issue. This is kind of sick!!!
Everything Frankster said about Punching Bag Post is just another slam against all the authors. If he were to reread his own words above, he would see as we do that all he said he is also guilty of, Bias, Far left propaganda. Did he even think that the source he alluded to was biased and totally lefty? Could very well be, but Frankster just has to have his lefty bias out there to sway all of us to go all the way left. He totally hates Conservatives an anyone on the right. So damned obvious. Frank is on a mission to destroy Conservatives and all on the right. He wants to destroy we other readers so we will leave him alone to post all by himself with help from two other totally lefty haters. He won’t allow anyone to have their say without trying to put the rest of us in Frank jail. He wants this site all for himself. I do think, after his horrible anti PBP slander, he must be removed permanently from this site. 9 more days until real law appears or starts to. Maybe he will be somewhere where he can’t produce anymore slams, slander, hate and narcissism. He still has a chance to treat all of us with readership respect that he will not allow us to have. These sites are supposed to be like debates. HE wants one-sided debates. He thinks we ALL are worthless, useless nonhumans. It’s all right out there in black and white. I do hope, though he will survive the immense shock that is coming to him, but I believe it will be too much for him to handle. These are my opinions only by what has transpired for a very long time that I can prove without a doubt. I wish him well, though no matter what. Also, Frank, yes, I do receive emails from PBP. 3 to 4 of them, all the stories published that you post on. You idiot. What you said yesterday was nonsense. You get those emails, too along with many others that do to. IF PBP is unreliable or liars then why has there been so many OTHER websites with much the same exact information that your source is wrong? Tell all of us about that! I take PBP over you any time! So – let’s see what garbage you slam back at me for being honest and truthful.
AF: you are a very rude person who must name call because she can’t toe the line and have a proper discussion with a modicum of decorum. This time she goes off on my bias, etc. when I was clear that: “I use to check veracity of various sources: mine, yours, and ours. Seems generally reliable and ez to use. Punching Bag Post NOW appears there….. To sum up The Dumpster’s recent load, let’s go generalized from MB/FC:”
Yeah, take it up with Media Bias / Fact Check and accuse them of bias, being lefties, with your broad support data.
Or suggest another bias/fact checker that you life: if they even cover PBP, it will be similar.
Thanks for your response as to getting PBP emails that I wondered about. Sorry if my just asking a simple question makes me an idiot in your eyes. Whatever.
She wonders why all right-wing sites have the same info. Lack of resourcefulness perhaps? I don’t know. You tell us.
As to the rest, yes, these are your opinions. My opinion is they are weird. And you say you can prove them. But you haven’t and you can’t because, dear, they just ain’t right. One bubble off dead center as they say.
But I will have a nice day. And you keep reading Media Bias / Fact Check and blaming me for all the ills you make up from that reading.
Wonder what you will blame me for if I post Bible passages?
No, Frankie, YOU are rude. You do it all the time, right from the very first time I ever posted on this site. You are NOT the ONLY ONE that can do that. You taught all of us how to do that! You are the proverbial pot calling the kettle black. When you stop, I will stop. Your dictatorship on this site is deplorable and you will NEVER OWN ME!
Your link above is biased just like you and you feed on that!
I may be weird (I don’t think I am), but yours are next door to criminal. You just will not listen to reason, period, even when you see it on your own sites. You want this country to go down. You want LGBTQ grooming. You want millions of immigrants with criminal backgrounds to enter America. You want those immigrants to storm apartments, homes, rape, pillage and destroy everything in their path. You want child trafficking. You want our criminal government to pay those criminal immigrants and not a cent for Americans who have lost everything from the lefts HAARP machines, if you are so in love with them, go join them where you belong! That is what the left is doing. That is what the left wants. You are part of them, Mr. Lefty. I want love, peace and abundance which you show you do not want. AND I want to fight, fight, fight for that peace, love and abundance in our Lord’s name which you do not want. Do not say I want to fight with guns or fists, either. There are other ways to fight like I do here. Get used to it. There is going to be more until you learn you cannot own any of us. Go spill your vomit on other sites and leave us alone with our good thoughts! If you have any bible training, remember this: your soul is marked.
I am not sure what you are saying AF.
Got examples?