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LA Times and DC Post not endorsing in presidential race.  WHAT?

LA Times and DC Post not endorsing in presidential race.  WHAT?

Two of the most prominent – and most liberal – newspapers in America have announced their last minute decision to skip making the anticipated endorsement of Vice President Harris. To say that is a shocker is a gross understatement.

The decision by these two publications is tearing the heart out of the left-wing Democrat establishment – which has considered the Times and the Post as essentially in-house newsletters.

It is especially noteworthy in an election year in which Democrats have been trying to draw a stark contrast between good and evil – accusing Trump of being a dyed-in-the-wool fascist authoritarian who will literally end the 235-year-old American democracy.

The last time the Post passed on a presidential endorsement was in 1976 – in the race between Jimmy Carter and incumbent President Jerry Ford.  That was attributed a belief that both men were equally qualified.  Neither Carter nor Food were considered to be  —  nor accused of being — a threat to democracy itself.

Newspaper non-endorsements have always been based on the belief that there is no notable difference between the candidates in terms of qualifications or policies.  This one will be seen as the same rationale by many – and THAT is what has the left’s hair on fire.  If Trump was truly the political ogre as Harris claims him to be, the Post and the Times would have a moral and civic obligation to oppose him. 

Are voters to believe that the Times and the Post both believe that Trump would destroy America, but do not care?  Of course not. They clearly have to believe that it does not matter which candidate is elected President of the United States – that Trump is not the serious threat to democracy as Democrats campaign narratives claim.

While the two publications said that their decisions were based on a dedication to “independence”, the decision was clearly beneficial to Trump.  Certainly, a publication whose motto is “Democracy Dies in Darkness” is clearly undermining the Harris contention that Trump is an existential threat to democracy.

The shock to the left-wing establishment’s system was evident in the immediate resignation of Robert Kagan, the D.C. Post’s editor-at-large, and a number of writers from the LA Times.  There was also a rash of subscriber cancelations.

In search of some explanation, those on the left point the finger at Post owner and Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos, who is alleged to have made – or at least influenced the editorial decision for the Post.  They claim that it is due to the fact that he and Trump have feuded – and Trump could be a threat to Bezos’ empire.  If that were the case, it would make more sense for him to do everything possible to defeat Trump.  Taking a pass on an endorsement only helps Trump by pushing back against the Harris end-of-America campaign strategy.

That also does not explain why the LA Times made a similar decision.  After all, the Times is a very liberal publication in a very deep blue state. 

Ironically, an LA Times and a Post endorsement would not have had much impact on the race.  California is a deep blue state and will wind up in the Harris column. Since everyone assumed the Post would endorse Harris – as they planned to do – such an endorsement would have had little impact.  But the non-endorsement does.  It gives voters a reason to question Harris’ claims that Trump is a fascist who will end democracy in America.

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. Frank stetson

    They don’t like Trump and can’t stand Kamala. But they know that Trump is winning.

  2. Tom

    This article gets a Stop The Spin (STS) rating of 2, here’s why: very one sided. Again, Larry shows his inability to see both sides.

    The article focuses only on what non-endorsement says about Harris. Fact is, everything Larry says it says about Harris, non-endorsement also says about Trump. But as usual, Larry lives in his MAGA-dome where bias and one-sidedness are the uniform of the day!

    What a bunch of blarney! According to Zuckerberg it was a business decision. According to many, it is due to fear of reprisal by Trump if he wins. If you had researched any of the NY Times articles themselves, you would see that they do not consider Trump qualified, nor did the say that he was. And they have been pointing out the notable differences every week. Google: “Where Kamala Harris and Donald Trump Stand on the Issues”.

    I do agree that Zuck could have done better, but again, he is looking through a business lens and who knows what he is not telling. Maybe he just does not want to be bogged down with endless GOP investigations like we have seen in the last eight years.

    As far as Independents are concerned, we view it as taking a neutral position, as many of us do not look to either paper to make our decisions. I do like some of the comparison articles they have written. I think the Times and Post both hate Trump and are unsure on Harris. So best to stick to “independent” journalism which is essentially a neutral position where only facts without bias are presented.

    As for Larry’s claim, “It gives voters a reason to question Harris’ claims that Trump is a fascist who will end democracy in America.”, well, Independents know what Trump is and they will believe all of the people who worked for Trump who have said many things about the man. These claims verify Harris. Personally, I do not know a single Independent that has questioned what Harris and all of the Trump ex-WH staff have said. His behaviors have shown us they are telling the truth over and over again. We do not see Deutschland 1939, but we do see an undesireable change in Federal Government behavior, a more chaotic behavior which we despise, if Trump wins.

    And by the way, just for good measure, not endorsing Trump may also mean that Trump is continuing his lies about Harris as evidenced by the non-endorsement!!! But they will not say this under the MAGA-dome where Larry lives.

    • Americafirst

      Tom, why do you have such a bad attitude about Trump? HE is the Commander in Chief and our war time President. Check the Law of War manual from the military about that and what it means. It may surprise you.

    • larry Horist

      Tom … You are losing it old man — apparently confused.. What does mark Zuckerberg have to do with the story? Also, the point is both papers were expected to endorse Harris … and did not. That is the news. That it why it was blow to Harris. Between confusion, lack of reading comprehension and constant personal attacks, your silly rating system only highlights you problems. You are in no shape to be rating anything these days. Would be interesting to see you on a stage debating Biden. Sorry to be so … uh … frank.

      • Tom

        I meant Bezos. I got my rich guys wrong. But the point is still valid. I do not think it was a big blow to Harris. Most people these days do not read newspapers, and I do not know of anyone who reads them in order to decide who to vote for. Harris will win without those papers.

        Larry, you are a better writer because of my ratings. I point out the things you refrain from disclosing. The attacks are meant constructively because it is all you understand because it is your style.

        My oh my, you still have Frank on your mind?

        • larry Horist

          Tom … You are a joke. I know that because you always make me laugh. I worry that you actually believe that your childish rating system and constant insults actually have an impact on my writing. If you do, you are not only arrogant but a delusional old fool as well. Oh … btw, that was a lowercase “frank.” And who is Frank, anyway? LOL

  3. Americafirst

    Larry, perhaps the LA Times and the DC Post both discovered the criminal background of Harris. Her MK Ultra upbringing, her mother being in the CIA and involved in MK Ultra, her mother’s treating her children with a militant attitude instead of loving arms. Kamals’s secret marriage in Canada that wasn’t Emhoff. There is so much more to this story. It’s been coming out all over the internet for the past two days. Perhaps that is why the papers decided not to endorse Kamala because they now know what she really is. In my estimation, her calling Trump a Nazi, well it takes one to know one. Her attitude reeks of Nazi force Maybe, maybe not. It just seems funny they didn’t endorse her just as this background information came out.

    • stranger danger

      Her MK Ultra upbringing that there is no source for. The author is a liar who deals in conspiracy theories without merit.

      Her mother being in the CIA and involved in MK Ultra that cannot be proved except by conspiracy nuts. The author believes it’s truth.

      Her mother’s treating her children with a militant attitude instead of loving arms because someone said so, no actual proof that the author can share because the author don’t need no stinkin proof, no actual evidence, just any ole rumor or conspiracy theory will do.

      Kamals’s secret marriage in Canada that wasn’t Emhoff where they can’t even prove she went to Canada. Like even if this happened, and it cannot be proved, but even if it happened, so what??? This upsets you but a guy who puts his fingers up the vagina of unwilling strangers is your pick for President? How many witnesses said he did it to them too? Two, three, more? On the record. He did not sue for perjury or defamation… This upsets you, but a felon is A-fucking skippy with you? A guy who cheated his poor students, stole from his charity, and cheated the US taxpayer by stealing tax payments? So his fucking CFO could send his kid to private school while your’s are forced to be educated next to cat-eating Haitians?

      You have a very strange way of judging character.

      You go on to say cCalling “Trump a Nazi, well it takes one to know one. Her attitude reeks of Nazi force.” Maybe the author should remember her own words when she previously stated: “What the problem is those who are sneaky and act like Nazi’s like you show us you do.” Well, somebody, not me, but somebody once said “well it takes one to know one. Her attitude reeks on Nazi force.”

      Well, dear, you are spot on for pointing out your own mistakes. Too bad you can’t apologize. That would be against the code, you would be termed a Rino, and cast out into the realm of Cheney. Perhaps you can be Project 2025 trained via their online training camp for Trump administration lackeys. For a few hours time, you too can replace a Democrat in the deep state to create your new Trump administration: the deep kimchee.

      • Americafirst

        Frank, you should well know what conspiracy theories are. You are one great big one. From the posts, most do not even believe your blarney. I quadruple down on you being a criminal Nazi. You cannot even use our post names, you absolutely, like a first grader have to use a term like we are a book instead of human, like “the author” How stupid is that? If you are saying I made up what I wrote in the previous post or that I am lying, go to the f’ing source that gave it out. There are many and will keep you busy for a couple of days. Every time you slam, we slam back and more of us are doing just that! Oh, what the heck is Kimchee? Speak English, please. It’s too bad you can’t see both sides of any story. Don’t like it? Come get me, coward! You seem to know everything about me, so come to my home and get me! You are a coward. Big mouth coward!

      • Tom

        AF is an old man who has multiple personality disorder and is frequently off of his meds and does not make there therapy appointments. He is loaded with conspiracy theories and lately obsessed with JAGs and some kind of manual called The Law of War.
        You are correct, she is a very strange judge of character but this is what mental illness does to a person.

        By the way, did you know that Koreans do not make as much kimchee these days. They say that the global warming is heating up the ground to much and that the ground needs to be cooler to make kimchee.

        • larry Horist

          Tom …. I was not aware of your medical training. You call AF an old man and then refer to AF as “she.” Another example of your increasing lose of mental acuity. Whatever you think of AF writings, your diagnosis is of the person is pure bs. You are either lying or delusional. (I believe the latter.) And as a person who likes kimchee — and has made it — you are as ignorant of that subject as you are of so many other things. Arrogance and ignorance is a very bad combination — and you excel in both.

  4. stranger danger

    Hard to pin a needle in this one as to what these fine fellows were thinking.
    The LA Times guy’s daughter claims it Gaza, he says no.
    The WAPA guy says it’s new policy to remain neutral.
    Apparently, neither of these guys read their own rags and both has the worst sense of timing ever. Probably asked James Comey and Christopher Wray about WHEN to roll this out.
    Truth is no one would have cared much if they did this sixth months ago.
    Only Kamala and the publications lose, Trump wins on this timing.
    If the gents think they are protecting themselves against a Trump Presidency, good luck with that ill-timed ploy. You just made him want you more. Always pick off the weak in the herd first.
    Like I said about voting rule, gerrymandering, etc. It’s not that it gets done, it’s WHEN it gets done and right before the election is the worst time to attempt to pull this shit off.
    I just don’t know what these gents are thinking.

  5. Darren

    The Democrat machine loves WORDS!
    Trump WILL do this, Trump WILL do that.
    Were I come from Actions speak louder than words!
    Biden & Kamala tried to imprison Trump.
    They HAVE smeared him, Lied about him, went after his family, went
    after his business.
    The DOJ & FBI have lied to the media, with held facts, lied to
    social media, everything in their power including raiding his home as
    Biden leaves papers in his garage!
    They protected a criminal Hilary Clinton that should be behind bars.
    They flubbed up securing Trump from a shooter, they had a Kennedy planned
    assignation attempt, unlike 60 years ago they sent a boy to do a mans job.
    Had he been caught, who do you suppose would have been the Jack Ruby ?
    I can keep going, but what is the point, stupidity runs as deep as denial!
    SO with FACTS, who do you call the real threat to Democracy!
    Besides, some of you think this is a forum for your own article.
    Fools, this is just for comments.
    And that is mine!

    • Americafirst

      Good for you Darren. I totally agree and impressed you stay on this site to help set the records straight – and thank you!

    • stranger danger

      “Were (sic, where) I come from Actions speak louder than words! Biden & Kamala tried to imprison Trump.” Since you have issues with too many words, I can understand. However, exactly what actions did BIDEN or HARRIS actually perform to make this happen. There are indictments. No one thinks they lead to prison. Except people like you.

      “They HAVE smeared him, Lied about him, went after his family, went after his business.” That’s because he’s the Don of a crime family. How many of his family and inner circle indicted, convicted, or both? How many fines? Fucking guy is a felon, sexual abuser, tax cheat, felonious business. He’s the only President who pardoned his daughter’s convict Father In Law. His wife snuck into the country, used Trump to chain migrate parents in, and now lives with a communist party member in his cabana. Give it a rest. IMO, the press has been pretty fair and balanced. Tucker lied, got caught. You still give him money. Bannon lied, went to prison, are you entertained? Jones paid almost a billion for his lies and still you watch, but not many face penalties for going after Turnip’s friends and family. Because you scream, you whine, you accuse, but after four years of HOUSE investigations, you ain’t got dick besides Jordan and Comer, two big ass dicks. The fact we they could not indict over Russia does not mean the investigation was wrong, it was not. And the second impeachment is rock solid, you just voted party over The Constitution. “Hey, I need a favor” behind closed doors is rarely legal. Nor is, “I just need these 11,000 votes,” and his lawyers already pled guilty and will testify against him in that little 2020 Trump election rig job.

      “The DOJ & FBI have lied to the media, with held facts, lied to social media, everything in their power including raiding his home as” got source for any or all wrongdoing? I mean the raids were legal, the raids were performed in due diligence of the law. What’s your problem with law and order?

      “Biden leaves papers in his garage!” Biden, Pence, Obama, Carter, and many more found documents at home, returned with little fanfare. Trump did not return them, lied about having them, and they raided him to find them. Got a problem with that? Can’t you see the difference in a voluntary return and lying about even having them, getting caught, then returning some and lying about having the rest? Does not the difference scream out the need for a raid? Not to mention his fucking communist party member chain immigration Russian father-in-law sleeping right next to our top nukie secrets. Nah, all the same.

      “They protected a criminal Hilary Clinton that should be behind bars.” While the facts say no case, the fact is you had four years to get it on during Trump and all you got is limp dick.

      “They flubbed up securing Trump from a shooter, they had a Kennedy planned assignation attempt, unlike 60 years ago they sent a boy to do a mans job.” You lie. You cannot prove this whack conspiracy theory.

      “Had he been caught, who do you suppose would have been the Jack Ruby ?” And pigs will fly. The impossible to prove or disprove always makes the best nutjob conspiracy theory. You cannot even prove a conspiracy to use a Republican 2A gun nut to assassinate Trump but you already jump to the next conspiracy of Jack Ruby? Twisted sister you are.

      “I can keep going, but what is the point, stupidity runs as deep as denial!” You got that right, sister, and the Nile is a river in Egypt.
      “SO with FACTS, who do you call the real threat to Democracy!” Trump.

      “Besides, some of you think this is a forum for your own article. Fools, this is just for comments.” I beg to differ and suggest you read the ABOUT section that the owner, Mr. Gilbertson, or Tim as I know him, has written. It’s very nice and totally contradicts your statement.

      Point is I have no issue discussing this with you, but would like to start from a place where you source your wild accusations, provide a link to the facts, or something a little more than the statements you spew without support, statistics, sources or whatever. I figure everything noted here is pretty well known as fact, but let me know what you need sourcing for. Good chat, love to talk the issues of the day versus name calling diatribe of an emotional level and totally imagined. Wait, did you just hear an emergency siren?

    • Tom

      You are correct in saying actions speak louder than words. Here are some of TRump’s actions:
      Committed insurrection. Throws his personal lawyer Cohen under the bus.
      Known by most to be a liar.
      Convicted of 34 counts of fraud. Cheated NY citizens by not paying proper taxes.
      Convicted digital rapist. 27 women so far say they had a similar sexual abuse experience with him.
      Calls people lots of names, you know like horse face.
      Insults gold star families.
      Went back on his word to pay for a soldiers funeral and mocked his race.
      Dodged the DOJ when they came looking for classified documents he stole on his way out of office.
      He and the GOP are suing states to eliminate voters so he can win.
      Calls the USA a garbage can.
      Calls Puerto Rico a pile of garbage.
      Calls an African country a shit hole.
      Cancels out of debates and interviews.
      Grifter and cheater. Sells bibles made in China!!!
      Adulterer multiple times.

      Is this enough actions to say Trump is a real creep?

      • Frank stetson

        Show respect for your next president

  6. Americafirst

    Frank Sd, no, Trump is NOT any of those disgusting horrible things you wrote in the beginning of your last post, BUT I am pretty certain YOU are the one who is a lot of those things and a felon. I have been saying that for a long time because you write the way someone who is a criminal tries to exonerate themselves. You try too hard to appear not a felon but dig yourself in deeper every time. Should I write to Trump and explain about you or forward all the PBP’s to him for him to see your remarks and let him write back to you? I bet you would not want me to do that because you ARE a coward.

    • Stranger fanger

      It’s Wednesday, do you know where your EAS/EBS signal went? Send in the Marines. Joe is still Joe, Trump is not commander in chef, just a private citizen and twice impeached ex-President, but Melania did turn up at MSG, What a strange kiss, almost standoffish.

      PR Americans just love him. T-shirts and paper towels for all..

    • Tom

      That’s right stranger. Trump is a better man. I’ve realized that we might be wrong about him

  7. Joe

    That’s not Tom.

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